Source code for scripts

# encoding: utf-8
import argparse
import csv
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
from io import StringIO
from datetime import (

from enum import Enum
from sqlalchemy import (

from api.util.short_client_token import ShortClientTokenUtility
from api.bibliotheca import (
from api.config import (
from api.controller import CirculationManager
from api.lanes import create_default_lanes
from api.local_analytics_exporter import LocalAnalyticsExporter
from api.marc import LibraryAnnotator as MARCLibraryAnnotator
from api.novelist import (
from api.nyt import NYTBestSellerAPI
from api.odl import (
from api.onix import ONIXExtractor
from api.opds_for_distributors import (
from api.overdrive import (
from core.entrypoint import EntryPoint
from core.external_list import CustomListFromCSV
from core.external_search import ExternalSearchIndex
from core.lane import Lane
from core.lane import (
from core.marc import MARCExporter
from core.metadata_layer import (
from core.metadata_layer import MARCExtractor
from core.mirror import MirrorUploader
from core.model import (
from core.model.configuration import ExternalIntegrationLink
from core.opds import (
from core.opds_import import (
from core.scripts import OPDSImportScript, CollectionType
from core.scripts import (
    Script as CoreScript,
from core.util import LanguageCodes
from core.util.opds_writer import (
from core.util.datetime_helpers import utc_now

[docs]class Script(CoreScript):
[docs] def load_config(self): if not Configuration.instance: Configuration.load(self._db)
[docs]class CreateWorksForIdentifiersScript(Script): """Do the bare minimum to associate each Identifier with an Edition with title and author, so that we can calculate a permanent work ID. """ to_check = [Identifier.OVERDRIVE_ID, Identifier.THREEM_ID, Identifier.GUTENBERG_ID] BATCH_SIZE = 100 name = "Create works for identifiers" def __init__(self, metadata_web_app_url=None): if metadata_web_app_url: self.lookup = MetadataWranglerOPDSLookup(metadata_web_app_url) else: self.lookup = MetadataWranglerOPDSLookup.from_config(_db)
[docs] def run(self): # We will try to fill in Editions that are missing # title/author and as such have no permanent work ID. # # We will also try to create Editions for Identifiers that # have no Edition. either_title_or_author_missing = or_( Edition.title == None, Edition.sort_author == None, ) edition_missing_title_or_author = self._db.query(Identifier).join( Identifier.primarily_identifies).filter( either_title_or_author_missing) no_edition = self._db.query(Identifier).filter( Identifier.primarily_identifies==None).filter( Identifier.type.in_(self.to_check)) for q, descr in ( (edition_missing_title_or_author, "identifiers whose edition is missing title or author"), (no_edition, "identifiers with no edition")): batch = [] self.log.debug("Trying to fix %d %s", q.count(), descr) for i in q: batch.append(i) if len(batch) >= self.BATCH_SIZE: self.process_batch(batch) batch = [] self._db.close()
[docs] def process_batch(self, batch): response = self.lookup.lookup(batch) if response.status_code != 200: raise Exception(response.text) content_type = response.headers['content-type'] if content_type != OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE: raise Exception("Wrong media type: %s" % content_type) importer = OPDSImporter( self._db, response.text, overwrite_rels=[Hyperlink.DESCRIPTION, Hyperlink.IMAGE]) imported, messages_by_id = importer.import_from_feed()"%d successes, %d failures.", len(imported), len(messages_by_id)) self._db.commit()
[docs]class MetadataCalculationScript(Script): """Force calculate_presentation() to be called on some set of Editions. This assumes that the metadata is in already in the database and will fall into place if we just call Edition.calculate_presentation() and Edition.calculate_work() and Work.calculate_presentation(). Most of these will be data repair scripts that do not need to be run regularly. """ name = "Metadata calculation script"
[docs] def q(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def run(self): q = self.q() search_index_client = ExternalSearchIndex(self._db)"Attempting to repair metadata for %d works" % q.count()) success = 0 failure = 0 also_created_work = 0 def checkpoint(): self._db.commit()"%d successes, %d failures, %d new works.", success, failure, also_created_work) i = 0 for edition in q: edition.calculate_presentation() if edition.sort_author: success += 1 work, is_new = edition.license_pool.calculate_work( search_index_client=search_index_client) if work: work.calculate_presentation() if is_new: also_created_work += 1 else: failure += 1 i += 1 if not i % 1000: checkpoint() checkpoint() # Close existing database session and associated connection objects self._db.close()
[docs]class FillInAuthorScript(MetadataCalculationScript): """Fill in Edition.sort_author for Editions that have a list of Contributors, but no .sort_author. This is a data repair script that should not need to be run regularly. """ name = "Fill in missing authors"
[docs] def q(self): return self._db.query(Edition).join( Edition.contributions).join(Contribution.contributor).filter( Edition.sort_author==None)
[docs]class UpdateStaffPicksScript(Script): DEFAULT_URL_TEMPLATE = ""
[docs] def run(self): inp = tag_fields = { 'tags': Subject.NYPL_APPEAL, } integ = Configuration.integration(Configuration.STAFF_PICKS_INTEGRATION) fields = integ.get(Configuration.LIST_FIELDS, {}) importer = CustomListFromCSV( DataSource.LIBRARY_STAFF, CustomList.STAFF_PICKS_NAME, **fields ) reader = csv.DictReader(inp, dialect='excel-tab') importer.to_customlist(self._db, reader) self._db.commit() # Close existing database session and associated connection objects self._db.close()
[docs] def open(self): if len(sys.argv) > 1: return open(sys.argv[1]) url = Configuration.integration_url( Configuration.STAFF_PICKS_INTEGRATION, True ) if not url.startswith('https://') or url.startswith('http://'): url = self.DEFAULT_URL_TEMPLATE % url"Retrieving %s", url) representation, cached = Representation.get( self._db, url, do_get=Representation.browser_http_get, accept="text/csv", max_age=timedelta(days=1)) if representation.status_code != 200: raise ValueError("Unexpected status code %s" % representation.status_code) if not representation.media_type.startswith("text/csv"): raise ValueError("Unexpected media type %s" % representation.media_type) return StringIO(representation.content)
[docs]class CacheRepresentationPerLane(TimestampScript, LaneSweeperScript): name = "Cache one representation per lane"
[docs] @classmethod def arg_parser(cls, _db): parser = LaneSweeperScript.arg_parser(_db) parser.add_argument( '--language', help='Process only lanes that include books in this language.', action='append' ) parser.add_argument( '--max-depth', help='Stop processing lanes once you reach this depth.', type=int, default=None ) parser.add_argument( '--min-depth', help='Start processing lanes once you reach this depth.', type=int, default=1 ) return parser
