Source code for core.overdrive

import datetime
import isbnlib
import os
import json
import logging
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, quote, urlunsplit
import sys
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import (
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session

from .classifier import Classifier
from .config import (

from .model import (

from .metadata_layer import (

from .coverage import (

from .testing import DatabaseTest

from .util.http import (
from .util.string_helpers import base64
from .util.worker_pools import RLock
from .util.datetime_helpers import strptime_utc, to_utc, utc_now
from .testing import MockRequestsResponse

[docs]class OverdriveAPI(object): log = logging.getLogger("Overdrive API") # A lock for threaded usage. lock = RLock() # Production and testing have different host names for some of the # API endpoints. This is configurable on the collection level. SERVER_NICKNAME = "server_nickname" PRODUCTION_SERVERS = "production" TESTING_SERVERS = "testing" HOSTS = { PRODUCTION_SERVERS : dict( host="", patron_host="", ), TESTING_SERVERS : dict( host="", patron_host="", ) } # Production and testing setups use the same URLs for Client # Authentication and Patron Authentication, but we use the same # system as for other hostnames to give a consistent look to the # templates. for host in list(HOSTS.values()): host['oauth_patron_host'] = "" host['oauth_host'] = "" # Each of these endpoint URLs has a slot to plug in one of the # appropriate servers. This will be filled in either by a call to # the endpoint() method (if there are other variables in the # template), or by the _do_get or _do_post methods (if there are # no other variables). TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "%(oauth_host)s/token" PATRON_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "%(oauth_patron_host)s/patrontoken" LIBRARY_ENDPOINT = "%(host)s/v1/libraries/%(library_id)s" ADVANTAGE_LIBRARY_ENDPOINT = "%(host)s/v1/libraries/%(parent_library_id)s/advantageAccounts/%(library_id)s" ALL_PRODUCTS_ENDPOINT = "%(host)s/v1/collections/%(collection_token)s/products?sort=%(sort)s" METADATA_ENDPOINT = "%(host)s/v1/collections/%(collection_token)s/products/%(item_id)s/metadata" EVENTS_ENDPOINT = "%(host)s/v1/collections/%(collection_token)s/products?lastUpdateTime=%(lastupdatetime)s&sort=%(sort)s&limit=%(limit)s" AVAILABILITY_ENDPOINT = "%(host)s/v2/collections/%(collection_token)s/products/%(product_id)s/availability" PATRON_INFORMATION_ENDPOINT = "%(patron_host)s/v1/patrons/me" CHECKOUTS_ENDPOINT = "%(patron_host)s/v1/patrons/me/checkouts" CHECKOUT_ENDPOINT = "%(patron_host)s/v1/patrons/me/checkouts/%(overdrive_id)s" FORMATS_ENDPOINT = "%(patron_host)s/v1/patrons/me/checkouts/%(overdrive_id)s/formats" HOLDS_ENDPOINT = "%(patron_host)s/v1/patrons/me/holds" HOLD_ENDPOINT = "%(patron_host)s/v1/patrons/me/holds/%(product_id)s" ME_ENDPOINT = "%(patron_host)s/v1/patrons/me" MAX_CREDENTIAL_AGE = 50 * 60 PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT = 300 EVENT_SOURCE = "Overdrive" EVENT_DELAY = datetime.timedelta(minutes=120) # The formats we care about. FORMATS = "ebook-epub-open,ebook-epub-adobe,ebook-pdf-adobe,ebook-pdf-open,audiobook-overdrive".split(",") # The formats that can be read by the default Library Simplified reader. DEFAULT_READABLE_FORMATS = set( ["ebook-epub-open", "ebook-epub-adobe", "ebook-pdf-open", "audiobook-overdrive"] ) # The formats that indicate the book has been fulfilled on an # incompatible platform and just can't be fulfilled on Simplified # in any format. INCOMPATIBLE_PLATFORM_FORMATS = set(["ebook-kindle"]) OVERDRIVE_READ_FORMAT = "ebook-overdrive" TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" WEBSITE_ID = "website_id" # When associating an Overdrive account with a library, it's # necessary to also specify an "ILS name" obtained from # Overdrive. Components that don't authenticate patrons (such as # the metadata wrangler) don't need to set this value. ILS_NAME_KEY = "ils_name" ILS_NAME_DEFAULT = "default" def __init__(self, _db, collection): if collection.protocol != ExternalIntegration.OVERDRIVE: raise ValueError( "Collection protocol is %s, but passed into OverdriveAPI!" % collection.protocol ) self._db = _db self.library_id = collection.external_account_id self.collection_id = if collection.parent: # This is an Overdrive Advantage account. self.parent_library_id = collection.parent.external_account_id # We're going to inherit all of the Overdrive credentials # from the parent (the main Overdrive account), except for the # library ID, which we already set. collection = collection.parent