Source code for core.util.http

import logging

import requests
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from .problem_detail import (
    ProblemDetail as pd,

      _("Third-party service failed."),
      _("A third-party service has failed."),

[docs]class IntegrationException(Exception): """An exception that happens when the site's connection to a third-party service is broken. This may be because communication failed (RemoteIntegrationException), or because local configuration is missing or obviously wrong (CannotLoadConfiguration). """ def __init__(self, message, debug_message=None): """Constructor. :param message: The normal message passed to any Exception constructor. :param debug_message: An extra human-readable explanation of the problem, shown to admins but not to patrons. This may include instructions on what bits of the integration configuration might need to be changed. For example, an API key might be wrong, or the API key might be correct but the API provider might not have granted that key enough permissions. """ super(IntegrationException, self).__init__(message) self.debug_message = debug_message
[docs]class RemoteIntegrationException(IntegrationException): """An exception that happens when we try and fail to communicate with a third-party service over HTTP. """ title = _("Failure contacting external service") detail = _("The server tried to access %(service)s but the third-party service experienced an error.") internal_message = "Error accessing %s: %s" def __init__(self, url_or_service, message, debug_message=None): """Indicate that a remote integration has failed. `param url_or_service` The name of the service that failed (e.g. "Overdrive"), or the specific URL that had the problem. """ if (url_or_service and any(url_or_service.startswith(x) for x in ('http:', 'https:'))): self.url = url_or_service self.service = urlparse(url_or_service).netloc else: self.url = self.service = url_or_service if not debug_message: debug_message = self.internal_message % (self.url, message) super(RemoteIntegrationException, self).__init__(message, debug_message) def __str__(self): message = super(RemoteIntegrationException, self).__str__() return self.internal_message % (self.url, message)
[docs] def document_detail(self, debug=True): if debug: return _(str(self.detail), service=self.url) return _(str(self.detail), service=self.service)
[docs] def document_debug_message(self, debug=True): if debug: return _(str(self.detail), service=self.url) return None
[docs] def as_problem_detail_document(self, debug): return INTEGRATION_ERROR.detailed( detail=self.document_detail(debug), title=self.title, debug_message=self.document_debug_message(debug) )
[docs]class BadResponseException(RemoteIntegrationException): """The request seemingly went okay, but we got a bad response.""" title = _("Bad response") detail = _("The server made a request to %(service)s, and got an unexpected or invalid response.") internal_message = "Bad response from %s: %s" BAD_STATUS_CODE_MESSAGE = "Got status code %s from external server, cannot continue." def __init__(self, url_or_service, message, debug_message=None, status_code=None): """Indicate that a remote integration has failed. `param url_or_service` The name of the service that failed (e.g. "Overdrive"), or the specific URL that had the problem. """ super(BadResponseException, self).__init__(url_or_service, message, debug_message) # to be set to 500, etc. self.status_code = status_code
[docs] def document_debug_message(self, debug=True): if debug: msg = str(self) if self.debug_message: msg += "\n\n" + self.debug_message return msg return None
[docs] @classmethod def from_response(cls, url, message, response): """Helper method to turn a `requests` Response object into a BadResponseException. """ if isinstance(response, tuple): # The response has been unrolled into a (status_code, # headers, body) 3-tuple. status_code, headers, content = response else: status_code = response.status_code content = response.content # The HTTP content response is a bytestring that we want to # convert to unicode for the debug message. if content and isinstance(content, bytes): content = content.decode("utf-8") return BadResponseException( url, message, status_code=status_code, debug_message="Status code: %s\nContent: %s" % ( status_code, content, ) )
[docs] @classmethod def bad_status_code(cls, url, response): """The response is bad because the status code is wrong.""" message = cls.BAD_STATUS_CODE_MESSAGE % response.status_code return cls.from_response( url, message, response, )
[docs]class RequestNetworkException(RemoteIntegrationException, requests.exceptions.RequestException): """An exception from the requests module that can be represented as a problem detail document. """ title = _("Network failure contacting third-party service") detail = _("The server experienced a network error while contacting %(service)s.") internal_message = "Network error contacting %s: %s"
[docs]class RequestTimedOut(RequestNetworkException, requests.exceptions.Timeout): """A timeout exception that can be represented as a problem detail document. """ title = _("Timeout") detail = _("The server made a request to %(service)s, and that request timed out.") internal_message = "Timeout accessing %s: %s"
[docs]class HTTP(object): """A helper for the `requests` module."""
[docs] @classmethod def get_with_timeout(cls, url, *args, **kwargs): """Make a GET request with timeout handling.""" return cls.request_with_timeout("GET", url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def post_with_timeout(cls, url, payload, *args, **kwargs): """Make a POST request with timeout handling.""" kwargs['data'] = payload return cls.request_with_timeout("POST", url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def put_with_timeout(cls, url, payload, *args, **kwargs): """Make a PUT request with timeout handling.""" kwargs['data'] = payload return cls.request_with_timeout("PUT", url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def request_with_timeout(cls, http_method, url, *args, **kwargs): """Call requests.request and turn a timeout into a RequestTimedOut exception. """ return cls._request_with_timeout( url, requests.request, http_method, *args, **kwargs )
