Source code for core.opds_import

import datetime
import logging
import traceback
from io import BytesIO

import dateutil
import feedparser
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from lxml import etree
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse, quote
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session

from .config import CannotLoadConfiguration, IntegrationException
from .coverage import CoverageFailure
from .metadata_layer import (
from .mirror import MirrorUploader
from .model import (
from .model.configuration import ExternalIntegrationLink
from .monitor import CollectionMonitor
from .selftest import HasSelfTests, SelfTestResult
from .classifier import Classifier
from .util.http import HTTP, BadResponseException
from .util.opds_writer import OPDSFeed, OPDSMessage
from .util.string_helpers import base64
from .util.xmlparser import XMLParser
from .util.datetime_helpers import datetime_utc, utc_now

[docs]def parse_identifier(db, identifier): """Parse the identifier and return an Identifier object representing it. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param identifier: String containing the identifier :type identifier: str :return: Identifier object :rtype: core.model.identifier.Identifier """ identifier, _ = Identifier.parse_urn(db, identifier) return identifier
[docs]class AccessNotAuthenticated(Exception): """No authentication is configured for this service""" pass
[docs]class SimplifiedOPDSLookup(object): """Tiny integration class for the Simplified 'lookup' protocol.""" LOOKUP_ENDPOINT = "lookup"
[docs] @classmethod def check_content_type(cls, response): content_type = response.headers.get('content-type') if content_type != OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE: raise BadResponseException.from_response( response.url, "Wrong media type: %s" % content_type, response )
[docs] @classmethod def from_protocol(cls, _db, protocol, goal=ExternalIntegration.LICENSE_GOAL, library=None ): integration = ExternalIntegration.lookup( _db, protocol, goal, library=library ) if not integration or not integration.url: return None return cls(integration.url)
def __init__(self, base_url): if not base_url.endswith('/'): base_url += "/" self.base_url = base_url @property def lookup_endpoint(self): return self.LOOKUP_ENDPOINT def _get(self, url, **kwargs): """Make an HTTP request. This method is overridden in the mock class.""" kwargs['timeout'] = kwargs.get('timeout', 300) kwargs['allowed_response_codes'] = kwargs.get('allowed_response_codes', []) kwargs['allowed_response_codes'] += ['2xx', '3xx'] return HTTP.get_with_timeout(url, **kwargs)
[docs] def urn_args(self, identifiers): return "&".join(set("urn=%s" % i.urn for i in identifiers))
[docs] def lookup(self, identifiers): """Retrieve an OPDS feed with metadata for the given identifiers.""" args = self.urn_args(identifiers) url = self.base_url + self.lookup_endpoint + "?" + args"Lookup URL: %s", url) return self._get(url)
[docs]class MetadataWranglerOPDSLookup(SimplifiedOPDSLookup, HasSelfTests): PROTOCOL = ExternalIntegration.METADATA_WRANGLER NAME = _("Library Simplified Metadata Wrangler") CARDINALITY = 1 SETTINGS = [ { "key": ExternalIntegration.URL, "label": _("URL"), "default": "", "required": True, "format": "url", }, ] SITEWIDE = True ADD_ENDPOINT = 'add' ADD_WITH_METADATA_ENDPOINT = 'add_with_metadata' METADATA_NEEDED_ENDPOINT = 'metadata_needed' REMOVE_ENDPOINT = 'remove' UPDATES_ENDPOINT = 'updates' CANONICALIZE_ENDPOINT = 'canonical-author-name'
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, _db, collection=None): integration = ExternalIntegration.lookup( _db, ExternalIntegration.METADATA_WRANGLER, ExternalIntegration.METADATA_GOAL ) if not integration: raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "No ExternalIntegration found for the Metadata Wrangler.") if not integration.url: raise CannotLoadConfiguration("Metadata Wrangler improperly configured.") return cls( integration.url, shared_secret=integration.password, collection=collection )
[docs] @classmethod def external_integration(cls, _db): return ExternalIntegration.lookup( _db, ExternalIntegration.METADATA_WRANGLER, ExternalIntegration.METADATA_GOAL )
def _run_self_tests(self, _db, lookup_class=None): """Run self-tests on every eligible Collection. :param _db: A database connection. :param lookup_class: Pass in a mock class to instantiate that class as needed instead of MetadataWranglerOPDSLookup. :return: A dictionary mapping Collection objects to lists of SelfTestResult objects. """ lookup_class = lookup_class or MetadataWranglerOPDSLookup results = dict() # Find all eligible Collections on the system, instantiate a # _new_ MetadataWranglerOPDSLookup for each, and call # its _run_collection_self_tests method. for c in _db.query(Collection): try: metadata_identifier = c.metadata_identifier except ValueError as e: continue lookup = lookup_class.from_config(_db, c) for i in lookup._run_collection_self_tests(): yield i def _run_collection_self_tests(self): """Run the self-test suite on the Collection associated with this MetadataWranglerOPDSLookup. """ if not self.collection: return metadata_identifier = None try: metadata_identifier = self.collection.metadata_identifier except ValueError as e: # This collection has no metadata identifier. It's # probably a "Manual intervention" collection. It cannot # interact with the metadata wrangler and there's no need # to test it. return # Check various endpoints that yield OPDS feeds. one_day_ago = utc_now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1) for title, m, args in ( ( "Metadata updates in last 24 hours", self.updates, [one_day_ago] ), ( "Titles where we could (but haven't) provide information to the metadata wrangler", self.metadata_needed, [] ) ): yield self._feed_self_test(title, m, *args) def _feed_self_test(self, name, method, *args): """Retrieve a feed from the metadata wrangler and turn it into a SelfTestResult. """ result = SelfTestResult(name) result.collection = self.collection # If the server returns a 500 error we don't want to raise an # exception -- we want to record it as part of the test # result. kwargs = dict(allowed_response_codes=['%sxx' % f for f in range(1,6)]) response = method(*args, **kwargs) self._annotate_feed_response(result, response) # We're all done. result.end = utc_now() return result @classmethod def _annotate_feed_response(cls, result, response): """Parse an OPDS feed and annotate a SelfTestResult with some information about it: * How the feed was requested. * What the response code was. * The number of items on the first page. * The title of each item on the page, if any. * The total number of items in the feed, if available. :param result: A SelfTestResult object. :param response: A requests Response object. """ lines = [] lines.append("Request URL: %s" % response.url) lines.append( "Request authorization: %s" % response.request.headers.get('Authorization') ) lines.append("Status code: %d" % response.status_code) result.success = response.status_code == 200 if result.success: feed = feedparser.parse(response.content) total_results = feed['feed'].get('opensearch_totalresults') if total_results is not None: lines.append( "Total identifiers registered with this collection: %s" % ( total_results ) ) lines.append("Entries on this page: %d" % len(feed['entries'])) for i in feed['entries']: lines.append(" " + i['title']) result.result = lines def __init__(self, url, shared_secret=None, collection=None): super(MetadataWranglerOPDSLookup, self).