Source code for core.util.permanent_work_id

from hashlib import md5
import re
import struct
import unicodedata

[docs]class WorkIDCalculator(object):
[docs] @classmethod def permanent_id(self, normalized_title, normalized_author, grouping_category): digest = md5() for i in (normalized_title, normalized_author, grouping_category): if i == '' or i is None: i = '--null--' digest.update(i.encode("utf-8")) permanent_id = digest.hexdigest().zfill(32) permanent_id = "-".join([ permanent_id[:8], permanent_id[8:12], permanent_id[12:16], permanent_id[16:20], permanent_id[20:]]) return permanent_id
# Strings to be removed from author names. authorExtract1 = re.compile("^(.+?)\\spresents.*$") authorExtract2 = re.compile("^(?:(?:a|an)\\s)?(.+?)\\spresentation.*$") distributedByRemoval = re.compile("^distributed (?:in.*\\s)?by\\s(.+)$") initialsFix = re.compile("(?<=[A-Z])\\.(?=(\\s|[A-Z]|$))") apostropheStrip = re.compile("'s") specialCharacterStrip = re.compile("[^\\w\\d\\s]", re.U) consecutiveCharacterStrip = re.compile("\\s{2,}") bracketedCharacterStrip = re.compile("\\[(.*?)\\]") commonAuthorSuffixPattern = re.compile("^(.+?)\\s(?:general editor|editor|editor in chief|etc|inc|inc\\setc|co|corporation|llc|partners|company|home entertainment)$") commonAuthorPrefixPattern = re.compile("^(?:edited by|by the editors of|by|chosen by|translated by|prepared by|translated and edited by|completely rev by|pictures by|selected and adapted by|with a foreword by|with a new foreword by|introd by|introduction by|intro by|retold by)\\s(.+)$") format_to_grouping_category = { "Atlas": "other", "Map": "other", "TapeCartridge": "other", "ChipCartridge": "other", "DiscCartridge": "other", "TapeCassette": "other", "TapeReel": "other", "FloppyDisk": "other", "CDROM": "other", "Software": "other", "Globe": "other", "Braille": "book", "Filmstrip": "movie", "Transparency": "other", "Slide": "other", "Microfilm": "other", "Collage": "other", "Drawing": "other", "Painting": "other", "Print": "other", "Photonegative": "other", "FlashCard": "other", "Chart": "other", "Photo": "other", "MotionPicture": "movie", "Kit": "other", "MusicalScore": "book", "SensorImage": "other", "SoundDisc": "audio", "SoundCassette": "audio", "SoundRecording": "audio", "VideoCartridge": "movie", "VideoDisc": "movie", "VideoCassette": "movie", "VideoReel": "movie", "Video": "movie", "MusicalScore": "book", "MusicRecording": "music", "Electronic": "other", "PhysicalObject": "other", "Manuscript": "book", "eBook": "ebook", "Book": "book", "Newspaper": "book", "Journal": "book", "Serial": "book", "Unknown": "other", "Playaway": "audio", "LargePrint": "book", "Blu-ray": "movie", "DVD": "movie", "VerticalFile": "other", "CompactDisc": "audio", "TapeRecording": "audio", "Phonograph": "audio", "pdf": "ebook", "epub": "ebook", "jpg": "other", "gif": "other", "mp3": "audio", "plucker": "ebook", "kindle": "ebook", "externalLink": "ebook", "externalMP3": "audio", "interactiveBook": "ebook", "overdrive": "ebook", "external_web": "ebook", "external_ebook": "ebook", "external_eaudio": "audio", "external_emusic": "music", "external_evideo": "movie", "text": "ebook", "gifs": "other", "itunes": "audio", "Adobe_EPUB_eBook": "ebook", "Kindle_Book": "ebook", "Microsoft_eBook": "ebook", "OverDrive_WMA_Audiobook": "audio", "OverDrive_MP3_Audiobook": "audio", "OverDrive_Music": "music", "OverDrive_Video": "movie", "OverDrive_Read": "ebook", "Adobe_PDF_eBook": "ebook", "Palm": "ebook", "Mobipocket_eBook": "ebook", "Disney_Online_Book": "ebook", "Open_PDF_eBook": "ebook", "Open_EPUB_eBook": "ebook", "eContent": "ebook", "SeedPacket": "other", }
[docs] @classmethod def normalize_author(cls, author): """ Converts to NFKD unicode. Strips bracket, special characters, dots out. Converts to single-space and strips trailing spaces. Strips movie studio language surrouding the possible author's name. Lowercases. Returns de-linted author's name. """ if author is None or len(author) == 0: author = '' author = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", str(author)) author = cls.bracketedCharacterStrip.sub("", author) author = cls.specialCharacterStrip.sub("", author) groupingAuthor = cls.initialsFix.sub(" ", author) groupingAuthor = groupingAuthor.strip().lower(); groupingAuthor = cls.consecutiveCharacterStrip.sub(" ", groupingAuthor) # extract common additional info (especially for movie studios) # Remove home entertainment for regexp in [ cls.authorExtract1, cls.authorExtract2, cls.commonAuthorSuffixPattern, cls.commonAuthorPrefixPattern, cls.distributedByRemoval ]: match = if match: groupingAuthor = match.groups()[0] # Remove md if the author ends with md if groupingAuthor.endswith(" md"): groupingAuthor = groupingAuthor[:-3] if len(groupingAuthor) > 50: groupingAuthor = groupingAuthor[:50] groupingAuthor = groupingAuthor.strip() # TODO: I don't understand this yet. # groupingAuthor = RecordGroupingProcessor.mapAuthorAuthority(groupingAuthor); return groupingAuthor
