Source code for core.monitor

import datetime
import logging
import traceback
from sqlalchemy.orm import defer
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import (

from . import log # This sets the appropriate log format and level.
from .config import Configuration
from .metadata_layer import TimestampData
from .model import (
from .model.configuration import ConfigurationSetting
from .util.datetime_helpers import utc_now

[docs]class CollectionMonitorLogger(logging.LoggerAdapter): """Prefix log messages with a collection, if one is present.""" def __init__(self, logger, extra): self.logger = logger self.extra = extra collection = self.extra.get('collection', None) self.log_prefix = '[{}] '.format( if collection else '' self.warn = self.warning
[docs] def process(self, msg, kwargs): return '{}{}'.format(self.log_prefix, msg), kwargs
[docs]class Monitor(object): """A Monitor is responsible for running some piece of code on a regular basis. A Monitor has an associated Timestamp that tracks the last time it successfully ran; it may use this information on its next run to cover the intervening span of time. A Monitor will run to completion and then stop. To repeatedly run a Monitor, you'll need to repeatedly invoke it from some external source such as a cron job. This class is designed to be subclassed rather than instantiated directly. Subclasses must define SERVICE_NAME. Subclasses may define replacement values for DEFAULT_START_TIME and DEFAULT_COUNTER. Although any Monitor may be associated with a Collection, it's most useful to subclass CollectionMonitor if you're writing code that needs to be run on every Collection of a certain type. """ # In your subclass, set this to the name of the service, # e.g. "Overdrive Circulation Monitor". All instances of your # subclass will give this as their service name and track their # Timestamps under this name. SERVICE_NAME = None # Some useful relative constants for DEFAULT_START_TIME (below). ONE_MINUTE_AGO = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) ONE_YEAR_AGO = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60*60*24*365) NEVER = object() # If there is no Timestamp for this Monitor, this time will be # passed into `run_once()` as the `start_time` parameter. DEFAULT_START_TIME = ONE_MINUTE_AGO # When the Timestamp for this Monitor is created, this value will # be set for `Timestamp.counter`. # # This is only used by the SweepMonitor subclass. DEFAULT_COUNTER = None def __init__(self, _db, collection=None): self._db = _db cls = self.__class__ if not self.SERVICE_NAME and not cls.SERVICE_NAME: raise ValueError("%s must define SERVICE_NAME." % cls.__name__) self.service_name = self.SERVICE_NAME default_start_time = cls.DEFAULT_START_TIME if isinstance(default_start_time, datetime.timedelta): default_start_time = ( utc_now() - default_start_time ) self.default_start_time = default_start_time self.default_counter = cls.DEFAULT_COUNTER # We store the collection ID rather than the Collection to # avoid breakage in case an app server with a scoped session # ever uses a Monitor. self.collection_id = None if collection: self.collection_id = @property def log(self): if not hasattr(self, '_log'): self._log = CollectionMonitorLogger( logging.getLogger(self.service_name), {'collection': self.collection}, ) return self._log @property def collection(self): """Retrieve the Collection object associated with this Monitor. """ if not self.collection_id: return None return get_one(self._db, Collection, id=self.collection_id) @property def initial_start_time(self): """The time that should be used as the 'start time' the first time this Monitor is run. """ if self.default_start_time is self.NEVER: return None if self.default_start_time: return self.default_start_time return utc_now()
[docs] def timestamp(self): """Find or create a Timestamp for this Monitor. This does not use TimestampData because it relies on checking whether a Timestamp already exists in the database. A new timestamp will have .finish set to None, since the first run is presumably in progress. """ initial_timestamp = self.initial_start_time timestamp, new = get_one_or_create( self._db, Timestamp, service=self.service_name, service_type=Timestamp.MONITOR_TYPE, collection=self.collection, create_method_kwargs=dict( start=initial_timestamp, finish=None, counter=self.default_counter, ) ) return timestamp