else: self.parent_library_id = None integration = collection.external_integration self.client_key = integration.username self.client_secret = integration.password self.website_id = integration.setting(self.WEBSITE_ID).value if (not self.client_key or not self.client_secret or not self.website_id or not self.library_id): raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "Overdrive configuration is incomplete." ) # Figure out which hostnames we'll be using when constructing # endpoint URLs. server_nickname = ( integration.setting(self.SERVER_NICKNAME).value or self.PRODUCTION_SERVERS ) if server_nickname not in self.HOSTS: server_nickname = self.PRODUCTION_SERVERS # Set the hostnames we'll be using. Make a new dictionary just # to be safe. self.hosts = dict(self.HOSTS[server_nickname]) # Use utf8 instead of unicode encoding settings = [self.client_key, self.client_secret, self.website_id] self.client_key, self.client_secret, self.website_id = ( setting.encode('utf8') for setting in settings ) # This is set by an access to .token, or by a call to # check_creds() or refresh_creds(). self._token = None # This is set by an access to .collection_token self._collection_token = None
[docs] def endpoint(self, url, **kwargs): """Create the URL to an Overdrive API endpoint. :param url: A template for the URL. :param kwargs: Arguments to be interpolated into the template. The server hostname will be interpolated automatically; you don't have to pass it in. """ if not '%(' in url: # Nothing to interpolate. return url kwargs.update(self.hosts) return url % kwargs
@property def token(self): if not self._token: self.check_creds() return self._token @property def collection_token(self): """Get the token representing this particular Overdrive collection. As a side effect, this will verify that the Overdrive credentials are working. """ if not self._collection_token: self.check_creds() library = self.get_library() error = library.get('errorCode') if error: message = library.get('message') raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "Overdrive credentials are valid but could not fetch library: %s" % message ) self._collection_token = library['collectionToken'] return self._collection_token @property def collection(self): return Collection.by_id(self._db, id=self.collection_id) @property def source(self): return DataSource.lookup(self._db, DataSource.OVERDRIVE)
[docs] def ils_name(self, library): """Determine the ILS name to use for the given Library. """ return self.ils_name_setting( self._db, self.collection, library ).value_or_default(self.ILS_NAME_DEFAULT)
[docs] @classmethod def ils_name_setting(cls, _db, collection, library): """Find the ConfigurationSetting controlling the ILS name for the given collection and library. """ return ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration( _db, cls.ILS_NAME_KEY, library, collection.external_integration )
@property def advantage_library_id(self): """The library ID for this library, as we should look for it in certain API documents served by Overdrive. For ordinary collections, and for consortial collections shared among libraries, this will be -1. For Overdrive Advantage accounts, this will be the numeric value of the Overdrive library ID. """ if self.parent_library_id is None: # This is not an Overdrive Advantage collection. # # Instead of looking for the library ID itself in these # documents, we should look for the constant -1. return -1 return int(self.library_id)
[docs] def check_creds(self, force_refresh=False): """If the Bearer Token has expired, update it.""" with self.lock: refresh_on_lookup = self.refresh_creds if force_refresh: refresh_on_lookup = lambda x: x credential = self.credential_object(refresh_on_lookup) if force_refresh: self.refresh_creds(credential) self._token = credential.credential
[docs] def credential_object(self, refresh): """Look up the Credential object that allows us to use the Overdrive API. """ return Credential.lookup( self._db, DataSource.OVERDRIVE, None, None, refresh, collection=self.collection )
[docs] def refresh_creds(self, credential): """Fetch a new Bearer Token and update the given Credential object.""" response = self.token_post( self.TOKEN_ENDPOINT, dict(grant_type="client_credentials"), allowed_response_codes=[200] ) data = response.json() self._update_credential(credential, data) self._token = credential.credential