commonSubtitlesPattern = re.compile("^(.*?)((a|una)\\s(.*)novel(a|la)?|a(.*)memoir|a(.*)mystery|a(.*)thriller|by\\s(.+)|a novel of .*|stories|an autobiography|a biography|a memoir in books|\\d+\S*\s*ed(ition)?|\\d+\S*\s*update|1st\\s+ed.*|an? .* story|a .*\\s?book|poems|the movie|[\\w\\s]+series book \\d+|[\\w\\s]+trilogy book \\d+|large print|graphic novel|magazine|audio cd)$", re.U) numerics = [] for find, replace in ( ("1st", "first"), ("2nd", "second"), ("3rd", "third"), ("4th", "fourth"), ("5th", "fifth"), ("6th", "sixth"), ("7th", "seventh"), ("8th", "eighth"), ("9th", "ninth"), ("10th", "tenth")): numerics.append((re.compile(find), replace))
[docs] @classmethod def normalize_subtitle(cls, original_title): if original_title == '': return original_title subtitle = original_title.replace("&#8211;", "-") subtitle = subtitle.replace("&", "and") # Remove any bracketed parts of the title subtitle = cls.bracketedCharacterStrip.sub("", subtitle) subtitle = cls.apostropheStrip.sub("s", subtitle) subtitle = cls.specialCharacterStrip.sub("", subtitle) subtitle = subtitle.lower().strip() subtitle = cls.consecutiveCharacterStrip.sub(" ", subtitle) # Remove some common subtitles that are meaningless match = if match: subtitle = match.groups()[0] # Normalize numeric titles for find, replace in cls.numerics: subtitle = find.sub(replace, subtitle) subtitle = subtitle[:175].strip() return subtitle
subtitleIndicator = re.compile("[:;/=]")
[docs] @classmethod def normalize_title(cls, full_title, num_non_filing_characters=0): """ Converts to NFKD unicode. Strips bracket, special characters. Splits into title and subtitle portions (normalizes subtitle). Lowercases. """ if full_title is None: full_title = '' full_title = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", full_title) # Remove any bracketed parts of the title tmp_title = cls.bracketedCharacterStrip.sub("", full_title) tmp_title = cls.specialCharacterStrip.sub( "", full_title) if (num_non_filing_characters > 0 and num_non_filing_characters < len(full_title)): tmp_title = full_title[:num_non_filing_characters] else: tmp_title = full_title tmp_title = cls.make_value_sortable(tmp_title) # Make sure we don't strip the entire title if len(tmp_title) > 0: # And make sure we don't get just special characters tmp_title = cls.specialCharacterStrip.sub(" ", tmp_title) tmp_title = tmp_title.lower().strip() if len(tmp_title) > 0: title = tmp_title else: # print("Just saved us from trimming %s to nothing" % full_title) title = cls.specialCharacterStrip.sub("", full_title) # If the title includes a : in it, take the first part as the title and the second as the subtitle match = if match: start = match.start() subtitle = cls.normalize_subtitle(title[start+1]) title = title[:start] # Add the subtitle back if subtitle is not None and len(subtitle) > 0: title = title + " " + subtitle # Fix abbreviations title = cls.initialsFix.sub(" ", title) # Replace '&' with 'and' for better matching title = title.replace("&#8211;", "-") title = title.replace("&", "and") # Remove some common subtitles that are meaningless (do again here in case they were part of the title). match = if match and len(match.groups()[0]) != 0: title = match.groups()[0] title = cls.apostropheStrip.sub("s", title) title = cls.specialCharacterStrip.sub(" ", title) title = title.lower() # Replace consecutive spaces title = cls.consecutiveCharacterStrip.sub(" ", title) title_end = 100 if len(title) > title_end: title = title[:title_end] title = title.strip() if not title: # print("Title %s was normalized to nothing" % full_title) title = full_title return title
sortTrimmingPattern = re.compile("(?i)^(?:(?:a|an|the|el|la|\"|')\\s)(.*)$")
[docs] @classmethod def make_value_sortable(cls, curtitle): if not curtitle: return "" sort_title = curtitle.lower() match = if match: sort_title = match.groups()[0] sort_title = sort_title.strip() return sort_title