def __init__(self, _db=None, cmd_args=None, testing=False, manager=None, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor. :param _db: A database connection. :param cmd_args: A mock set of command-line arguments, to use instead of looking at the actual command line. :param testing: If this method creates a CirculationManager object, this value will be passed in to its constructor as its value for `testing`. :param manager: A mock CirculationManager object, to use instead of creating a new one (creating a CirculationManager object is very time-consuming). :param *args: Positional arguments to pass to the superconstructor. :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the superconstructor. """ super(CacheRepresentationPerLane, self).__init__(_db, *args, **kwargs) self.parse_args(cmd_args) if not manager: manager = CirculationManager(self._db, testing=testing) from import app app.manager = manager = app self.base_url = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide(self._db, Configuration.BASE_URL_KEY).value
[docs] def parse_args(self, cmd_args=None): parser = self.arg_parser(self._db) parsed = parser.parse_args(cmd_args) self.languages = [] if parsed.language: for language in parsed.language: alpha = LanguageCodes.string_to_alpha_3(language) if alpha: self.languages.append(alpha) else: self.log.warning("Ignored unrecognized language code %s", alpha) self.max_depth = parsed.max_depth self.min_depth = parsed.min_depth # Return the parsed arguments in case a subclass needs to # process more args. return parsed
[docs] def should_process_lane(self, lane): if not isinstance(lane, Lane): return False language_ok = False if not self.languages: # We are considering lanes for every single language. language_ok = True if not lane.languages: # The lane has no language restrictions. language_ok = True for language in self.languages: if language in lane.languages: language_ok = True break if not language_ok: return False if self.max_depth is not None and lane.depth > self.max_depth: return False if self.min_depth is not None and lane.depth < self.min_depth: return False return True
[docs] def cache_url(self, annotator, lane, languages): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def generate_representation(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError()
# The generated document will probably be an OPDS acquisition # feed. ACCEPT_HEADER = OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE cache_url_method = None
[docs] def process_library(self, library): begin = time.time() client = ctx = ctx.push() super(CacheRepresentationPerLane, self).process_library(library) ctx.pop() end = time.time() "Processed library %s in %.2fsec", library.short_name, end-begin )
[docs] def process_lane(self, lane): """Generate a number of feeds for this lane. One feed will be generated for each combination of Facets and Pagination objects returned by facets() and pagination(). """ cached_feeds = [] for facets in self.facets(lane): for pagination in self.pagination(lane): extra_description = "" if facets: extra_description += " Facets: %s." % facets.query_string if pagination: extra_description += " Pagination: %s." % pagination.query_string "Generating feed for %s.%s", lane.full_identifier, extra_description ) a = time.time() feed = self.do_generate(lane, facets, pagination) b = time.time() if feed: cached_feeds.append(feed) "Took %.2f sec to make %d bytes.", (b-a), len( ) total_size = sum(len( for x in cached_feeds) return cached_feeds
[docs] def facets(self, lane): """Yield a Facets object for each set of facets this script is expected to handle. :param lane: The lane under consideration. (Different lanes may have different available facets.) :yield: A sequence of Facets objects. """ yield None
[docs] def pagination(self, lane): """Yield a Pagination object for each page of a feed this script is expected to handle. :param lane: The lane under consideration. (Different lanes may have different pagination rules.) :yield: A sequence of Pagination objects. """ yield None
[docs]class CacheFacetListsPerLane(CacheRepresentationPerLane): """Cache the first two pages of every relevant facet list for this lane.""" name = "Cache paginated OPDS feed for each lane"
[docs] @classmethod def arg_parser(cls, _db): parser = CacheRepresentationPerLane.arg_parser(_db) available = Facets.DEFAULT_ENABLED_FACETS[Facets.ORDER_FACET_GROUP_NAME] order_help = 'Generate feeds for this ordering. Possible values: %s.' % ( ", ".join(available) ) parser.add_argument( '--order', help=order_help, action='append', default=[], ) available = Facets.DEFAULT_ENABLED_FACETS[Facets.AVAILABILITY_FACET_GROUP_NAME] availability_help = 'Generate feeds for this availability setting. Possible values: %s.' % ( ", ".join(available) ) parser.add_argument( '--availability', help=availability_help, action='append', default=[], ) available = Facets.DEFAULT_ENABLED_FACETS[Facets.COLLECTION_FACET_GROUP_NAME] collection_help = 'Generate feeds for this collection within each lane. Possible values: %s.' % ( ", ".join(available) ) parser.add_argument( '--collection', help=collection_help, action='append', default=[], ) available = [x.INTERNAL_NAME for x in EntryPoint.ENTRY_POINTS] entrypoint_help = 'Generate feeds for this entry point within each lane. Possible values: %s.' % ( ", ".join(available) ) parser.add_argument( '--entrypoint', help=entrypoint_help, action='append', default=[], ) default_pages = 2 parser.add_argument( '--pages', help="Number of pages to cache for each facet. Default: %d" % default_pages, type=int, default=default_pages ) return parser
[docs] def parse_args(self, cmd_args=None): parsed = super(CacheFacetListsPerLane, self).parse_args(cmd_args) self.orders = parsed.order self.availabilities = parsed.availability self.collections = parsed.collection self.entrypoints = parsed.entrypoint self.pages = parsed.pages return parsed