[docs] def run(self): """Do all the work that has piled up since the last time the Monitor ran to completion. """ # Use the existing Timestamp to determine the progress made up # to this point. It's the job of the subclass to decide where # to go from here. timestamp_obj = self.timestamp() progress = timestamp_obj.to_data() this_run_start = utc_now() exception = None ignorable = (None, TimestampData.CLEAR_VALUE) try: new_timestamp = self.run_once(progress) this_run_finish = utc_now() if new_timestamp is None: # Assume this Monitor has no special needs surrounding # its timestamp. new_timestamp = TimestampData() if new_timestamp.achievements not in ignorable: # This eliminates the need to create similar-looking # strings for TimestampData.achievements and for the log. if new_timestamp.exception in ignorable: # run_once() completed with no exceptions being raised. # We can run the cleanup code and finalize the timestamp. self.cleanup() new_timestamp.finalize( service=self.service_name, service_type=Timestamp.MONITOR_TYPE, collection=self.collection, start=this_run_start, finish=this_run_finish, exception=None ) new_timestamp.apply(self._db) else: # This will be treated the same as an unhandled # exception, below. exception = new_timestamp.exception except Exception: this_run_finish = utc_now() self.log.exception( "Error running %s monitor. Timestamp will not be updated.", self.service_name ) exception = traceback.format_exc() if exception is not None: # We will update Timestamp.exception but not go through # the whole TimestampData.apply() process, which might # erase the information the Monitor needs to recover from # this failure. timestamp_obj.exception = exception self._db.commit() duration = this_run_finish - this_run_start "Ran %s monitor in %.2f sec.", self.service_name, duration.total_seconds(), )
[docs] def run_once(self, progress): """Do the actual work of the Monitor. :param progress: A TimestampData representing the work done by the Monitor up to this point. :return: A TimestampData representing how you want the Monitor's entry in the `timestamps` table to look like from this point on. NOTE: Modifying the incoming `progress` and returning it is generally a bad idea, because the incoming `progress` is full of old data. Instead, return a new TimestampData containing data for only the fields you want to set. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def cleanup(self): """Do any work that needs to be done at the end, once the main work has completed successfully. """ pass
[docs]class TimelineMonitor(Monitor): """A monitor that needs to process everything that happened between two specific times. This Monitor uses `Timestamp.start` and `Timestamp.finish` to describe the span of time covered in the most recent run, not the time it actually took to run. """ OVERLAP = datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
[docs] def run_once(self, progress): if progress.finish is None: # This monitor has never run before. Use the default # start time for this monitor. start = self.initial_start_time else: start = progress.finish - self.OVERLAP cutoff = utc_now() self.catch_up_from(start, cutoff, progress) if progress.is_failure: # Something has gone wrong. Stop immediately. # # TODO: Ideally we would undo any other changes made to # the TimestampData, but most Monitors don't set # .exception directly so it's not a big deal. return progress # We set `finish` to the time at which we _started_ # running this process, to reduce the risk that we miss # events that happened while the process was running. progress.start = start progress.finish = cutoff return progress
[docs] def catch_up_from(self, start, cutoff, progress): """Make sure all events between `start` and `cutoff` are covered. :param start: Start looking for events that happened at this time. :param cutoff: You're not responsible for events that happened after this time. :param progress: A TimestampData representing the progress so far. Unlike with run_once(), you are encouraged to can modify this in place, for instance to set .achievements. However, you cannot change .start and .finish -- any changes will be overwritten by run_once(). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def slice_timespan(cls, start, cutoff, increment): """Slice a span of time into segments no large than [increment]. This lets you divide up a task like "gather the entire circulation history for a collection" into chunks of one day. :param start: A datetime. :param cutoff: A datetime. :param increment: A timedelta. """ slice_start = start while slice_start < cutoff: full_slice = True slice_cutoff = slice_start + increment if slice_cutoff > cutoff: slice_cutoff = cutoff full_slice = False yield slice_start, slice_cutoff, full_slice slice_start = slice_start + increment