[docs] def get(self, url, extra_headers, exception_on_401=False): """Make an HTTP GET request using the active Bearer Token.""" headers = dict(Authorization="Bearer %s" % self.token) headers.update(extra_headers) status_code, headers, content = self._do_get(url, headers) if status_code == 401: if exception_on_401: # This is our second try. Give up. raise BadResponseException.from_response( url, "Something's wrong with the Overdrive OAuth Bearer Token!", (status_code, headers, content) ) else: # Refresh the token and try again. self.check_creds(True) return self.get(url, extra_headers, True) else: return status_code, headers, content
@property def token_authorization_header(self): s = b"%s:%s" % (self.client_key, self.client_secret) return "Basic " + base64.standard_b64encode(s).strip()
[docs] def token_post(self, url, payload, headers={}, **kwargs): """Make an HTTP POST request for purposes of getting an OAuth token.""" headers = dict(headers) headers['Authorization'] = self.token_authorization_header return self._do_post(url, payload, headers, **kwargs)
def _update_credential(self, credential, overdrive_data): """Copy Overdrive OAuth data into a Credential object.""" credential.credential = overdrive_data['access_token'] expires_in = (overdrive_data['expires_in'] * 0.9) credential.expires = utc_now() + datetime.timedelta( seconds=expires_in) @property def _library_endpoint(self): """Which URL should we go to to get information about this collection? If this is an ordinary Overdrive account, we get information from LIBRARY_ENDPOINT. If this is an Overdrive Advantage account, we get information from LIBRARY_ADVANTAGE_ENDPOINT. """ args = dict(library_id=self.library_id) if self.parent_library_id: # This is an Overdrive advantage account. args['parent_library_id'] = self.parent_library_id endpoint = self.ADVANTAGE_LIBRARY_ENDPOINT else: endpoint = self.LIBRARY_ENDPOINT return self.endpoint(endpoint, **args)
[docs] def get_library(self): """Get basic information about the collection, including a link to the titles in the collection. """ url = self._library_endpoint with self.lock: representation, cached = Representation.get( self._db, url, self.get, exception_handler=Representation.reraise_exception, ) return json.loads(representation.content)
[docs] def get_advantage_accounts(self): """Find all the Overdrive Advantage accounts managed by this library. :yield: A sequence of OverdriveAdvantageAccount objects. """ library = self.get_library() links = library.get('links', {}) advantage = links.get('advantageAccounts') if not advantage: return [] if advantage: # This library has Overdrive Advantage accounts, or at # least a link where some may be found. advantage_url = advantage.get('href') if not advantage_url: return representation, cached = Representation.get( self._db, advantage_url, self.get, exception_handler=Representation.reraise_exception, ) return OverdriveAdvantageAccount.from_representation( representation.content )
[docs] def all_ids(self): """Get IDs for every book in the system, with the most recently added ones at the front. """ next_link = self._all_products_link while next_link: page_inventory, next_link = self._get_book_list_page( next_link, 'next' ) for i in page_inventory: yield i
@property def _all_products_link(self): url = self.endpoint( self.ALL_PRODUCTS_ENDPOINT, collection_token=self.collection_token, sort="dateAdded:desc" ) return self.make_link_safe(url) def _get_book_list_page(self, link, rel_to_follow='next', extractor_class=None): """Process a page of inventory whose circulation we need to check. Returns a 2-tuple: (availability_info, next_link). `availability_info` is a list of dictionaries, each containing basic availability and bibliographic information about one book. `next_link` is a link to the next page of results. """ extractor_class = extractor_class or OverdriveRepresentationExtractor # We don't cache this because it changes constantly. status_code, headers, content = self.get(link, {}) if isinstance(content, (bytes, str)): content = json.loads(content) # Find the link to the next page of results, if any. next_link =, rel_to_follow) # Prepare to get availability information for all the books on # this page. availability_queue = (extractor_class.availability_link_list(content)) return availability_queue, next_link
[docs] def recently_changed_ids(self, start, cutoff): """Get IDs of books whose status has changed between the start time and now. """ # `cutoff` is not supported by Overdrive, so we ignore it. All # we can do is get events between the start time and now. last_update_time = start-self.EVENT_DELAY "Asking for circulation changes since %s", last_update_time ) last_update = last_update_time.strftime(self.TIME_FORMAT) next_link = self.endpoint( self.EVENTS_ENDPOINT, lastupdatetime=last_update, sort="popularity:desc", limit=self.PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT, collection_token=self.collection_token ) next_link = self.make_link_safe(next_link) while next_link: page_inventory, next_link = self._get_book_list_page(next_link) # We won't be sending out any events for these books yet, # because we don't know if anything changed, but we will # be putting them on the list of inventory items to # refresh. At that point we will send out events. for i in page_inventory: yield i