[docs] def facets(self, lane): """This script covers a user-specified combination of facets, but it defaults to using every combination of available facets for the given lane with a certain sort order. This means every combination of availability, collection, and entry point. That's a whole lot of feeds, which is why this script isn't actually used -- by the time we generate all of then, they've expired. """ library = lane.get_library(self._db) default_order = library.default_facet(Facets.ORDER_FACET_GROUP_NAME) allowed_orders = library.enabled_facets(Facets.ORDER_FACET_GROUP_NAME) chosen_orders = self.orders or [default_order] allowed_entrypoint_names = [ x.INTERNAL_NAME for x in library.entrypoints ] default_entrypoint_name = None if allowed_entrypoint_names: default_entrypoint_name = allowed_entrypoint_names[0] chosen_entrypoints = self.entrypoints or allowed_entrypoint_names default_availability = library.default_facet( Facets.AVAILABILITY_FACET_GROUP_NAME ) allowed_availabilities = library.enabled_facets( Facets.AVAILABILITY_FACET_GROUP_NAME ) chosen_availabilities = self.availabilities or [default_availability] default_collection = library.default_facet( Facets.COLLECTION_FACET_GROUP_NAME ) allowed_collections = library.enabled_facets( Facets.COLLECTION_FACET_GROUP_NAME ) chosen_collections = self.collections or [default_collection] top_level = (lane.parent is None) for entrypoint_name in chosen_entrypoints: entrypoint = EntryPoint.BY_INTERNAL_NAME.get(entrypoint_name) if not entrypoint: logging.warning("Ignoring unknown entry point %s" % entrypoint_name) continue if not entrypoint_name in allowed_entrypoint_names: logging.warning("Ignoring disabled entry point %s" % entrypoint_name) continue for order in chosen_orders: if order not in allowed_orders: logging.warning("Ignoring unsupported ordering %s" % order) continue for availability in chosen_availabilities: if availability not in allowed_availabilities: logging.warning("Ignoring unsupported availability %s" % availability) continue for collection in chosen_collections: if collection not in allowed_collections: logging.warning("Ignoring unsupported collection %s" % collection) continue facets = Facets( library=library, collection=collection, availability=availability, entrypoint=entrypoint, entrypoint_is_default=( top_level and entrypoint.INTERNAL_NAME == default_entrypoint_name ), order=order, order_ascending=True ) yield facets
[docs] def pagination(self, lane): """This script covers a user-specified number of pages.""" page = Pagination.default() for pagenum in range(0, self.pages): yield page page = page.next_page if not page: # There aren't enough books to fill `self.pages` # pages. Stop working. break
[docs] def do_generate(self, lane, facets, pagination, feed_class=None): feeds = [] title = lane.display_name library = lane.get_library(self._db) annotator =, facets=facets) url = annotator.feed_url(lane, facets=facets, pagination=pagination) feed_class = feed_class or AcquisitionFeed return _db=self._db, title=title, url=url, worklist=lane, annotator=annotator, facets=facets, pagination=pagination, max_age=0 )
[docs]class CacheOPDSGroupFeedPerLane(CacheRepresentationPerLane): name = "Cache OPDS grouped feed for each lane"
[docs] def should_process_lane(self, lane): # OPDS grouped feeds are only generated for lanes that have sublanes. if not lane.children: return False if self.max_depth is not None and lane.depth > self.max_depth: return False return True
[docs] def do_generate(self, lane, facets, pagination, feed_class=None): title = lane.display_name annotator =, facets=facets) url = annotator.groups_url(lane, facets) feed_class = feed_class or AcquisitionFeed # Since grouped feeds are only cached for lanes that have sublanes, # there's no need to consider the case of a lane with no sublanes, # unlike the corresponding code in OPDSFeedController.groups() return feed_class.groups( _db=self._db, title=title, url=url, worklist=lane, annotator=annotator, max_age=0, facets=facets )
[docs] def facets(self, lane): """Generate a Facets object for each of the library's enabled entrypoints. This is the only way grouped feeds are ever generated, so there is no way to override this. """ top_level = (lane.parent is None) library = lane.get_library(self._db) # If the WorkList has explicitly defined EntryPoints, we want to # create a grouped feed for each EntryPoint. Otherwise, we want # to create a single grouped feed with no particular EntryPoint. # # We use library.entrypoints instead of lane.entrypoints # because WorkList.entrypoints controls which entry points you # can *switch to* from a given WorkList. We're handling the # case where you switched further up the hierarchy and now # you're navigating downwards. entrypoints = list(library.entrypoints) or [None] default_entrypoint = entrypoints[0] for entrypoint in entrypoints: facets = FeaturedFacets( minimum_featured_quality=library.minimum_featured_quality, uses_customlists=lane.uses_customlists, entrypoint=entrypoint, entrypoint_is_default=( top_level and entrypoint is default_entrypoint ) ) yield facets
[docs]class CacheMARCFiles(LaneSweeperScript): """Generate and cache MARC files for each input library.""" name = "Cache MARC files"
[docs] @classmethod def arg_parser(cls, _db): parser = LaneSweeperScript.arg_parser(_db) parser.add_argument( '--max-depth', help='Stop processing lanes once you reach this depth.', type=int, default=0, ) parser.add_argument( '--force', help="Generate new MARC files even if MARC files have already been generated recently enough", dest='force', action='store_true', ) return parser
def __init__(self, _db=None, cmd_args=None, *args, **kwargs): super(CacheMARCFiles, self).__init__(_db, *args, **kwargs) self.parse_args(cmd_args)
[docs] def parse_args(self, cmd_args=None): parser = self.arg_parser(self._db) parsed = parser.parse_args(cmd_args) self.max_depth = parsed.max_depth self.force = parsed.force return parsed
[docs] def should_process_library(self, library): integration = ExternalIntegration.lookup( self._db, ExternalIntegration.MARC_EXPORT, ExternalIntegration.CATALOG_GOAL, library) return (integration is not None)
[docs] def process_library(self, library): if self.should_process_library(library): super(CacheMARCFiles, self).process_library(library)"Processed library %s" %
[docs] def should_process_lane(self, lane): if isinstance(lane, Lane): if self.max_depth is not None and lane.depth > self.max_depth: return False if lane.size == 0: return False return True
[docs] def process_lane(self, lane, exporter=None): # Generate a MARC file for this lane, if one has not been generated recently enough. if isinstance(lane, Lane): library = lane.library else: library = lane.get_library(self._db) annotator = MARCLibraryAnnotator(library) exporter = exporter or MARCExporter.from_config(library) update_frequency = ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration( self._db, MARCExporter.UPDATE_FREQUENCY, library, exporter.integration ).int_value if update_frequency is None: update_frequency = MARCExporter.DEFAULT_UPDATE_FREQUENCY last_update = None files_q = self._db.query(CachedMARCFile).filter( CachedMARCFile.library==library ).filter( CachedMARCFile.lane==(lane if isinstance(lane, Lane) else None), ).order_by(CachedMARCFile.end_time.desc()) if files_q.count() > 0: last_update = files_q.first().end_time if not self.force and last_update and (last_update > utc_now() - timedelta(days=update_frequency)):"Skipping lane %s because last update was less than %d days ago" % (lane.display_name, update_frequency)) return # To find the storage integration for the exporter, first find the # external integration link associated with the exporter's external # integration. integration_link = get_one( self._db, ExternalIntegrationLink,, purpose=ExternalIntegrationLink.MARC ) # Then use the "other" integration value to find the storage integration. storage_integration = get_one(self._db, ExternalIntegration, id=integration_link.other_integration_id ) if not storage_integration:"No storage External Integration was found.") return # First update the file with ALL the records. records = exporter.records( lane, annotator, storage_integration ) # Then create a new file with changes since the last update. start_time = None if last_update: # Allow one day of overlap to ensure we don't miss anything due to script timing. start_time = last_update - timedelta(days=1) records = exporter.records( lane, annotator, storage_integration, start_time=start_time )