[docs]class CollectionMonitor(Monitor): """A Monitor that does something for all Collections that come from a certain provider. This class is designed to be subclassed rather than instantiated directly. Subclasses must define SERVICE_NAME and PROTOCOL. Subclasses may define replacement values for DEFAULT_START_TIME and DEFAULT_COUNTER. """ # Set this to the name of the license provider managed by this # Monitor. If this value is set, the CollectionMonitor can only be # instantiated with Collections that get their licenses from this # provider. If this is unset, the CollectionMonitor can be # instantiated with any Collection, or with no Collection at all. PROTOCOL = None def __init__(self, _db, collection): cls = self.__class__ self.protocol = cls.PROTOCOL if self.protocol: if collection is None: raise CollectionMissing() cls._validate_collection(collection, protocol=self.protocol) super(CollectionMonitor, self).__init__(_db, collection) @classmethod def _validate_collection(cls, collection, protocol=None): protocol = protocol or cls.PROTOCOL if protocol and collection.protocol != protocol: raise ValueError( "Collection protocol (%s) does not match Monitor protocol (%s)" % ( collection.protocol, protocol ) )
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls, _db, collections=None, **constructor_kwargs): """Yield a sequence of CollectionMonitor objects: one for every Collection associated with cls.PROTOCOL. If `collections` is specified, then there must be a Monitor for each one and Monitors will be yielded in the same order that the collections are specified. Otherwise, Monitors will be yielded as follows... Monitors that have no Timestamp will be yielded first. After that, Monitors with older values for Timestamp.start will be yielded before Monitors with newer values. :param _db: Database session object. :param collections: An optional list of collections. If None, we'll process all collections. :type collections: List[core.model.collection.Collection] :param constructor_kwargs: These keyword arguments will be passed into the CollectionMonitor constructor. """ service_match = or_(Timestamp.service==cls.SERVICE_NAME, Timestamp.service==None) collections_for_protocol = Collection.by_protocol(_db, cls.PROTOCOL).outerjoin( Timestamp, and_(, service_match, ) ) if collections: # verify that each specified collection exists in this context for coll in collections: # type: str try: cls._validate_collection(coll, cls.PROTOCOL) except ValueError as e: additional_info = 'Only the following collections are available: {!r}'.format( [ for c in collections_for_protocol] ) e.args += (additional_info,) raise ValueError(str(e) + '\n' + additional_info) else: collections = collections_for_protocol.order_by( Timestamp.start.asc().nullsfirst() ) for collection in collections: yield cls(_db=_db, collection=collection, **constructor_kwargs)
[docs]class SweepMonitor(CollectionMonitor): """A monitor that does some work for every item in a database table, then stops. Progress through the table is stored in the Timestamp, so that if the Monitor crashes, the next time the Monitor is run, it starts at the item that caused the crash, rather than starting from the beginning of the table. """ # The completion of each individual item should be logged at # this log level. COMPLETION_LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO # Items will be processed in batches of this size. DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 100 DEFAULT_COUNTER = 0 # The model class corresponding to the database table that this # Monitor sweeps over. This class must keep its primary key in the # `id` field. MODEL_CLASS = None def __init__(self, _db, collection=None, batch_size=None): cls = self.__class__ if not batch_size or batch_size < 0: batch_size = cls.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE self.batch_size = batch_size if not cls.MODEL_CLASS: raise ValueError("%s must define MODEL_CLASS" % cls.__name__) self.model_class = cls.MODEL_CLASS super(SweepMonitor, self).__init__(_db, collection=collection)
[docs] def run_once(self, *ignore): timestamp = self.timestamp() offset = timestamp.counter new_offset = offset exception = None # The timestamp for a SweepMonitor is purely informative -- # we're not trying to capture all the events that happened # since a certain time -- so we're going to make sure the # timestamp is set from the start of the run to the end of the # last _successful_ batch. run_started_at = utc_now() timestamp.start = run_started_at total_processed = 0 while True: old_offset = offset batch_started_at = utc_now() new_offset, batch_size = self.process_batch(offset) total_processed += batch_size batch_ended_at = utc_now() self.log.debug( "%s monitor went from offset %s to %s in %.2f sec", self.service_name, offset, new_offset, (batch_ended_at-batch_started_at).total_seconds() ) achievements = "Records processed: %d." % total_processed offset = new_offset if offset == 0: # We completed a sweep. We're done. break # We need to do another batch. If it should raise an exception, # we don't want to lose the progress we've already made. timestamp.update( counter=new_offset, finish=batch_ended_at, achievements=achievements ) self._db.commit() # We're done with this run. The run() method will do the final # update. return TimestampData(counter=offset, achievements=achievements)