[docs] def metadata_lookup(self, identifier): """Look up metadata for an Overdrive identifier. """ url = self.endpoint( self.METADATA_ENDPOINT, collection_token=self.collection_token, item_id=identifier.identifier ) status_code, headers, content = self.get(url, {}) if isinstance(content, (bytes, str)): content = json.loads(content) return content
[docs] def metadata_lookup_obj(self, identifier): url = self.endpoint( self.METADATA_ENDPOINT, collection_token=self.collection_token, item_id=identifier ) status_code, headers, content = self.get(url, {}) if isinstance(content, (bytes, str)): content = json.loads(content) return OverdriveRepresentationExtractor.book_info_to_metadata(content)
def _do_get(self, url, headers): """This method is overridden in MockOverdriveAPI.""" url = self.endpoint(url) return Representation.simple_http_get( url, headers ) def _do_post(self, url, payload, headers, **kwargs): """This method is overridden in MockOverdriveAPI.""" url = self.endpoint(url) return HTTP.post_with_timeout(url, payload, headers=headers, **kwargs)
[docs]class MockOverdriveAPI(OverdriveAPI):
[docs] @classmethod def mock_collection(self, _db, library=None, name="Test Overdrive Collection", client_key="a", client_secret="b", library_id="c", website_id="d", ils_name="e", ): """Create a mock Overdrive collection for use in tests.""" if library is None: library = DatabaseTest.make_default_library(_db) collection, ignore = get_one_or_create( _db, Collection, name=name, create_method_kwargs=dict( external_account_id=library_id ) ) integration = collection.create_external_integration( protocol=ExternalIntegration.OVERDRIVE ) integration.username = client_key integration.password = client_secret integration.set_setting('website_id', website_id) library.collections.append(collection) OverdriveAPI.ils_name_setting(_db, collection, library).value = ils_name return collection
def __init__(self, _db, collection, *args, **kwargs): self.access_token_requests = [] self.requests = [] self.responses = [] # Almost all tests will try to request the access token, so # set the response that will be returned if an attempt is # made. self.access_token_response = self.mock_access_token_response( "bearer token" ) super(MockOverdriveAPI, self).__init__(_db, collection, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def queue_collection_token(self): # Many tests immediately try to access the # collection token. This is a helper method to make it easy to # queue up the response. self.queue_response( 200, content=self.mock_collection_token("collection token") )
[docs] def token_post(self, url, payload, headers={}, **kwargs): """Mock the request for an OAuth token. We mock the method by looking at the access_token_response property, rather than inserting a mock response in the queue, because only the first MockOverdriveAPI instantiation in a given test actually makes this call. By mocking the response to this method separately we remove the need to figure out whether to queue a response in a given test. """ url = self.endpoint(url) self.access_token_requests.append((url, payload, headers, kwargs)) response = self.access_token_response return HTTP._process_response(url, response, **kwargs)
[docs] def mock_access_token_response(self, credential): token = dict(access_token=credential, expires_in=3600) return MockRequestsResponse(200, {}, json.dumps(token))
[docs] def mock_collection_token(self, token): return json.dumps(dict(collectionToken=token))
[docs] def queue_response(self, status_code, headers={}, content=None): self.responses.insert( 0, MockRequestsResponse(status_code, headers, content) )
def _do_get(self, url, *args, **kwargs): """Simulate Representation.simple_http_get.""" response = self._make_request(url, *args, **kwargs) return response.status_code, response.headers, response.content def _do_post(self, url, *args, **kwargs): return self._make_request(url, *args, **kwargs) def _make_request(self, url, *args, **kwargs): url = self.endpoint(url) response = self.responses.pop() self.requests.append((url, args, kwargs)) return HTTP._process_response( url, response, kwargs.get('allowed_response_codes'), kwargs.get('disallowed_response_codes') )