[docs]class AdobeAccountIDResetScript(PatronInputScript):
[docs] @classmethod def arg_parser(cls, _db): parser = super(AdobeAccountIDResetScript, cls).arg_parser(_db) parser.add_argument( '--delete', help="Actually delete credentials as opposed to showing what would happen.", action='store_true' ) return parser
[docs] def do_run(self, *args, **kwargs): parsed = self.parse_command_line(self._db, *args, **kwargs) patrons = parsed.patrons self.delete = parsed.delete if not self.delete: "This is a dry run. Nothing will actually change in the database." ) "Run with --delete to change the database." ) if patrons and self.delete: self.log.warning( """This is not a drill. Running this script will permanently disconnect %d patron(s) from their Adobe account IDs. They will be unable to fulfill any existing loans that involve Adobe-encrypted files. Sleeping for five seconds to give you a chance to back out. You'll get another chance to back out before the database session is committed.""", len(patrons) ) time.sleep(5) self.process_patrons(patrons) if self.delete: self.log.warning("All done. Sleeping for five seconds before committing.") time.sleep(5) self._db.commit()
[docs] def process_patron(self, patron): """Delete all of a patron's Credentials that contain an Adobe account ID _or_ connect the patron to a DelegatedPatronIdentifier that contains an Adobe account ID. """ 'Processing patron "%s"', patron.authorization_identifier or patron.username or patron.external_identifier ) for credential in ShortClientTokenUtility.adobe_relevant_credentials(patron): ' Deleting "%s" credential "%s"', credential.type, credential.credential ) if self.delete: self._db.delete(credential)
[docs]class AvailabilityRefreshScript(IdentifierInputScript): """Refresh the availability information for a LicensePool, direct from the license source. """
[docs] def do_run(self): args = self.parse_command_line(self._db) if not args.identifiers: raise Exception( "You must specify at least one identifier to refresh." ) # We don't know exactly how big to make these batches, but 10 is # always safe. start = 0 size = 10 while start < len(args.identifiers): batch = args.identifiers[start:start+size] self.refresh_availability(batch) self._db.commit() start += size
[docs] def refresh_availability(self, identifiers): provider = None identifier = identifiers[0] if identifier.type==Identifier.THREEM_ID: sweeper = BibliothecaCirculationSweep(self._db) sweeper.process_batch(identifiers) elif identifier.type==Identifier.OVERDRIVE_ID: api = OverdriveAPI(self._db) for identifier in identifiers: api.update_licensepool(identifier.identifier) elif identifier.type==Identifier.AXIS_360_ID: provider = Axis360BibliographicCoverageProvider(self._db) provider.process_batch(identifiers) else: self.log.warning("Cannot update coverage for %r" % identifier.type)
[docs]class LanguageListScript(LibraryInputScript): """List all the languages with at least one non-open access work in the collection. """
[docs] def process_library(self, library): print(library.short_name) for item in self.languages(library): print(item)
[docs] def languages(self, library): ":yield: A list of output lines, one per language." for abbreviation, count in library.estimated_holdings_by_language( include_open_access=False ).most_common(): display_name = LanguageCodes.name_for_languageset(abbreviation) yield "%s %i (%s)" % (abbreviation, count, display_name)
[docs]class CompileTranslationsScript(Script): """A script to combine translation files for circulation, core and the admin interface, and compile the result to be used by the app. The combination step is necessary because Flask-Babel does not support multiple domains yet. """
[docs] def run(self): languages = Configuration.localization_languages() for language in languages: base_path = "translations/%s/LC_MESSAGES" % language if not os.path.exists(base_path): logging.warning("No translations for configured language %s" % language) continue os.system("rm %(path)s/messages.po" % dict(path=base_path)) os.system("cat %(path)s/*.po > %(path)s/messages.po" % dict(path=base_path)) os.system("pybabel compile -f -d translations")
[docs]class InstanceInitializationScript(TimestampScript): """An idempotent script to initialize an instance of the Circulation Manager. This script is intended for use in servers, Docker containers, etc, when the Circulation Manager app is being installed. It initializes the database and sets an appropriate alias on the ElasticSearch index. Because it's currently run every time a container is started, it must remain idempotent. """ name = "Instance initialization" TEST_SQL = "select * from timestamps limit 1"
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): # Create a special database session that doesn't initialize # the ORM -- this could be fatal if there are migration # scripts that haven't run yet. # # In fact, we don't even initialize the database schema, # because that's the thing we're trying to check for. url = Configuration.database_url() _db = SessionManager.session( url, initialize_data=False, initialize_schema=False ) results = None try: # We need to check for the existence of a known table -- # this will demonstrate that this script has been run before -- # but we don't need to actually look at what we get from the # database. # # Basically, if this succeeds, we can bail out and not run # the rest of the script. results = list(_db.execute(self.TEST_SQL)) except Exception as e: # This did _not_ succeed, so the schema is probably not # initialized and we do need to run this script.. This # database session is useless now, but we'll create a new # one during the super() call, and use that one to do the # work. _db.close() if results is None: super(InstanceInitializationScript, self).run(*args, **kwargs) else: self.log.error("I think this site has already been initialized; doing nothing.")