[docs] def process_batch(self, offset): """Process one batch of work.""" offset = offset or 0 items = self.fetch_batch(offset).all() if items: self.process_items(items) # We've completed a batch. Return the ID of the last item # in the batch so we don't do this work again. return items[-1].id, len(items) else: # There are no more items in this database table, so we # are done with the sweep. Reset the counter. return 0, 0
[docs] def process_items(self, items): """Process a list of items.""" for item in items: self.process_item(item) self.log.log(self.COMPLETION_LOG_LEVEL, "Completed %r", item)
[docs] def fetch_batch(self, offset): """Retrieve one batch of work from the database.""" q = self.item_query().filter( > offset).order_by( return q
[docs] def item_query(self): """Find the items that need to be processed in the sweep. :return: A query object. """ # Start by getting everything in the table. qu = self._db.query(self.model_class) if self.collection: # Restrict to only those items associated with self.collection # somehow. qu = self.scope_to_collection(qu, self.collection) qu = qu.order_by( return qu
[docs] def scope_to_collection(self, qu, collection): """Restrict the given query so that it only finds items associated with the given collection. :param qu: A query object. :param collection: A Collection object, presumed to not be None. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def process_item(self, item): """Do the work that needs to be done for a given item.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class IdentifierSweepMonitor(SweepMonitor): """A Monitor that does some work for every Identifier.""" MODEL_CLASS = Identifier
[docs] def scope_to_collection(self, qu, collection): """Only find Identifiers licensed through the given Collection.""" return qu.join(Identifier.licensed_through).filter( LicensePool.collection==collection )
[docs]class SubjectSweepMonitor(SweepMonitor): """A Monitor that does some work for every Subject.""" MODEL_CLASS = Subject # It's usually easy to process a Subject, so make the batch size # large. DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 500 def __init__(self, _db, subject_type=None, filter_string=None): """Constructor. :param subject_type: Only process Subjects of this type. :param filter_string: Only process Subjects whose .identifier or .name contain this string. """ super(SubjectSweepMonitor, self).__init__(_db, None) self.subject_type = subject_type self.filter_string = filter_string
[docs] def item_query(self): """Find only Subjects that match the given filters.""" qu = self._db.query(Subject) if self.subject_type: qu = qu.filter(Subject.type==self.subject_type) if self.filter_string: filter_string = '%' + self.filter_string + '%' or_clause = or_( Subject.identifier.ilike(filter_string), ) qu = qu.filter(or_clause) return qu
[docs] def scope_to_collection(self, qu, collection): """Refuse to scope this query to a Collection.""" return qu
[docs]class CustomListEntrySweepMonitor(SweepMonitor): """A Monitor that does something to every CustomListEntry.""" MODEL_CLASS = CustomListEntry
[docs] def scope_to_collection(self, qu, collection): """Restrict the query to only find CustomListEntries whose Work is in the given Collection. """ return qu.join( LicensePool.collection==collection )
[docs]class EditionSweepMonitor(SweepMonitor): """A Monitor that does something to every Edition.""" MODEL_CLASS = Edition
[docs] def scope_to_collection(self, qu, collection): """Restrict the query to only find Editions whose primary Identifier is licensed to the given Collection. """ return qu.join(Edition.primary_identifier).join( Identifier.licensed_through).filter( LicensePool.collection==collection )
[docs]class WorkSweepMonitor(SweepMonitor): """A Monitor that does something to every Work.""" MODEL_CLASS = Work
[docs] def scope_to_collection(self, qu, collection): """Restrict the query to only find Works found in the given Collection. """ return qu.join(Work.license_pools).filter( LicensePool.collection==collection )
[docs]class PresentationReadyWorkSweepMonitor(WorkSweepMonitor): """A Monitor that does something to every presentation-ready Work."""