__init__(url) self.shared_secret = shared_secret self.collection = collection @property def authenticated(self): return bool(self.shared_secret) @property def authorization(self): if self.authenticated: token = 'Bearer ' + base64.b64encode(self.shared_secret) return { 'Authorization' : token } return None @property def lookup_endpoint(self): if not (self.authenticated and self.collection): return self.LOOKUP_ENDPOINT return self.collection.metadata_identifier + '/' + self.LOOKUP_ENDPOINT def _get(self, url, **kwargs): if self.authenticated: headers = kwargs.get('headers', {}) headers.update(self.authorization) kwargs['headers'] = headers return super(MetadataWranglerOPDSLookup, self)._get(url, **kwargs) def _post(self, url, data="", **kwargs): """Make an HTTP request. This method is overridden in the mock class.""" if self.authenticated: headers = kwargs.get('headers', {}) headers.update(self.authorization) kwargs['headers'] = headers kwargs['timeout'] = kwargs.get('timeout', 120) kwargs['allowed_response_codes'] = kwargs.get('allowed_response_codes', []) kwargs['allowed_response_codes'] += ['2xx', '3xx'] return HTTP.post_with_timeout(url, data, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_args(self, url, arg_string): joiner = '?' if joiner in url: # This URL already has an argument (namely: data_source), so # append the new arguments. joiner = '&' return url + joiner + arg_string
[docs] def get_collection_url(self, endpoint): if not self.authenticated: raise AccessNotAuthenticated("Metadata Wrangler access not authenticated.") if not self.collection: raise ValueError("No Collection provided.") data_source = '' if self.collection.protocol == ExternalIntegration.OPDS_IMPORT: # Open access OPDS_IMPORT collections need to send a DataSource to # allow OPDS lookups on the Metadata Wrangler. data_source = '?data_source=' + quote( return (self.base_url + self.collection.metadata_identifier + '/' + endpoint + data_source)
[docs] def add(self, identifiers): """Add items to an authenticated Metadata Wrangler Collection""" add_url = self.get_collection_url(self.ADD_ENDPOINT) url = self.add_args(add_url, self.urn_args(identifiers))"Metadata Wrangler Collection Addition URL: %s", url) return self._post(url)
[docs] def add_with_metadata(self, feed): """Add a feed of items with metadata to an authenticated Metadata Wrangler Collection.""" add_with_metadata_url = self.get_collection_url(self.ADD_WITH_METADATA_ENDPOINT) return self._post(add_with_metadata_url, str(feed))
[docs] def metadata_needed(self, **kwargs): """Get a feed of items that need additional metadata to be processed by the Metadata Wrangler. """ metadata_needed_url = self.get_collection_url( self.METADATA_NEEDED_ENDPOINT ) return self._get(metadata_needed_url, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove(self, identifiers): """Remove items from an authenticated Metadata Wrangler Collection""" remove_url = self.get_collection_url(self.REMOVE_ENDPOINT) url = self.add_args(remove_url, self.urn_args(identifiers))"Metadata Wrangler Collection Removal URL: %s", url) return self._post(url)
[docs] def updates(self, last_update_time, **kwargs): """Retrieve updated items from an authenticated Metadata Wrangler Collection :param last_update_time: DateTime representing the last time an update was fetched. May be None. """ url = self.get_collection_url(self.UPDATES_ENDPOINT) if last_update_time: formatted_time = last_update_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') url = self.add_args(url, ('last_update_time='+formatted_time))"Metadata Wrangler Collection Updates URL: %s", url) return self._get(url, **kwargs)
[docs] def canonicalize_author_name(self, identifier, working_display_name): """Attempt to find the canonical name for the author of a book. :param identifier: an ISBN-type Identifier. :param working_display_name: The display name of the author (i.e. the name format human being used as opposed to the name that goes into library records). """ args = "display_name=%s" % ( quote(working_display_name.encode("utf8")) ) if identifier: args += "&urn=%s" % quote(identifier.urn) url = self.base_url + self.CANONICALIZE_ENDPOINT + "?" + args"GET %s", url) return self._get(url)
[docs]class MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup(SimplifiedOPDSLookup): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.requests = [] self.responses = [] super(MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def queue_response(self, status_code, headers={}, content=None): from .testing import MockRequestsResponse self.responses.insert( 0, MockRequestsResponse(status_code, headers, content) )
def _get(self, url, *args, **kwargs): self.requests.append((url, args, kwargs)) response = self.responses.pop() return HTTP._process_response( url, response, kwargs.get('allowed_response_codes'), kwargs.get('disallowed_response_codes') )
[docs]class MockMetadataWranglerOPDSLookup(MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup, MetadataWranglerOPDSLookup): def _post(self, url, *args, **kwargs): self.requests.append((url, args, kwargs)) response = self.responses.pop() return HTTP._process_response( url, response, kwargs.get('allowed_response_codes'), kwargs.get('disallowed_response_codes') )
[docs]class OPDSXMLParser(XMLParser): NAMESPACES = { "simplified": "", "app" : "", "dcterms" : "", "dc" : "", "opds": "", "schema" : "", "atom" : "", "drm": "", }
[docs]class OPDSImporter(object): """ Imports editions and license pools from an OPDS feed. Creates Edition, LicensePool and Work rows in the database, if those don't already exist. Should be used when a circulation server asks for data from our internal content server, and also when our content server asks for data from external content servers. """ COULD_NOT_CREATE_LICENSE_POOL = ( "No existing license pool for this identifier and no way of creating one.") NAME = ExternalIntegration.OPDS_IMPORT DESCRIPTION = _("Import books from a publicly-accessible OPDS feed.") NO_DEFAULT_AUDIENCE = '' # These settings are used by all OPDS-derived import methods. BASE_SETTINGS = [ { "key": Collection.EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_ID_KEY, "label": _("URL"), "required": True, "format": "url" }, { "key": Collection.DATA_SOURCE_NAME_SETTING, "label": _("Data source name"), "required": True, }, { "key": Collection.DEFAULT_AUDIENCE_KEY, "label": _("Default audience"), "description": _( "If the vendor does not specify the target audience for their books, " "assume the books have this target audience." ), "type": "select", "format": "narrow", "options": [ { "key": NO_DEFAULT_AUDIENCE, "label": _("No default audience") } ] + [ { "key": audience, "label": audience } for audience in sorted(Classifier.AUDIENCES) ], "default": NO_DEFAULT_AUDIENCE, "required": False, "readOnly": True }, ] # These settings are used by 'regular' OPDS but not by OPDS For # Distributors, which has its own way of doing authentication. SETTINGS = BASE_SETTINGS + [ { "key": ExternalIntegration.USERNAME, "label": _("Username"), "description": _("If HTTP Basic authentication is required to access the OPDS feed (it usually isn't), enter the username here."), }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.PASSWORD, "label": _("Password"), "description": _("If