[docs]class OverdriveRepresentationExtractor(object): """Extract useful information from Overdrive's JSON representations.""" log = logging.getLogger("Overdrive representation extractor") def __init__(self, api): """Constructor. :param api: An OverdriveAPI object. This will be used when deciding which portions of a JSON representation are relevant to the active Overdrive collection. """ self.library_id = api.advantage_library_id format_data_for_overdrive_format = { "ebook-pdf-adobe" : ( Representation.PDF_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.ADOBE_DRM ), "ebook-pdf-open" : ( Representation.PDF_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.NO_DRM ), "ebook-epub-adobe" : ( Representation.EPUB_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.ADOBE_DRM ), "ebook-epub-open" : ( Representation.EPUB_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.NO_DRM ), "audiobook-mp3" : ( "application/x-od-media", DeliveryMechanism.OVERDRIVE_DRM ), "music-mp3" : ( "application/x-od-media", DeliveryMechanism.OVERDRIVE_DRM ), "ebook-overdrive" : [ ( MediaTypes.OVERDRIVE_EBOOK_MANIFEST_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.LIBBY_DRM ), ( DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_DRM ), ], "audiobook-overdrive" : [ ( MediaTypes.OVERDRIVE_AUDIOBOOK_MANIFEST_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.LIBBY_DRM, ), ( DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_DRM ), ], 'video-streaming' : ( DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_DRM ), "ebook-kindle" : ( DeliveryMechanism.KINDLE_CONTENT_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.KINDLE_DRM ), "periodicals-nook" : ( DeliveryMechanism.NOOK_CONTENT_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.NOOK_DRM ), }
[docs] @classmethod def internal_formats(cls, overdrive_format): """Yield all internal formats for the given Overdrive format. Some Overdrive formats become multiple internal formats. :yield: A sequence of (content type, DRM system) 2-tuples """ result = cls.format_data_for_overdrive_format.get(overdrive_format) if not result: return if isinstance(result, list): for i in result: yield i else: yield result
ignorable_overdrive_formats = set([]) overdrive_role_to_simplified_role = { "actor" : Contributor.ACTOR_ROLE, "artist" : Contributor.ARTIST_ROLE, "book producer" : Contributor.PRODUCER_ROLE, "associated name" : Contributor.ASSOCIATED_ROLE, "author" : Contributor.AUTHOR_ROLE, "author of introduction" : Contributor.INTRODUCTION_ROLE, "author of foreword" : Contributor.FOREWORD_ROLE, "author of afterword" : Contributor.AFTERWORD_ROLE, "contributor" : Contributor.CONTRIBUTOR_ROLE, "colophon" : Contributor.COLOPHON_ROLE, "adapter" : Contributor.ADAPTER_ROLE, "etc." : Contributor.UNKNOWN_ROLE, "cast member" : Contributor.ACTOR_ROLE, "collaborator" : Contributor.COLLABORATOR_ROLE, "compiler" : Contributor.COMPILER_ROLE, "composer" : Contributor.COMPOSER_ROLE, "copyright holder" : Contributor.COPYRIGHT_HOLDER_ROLE, "director" : Contributor.DIRECTOR_ROLE, "editor" : Contributor.EDITOR_ROLE, "engineer" : Contributor.ENGINEER_ROLE, "executive producer" : Contributor.EXECUTIVE_PRODUCER_ROLE, "illustrator" : Contributor.ILLUSTRATOR_ROLE, "musician" : Contributor.MUSICIAN_ROLE, "narrator" : Contributor.NARRATOR_ROLE, "other" : Contributor.UNKNOWN_ROLE, "performer" : Contributor.PERFORMER_ROLE, "producer" : Contributor.PRODUCER_ROLE, "translator" : Contributor.TRANSLATOR_ROLE, "photographer" : Contributor.PHOTOGRAPHER_ROLE, "lyricist" : Contributor.LYRICIST_ROLE, "transcriber" : Contributor.TRANSCRIBER_ROLE, "designer" : Contributor.DESIGNER_ROLE, } overdrive_medium_to_simplified_medium = { "eBook" : Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM, "Video" : Edition.VIDEO_MEDIUM, "Audiobook" : Edition.AUDIO_MEDIUM, "Music" : Edition.MUSIC_MEDIUM, "Periodicals" : Edition.PERIODICAL_MEDIUM, } DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"
[docs] @classmethod def parse_roles(cls, id, rolestring): rolestring = rolestring.lower() roles = [x.strip() for x in rolestring.split(",")] if ' and ' in roles[-1]: roles = roles[:-1] + [x.strip() for x in roles[-1].split(" and ")] processed = [] for x in roles: if x not in cls.overdrive_role_to_simplified_role: cls.log.error( "Could not process role %s for %s", x, id) else: processed.append(cls.overdrive_role_to_simplified_role[x]) return processed