[docs] def do_run(self, ignore_search=False): # Creates a "-current" alias on the Elasticsearch client. if not ignore_search: try: search_client = ExternalSearchIndex(self._db) except CannotLoadConfiguration as e: # Elasticsearch isn't configured, so do nothing. pass # Set a timestamp that represents the new database's version. db_init_script = DatabaseMigrationInitializationScript(_db=self._db) existing = get_one( self._db, Timestamp,, service_type=Timestamp.SCRIPT_TYPE ) if existing: # No need to run the script. We already have a timestamp. return # Create a secret key if one doesn't already exist. ConfigurationSetting.sitewide_secret(self._db, Configuration.SECRET_KEY)
[docs]class LoanReaperScript(TimestampScript): """Remove expired loans and holds whose owners have not yet synced with the loan providers. This stops the library from keeping a record of the final loans and holds of a patron who stopped using the circulation manager. If a loan or (more likely) hold is removed incorrectly, it will be restored the next time the patron syncs their loans feed. """ name = "Remove expired loans and holds from local database"
[docs] def do_run(self): now = utc_now() # Reap loans and holds that we know have expired. for obj, what in ((Loan, 'loans'), (Hold, 'holds')): qu = self._db.query(obj).filter(obj.end < now) self._reap(qu, "expired %s" % what) for obj, what, max_age in ( (Loan, 'loans', timedelta(days=90)), (Hold, 'holds', timedelta(days=365)), ): # Reap loans and holds which have no end date and are very # old. It's very likely these loans and holds have expired # and we simply don't have the information. older_than = now - max_age qu = self._db.query(obj).join(obj.license_pool).filter( obj.end == None).filter( obj.start < older_than).filter( LicensePool.open_access == False ) explain = "%s older than %s" % ( what, older_than.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ) self._reap(qu, explain)
def _reap(self, qu, what): """Delete every database object that matches the given query. :param qu: The query that yields objects to delete. :param what: A human-readable explanation of what's being deleted. """ counter = 0 print("Reaping %d %s." % (qu.count(), what)) for o in qu: self._db.delete(o) counter += 1 if not counter % 100: print(counter) self._db.commit() self._db.commit()
[docs]class DisappearingBookReportScript(Script): """Print a TSV-format report on books that used to be in the collection, or should be in the collection, but aren't. """
[docs] def do_run(self): qu = self._db.query(LicensePool).filter( LicensePool.open_access==False).filter( LicensePool.suppressed==False).filter( LicensePool.licenses_owned<=0).order_by( LicensePool.availability_time.desc()) first_row = ["Identifier", "Title", "Author", "First seen", "Last seen (best guess)", "Current licenses owned", "Current licenses available", "Changes in number of licenses", "Changes in title availability", ] print("\t".join(first_row)) for pool in qu: self.explain(pool)
[docs] def investigate(self, licensepool): """Find when the given LicensePool might have disappeared from the collection. :param licensepool: A LicensePool. :return: a 3-tuple (last_seen, title_removal_events, license_removal_events). `last_seen` is the latest point at which we knew the book was circulating. If we never knew the book to be circulating, this is the first time we ever saw the LicensePool. `title_removal_events` is a query that returns CirculationEvents in which this LicensePool was removed from the remote collection. `license_removal_events` is a query that returns CirculationEvents in which LicensePool.licenses_owned went from having a positive number to being zero or a negative number. """ first_activity = None most_recent_activity = None # If we have absolutely no information about the book ever # circulating, we act like we lost track of the book # immediately after seeing it for the first time. last_seen = licensepool.availability_time # If there's a recorded loan or hold on the book, that can # push up the last time the book was known to be circulating. for l in (, licensepool.holds): for item in l: if not last_seen or item.start > last_seen: last_seen = item.start # Now we look for relevant circulation events. First, an event # where the title was explicitly removed is pretty clearly # a 'last seen'. base_query = self._db.query(CirculationEvent).filter( CirculationEvent.license_pool==licensepool).order_by( CirculationEvent.start.desc() ) title_removal_events = base_query.filter( CirculationEvent.type==CirculationEvent.DISTRIBUTOR_TITLE_REMOVE ) if title_removal_events.count(): candidate = title_removal_events[-1].start if not last_seen or candidate > last_seen: last_seen = candidate # Also look for an event where the title went from a nonzero # number of licenses to a zero number of licenses. That's a # good 'last seen'. license_removal_events = base_query.filter( CirculationEvent.type==CirculationEvent.DISTRIBUTOR_LICENSE_REMOVE, ).filter( CirculationEvent.old_value>0).filter( CirculationEvent.new_value<=0 ) if license_removal_events.count(): candidate = license_removal_events[-1].start if not last_seen or candidate > last_seen: last_seen = candidate return last_seen, title_removal_events, license_removal_events
format = "%Y-%m-%d"
[docs] def explain(self, licensepool): edition = licensepool.presentation_edition identifier = licensepool.identifier last_seen, title_removal_events, license_removal_events = self.investigate( licensepool ) data = ["%s %s" % (identifier.type, identifier.identifier)] if edition: data.extend([edition.title,]) if licensepool.availability_time: first_seen = licensepool.availability_time.strftime(self.format) else: first_seen = '' data.append(first_seen) if last_seen: last_seen = last_seen.strftime(self.format) else: last_seen = '' data.append(last_seen) data.append(licensepool.licenses_owned) data.append(licensepool.licenses_available) license_removals = [] for event in license_removal_events: description ="%s: %s→%s" % ( event.start.strftime(self.format), event.old_value, event.new_value ) license_removals.append(description) data.append(", ".join(license_removals)) title_removals = [event.start.strftime(self.format) for event in title_removal_events] data.append(", ".join(title_removals)) print("\t".join([str(x).encode("utf8") for x in data]))