HTTP Basic authentication is required to access the OPDS feed (it usually isn't), enter the password here."), }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.CUSTOM_ACCEPT_HEADER, "label": _("Custom accept header"), "required": False, "description": _("Some servers expect an accept header to decide which file to send. You can use */* if the server doesn't expect anything."), "default": ','.join([ OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE, "application/atom+xml;q=0.9", "application/xml;q=0.8", "*/*;q=0.1", ]) }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.PRIMARY_IDENTIFIER_SOURCE, "label": _("Identifer"), "required": False, "description": _("Which book identifier to use as ID."), "type": "select", "options": [ { "key": "", "label": _("(Default) Use <id>") }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.DCTERMS_IDENTIFIER, "label": _("Use <dcterms:identifier> first, if not exist use <id>") }, ], }, ] # Subclasses of OPDSImporter may define a different parser class that's # a subclass of OPDSXMLParser. For example, a subclass may want to use # tags from an additional namespace. PARSER_CLASS = OPDSXMLParser # Subclasses of OPDSImporter may define a list of status codes # that should be treated as indicating success, rather than failure, # when they show up in <simplified:message> tags. SUCCESS_STATUS_CODES = None def __init__(self, _db, collection, data_source_name=None, identifier_mapping=None, http_get=None, metadata_client=None, content_modifier=None, map_from_collection=None, mirrors=None, ): """:param collection: LicensePools created by this OPDS import will be associated with the given Collection. If this is None, no LicensePools will be created -- only Editions. :param data_source_name: Name of the source of this OPDS feed. All Editions created by this import will be associated with this DataSource. If there is no DataSource with this name, one will be created. NOTE: If `collection` is provided, its .data_source will take precedence over any value provided here. This is only for use when you are importing OPDS metadata without any particular Collection in mind. :param mirrors: A dictionary of different MirrorUploader objects for different purposes. :param http_get: Use this method to make an HTTP GET request. This can be replaced with a stub method for testing purposes. :param metadata_client: A SimplifiedOPDSLookup object that is used to fill in missing metadata. :param content_modifier: A function that may modify-in-place representations (such as images and EPUB documents) as they come in from the network. :param map_from_collection :param mirrors """ self._db = _db self.log = logging.getLogger("OPDS Importer") self._collection_id = if collection else None if self.collection and not data_source_name: # Use the Collection data_source for OPDS import. data_source = self.collection.data_source if data_source: data_source_name = else: raise ValueError( "Cannot perform an OPDS import on a Collection that has no associated DataSource!" ) else: # Use the given data_source or default to the Metadata # Wrangler. data_source_name = data_source_name or DataSource.METADATA_WRANGLER self.data_source_name = data_source_name self.identifier_mapping = identifier_mapping try: self.metadata_client = metadata_client or MetadataWranglerOPDSLookup.from_config(_db, collection=collection) except CannotLoadConfiguration: # The Metadata Wrangler isn't configured, but we can import without it. self.log.warning("Metadata Wrangler integration couldn't be loaded, importing without it.") self.metadata_client = None # Check to see if a mirror for each purpose was passed in. # If not, then attempt to create one. covers_mirror = mirrors.get(ExternalIntegrationLink.COVERS, None) if mirrors else None books_mirror = mirrors.get(ExternalIntegrationLink.OPEN_ACCESS_BOOKS, None) if mirrors else None self.primary_identifier_source = None if collection: if not covers_mirror: # If this Collection is configured to mirror the assets it # discovers, this will create a MirrorUploader for that # Collection for its purpose. Otherwise, this will return None. covers_mirror = MirrorUploader.for_collection( collection, ExternalIntegrationLink.COVERS ) if not books_mirror: books_mirror = MirrorUploader.for_collection( collection, ExternalIntegrationLink.OPEN_ACCESS_BOOKS ) self.primary_identifier_source = collection.primary_identifier_source self.mirrors = dict(covers_mirror=covers_mirror, books_mirror=books_mirror) self.content_modifier = content_modifier # In general, we are cautious when mirroring resources so that # we don't, e.g. accidentally get our IP banned from # self.http_get = http_get or Representation.cautious_http_get self.map_from_collection = map_from_collection @property def collection(self): """Returns an associated Collection object :return: Associated Collection object :rtype: Optional[core.model.collection.Collection] """ if self._collection_id: return Collection.by_id(self._db, id=self._collection_id) return None @property def data_source(self): """Look up or create a DataSource object representing the source of this OPDS feed. """ offers_licenses = (self.collection is not None) return DataSource.lookup( self._db, self.data_source_name, autocreate=True, offers_licenses = offers_licenses )
[docs] def assert_importable_content(self, feed, feed_url, max_get_attempts=5): """Raise an exception if the given feed contains nothing that can, even theoretically, be turned into a LicensePool. By default, this means the feed must link to open-access content that can actually be retrieved. """ metadata, failures = self.extract_feed_data(feed, feed_url) get_attempts = 0 # Find an open-access link, and try to GET it just to make # sure OPDS feed isn't hiding non-open-access stuff behind an # open-access link. # # To avoid taking forever or antagonizing API providers, we'll # give up after `max_get_attempts` failures. for link in self._open_access_links(list(metadata.values())): url = link.href success = self._is_open_access_link(url, link.media_type) if success: return success get_attempts += 1 if get_attempts >= max_get_attempts: error = "Was unable to GET supposedly open-access content such as %s (tried %s times)" % ( url, get_attempts ) explanation = "This might be an OPDS For Distributors feed, or it might require different authentication credentials." raise IntegrationException(error, explanation) raise IntegrationException( "No open-access links were found in the OPDS feed.", "This might be an OPDS for Distributors feed." )
@classmethod def _open_access_links(cls, metadatas): """Find all open-access links in a list of Metadata objects. :param metadatas: A list of Metadata objects. :yield: A sequence of `LinkData` objects. """ for item in metadatas: if not item.circulation: continue for link in item.circulation.links: if link.rel == Hyperlink.OPEN_ACCESS_DOWNLOAD: yield link def _is_open_access_link(self, url, type): """Is `url` really an open-access link? That is, can we make a normal GET request and get something that looks like a book? """ headers = {} if type: headers["Accept"] = type status, headers, body = self.http_get(url, headers=headers) if status == 200 and len(body) > 1024 * 10: # We could also check the media types, but this is good # enough for now. return "Found a book-like thing at %s" % url self.log.error( "Supposedly open-access link %s didn't give us a book. Status=%s, body length=%s", url, status, len(body) ) return False def _parse_identifier(self, identifier): """Parse the identifier and return an Identifier object representing it. :param identifier: String containing the identifier :type identifier: str :return: Identifier object :rtype: Identifier """ return parse_identifier(self._db, identifier)