[docs] def book_info_to_circulation(self, book): """ Note: The json data passed into this method is from a different file/stream from the json data that goes into the book_info_to_metadata() method. """ # In Overdrive, 'reserved' books show up as books on # hold. There is no separate notion of reserved books. licenses_reserved = 0 licenses_owned = None licenses_available = None patrons_in_hold_queue = None # TODO: The only reason this works for a NotFound error is the # circulation code sticks the known book ID into `book` ahead # of time. That's a code smell indicating that this system # needs to be refactored. if 'reserveId' in book and not 'id' in book: book['id'] = book['reserveId'] if not 'id' in book: return None overdrive_id = book['id'] primary_identifier = IdentifierData( Identifier.OVERDRIVE_ID, overdrive_id ) # TODO: We might be able to use this information to avoid the # need for explicit configuration of Advantage collections, or # at least to keep Advantage collections more up-to-date than # they would be otherwise, as a side effect of updating # regular Overdrive collections. # TODO: this would be the place to handle simultaneous use # titles -- these can be detected with # availabilityType="AlwaysAvailable" and have their # .licenses_owned set to LicensePool.UNLIMITED_ACCESS. # see # TODO: Cost-per-circ titles # (availabilityType="LimitedAvailablility") can be handled # similarly, though those can abruptly become unavailable, so # UNLIMITED_ACCESS is probably not appropriate. error_code = book.get('errorCode') # TODO: It's not clear what other error codes there might be. # The current behavior will respond to errors other than # NotFound by leaving the book alone, but this might not be # the right behavior. if error_code in ['NotFound', 'TitleNotFoundError']: licenses_owned = 0 licenses_available = 0 patrons_in_hold_queue = 0 elif book.get('isOwnedByCollections') is not False: # We own this book. for account in book.get('accounts', []): # Only keep track of copies owned by the collection # we're tracking. if account.get('id') != self.library_id: continue if 'copiesOwned' in account: if licenses_owned is None: licenses_owned = 0 licenses_owned += int(account['copiesOwned']) if 'copiesAvailable' in account: if licenses_available is None: licenses_available = 0 licenses_available += int(account['copiesAvailable']) if 'numberOfHolds' in book: if patrons_in_hold_queue is None: patrons_in_hold_queue = 0 patrons_in_hold_queue += book['numberOfHolds'] return CirculationData( data_source=DataSource.OVERDRIVE, primary_identifier=primary_identifier, licenses_owned=licenses_owned, licenses_available=licenses_available, licenses_reserved=licenses_reserved, patrons_in_hold_queue=patrons_in_hold_queue, )
[docs] @classmethod def book_info_to_metadata(cls, book, include_bibliographic=True, include_formats=True): """Turn Overdrive's JSON representation of a book into a Metadata object. Note: The json data passed into this method is from a different file/stream from the json data that goes into the book_info_to_circulation() method. """ if not 'id' in book: return None overdrive_id = book['id'] primary_identifier = IdentifierData( Identifier.OVERDRIVE_ID, overdrive_id ) # If we trust classification data, we'll give it this weight. # Otherwise we'll probably give it a fraction of this weight. trusted_weight = Classification.TRUSTED_DISTRIBUTOR_WEIGHT if include_bibliographic: title = book.get('title', None) sort_title = book.get('sortTitle') subtitle = book.get('subtitle', None) series = book.get('series', None) publisher = book.get('publisher', None) imprint = book.get('imprint', None) if 'publishDate' in book: published = strptime_utc( book['publishDate'][:10], cls.DATE_FORMAT) else: published = None languages = [l['code'] for l in book.get('languages', [])] if 'eng' in languages or not languages: language = 'eng' else: language = sorted(languages)[0] contributors = [] for creator in book.get('creators', []): sort_name = creator['fileAs'] display_name = creator['name'] role = creator['role'] roles = cls.parse_roles(overdrive_id, role) or [Contributor.UNKNOWN_ROLE] contributor = ContributorData( sort_name=sort_name, display_name=display_name, roles=roles, biography = creator.get('bioText', None) ) contributors.append(contributor) subjects = [] for sub in book.get('subjects', []): subject = SubjectData( type=Subject.OVERDRIVE, identifier=sub['value'], weight=trusted_weight, ) subjects.append(subject) for sub in book.get('keywords', []): subject = SubjectData( type=Subject.TAG, identifier=sub['value'], # We don't use TRUSTED_DISTRIBUTOR_WEIGHT because # we don't know where the tags come from -- # probably Overdrive users -- and they're # frequently wrong. weight=1 ) subjects.append(subject) extra = dict() if 'grade_levels' in book: # n.b. Grade levels are measurements of reading level, not # age appropriateness. We can use them as a measure of age # appropriateness in