[docs]class NYTBestSellerListsScript(TimestampScript): name = "Update New York Times best-seller lists" def __init__(self, include_history=False): super(NYTBestSellerListsScript, self).__init__() self.include_history = include_history
[docs] def do_run(self): self.api = NYTBestSellerAPI.from_config(self._db) self.data_source = DataSource.lookup(self._db, DataSource.NYT) # For every best-seller list... names = self.api.list_of_lists() for l in sorted(names['results'], key=lambda x: x['list_name_encoded']): name = l['list_name_encoded']"Handling list %s" % name) best = self.api.best_seller_list(l) if self.include_history: self.api.fill_in_history(best) else: self.api.update(best) # Mirror the list to the database. customlist = best.to_customlist(self._db) "Now %s entries in the list.", len(customlist.entries)) self._db.commit()
[docs]class OPDSForDistributorsImportScript(OPDSImportScript): """Import all books from the OPDS feed associated with a collection that requires authentication.""" IMPORTER_CLASS = OPDSForDistributorsImporter MONITOR_CLASS = OPDSForDistributorsImportMonitor PROTOCOL = OPDSForDistributorsImporter.NAME
[docs]class OPDSForDistributorsReaperScript(OPDSImportScript): """Get all books from the OPDS feed associated with a collection to find out if any have been removed.""" IMPORTER_CLASS = OPDSForDistributorsImporter MONITOR_CLASS = OPDSForDistributorsReaperMonitor PROTOCOL = OPDSForDistributorsImporter.NAME
[docs]class DirectoryImportScript(TimestampScript): """Import some books into a collection, based on a file containing metadata and directories containing ebook and cover files. """ name = "Import new titles from a directory on disk"
[docs] @classmethod def arg_parser(cls, _db): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--collection-name', help='Titles will be imported into a collection with this name. The collection will be created if it does not already exist.', required=True ) parser.add_argument( '--collection-type', help='Collection type. Valid values are: OPEN_ACCESS (default), PROTECTED_ACCESS, LCP.', type=CollectionType, choices=list(CollectionType), default=CollectionType.OPEN_ACCESS ) parser.add_argument( '--data-source-name', help='All data associated with this import activity will be recorded as originating with this data source. The data source will be created if it does not already exist.', required=True ) parser.add_argument( '--metadata-file', help='Path to a file containing MARC or ONIX 3.0 metadata for every title in the collection', required=True ) parser.add_argument( '--metadata-format', help='Format of the metadata file ("marc" or "onix")', default='marc', ) parser.add_argument( '--cover-directory', help='Directory containing a full-size cover image for every title in the collection.', ) parser.add_argument( '--ebook-directory', help='Directory containing an EPUB or PDF file for every title in the collection.', required=True ) RS = RightsStatus rights_uris = ", ".join(RS.OPEN_ACCESS) parser.add_argument( '--rights-uri', help="A URI explaining the rights status of the works being uploaded. Acceptable values: %s" % rights_uris, required=True ) parser.add_argument( '--dry-run', help="Show what would be imported, but don't actually do the import.", action='store_true', ) parser.add_argument( '--default-medium-type', help='Default medium type used in the case when it\'s not explicitly specified in a metadata file. ' 'Valid values are: {0}.'.format(', '.join(EditionConstants.FULFILLABLE_MEDIA)), type=str, choices=EditionConstants.FULFILLABLE_MEDIA ) return parser
[docs] def do_run(self, cmd_args=None): parser = self.arg_parser(self._db) parsed = parser.parse_args(cmd_args) collection_name = parsed.collection_name collection_type = parsed.collection_type data_source_name = parsed.data_source_name metadata_file = parsed.metadata_file metadata_format = parsed.metadata_format cover_directory = parsed.cover_directory ebook_directory = parsed.ebook_directory rights_uri = parsed.rights_uri dry_run = parsed.dry_run default_medium_type = parsed.default_medium_type return self.run_with_arguments( collection_name=collection_name, collection_type=collection_type, data_source_name=data_source_name, metadata_file=metadata_file, metadata_format=metadata_format, cover_directory=cover_directory, ebook_directory=ebook_directory, rights_uri=rights_uri, dry_run=dry_run, default_medium_type=default_medium_type )
[docs] def run_with_arguments( self, collection_name, collection_type, data_source_name, metadata_file, metadata_format, cover_directory, ebook_directory, rights_uri, dry_run, default_medium_type=None ): if dry_run: self.log.warning( "This is a dry run. No files will be uploaded and nothing will change in the database." ) collection, mirrors = self.load_collection(collection_name, collection_type, data_source_name) if not collection or not mirrors: return self.timestamp_collection = collection if dry_run: mirrors = None self_hosted_collection = collection_type in (CollectionType.OPEN_ACCESS, CollectionType.PROTECTED_ACCESS) replacement_policy = ReplacementPolicy.from_license_source(self._db) replacement_policy.mirrors = mirrors metadata_records = self.load_metadata(metadata_file, metadata_format, data_source_name, default_medium_type) for metadata in metadata_records: _, licensepool = self.work_from_metadata( collection, collection_type, metadata, replacement_policy, cover_directory, ebook_directory, rights_uri ) licensepool.self_hosted = True if self_hosted_collection else False if not dry_run: self._db.commit()