[docs] def import_from_feed(self, feed, feed_url=None): # Keep track of editions that were imported. Pools and works # for those editions may be looked up or created. imported_editions = {} pools = {} works = {} # CoverageFailures that note business logic errors and non-success download statuses failures = {} # If parsing the overall feed throws an exception, we should address that before # moving on. Let the exception propagate. metadata_objs, failures = self.extract_feed_data(feed, feed_url) # make editions. if have problem, make sure associated pool and work aren't created. for key, metadata in metadata_objs.items(): # key is identifier.urn here # If there's a status message about this item, don't try to import it. if key in list(failures.keys()): continue try: # Create an edition. This will also create a pool if there's circulation data. edition = self.import_edition_from_metadata(metadata) if edition: imported_editions[key] = edition except Exception as e: # Rather than scratch the whole import, treat this as a failure that only applies # to this item. self.log.error("Error importing an OPDS item", exc_info=e) identifier, ignore = Identifier.parse_urn(self._db, key) data_source = self.data_source failure = CoverageFailure(identifier, traceback.format_exc(), data_source=data_source, transient=False) failures[key] = failure # clean up any edition might have created if key in imported_editions: del imported_editions[key] # Move on to the next item, don't create a work. continue try: pool, work = self.update_work_for_edition(edition) if pool: pools[key] = pool if work: works[key] = work except Exception as e: identifier, ignore = Identifier.parse_urn(self._db, key) data_source = self.data_source failure = CoverageFailure(identifier, traceback.format_exc(), data_source=data_source, transient=False) failures[key] = failure return list(imported_editions.values()), list(pools.values()), list(works.values()), failures
[docs] def import_edition_from_metadata( self, metadata ): """ For the passed-in Metadata object, see if can find or create an Edition in the database. Also create a LicensePool if the Metadata has CirculationData in it. """ # Locate or create an Edition for this book. edition, is_new_edition = metadata.edition(self._db) policy = ReplacementPolicy( subjects=True, links=True, contributions=True, rights=True, link_content=True, even_if_not_apparently_updated=True, mirrors=self.mirrors, content_modifier=self.content_modifier, http_get=self.http_get, ) metadata.apply( edition=edition, collection=self.collection, metadata_client=self.metadata_client, replace=policy ) return edition
[docs] def update_work_for_edition(self, edition): """If possible, ensure that there is a presentation-ready Work for the given edition's primary identifier. """ work = None # Find a LicensePool for the primary identifier. Any LicensePool will # do--the collection doesn't have to match, since all # LicensePools for a given identifier have the same Work. # # If we have CirculationData, a pool was created when we # imported the edition. If there was already a pool from a # different data source or a different collection, that's fine # too. pool = get_one( self._db, LicensePool, identifier=edition.primary_identifier, on_multiple='interchangeable' ) if pool: if not or not # There is no presentation-ready Work for this # LicensePool. Try to create one. work, ignore = pool.calculate_work() else: # There is a presentation-ready Work for this LicensePool. # Use it. work = # If a presentation-ready Work already exists, there's no # rush. We might have new metadata that will change the Work's # presentation, but when we called Metadata.apply() the work # was set up to have its presentation recalculated in the # background, and that's good enough. return pool, work
[docs] def extract_last_update_dates(self, feed): if isinstance(feed, (bytes, str)): parsed_feed = feedparser.parse(feed) else: parsed_feed = feed dates = [ self.last_update_date_for_feedparser_entry(entry) for entry in parsed_feed['entries'] ] return [x for x in dates if x and x[1]]
[docs] def build_identifier_mapping(self, external_urns): """Uses the given Collection and a list of URNs to reverse engineer an identifier mapping. NOTE: It would be better if .identifier_mapping weren't instance data, since a single OPDSImporter might import multiple pages of a feed. However, the code as written should work. """ if not self.collection: return mapping = dict() identifiers_by_urn, failures = Identifier.parse_urns( self._db, external_urns, autocreate=False ) external_identifiers = list(identifiers_by_urn.values()) internal_identifier = aliased(Identifier) qu = self._db.query(Identifier, internal_identifier)\ .join(Identifier.inbound_equivalencies)\ .join(internal_identifier, Equivalency.input)\ .join(internal_identifier.licensed_through)\ .filter([ for x in external_identifiers]), LicensePool.collection==self.collection ) for external_identifier, internal_identifier in qu: mapping[external_identifier] = internal_identifier self.identifier_mapping = mapping
[docs] def extract_feed_data(self, feed, feed_url=None): """Turn an OPDS feed into lists of Metadata and CirculationData objects, with associated messages and next_links. """ data_source = self.data_source fp_metadata, fp_failures = self.extract_data_from_feedparser(feed=feed, data_source=data_source) # gets: medium, measurements, links, contributors, etc. xml_data_meta, xml_failures = self.extract_metadata_from_elementtree( feed, data_source=data_source, feed_url=feed_url, do_get=self.http_get ) if self.map_from_collection: # Build the identifier_mapping based on the Collection. self.build_identifier_mapping(list(fp_metadata.keys()) + list(fp_failures.keys())) # translate the id in failures to identifier.urn identified_failures = {} for urn, failure in list(fp_failures.items()) + list(xml_failures.items()): identifier, failure = self.handle_failure(urn, failure) identified_failures[identifier.urn] = failure # Use one loop for both, since the id will be the same for both dictionaries. metadata = {} circulationdata = {} for id, m_data_dict in list(fp_metadata.items()): xml_data_dict = xml_data_meta.get(id, {}) external_identifier = None if self.primary_identifier_source == ExternalIntegration.DCTERMS_IDENTIFIER: # If it should use <dcterms:identifier> as the primary identifier, it must use the # first value from the dcterms identifier, that came from the metadata as an # IdentifierData object and it must be validated as a foreign_id before be used # as and external_identifier. dcterms_ids = xml_data_dict.get('dcterms_identifiers', []) if len(dcterms_ids) > 0: external_identifier, ignore = Identifier.for_foreign_id( self._db, dcterms_ids[0].type, dcterms_ids[0].identifier ) # the external identifier will be add later, so it must be removed at this point new_identifiers = dcterms_ids[1:] # Id must be in the identifiers with lower weight. id_type, id_identifier = Identifier.type_and_identifier_for_urn(id) id_weight = 1 