a pinch, but we weight them less # heavily than TRUSTED_DISTRIBUTOR_WEIGHT. for i in book['grade_levels']: subject = SubjectData( type=Subject.GRADE_LEVEL, identifier=i['value'], weight=trusted_weight / 10 ) subjects.append(subject) overdrive_medium = book.get('mediaType', None) if overdrive_medium and overdrive_medium not in cls.overdrive_medium_to_simplified_medium: cls.log.error( "Could not process medium %s for %s", overdrive_medium, overdrive_id) medium = cls.overdrive_medium_to_simplified_medium.get( overdrive_medium, Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM ) measurements = [] if 'awards' in book: extra['awards'] = book.get('awards', []) num_awards = len(extra['awards']) measurements.append( MeasurementData( Measurement.AWARDS, str(num_awards) ) ) for name, subject_type in ( ('ATOS', Subject.ATOS_SCORE), ('lexileScore', Subject.LEXILE_SCORE), ('interestLevel', Subject.INTEREST_LEVEL) ): if not name in book: continue identifier = str(book[name]) subjects.append( SubjectData(type=subject_type, identifier=identifier, weight=trusted_weight ) ) for grade_level_info in book.get('gradeLevels', []): grade_level = grade_level_info.get('value') subjects.append( SubjectData(type=Subject.GRADE_LEVEL, identifier=grade_level, weight=trusted_weight) ) identifiers = [] links = [] for format in book.get('formats', []): for new_id in format.get('identifiers', []): t = new_id['type'] v = new_id['value'] orig_v = v type_key = None if t == 'ASIN': type_key = Identifier.ASIN elif t == 'ISBN': type_key = Identifier.ISBN if len(v) == 10: v = isbnlib.to_isbn13(v) if v is None or not isbnlib.is_isbn13(v): # Overdrive sometimes uses invalid values # like "n/a" as placeholders. Ignore such # values to avoid a situation where hundreds of # books appear to have the same ISBN. ISBNs # which fail check digit checks or are invalid # also can occur. Log them for review. "Bad ISBN value provided: %s", orig_v ) continue elif t == 'DOI': type_key = Identifier.DOI elif t == 'UPC': type_key = Identifier.UPC elif t == 'PublisherCatalogNumber': continue if type_key and v: identifiers.append( IdentifierData(type_key, v, 1) ) # Samples become links. if 'samples' in format: overdrive_name = format['id'] internal_names = list(cls.internal_formats(overdrive_name)) if not internal_names: # Useless to us. continue for content_type, drm_scheme in internal_names: if Representation.is_media_type(content_type): for sample_info in format['samples']: href = sample_info['url'] links.append( LinkData( rel=Hyperlink.SAMPLE, href=href, media_type=content_type ) ) # A cover and its thumbnail become a single LinkData. if 'images' in book: images = book['images'] image_data = cls.image_link_to_linkdata( images.get('cover'), Hyperlink.IMAGE ) for name in ['cover300Wide', 'cover150Wide', 'thumbnail']: # Try to get a thumbnail that's as close as possible # to the size we use. image = images.get(name) thumbnail_data = cls.image_link_to_linkdata( image, Hyperlink.THUMBNAIL_IMAGE ) if not image_data: image_data = cls.image_link_to_linkdata( image, Hyperlink.IMAGE ) if thumbnail_data: break if image_data: if thumbnail_data: image_data.thumbnail = thumbnail_data links.append(image_data) # Descriptions become links. short = book.get('shortDescription') full = book.get('fullDescription') if full: links.append( LinkData( rel=Hyperlink.DESCRIPTION, content=full, media_type="text/html", ) ) if short and (not full or not full.startswith(short)): links.append( LinkData( rel=Hyperlink.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, content=short, media_type="text/html", ) ) # Add measurements: rating and popularity if book.get('starRating') is not None and book['starRating'] > 0: measurements.append( MeasurementData( quantity_measured=Measurement.RATING, value=book['starRating'] ) ) if book.get('popularity'): measurements.append( MeasurementData( quantity_measured=Measurement.POPULARITY, value=book['popularity'] ) ) metadata = Metadata( data_source=DataSource.OVERDRIVE, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, sort_title=sort_title, language=language, medium=medium, series=series, publisher=publisher, imprint=imprint, published=published, primary_identifier=primary_identifier, identifiers=identifiers, subjects=subjects, contributors=contributors, measurements=measurements, links=links, ) else: metadata = Metadata( data_source=DataSource.OVERDRIVE, primary_identifier=primary_identifier, ) if include_formats: formats = [] for format in book.get('formats', []): format_id = format['id'] internal_formats = list(cls.internal_formats(format_id)) if internal_formats: for content_type, drm_scheme in internal_formats: formats.append(FormatData(content_type, drm_scheme)) elif format_id not in cls.ignorable_overdrive_formats: cls.log.error( "Could not process Overdrive format %s for %s", format_id, overdrive_id ) # Also make a CirculationData so we can write the formats, circulationdata = CirculationData( data_source=DataSource.OVERDRIVE, primary_identifier=primary_identifier, formats=formats, ) metadata.circulation = circulationdata return metadata