[docs] def item_query(self): return super( PresentationReadyWorkSweepMonitor, self).item_query().filter( Work.presentation_ready==True )
[docs]class NotPresentationReadyWorkSweepMonitor(WorkSweepMonitor): """A Monitor that does something to every Work that is not presentation-ready. """
[docs] def item_query(self): not_presentation_ready = or_( Work.presentation_ready==False, Work.presentation_ready==None ) return super( NotPresentationReadyWorkSweepMonitor, self).item_query().filter( not_presentation_ready )
# SweepMonitors that do something specific.
[docs]class OPDSEntryCacheMonitor(PresentationReadyWorkSweepMonitor): """A Monitor that recalculates the OPDS entries for every presentation-ready Work. This is different from the OPDSEntryWorkCoverageProvider, which only processes works that are missing a WorkCoverageRecord with the 'generate-opds' operation. """ SERVICE_NAME = "ODPS Entry Cache Monitor"
[docs] def process_item(self, work): work.calculate_opds_entries()
[docs]class PermanentWorkIDRefreshMonitor(EditionSweepMonitor): """A monitor that calculates or recalculates the permanent work ID for every edition. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Permanent work ID refresh"
[docs] def process_item(self, edition): edition.calculate_permanent_work_id()
[docs]class MakePresentationReadyMonitor(NotPresentationReadyWorkSweepMonitor): """A monitor that makes works presentation ready. By default this works by passing the work's active edition into ensure_coverage() for each of a list of CoverageProviders. If all the ensure_coverage() calls succeed, presentation of the work is calculated and the work is marked presentation ready. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Make Works Presentation Ready" def __init__(self, _db, coverage_providers, collection=None): super(MakePresentationReadyMonitor, self).__init__(_db, collection) self.coverage_providers = coverage_providers self.policy = PresentationCalculationPolicy( choose_edition=False )
[docs] def run(self): """Before doing anything, consolidate works.""" LicensePool.consolidate_works(self._db) return super(MakePresentationReadyMonitor, self).run()
[docs] def process_item(self, work): """Do the work necessary to make one Work presentation-ready, and handle exceptions. """ exception = None try: self.prepare(work) except CoverageProvidersFailed as e: exception = "Provider(s) failed: %s" % e except Exception as e: self.log.error( "Exception processing work %r", work, exc_info=e ) exception = str(e) if exception: # Unlike with most Monitors, an exception is not a good # reason to stop doing our job. Note it inside the Work # and keep going. work.presentation_ready_exception = exception else: # Success! work.calculate_presentation(self.policy) work.set_presentation_ready()
[docs] def prepare(self, work): """Try to make a single Work presentation-ready. :raise CoverageProvidersFailed: If we can't make a Work presentation-ready because one or more CoverageProviders failed. """ edition = work.presentation_edition if not edition: work = work.calculate_presentation() identifier = edition.primary_identifier overall_success = True failures = [] for provider in self.coverage_providers: covered_types = provider.input_identifier_types if covered_types and identifier.type in covered_types: coverage_record = provider.ensure_coverage(identifier) if (not isinstance(coverage_record, CoverageRecord) or coverage_record.status != CoverageRecord.SUCCESS or coverage_record.exception is not None): # This provider has failed. failures.append(provider) if failures: raise CoverageProvidersFailed(failures) return failures