[docs] def load_collection(self, collection_name, collection_type, data_source_name): """Locate a Collection with the given name. If the collection is found, it will be associated with the given data source and configured with existing covers and books mirror configurations. :param collection_name: Name of the Collection. :type collection_name: string :param collection_type: Type of the collection: open access/proteceted access. :type collection_name: CollectionType :param data_source_name: Associate this data source with the Collection if it does not already have a data source. A DataSource object will be created if necessary. :type data_source_name: string :return: A 2-tuple (Collection, list of MirrorUploader instances) :rtype: Tuple[core.model.collection.Collection, List[MirrorUploader]] """ collection, is_new = Collection.by_name_and_protocol( self._db, collection_name, ExternalIntegration.LCP if collection_type == CollectionType.LCP else ExternalIntegration.MANUAL ) if is_new: self.log.error( "An existing collection must be used and should be set up before running this script." ) return None, None mirrors = dict(covers_mirror=None, books_mirror=None) types = [ ExternalIntegrationLink.COVERS, ExternalIntegrationLink.OPEN_ACCESS_BOOKS if collection_type == CollectionType.OPEN_ACCESS else ExternalIntegrationLink.PROTECTED_ACCESS_BOOKS ] for type in types: mirror_for_type = MirrorUploader.for_collection(collection, type) if not mirror_for_type: self.log.error( "An existing %s mirror integration should be assigned to the collection before running the script." % type ) return None, None mirrors[type] = mirror_for_type data_source = DataSource.lookup( self._db, data_source_name, autocreate=True, offers_licenses=True ) collection.external_integration.set_setting( Collection.DATA_SOURCE_NAME_SETTING, ) return collection, mirrors
[docs] def load_metadata(self, metadata_file, metadata_format, data_source_name, default_medium_type): """Read a metadata file and convert the data into Metadata records.""" metadata_records = [] if metadata_format == 'marc': extractor = MARCExtractor() elif metadata_format == 'onix': extractor = ONIXExtractor() with open(metadata_file) as f: metadata_records.extend(extractor.parse(f, data_source_name, default_medium_type)) return metadata_records
[docs] def work_from_metadata(self, collection, collection_type, metadata, policy, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a Work instance from metadata :param collection: Target collection :type collection: core.model.collection.Collection :param collection_type: Collection's type: open access/protected access :type collection_type: CollectionType :param metadata: Book's metadata :type metadata: core.metadata_layer.Metadata :param policy: Replacement policy :type policy: ReplacementPolicy :return: A 2-tuple of (Work object, LicensePool object) :rtype: Tuple[, LicensePool] """ self.annotate_metadata(collection_type, metadata, policy, *args, **kwargs) if not metadata.circulation: # We cannot actually provide access to the book so there # is no point in proceeding with the import. return edition, new = metadata.edition(self._db) metadata.apply(edition, collection, replace=policy) [pool] = [x for x in edition.license_pools if x.collection == collection] if new:"Created new edition for %s", edition.title) else:"Updating existing edition for %s", edition.title) work, ignore = pool.calculate_work() if work: work.set_presentation_ready() "FINALIZED %s/%s/%s" % (work.title,, work.sort_author) ) return work, pool
[docs] def annotate_metadata( self, collection_type, metadata, policy, cover_directory, ebook_directory, rights_uri): """Add a CirculationData and possibly an extra LinkData to `metadata` :param collection_type: Collection's type: open access/protected access :type collection_type: CollectionType :param metadata: Book's metadata :type metadata: core.metadata_layer.Metadata :param policy: Replacement policy :type policy: ReplacementPolicy :param cover_directory: Directory containing book covers :type cover_directory: string :param ebook_directory: Directory containing books :type ebook_directory: string :param rights_uri: URI explaining the rights status of the works being uploaded :type rights_uri: string """ identifier, ignore = metadata.primary_identifier.load(self._db) data_source = metadata.data_source(self._db) mirrors = policy.mirrors circulation_data = self.load_circulation_data( collection_type, identifier, data_source, ebook_directory, mirrors, metadata.title, rights_uri ) if not circulation_data: # There is no point in contining. return if metadata.circulation: circulation_data.licenses_owned = metadata.circulation.licenses_owned circulation_data.licenses_available = metadata.circulation.licenses_available circulation_data.licenses_reserved = metadata.circulation.licenses_reserved circulation_data.patrons_in_hold_queue = metadata.circulation.patrons_in_hold_queue circulation_data.licenses = metadata.circulation.licenses metadata.circulation = circulation_data # If a cover image is available, add it to the Metadata # as a link. cover_link = None if cover_directory: cover_link = self.load_cover_link( identifier, data_source, cover_directory, mirrors ) if cover_link: metadata.links.append(cover_link) else: "Proceeding with import even though %r has no cover.", identifier )
[docs] def load_circulation_data( self, collection_type, identifier, data_source, ebook_directory, mirrors, title, rights_uri): """Loads an actual copy of a book from disk :param collection_type: Collection's type: open access/protected access :type collection_type: CollectionType :param identifier: Book's identifier :type identifier: core.model.identifier.Identifier, :param data_source: DataSource object :type data_source: DataSource :param ebook_directory: Directory containing books :type ebook_directory: string :param mirrors: Dictionary containing mirrors for books and their covers :type mirrors: Dict[string, MirrorUploader] :param title: Book's title :type title: string :param rights_uri: URI explaining the rights status of the works being uploaded :type rights_uri: string :return: A CirculationData that contains the book as an open-access download, or None if no such book can be found :rtype: CirculationData """ ignore, book_media_type, book_content = self._locate_file( identifier.identifier, ebook_directory, Representation.COMMON_EBOOK_EXTENSIONS, "ebook file", ) if not book_content: # We couldn't find an actual copy of the book, so there is # no point in proceeding. return