[docs]class OverdriveAdvantageAccount(object): """Holder and parser for data associated with Overdrive Advantage. """ def __init__(self, parent_library_id, library_id, name): """Constructor. :param parent_library_id: The library ID of the parent Overdrive account. :param library_id: The library ID of the Overdrive Advantage account. :param name: The name of the library whose Advantage account this is. """ self.parent_library_id = parent_library_id self.library_id = library_id = name
[docs] @classmethod def from_representation(cls, content): """Turn the representation of an advantageAccounts link into a list of OverdriveAdvantageAccount objects. :param content: The data obtained by following an advantageAccounts link. :yield: A sequence of OverdriveAdvantageAccount objects. """ data = json.loads(content) parent_id = str(data.get('id')) accounts = data.get('advantageAccounts', {}) for account in accounts: name = account['name'] products_link = account['links']['products']['href'] library_id = str(account.get('id')) name = account.get('name') yield cls(parent_library_id=parent_id, library_id=library_id, name=name)
[docs] def to_collection(self, _db): """Find or create a Collection object for this Overdrive Advantage account. :return: a 2-tuple of Collections (primary Overdrive collection, Overdrive Advantage collection) """ # First find the parent Collection. try: parent = Collection.by_protocol(_db, ExternalIntegration.OVERDRIVE).filter( Collection.external_account_id==self.parent_library_id ).one() except NoResultFound as e: # Without the parent's credentials we can't access the child. raise ValueError( "Cannot create a Collection whose parent does not already exist." ) name = + " / " + child, is_new = get_one_or_create( _db, Collection,, external_account_id=self.library_id, create_method_kwargs=dict(name=name) ) if is_new: # Make sure the child has its protocol set appropriately. integration = child.create_external_integration( ExternalIntegration.OVERDRIVE ) # Set or update the name of the collection to reflect the name of # the library, just in case that name has changed. = name return parent, child
[docs]class OverdriveBibliographicCoverageProvider(BibliographicCoverageProvider): """Fill in bibliographic metadata for Overdrive records. This will occasionally fill in some availability information for a single Collection, but we rely on Monitors to keep availability information up to date for all Collections. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Overdrive Bibliographic Coverage Provider" DATA_SOURCE_NAME = DataSource.OVERDRIVE PROTOCOL = ExternalIntegration.OVERDRIVE INPUT_IDENTIFIER_TYPES = Identifier.OVERDRIVE_ID def __init__(self, collection, api_class=OverdriveAPI, **kwargs): """Constructor. :param collection: Provide bibliographic coverage to all Overdrive books in the given Collection. :param api_class: Instantiate this class with the given Collection, rather than instantiating OverdriveAPI. """ super(OverdriveBibliographicCoverageProvider, self).__init__( collection, **kwargs ) if isinstance(api_class, OverdriveAPI): # Use a previously instantiated OverdriveAPI instance # rather than creating a new one. self.api = api_class else: # A web application should not use this option because it # will put a non-scoped session in the mix. _db = Session.object_session(collection) self.api = api_class(_db, collection)
[docs] def process_item(self, identifier): info = self.api.metadata_lookup(identifier) error = None if info.get('errorCode') == 'NotFound': error = "ID not recognized by Overdrive: %s" % identifier.identifier elif info.get('errorCode') == 'InvalidGuid': error = "Invalid Overdrive ID: %s" % identifier.identifier if error: return self.failure(identifier, error, transient=False) metadata = OverdriveRepresentationExtractor.book_info_to_metadata( info ) if not metadata: e = "Could not extract metadata from Overdrive data: %r" % info return self.failure(identifier, e) self.metadata_pre_hook(metadata) return self.set_metadata(identifier, metadata)
[docs] def metadata_pre_hook(self, metadata): """A hook method that allows subclasses to modify a Metadata object derived from Overdrive before it's applied. """ return metadata