[docs]class CoverageProvidersFailed(Exception): """We tried to run CoverageProviders on a Work's identifier, but some of the providers failed. """ def __init__(self, failed_providers): self.failed_providers = failed_providers super(CoverageProvidersFailed, self).__init__( ", ".join([x.service_name for x in failed_providers]) )
[docs]class CustomListEntryWorkUpdateMonitor(CustomListEntrySweepMonitor): """Set or reset the Work associated with each custom list entry.""" SERVICE_NAME = "Update Works for custom list entries" DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 100
[docs] def process_item(self, item): item.set_work()
[docs]class ReaperMonitor(Monitor): """A Monitor that deletes database rows that have expired but have no other process to delete them. A subclass of ReaperMonitor MUST define values for the following constants: * MODEL_CLASS - The model class this monitor is reaping, e.g. Credential. * TIMESTAMP_FIELD - Within the model class, the DateTime field to be used when deciding which rows to deleting, e.g. 'expires'. The reaper will be more efficient if there's an index on this field. * MAX_AGE - A datetime.timedelta or number of days representing the time that must pass before an item can be safely deleted. A subclass of ReaperMonitor MAY define values for the following constants: * BATCH_SIZE - The number of rows to fetch for deletion in a single batch. The default is 1000. If your model class has fields that might contain a lot of data and aren't important to the reaping process, put their field names into a list called LARGE_FIELDS and the Reaper will avoid fetching that information, improving performance. """ MODEL_CLASS = None TIMESTAMP_FIELD = None MAX_AGE = None BATCH_SIZE = 1000 REGISTRY = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.SERVICE_NAME = "Reaper for %s" % self.MODEL_CLASS.__name__ if self.TIMESTAMP_FIELD is not None: self.SERVICE_NAME += ".%s" % self.TIMESTAMP_FIELD super(ReaperMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def cutoff(self): """Items with a timestamp earlier than this time will be reaped. """ if isinstance(self.MAX_AGE, datetime.timedelta): max_age = self.MAX_AGE else: max_age = datetime.timedelta(days=self.MAX_AGE) return utc_now() - max_age @property def timestamp_field(self): return getattr(self.MODEL_CLASS, self.TIMESTAMP_FIELD) @property def where_clause(self): """A SQLAlchemy clause that identifies the database rows to be reaped. """ return self.timestamp_field < self.cutoff
[docs] def run_once(self, *args, **kwargs): rows_deleted = 0 qu = self.query() to_defer = getattr(self.MODEL_CLASS, 'LARGE_FIELDS', []) for x in to_defer: qu = qu.options(defer(x)) count = qu.count()"Deleting %d row(s)", count) while count > 0: for i in qu.limit(self.BATCH_SIZE):"Deleting %r", i) self.delete(i) rows_deleted += 1 self._db.commit() count = qu.count() return TimestampData(achievements="Items deleted: %d" % rows_deleted)
[docs] def delete(self, row): """Delete a row from the database. CAUTION: If you override this method such that it doesn't actually delete the database row, then run_once() may enter an infinite loop. """ self._db.delete(row)
[docs] def query(self): return self._db.query(self.MODEL_CLASS).filter(self.where_clause)