@classmethod def _request_with_timeout(cls, url, make_request_with, *args, **kwargs): """Call some kind of method and turn a timeout into a RequestTimedOut exception. The core of `request_with_timeout` made easy to test. :param url: Make the request to this URL. :param make_request_with: A function that actually makes the HTTP request. :param args: Positional arguments for the request function. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for the request function. """ process_response_with = kwargs.pop( 'process_response_with', cls._process_response ) allowed_response_codes = kwargs.pop('allowed_response_codes', []) disallowed_response_codes = kwargs.pop('disallowed_response_codes', []) verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', False) expected_encoding = kwargs.pop('expected_encoding', 'utf-8') if not 'timeout' in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = 20 # Unicode data can't be sent over the wire. Convert it # to UTF-8. if 'data' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['data'], str): kwargs['data'] = kwargs.get('data').encode("utf8") if 'headers' in kwargs: headers = kwargs['headers'] new_headers = {} for k, v in list(headers.items()): if isinstance(k, str): k = k.encode("utf8") if isinstance(v, str): v = v.encode("utf8") new_headers[k] = v kwargs['headers'] = new_headers try: if verbose:"Sending request to %s: args %r kwargs %r", url, args, kwargs) if len(args) == 1: # requests.request takes two positional arguments, # an HTTP method and a URL. In most cases, the URL # gets added on here. But if you do pass in both # arguments, it will still work. args = args + (url,) response = make_request_with(*args, **kwargs) if verbose: "Response from %s: %s %r %r", url, response.status_code, response.headers, response.content ) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: # Wrap the requests-specific Timeout exception # in a generic RequestTimedOut exception. raise RequestTimedOut(url, e) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: # Wrap all other requests-specific exceptions in # a generic RequestNetworkException. raise RequestNetworkException(url, e) return process_response_with( url, response, allowed_response_codes, disallowed_response_codes, expected_encoding ) @classmethod def _process_response(cls, url, response, allowed_response_codes=None, disallowed_response_codes=None, expected_encoding="utf-8"): """Raise a RequestNetworkException if the response code indicates a server-side failure, or behavior so unpredictable that we can't continue. :param allowed_response_codes If passed, then only the responses with http status codes in this list are processed. The rest generate BadResponseExceptions. :param disallowed_response_codes The values passed are added to 5xx, as http status codes that would generate BadResponseExceptions. :param expected_encoding Typically we expect HTTP responses to be UTF-8 encoded, but for certain requests we can change the encoding type. """ if allowed_response_codes: allowed_response_codes = list(map(str, allowed_response_codes)) status_code_not_in_allowed = "Got status code %%s from external server, but can only continue on: %s." % ( ", ".join(sorted(allowed_response_codes)), ) if disallowed_response_codes: disallowed_response_codes = list(map(str, disallowed_response_codes)) else: disallowed_response_codes = [] code = response.status_code series = cls.series(code) code = str(code) if allowed_response_codes and ( code in allowed_response_codes or series in allowed_response_codes ): # The code or series has been explicitly allowed. Allow # the request to be processed. return response error_message = None if (series == '5xx' or code in disallowed_response_codes or series in disallowed_response_codes ): # Unless explicitly allowed, the 5xx series always results in # an exception. error_message = BadResponseException.BAD_STATUS_CODE_MESSAGE elif (allowed_response_codes and not ( code in allowed_response_codes or series in allowed_response_codes )): error_message = status_code_not_in_allowed if error_message: response_content = response.content if response_content and isinstance(response_content, bytes): try: response_content = response_content.decode(expected_encoding) except Exception as e: raise RequestNetworkException(url, e) raise BadResponseException( url, error_message % code, status_code=code, debug_message="Response content: %s" % response_content ) return response
[docs] @classmethod def series(cls, status_code): """Return the HTTP series for the given status code.""" return "%sxx" % (int(status_code) // 100)
[docs] @classmethod def debuggable_get(cls, url, **kwargs): """Make a GET request that returns a detailed problem detail document on error. """ return cls.debuggable_request("GET", url, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def debuggable_post(cls, url, payload, **kwargs): """Make a POST request that returns a detailed problem detail document on error. """ kwargs['data'] = payload return cls.debuggable_request("POST", url, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def debuggable_request(cls, http_method, url, make_request_with=None, **kwargs): """Make a request that returns a detailed problem detail document on error, rather than a generic "an integration error occured" message. :param http_method: HTTP method to use when making the request. :param url: Make the request to this URL. :param make_request_with: A function that actually makes the HTTP request. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for the make_request_with function. """"Making debuggable %s request to %s: kwargs %r", http_method, url, kwargs) make_request_with = make_request_with or requests.request return cls._request_with_timeout( url, make_request_with, http_method, process_response_with=cls.process_debuggable_response, **kwargs )
[docs] @classmethod def process_debuggable_response(cls, url, response, disallowed_response_codes=None, allowed_response_codes=None, expected_encoding="utf-8" ): """If there was a problem with an integration request, return an appropriate ProblemDetail. Otherwise, return the response to the original request. :param response: A Response object from the requests library. :param expected_encoding: Typically we expect HTTP responses to be UTF-8 encoded, but for certain requests we can change the encoding type. """ allowed_response_codes = allowed_response_codes or ['2xx', '3xx'] allowed_response_codes = list(map(str, allowed_response_codes)) code = response.status_code series = cls.series(code) if str(code) in allowed_response_codes or series in allowed_response_codes: # Whether or not it looks like there's been a problem, # we've been told to let this response code through. return response content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type') response_content = response.content if response_content and isinstance(response_content, bytes): try: response_content = response_content.decode(expected_encoding) except Exception as e: return RequestNetworkException(url, e) if content_type == PROBLEM_DETAIL_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE: # The server returned a problem detail document. Wrap it # in a new document that represents the integration # failure. problem = INTEGRATION_ERROR.detailed( _('Remote service returned a problem detail document: %r') % ( response_content ) ) problem.debug_message = response_content return problem # There's been a problem. Return the message we got from the # server, verbatim. return INTEGRATION_ERROR.detailed( _("%s response from integration server: %r") % ( response.status_code, response_content, ) )