new_identifiers.append(IdentifierData(id_type, id_identifier, id_weight)) xml_data_dict['identifiers'] = new_identifiers if external_identifier is None: external_identifier, ignore = Identifier.parse_urn(self._db, id) if self.identifier_mapping: internal_identifier = self.identifier_mapping.get( external_identifier, external_identifier) else: internal_identifier = external_identifier # Don't process this item if there was already an error if internal_identifier.urn in list(identified_failures.keys()): continue identifier_obj = IdentifierData( type=internal_identifier.type, identifier=internal_identifier.identifier ) # form the Metadata object combined_meta = self.combine(m_data_dict, xml_data_dict) if combined_meta.get('data_source') is None: combined_meta['data_source'] = self.data_source_name combined_meta['primary_identifier'] = identifier_obj metadata[internal_identifier.urn] = Metadata(**combined_meta) # Form the CirculationData that would correspond to this Metadata, # assuming there is a Collection to hold the LicensePool that # would result. c_data_dict = None if self.collection: c_circulation_dict = m_data_dict.get('circulation') xml_circulation_dict = xml_data_dict.get('circulation', {}) c_data_dict = self.combine(c_circulation_dict, xml_circulation_dict) # Unless there's something useful in c_data_dict, we're # not going to put anything under metadata.circulation, # and any partial data that got added to # metadata.circulation is going to be removed. metadata[internal_identifier.urn].circulation = None if c_data_dict: circ_links_dict = {} # extract just the links to pass to CirculationData constructor if 'links' in xml_data_dict: circ_links_dict['links'] = xml_data_dict['links'] combined_circ = self.combine(c_data_dict, circ_links_dict) if combined_circ.get('data_source') is None: combined_circ['data_source'] = self.data_source_name combined_circ['primary_identifier'] = identifier_obj circulation = CirculationData(**combined_circ) self._add_format_data(circulation) if circulation.formats: metadata[internal_identifier.urn].circulation = circulation else: # If the CirculationData has no formats, it # doesn't really offer any way to actually get the # book, and we don't want to create a # LicensePool. All the circulation data is # useless. # # TODO: This will need to be revisited when we add # ODL support. pass return metadata, identified_failures
[docs] def handle_failure(self, urn, failure): """Convert a URN and a failure message that came in through an OPDS feed into an Identifier and a CoverageFailure object. The Identifier may not be the one designated by `urn` (if it's found in self.identifier_mapping) and the 'failure' may turn out not to be a CoverageFailure at all -- if it's an Identifier, that means that what a normal OPDSImporter would consider 'failure' is considered success. """ external_identifier, ignore = Identifier.parse_urn(self._db, urn) if self.identifier_mapping: # The identifier found in the OPDS feed is different from # the identifier we want to export. internal_identifier = self.identifier_mapping.get( external_identifier, external_identifier) else: internal_identifier = external_identifier if isinstance(failure, Identifier): # The OPDSImporter does not actually consider this a # failure. Signal success by returning the internal # identifier as the 'failure' object. failure = internal_identifier else: # This really is a failure. Associate the internal # identifier with the CoverageFailure object. failure.obj = internal_identifier return internal_identifier, failure
@classmethod def _add_format_data(cls, circulation): """Subclasses that specialize OPDS Import can implement this method to add formats to a CirculationData object with information that allows a patron to actually get a book that's not open access. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def combine(self, d1, d2): """Combine two dictionaries that can be used as keyword arguments to the Metadata constructor. """ if not d1 and not d2: return dict() if not d1: return dict(d2) if not d2: return dict(d1) new_dict = dict(d1) for k, v in list(d2.items()): if k not in new_dict: # There is no value from d1. Even if the d2 value # is None, we want to set it. new_dict[k] = v elif v != None: # d1 provided a value, and d2 provided a value other # than None. if isinstance(v, list): # The values are lists. Merge them. new_dict[k].extend(v) elif isinstance(v, dict): # The values are dicts. Merge them by with # a recursive combine() call. new_dict[k] = self.combine(new_dict[k], v) else: # Overwrite d1's value with d2's value. new_dict[k] = v else: # d1 provided a value and d2 provided None. Do # nothing. pass return new_dict
[docs] def extract_data_from_feedparser(self, feed, data_source): feedparser_parsed = feedparser.parse(feed) values = {} failures = {} for entry in feedparser_parsed['entries']: identifier, detail, failure = self.data_detail_for_feedparser_entry(entry=entry, data_source=data_source) if identifier: if failure: failures[identifier] = failure else: if detail: values[identifier] = detail else: # That's bad. Can't make an item-specific error message, but write to # log that something very wrong happened. logging.error("Tried to parse an element without a valid identifier. feed=%s" % feed) return values, failures
[docs] @classmethod def extract_metadata_from_elementtree(cls, feed, data_source, feed_url=None, do_get=None): """Parse the OPDS as XML and extract all author and subject information, as well as ratings and medium. All the stuff that Feedparser can't handle so we have to use lxml. :return: a dictionary mapping IDs to dictionaries. The inner dictionary can be used as keyword arguments to the Metadata constructor. """ values = {} failures = {} parser = cls.PARSER_CLASS() if isinstance(feed, bytes): inp = BytesIO(feed) else: inp = BytesIO(feed.encode("utf-8")) root = etree.parse(inp) # Some OPDS feeds (eg Standard Ebooks) contain relative urls, # so we need the feed's self URL to extract links. If none was # passed in, we still might be able to guess. # # TODO: Section 2 of RFC 4287 says we should check xml:base # for this, so if anyone actually uses that we'll get around # to checking it. if not feed_url: links = [child.attrib for child in root.getroot() if 'link' in child.tag] self_links = [link['href'] for link in links if link.get('rel') == 'self'] if self_links: feed_url = self_links[0] # First, turn Simplified <message> tags into CoverageFailure # objects. for failure in cls.coveragefailures_from_messages( data_source, parser, root ): if isinstance(failure, Identifier): # The Simplified <message> tag does not actually # represent a failure -- it was turned into an # Identifier instead of a CoverageFailure. urn = failure.urn else: urn = failure.obj.urn failures[urn] = failure # Then turn Atom <entry> tags into Metadata objects. for entry in parser._xpath(root, '/atom:feed/atom:entry'): identifier, detail, failure = cls.detail_for_elementtree_entry( parser, entry, data_source, feed_url, do_get=do_get ) if identifier: if failure: failures[identifier] = failure if detail: values[identifier] = detail return values, failures
@classmethod def _datetime(cls, entry, key): value = entry.get(key, None) if not value: return value return datetime_utc(*value[:6])
[docs] def last_update_date_for_feedparser_entry(self, entry): identifier = entry.get('id') updated = self._datetime(entry, 'updated_parsed') return (identifier, updated)