# ReaperMonitors that do something specific.
[docs]class CachedFeedReaper(ReaperMonitor): """Removed cached feeds older than thirty days.""" MODEL_CLASS = CachedFeed TIMESTAMP_FIELD = 'timestamp' MAX_AGE = 30
[docs]class CredentialReaper(ReaperMonitor): """Remove Credentials that expired more than a day ago.""" MODEL_CLASS = Credential TIMESTAMP_FIELD = 'expires' MAX_AGE = 1
[docs]class PatronRecordReaper(ReaperMonitor): """Remove patron records that expired more than 60 days ago""" MODEL_CLASS = Patron TIMESTAMP_FIELD = 'authorization_expires' MAX_AGE = 60
# NOTE: This reaper does not correlate to our current policy and is being paused # It may be renabled at any time by un-commenting the line below # ReaperMonitor.REGISTRY.append(PatronRecordReaper)
[docs]class WorkReaper(ReaperMonitor): """Remove Works that have no associated LicensePools. Unlike other reapers, no timestamp is relevant. As soon as a Work loses its last LicensePool it can be removed. """ MODEL_CLASS = Work def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from .external_search import ExternalSearchIndex search_index_client = kwargs.pop('search_index_client', None) super(WorkReaper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.search_index_client = ( search_index_client or ExternalSearchIndex(self._db) )
[docs] def query(self): return self._db.query(Work).outerjoin(Work.license_pools).filter( )
[docs] def delete(self, work): """Delete work from elasticsearch and database.""" work.delete(self.search_index_client)
[docs]class CollectionReaper(ReaperMonitor): """Remove collections that have been marked for deletion.""" MODEL_CLASS = Collection @property def where_clause(self): """A SQLAlchemy clause that identifies the database rows to be reaped. """ return Collection.marked_for_deletion == True
[docs] def delete(self, collection): """Delete a Collection from the database. Database deletion of a Collection might take a really long time, so we call a special method that will do the deletion incrementally and can pick up where it left off if there's a failure. """ collection.delete()
[docs]class MeasurementReaper(ReaperMonitor): """Remove measurements that are not the most recent""" MODEL_CLASS = Measurement
[docs] def run(self): enabled = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide(self._db, Configuration.MEASUREMENT_REAPER).bool_value if enabled is not None and not enabled:"{} skipped because it is disabled in configuration.".format(self.service_name)) return return super(ReaperMonitor, self).run()
@property def where_clause(self): return Measurement.is_most_recent == False
[docs] def run_once(self, *args, **kwargs): rows_deleted = self.query().delete() self._db.commit() return TimestampData(achievements="Items deleted: %d" % rows_deleted)
[docs]class ScrubberMonitor(ReaperMonitor): """Scrub information from the database. Unlike the other ReaperMonitors, this class doesn't delete rows from the database -- it only clears out specific data fields. In addition to the constants required for ReaperMonitor, a subclass of ScrubberMonitor MUST define a value for the following constant: * SCRUB_FIELD - The field whose value will be set to None when a row is scrubbed. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the name of the Monitor based on which field is being scrubbed. """ super(ScrubberMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.SERVICE_NAME = "Scrubber for %s.%s" % ( self.MODEL_CLASS.__name__, self.SCRUB_FIELD )
[docs] def run_once(self, *args, **kwargs): """Find all rows that need to be scrubbed, and scrub them.""" rows_scrubbed = 0 cls = self.MODEL_CLASS update = cls.__table__.update().where( self.where_clause ).values( {self.SCRUB_FIELD : None} ).returning( scrubbed = self._db.execute(update).fetchall() self._db.commit() return TimestampData(achievements="Items scrubbed: %d" % len(scrubbed))
@property def where_clause(self): """Find rows that are older than MAX_AGE _and_ which have a non-null SCRUB_FIELD. If the field is already null, there's no need to scrub it. """ return and_( super(ScrubberMonitor, self).where_clause, self.scrub_field != None ) @property def scrub_field(self): """Find the SQLAlchemy representation of the model field to be scrubbed. """ return getattr(self.MODEL_CLASS, self.SCRUB_FIELD)
[docs]class CirculationEventLocationScrubber(ScrubberMonitor): """Scrub location information from old CirculationEvents.""" MODEL_CLASS = CirculationEvent TIMESTAMP_FIELD = 'start' MAX_AGE = 365 SCRUB_FIELD = 'location'
[docs]class PatronNeighborhoodScrubber(ScrubberMonitor): """Scrub cached neighborhood information from patrons who haven't been seen in a while. """ MODEL_CLASS = Patron TIMESTAMP_FIELD = 'last_external_sync' MAX_AGE = Patron.MAX_SYNC_TIME SCRUB_FIELD = 'cached_neighborhood'