book_mirror = mirrors[ ExternalIntegrationLink.OPEN_ACCESS_BOOKS if collection_type == CollectionType.OPEN_ACCESS else ExternalIntegrationLink.PROTECTED_ACCESS_BOOKS ] if mirrors else None # Use the S3 storage for books. if book_mirror: book_url = book_mirror.book_url( identifier, '.' + Representation.FILE_EXTENSIONS[book_media_type], open_access=collection_type == CollectionType.OPEN_ACCESS, data_source=data_source, title=title ) else: # This is a dry run and we won't be mirroring anything. book_url = identifier.identifier + "." + Representation.FILE_EXTENSIONS[book_media_type] book_link_rel = \ Hyperlink.OPEN_ACCESS_DOWNLOAD \ if collection_type == CollectionType.OPEN_ACCESS \ else Hyperlink.GENERIC_OPDS_ACQUISITION book_link = LinkData( rel=book_link_rel, href=book_url, media_type=book_media_type, content=book_content ) formats = [ FormatData( content_type=book_media_type, drm_scheme=DeliveryMechanism.LCP_DRM if collection_type == CollectionType.LCP else DeliveryMechanism.NO_DRM, link=book_link, ) ] circulation_data = CirculationData(, primary_identifier=identifier, links=[book_link], formats=formats, default_rights_uri=rights_uri, ) return circulation_data
@classmethod def _locate_file(cls, base_filename, directory, extensions, file_type="file", mock_filesystem_operations=None): """Find an acceptable file in the given directory. :param base_filename: A string to be used as the base of the filename. :param directory: Look for a file in this directory. :param extensions: Any of these extensions for the file is acceptable. :param file_type: Human-readable description of the type of file we're looking for. This is used only in a log warning if no file can be found. :param mock_filesystem_operations: A test may pass in a 2-tuple of functions to replace os.path.exists and the 'open' function. :return: A 3-tuple. (None, None, None) if no file can be found; otherwise (filename, media_type, contents). """ if mock_filesystem_operations: exists_f, open_f = mock_filesystem_operations else: exists_f = os.path.exists open_f = open success_path = None media_type = None attempts = [] for extension in extensions: for ext in (extension, extension.upper()): if not ext.startswith('.'): ext = '.' + ext filename = base_filename + ext path = os.path.join(directory, filename) attempts.append(path) if exists_f(path): media_type = Representation.MEDIA_TYPE_FOR_EXTENSION.get( ext.lower() ) content = None with open_f(path) as fh: content = return filename, media_type, content # If we went through that whole loop without returning, # we have failed. logging.warning( "Could not find %s for %s. Looked in: %s", file_type, base_filename, ", ".join(attempts) ) return None, None, None
[docs]class LaneResetScript(LibraryInputScript): """Reset a library's lanes based on language configuration or estimates of the library's current collection."""
[docs] @classmethod def arg_parser(cls, _db): parser = LibraryInputScript.arg_parser(_db) parser.add_argument( '--reset', help="Actually reset the lanes as opposed to showing what would happen.", action='store_true' ) return parser
[docs] def do_run(self, output=sys.stdout, **kwargs): parsed = self.parse_command_line(self._db, **kwargs) libraries = parsed.libraries self.reset = parsed.reset if not self.reset: "This is a dry run. Nothing will actually change in the database." ) "Run with --reset to change the database." ) if libraries and self.reset: self.log.warning( """This is not a drill. Running this script will permanently reset the lanes for %d libraries. Any lanes created from custom lists will be deleted (though the lists themselves will be preserved). Sleeping for five seconds to give you a chance to back out. You'll get another chance to back out before the database session is committed.""", len(libraries) ) time.sleep(5) self.process_libraries(libraries) new_lane_output = "New Lane Configuration:" for library in libraries: new_lane_output += "\n\nLibrary '%s':\n" % def print_lanes_for_parent(parent): lanes = self._db.query(Lane).filter(Lane.library==library).filter(Lane.parent==parent).order_by(Lane.priority) lane_output = "" for lane in lanes: lane_output += " " + (" " * len(list(lane.parentage))) + lane.display_name + "\n" lane_output += print_lanes_for_parent(lane) return lane_output new_lane_output += print_lanes_for_parent(None) output.write(new_lane_output) if self.reset: self.log.warning("All done. Sleeping for five seconds before committing.") time.sleep(5) self._db.commit()
[docs] def process_library(self, library): create_default_lanes(self._db, library)
[docs]class NovelistSnapshotScript(TimestampScript, LibraryInputScript):
[docs] def do_run(self, output=sys.stdout, *args, **kwargs): parsed = self.parse_command_line(self._db, *args, **kwargs) for library in parsed.libraries: try: api = NoveListAPI.from_config(library) except CannotLoadConfiguration as e: continue if (api): response = api.put_items_novelist(library) if (response): result = "NoveList API Response\n" result += str(response) output.write(result)
[docs]class ODLImportScript(OPDSImportScript): """Import information from the feed associated with an ODL collection.""" IMPORTER_CLASS = ODLImporter MONITOR_CLASS = ODLImportMonitor PROTOCOL = ODLImporter.NAME
[docs]class SharedODLImportScript(OPDSImportScript): IMPORTER_CLASS = SharedODLImporter MONITOR_CLASS = SharedODLImportMonitor PROTOCOL = SharedODLImporter.NAME
[docs]class LocalAnalyticsExportScript(Script): """Export circulation events for a date range to a CSV file."""
[docs] @classmethod def arg_parser(cls, _db): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--start', help="Include circulation events that happened at or after this time.", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( '--end', help="Include circulation events that happened before this time.", required=True, ) return parser
[docs] def do_run(self, output=sys.stdout, cmd_args=None, exporter=None): parser = self.arg_parser(self._db) parsed = parser.parse_args(cmd_args) start = parsed.start end = parsed.end exporter = exporter or LocalAnalyticsExporter() output.write(exporter.export(self._db, start, end))