[docs] @classmethod def data_detail_for_feedparser_entry(cls, entry, data_source): """Turn an entry dictionary created by feedparser into dictionaries of data that can be used as keyword arguments to the Metadata and CirculationData constructors. :return: A 3-tuple (identifier, kwargs for Metadata constructor, failure) """ identifier = entry.get('id') if not identifier: return None, None, None # At this point we can assume that we successfully got some # metadata, and possibly a link to the actual book. try: kwargs_meta = cls._data_detail_for_feedparser_entry(entry, data_source) return identifier, kwargs_meta, None except Exception as e: _db = Session.object_session(data_source) identifier_obj, ignore = Identifier.parse_urn(_db, identifier) failure = CoverageFailure( identifier_obj, traceback.format_exc(), data_source, transient=True ) return identifier, None, failure
@classmethod def _data_detail_for_feedparser_entry(cls, entry, metadata_data_source): """Helper method that extracts metadata and circulation data from a feedparser entry. This method can be overridden in tests to check that callers handle things properly when it throws an exception. """ title = entry.get('title', None) if title == OPDSFeed.NO_TITLE: title = None subtitle = entry.get('schema_alternativeheadline', None) # Generally speaking, a data source will provide either # metadata (e.g. the Simplified metadata wrangler) or both # metadata and circulation data (e.g. a publisher's ODL feed). # # However there is at least one case (the Simplified # open-access content server) where one server provides # circulation data from a _different_ data source # (e.g. Project Gutenberg). # # In this case we want the data source of the LicensePool to # be Project Gutenberg, but the data source of the pool's # presentation to be the open-access content server. # # The open-access content server uses a # <bibframe:distribution> tag to keep track of which data # source provides the circulation data. circulation_data_source = metadata_data_source circulation_data_source_tag = entry.get('bibframe_distribution') if circulation_data_source_tag: circulation_data_source_name = circulation_data_source_tag.get( 'bibframe:providername' ) if circulation_data_source_name: _db = Session.object_session(metadata_data_source) # We know this data source offers licenses because # that's what the <bibframe:distribution> is there # to say. circulation_data_source = DataSource.lookup( _db, circulation_data_source_name, autocreate=True, offers_licenses=True ) if not circulation_data_source: raise ValueError( "Unrecognized circulation data source: %s" % ( circulation_data_source_name ) ) last_opds_update = cls._datetime(entry, 'updated_parsed') publisher = entry.get('publisher', None) if not publisher: publisher = entry.get('dcterms_publisher', None) language = entry.get('language', None) if not language: language = entry.get('dcterms_language', None) links = [] def summary_to_linkdata(detail): if not detail: return None if not 'value' in detail or not detail['value']: return None content = detail['value'] media_type = detail.get('type', 'text/plain') return cls.make_link_data( rel=Hyperlink.DESCRIPTION, media_type=media_type, content=content ) summary_detail = entry.get('summary_detail', None) link = summary_to_linkdata(summary_detail) if link: links.append(link) for content_detail in entry.get('content', []): link = summary_to_linkdata(content_detail) if link: links.append(link) rights_uri = cls.rights_uri_from_feedparser_entry(entry) kwargs_meta = dict( title=title, subtitle=subtitle, language=language, publisher=publisher, links=links, # refers to when was updated in opds feed, not our db data_source_last_updated=last_opds_update, ) # Although we always provide the CirculationData, it will only # be used if the OPDSImporter has a Collection to hold the # LicensePool that will result from importing it. kwargs_circ = dict(, links=list(links), default_rights_uri=rights_uri, ) kwargs_meta['circulation'] = kwargs_circ return kwargs_meta
[docs] @classmethod def rights_uri(cls, rights_string): """Determine the URI that best encapsulates the rights status of the downloads associated with this book. """ return RightsStatus.rights_uri_from_string(rights_string)
[docs] @classmethod def rights_uri_from_feedparser_entry(cls, entry): """Extract a rights URI from a parsed feedparser entry. :return: A rights URI. """ rights = entry.get('rights', "") return cls.rights_uri(rights)
[docs] @classmethod def rights_uri_from_entry_tag(cls, entry): """Extract a rights string from an lxml <entry> tag. :return: A rights URI. """ rights = cls.PARSER_CLASS._xpath1(entry, 'rights') if rights: return cls.rights_uri(rights)
[docs] @classmethod def extract_messages(cls, parser, feed_tag): """Extract <simplified:message> tags from an OPDS feed and convert them into OPDSMessage objects. """ path = '/atom:feed/simplified:message' for message_tag in parser._xpath(feed_tag, path): # First thing to do is determine which Identifier we're # talking about. identifier_tag = parser._xpath1(message_tag, 'atom:id') if identifier_tag is None: urn = None else: urn = identifier_tag.text # What status code is associated with the message? status_code_tag = parser._xpath1(message_tag, 'simplified:status_code') if status_code_tag is None: status_code = None else: try: status_code = int(status_code_tag.text) except ValueError: status_code = None # What is the human-readable message? description_tag = parser._xpath1(message_tag, 'schema:description') if description_tag is None: description = '' else: description = description_tag.text yield OPDSMessage(urn, status_code, description)
[docs] @classmethod def coveragefailures_from_messages(cls, data_source, parser, feed_tag): """Extract CoverageFailure objects from a parsed OPDS document. This allows us to determine the fate of books which could not become <entry> tags. """ for message in cls.extract_messages(parser, feed_tag): failure = cls.coveragefailure_from_message(data_source, message) if failure: yield failure
[docs] @classmethod def coveragefailure_from_message(cls, data_source, message): """Turn a <simplified:message> tag into a CoverageFailure.""" _db = Session.object_session(data_source) # First thing to do is determine which Identifier we're # talking about. If we can't do that, we can't create a # CoverageFailure object. urn = message.urn try: identifier, ignore = Identifier.parse_urn(_db, urn) except ValueError as e: identifier = None if not identifier: # We can't associate this message with any particular # Identifier so we can't turn it into a CoverageFailure. return None if (cls.SUCCESS_STATUS_CODES and message.status_code in cls.SUCCESS_STATUS_CODES): # This message is telling us that nothing went wrong. It # should be treated as a success. return identifier if message.status_code == 200: # By default, we treat a message with a 200 status code # as though nothing had been returned at all. return None description = message.message status_code = message.status_code if description and status_code: exception = "%s: %s" % (status_code, description) elif status_code: exception = str(status_code) elif description: exception = description else: exception = 'No detail provided.' # All these CoverageFailures are transient because ATM we can # only assume that the server will eventually have the data. return CoverageFailure( identifier, exception, data_source, transient=True )
[docs] @classmethod def detail_for_elementtree_entry( cls, parser, entry_tag, data_source, feed_url=None, do_get=None ): """Turn an <atom:entry> tag into a dictionary of metadata that can be used as keyword arguments to the Metadata contructor. :return: A 2-tuple (identifier, kwargs) """ identifier = parser._xpath1(entry_tag, 'atom:id') if identifier is None or not identifier.text: # This <entry> tag doesn't identify a book so we # can't derive any information from it. return None, None, None identifier = identifier.text try: data = cls._detail_for_elementtree_entry( parser, entry_tag, feed_url, do_get=do_get ) return identifier, data, None except Exception as e: _db = Session.object_session(data_source) identifier_obj, ignore = Identifier.parse_urn(_db, identifier) failure = CoverageFailure( identifier_obj, traceback.format_exc(), data_source, transient=True ) return identifier, None, failure
@classmethod def _detail_for_elementtree_entry(cls, parser, entry_tag, feed_url=None, do_get=None): """Helper method that extracts metadata and circulation data from an elementtree entry. This method can be overridden in tests to check that callers handle things properly when it throws an exception. """ # We will fill this dictionary with all the information # we can find. data = dict() alternate_identifiers = [] for id_tag in parser._xpath(entry_tag, "dcterms:identifier"): v = cls.extract_identifier(id_tag) if v: alternate_identifiers.append(v) data['dcterms_identifiers'] = alternate_identifiers # If exist another identifer, add here data['identifiers'] = data['dcterms_identifiers'] data['contributors'] = [] for author_tag in parser._xpath(entry_tag, 'atom:author'): contributor = cls.extract_contributor(parser, author_tag) if contributor is not None: data['contributors'].append(contributor) data['subjects'] = [ cls.extract_subject(parser, category_tag) for category_tag in parser._xpath(entry_tag, 'atom:category') ] ratings = [] for rating_tag in parser._xpath(entry_tag, 'schema:Rating'): v = cls.extract_measurement(rating_tag) if v: ratings.append(v) data['measurements'] = ratings rights_uri = cls.rights_uri_from_entry_tag(entry_tag) data['links'] = cls.consolidate_links([ cls.extract_link(link_tag, feed_url, rights_uri) for link_tag in parser._xpath(entry_tag, 'atom:link') ]) derived_medium = cls.get_medium_from_links(data['links']) data['medium'] = cls.extract_medium(entry_tag, derived_medium) series_tag = parser._xpath(entry_tag, 'schema:Series') if series_tag: data['series'], data['series_position'] = cls.extract_series(series_tag[0]) issued_tag = parser._xpath(entry_tag, 'dcterms:issued') if issued_tag: date_string = issued_tag[0].text # By default, the date for strings that only have a year will # be set to January 1 rather than the current date. default = datetime_utc(utc_now().year, 1, 1) try: data["published"] = dateutil.parser.parse(date_string, default=default) except Exception as e: # This entry had an issued tag, but it was in a format we couldn't parse. pass return data
[docs] @classmethod def extract_identifier(cls, identifier_tag): """Turn a <dcterms:identifier> tag into an IdentifierData object.""" try: type, identifier = Identifier.type_and_identifier_for_urn(identifier_tag.text.lower()) return IdentifierData(type, identifier) except ValueError: return None
[docs] @classmethod def extract_medium(cls, entry_tag, default=Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM): """Derive a value for Edition.medium from schema:additionalType or from a <dcterms:format> subtag. :param entry_tag: A <atom:entry> tag. :param default: The value to use if nothing is found. """ if not entry_tag: return default medium = None additional_type = entry_tag.get('{}additionalType') if additional_type: medium = Edition.additional_type_to_medium.get( additional_type, None ) if not medium: format_tag = entry_tag.find('{}format') if format_tag is not None: media_type = format_tag.text medium = Edition.medium_from_media_type(media_type) return medium or default
[docs] @classmethod def extract_contributor(cls, parser, author_tag): """Turn an <atom:author> tag into a ContributorData object.""" subtag = parser.text_of_optional_subtag sort_name = subtag(author_tag, 'simplified:sort_name') display_name = subtag(author_tag, 'atom:name') family_name = subtag(author_tag, "simplified:family_name") wikipedia_name = subtag(author_tag, "simplified:wikipedia_name") # TODO: we need a way of conveying roles. I believe Bibframe # has the answer. # TODO: Also collect VIAF and LC numbers if present. This # requires parsing the URIs. Only the metadata wrangler will # provide this information. viaf = None if sort_name or display_name or viaf: return ContributorData( sort_name=sort_name, display_name=display_name, family_name=family_name, wikipedia_name=wikipedia_name, roles=None )"Refusing to create ContributorData for contributor with no sort name, display name, or VIAF.") return None
[docs] @classmethod def extract_subject(cls, parser, category_tag): """Turn an <atom:category> tag into a SubjectData object.""" attr = category_tag.attrib # Retrieve the type of this subject - FAST, Dewey Decimal, # etc. scheme = attr.get('scheme') subject_type = Subject.by_uri.get(scheme) if not subject_type: # We can't represent this subject because we don't # know its scheme. Just treat it as a tag. subject_type = Subject.TAG # Retrieve the term (e.g. "827") and human-readable name # (e.g. "English Satire & Humor") for this subject. term = attr.get('term') name = attr.get('label') default_weight = 1 weight = attr.get('{}ratingValue', default_weight) try: weight = int(weight) except ValueError as e: weight = default_weight return SubjectData( type=subject_type, identifier=term, name=name, weight=weight )
[docs] @classmethod def extract_measurement(cls, rating_tag): type = rating_tag.get('{}additionalType') value = rating_tag.get('{}ratingValue') if not value: value = rating_tag.attrib.get('{}ratingValue') if not type: type = Measurement.RATING try: value = float(value) return MeasurementData( quantity_measured=type, value=value, ) except ValueError: return None
[docs] @classmethod def extract_series(cls, series_tag): attr = series_tag.attrib series_name = attr.get('{}name', None) series_position = attr.get('{}position', None) return series_name, series_position
[docs]class OPDSImportMonitor(CollectionMonitor, HasSelfTests): """Periodically monitor a Collection's OPDS archive feed and import every title it mentions. """ SERVICE_NAME = "OPDS Import Monitor" # The first time this Monitor is invoked we want to get the # entire OPDS feed. DEFAULT_START_TIME = CollectionMonitor.NEVER # The protocol this Monitor works with. Subclasses that # specialize OPDS import should override this. PROTOCOL = ExternalIntegration.OPDS_IMPORT def __init__(self, _db, collection, import_class, force_reimport=False, **import_class_kwargs): if not collection: raise ValueError( "OPDSImportMonitor can only be run in the context of a Collection." ) if collection.protocol != self.PROTOCOL: raise ValueError( "Collection %s is configured for protocol %s, not %s." % (, collection.protocol, self.PROTOCOL ) ) data_source = self.data_source(collection) if not data_source: raise ValueError( "Collection %s has no associated data source." % ) self.external_integration_id = self.feed_url = self.opds_url(collection) self.force_reimport = force_reimport self.username = collection.external_integration.username self.password = collection.external_integration.password self.custom_accept_header = collection.external_integration.custom_accept_header self.importer = import_class( _db, collection=collection, **import_class_kwargs ) super(OPDSImportMonitor, self).__init__(_db, collection)
[docs] def external_integration(self, _db): return get_one(_db, ExternalIntegration, id=self.external_integration_id)
def _run_self_tests(self, _db): """Retrieve the first page of the OPDS feed""" first_page = self.run_test( "Retrieve the first page of the OPDS feed (%s)" % self.feed_url, self.follow_one_link, self.feed_url ) yield first_page if not first_page.result: return # We got a page, but does it have anything the importer can # turn into a Work? # # By default, this means it must contain an open-access link. next_links, content = first_page.result yield self.run_test( "Checking for importable content", self.importer.assert_importable_content, content, self.feed_url ) def _get(self, url, headers): """Make the sort of HTTP request that's normal for an OPDS feed. Long timeout, raise error on anything but 2xx or 3xx. """ headers = self._update_headers(headers) kwargs = dict(timeout=120, allowed_response_codes=['2xx', '3xx']) response = HTTP.get_with_timeout(url, headers=headers, **kwargs) return response.status_code, response.headers, response.content def _get_accept_header(self): return ','.join([ OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE, "application/atom+xml;q=0.9", "application/xml;q=0.8", "*/*;q=0.1", ]) def _update_headers(self, headers): headers = dict(headers) if headers else {} if self.username and self.password and not 'Authorization' in headers: headers['Authorization'] = "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password)) if self.custom_accept_header: headers['Accept'] = self.custom_accept_header elif not 'Accept' in headers: headers['Accept'] = self._get_accept_header() return headers def _parse_identifier(self, identifier): """Extract the publication's identifier from its metadata. :param identifier: String containing the identifier :type identifier: str :return: Identifier object :rtype: Identifier """ return parse_identifier(self._db, identifier)
[docs] def opds_url(self, collection): """Returns the OPDS import URL for the given collection. By default, this URL is stored as the external account ID, but subclasses may override this. """ return collection.external_account_id
[docs] def data_source(self, collection): """Returns the data source name for the given collection. By default, this URL is stored as a setting on the collection, but subclasses may hard-code it. """ return collection.data_source
[docs] def feed_contains_new_data(self, feed): """Does the given feed contain any entries that haven't been imported yet? """ if self.force_reimport: # We don't even need to check. Always treat the feed as # though it contained new data. return True # For every item in the last page of the feed, check when that # item was last updated. last_update_dates = self.importer.extract_last_update_dates(feed) new_data = False for identifier, remote_updated in last_update_dates: identifier = self._parse_identifier(identifier) if not identifier: # Maybe this is new, maybe not, but we can't associate # the information with an Identifier, so we can't do # anything about it. "Ignoring %s because unable to turn into an Identifier." ) continue if self.identifier_needs_import(identifier, remote_updated): new_data = True break return new_data
[docs] def identifier_needs_import(self, identifier, last_updated_remote): """Does the remote side have new information about this Identifier? :param identifier: An Identifier. :param last_update_remote: The last time the remote side updated the OPDS entry for this Identifier. """ if not identifier: return False record = CoverageRecord.lookup( identifier, self.importer.data_source, operation=CoverageRecord.IMPORT_OPERATION ) if not record: # We have no record of importing this Identifier. Import # it now. "Counting %s as new because it has no CoverageRecord.", identifier ) return True # If there was a transient failure last time we tried to # import this book, try again regardless of whether the # feed has changed. if record.status == CoverageRecord.TRANSIENT_FAILURE: "Counting %s as new because previous attempt resulted in transient failure: %s", identifier, record.exception ) return True # If our last attempt was a success or a persistent # failure, we only want to import again if something # changed since then. if record.timestamp: # We've imported this entry before, so don't import it # again unless it's changed. if not last_updated_remote: # The remote isn't telling us whether the entry # has been updated. Import it again to be safe. "Counting %s as new because remote has no information about when it was updated.", identifier ) return True if last_updated_remote >= record.timestamp: # This book has been updated. "Counting %s as new because its coverage date is %s and remote has %s.", identifier, record.timestamp, last_updated_remote ) return True
def _verify_media_type(self, url, status_code, headers, feed): # Make sure we got an OPDS feed, and not an error page that was # sent with a 200 status code. media_type = headers.get('content-type') if not media_type or not any( x in media_type for x in (OPDSFeed.ATOM_LIKE_TYPES) ): message = "Expected Atom feed, got %s" % media_type raise BadResponseException( url, message=message, debug_message=feed, status_code=status_code )
[docs] def import_one_feed(self, feed): """Import every book mentioned in an OPDS feed.""" # Because we are importing into a Collection, we will immediately # mark a book as presentation-ready if possible. imported_editions, pools, works, failures = self.importer.import_from_feed( feed, feed_url=self.opds_url(self.collection) ) # Create CoverageRecords for the successful imports. for edition in imported_editions: record = CoverageRecord.add_for( edition, self.importer.data_source, CoverageRecord.IMPORT_OPERATION, status=CoverageRecord.SUCCESS ) # Create CoverageRecords for the failures. for urn, failure in list(failures.items()): failure.to_coverage_record( operation=CoverageRecord.IMPORT_OPERATION ) return imported_editions, failures
def _get_feeds(self): feeds = [] queue = [self.feed_url] seen_links = set([]) # First, follow the feed's next links until we reach a page with # nothing new. If any link raises an exception, nothing will be imported. while queue: new_queue = [] for link in queue: if link in seen_links: continue next_links, feed = self.follow_one_link(link) new_queue.extend(next_links) if feed: feeds.append((link, feed)) seen_links.add(link) queue = new_queue # Start importing at the end. If something fails, it will be easier to # pick up where we left off. feeds = reversed(feeds) return feeds
[docs] def run_once(self, progress_ignore): feeds = self._get_feeds() total_imported = 0 total_failures = 0 for link, feed in feeds:"Importing next feed: %s", link) imported_editions, failures = self.import_one_feed(feed) total_imported += len(imported_editions) total_failures += len(failures) self._db.commit() achievements = "Items imported: %d. Failures: %d." % ( total_imported, total_failures ) return TimestampData(achievements=achievements)