# encoding: utf-8
# LoanAndHoldMixin, Patron, Loan, Hold, Annotation, PatronProfileStorage
import datetime
import logging
from sqlalchemy import (
from psycopg2.extras import NumericRange
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
import uuid
from . import (
from .credential import Credential
from ..classifier import Classifier
from ..user_profile import ProfileStorage
from ..util.datetime_helpers import utc_now
[docs]class LoanAndHoldMixin(object):
def work(self):
"""Try to find the corresponding work for this Loan/Hold."""
license_pool = self.license_pool
if not license_pool:
return None
if license_pool.work:
return license_pool.work
if license_pool.presentation_edition and license_pool.presentation_edition.work:
return license_pool.presentation_edition.work
return None
def library(self):
"""Try to find the corresponding library for this Loan/Hold."""
if self.patron:
return self.patron.library
# If this Loan/Hold belongs to a external patron, there may be no library.
return None
[docs]class Patron(Base):
__tablename__ = 'patrons'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
# Each patron is the patron _of_ one particular library. An
# individual human being may patronize multiple libraries, but
# they will have a different patron account at each one.
library_id = Column(
Integer, ForeignKey('libraries.id'), index=True,
# The patron's permanent unique identifier in an external library
# system, probably never seen by the patron.
# This is not stored as a ForeignIdentifier because it corresponds
# to the patron's identifier in the library responsible for the
# Simplified instance, not a third party.
external_identifier = Column(Unicode)
# The patron's account type, as reckoned by an external library
# system. Different account types may be subject to different
# library policies.
# Depending on library policy it may be possible to automatically
# derive the patron's account type from their authorization
# identifier.
external_type = Column(Unicode, index=True)
# An identifier used by the patron that gives them the authority
# to borrow books. This identifier may change over time.
authorization_identifier = Column(Unicode)
# An identifier used by the patron that authenticates them,
# but does not give them the authority to borrow books. i.e. their
# website username.
username = Column(Unicode)
# The last time this record was synced up with an external library
# system such as an ILS.
last_external_sync = Column(DateTime(timezone=True))
# The last time this record was synced with the corresponding
# records managed by the vendors who provide the library with
# ebooks.
_last_loan_activity_sync = Column(
DateTime(timezone=True), default=None, name="last_loan_activity_sync"
# The time, if any, at which the user's authorization to borrow
# books expires.
authorization_expires = Column(Date, index=True)
# Outstanding fines the user has, if any.
fines = Column(Unicode)
# If the patron's borrowing privileges have been blocked, this
# field contains the library's reason for the block. If this field
# is None, the patron's borrowing privileges have not been
# blocked.
# Although we currently don't do anything with specific values for
# this field, the expectation is that values will be taken from a
# small controlled vocabulary (e.g. "banned", "incorrect personal
# information", "unknown"), rather than freeform strings entered
# by librarians.
# Common reasons for blocks are kept in circulation's PatronData
# class.
block_reason = Column(String(255), default=None)
# Whether or not the patron wants their annotations synchronized
# across devices (which requires storing those annotations on a
# library server).
_synchronize_annotations = Column(Boolean, default=None,
# If the circulation manager is set up to associate a patron's
# neighborhood with circulation events, and it would be
# prohibitively expensive to fetch a patron's neighborhood from
# the ILS on every relevant request, the ILS may choose to cache
# the information here.
# Periodically, patrons with an old last_external_sync (i.e. who
# haven't used the circulation manager in a while) will have their
# cached_neighborhood scrubbed from the database. This is the
# responsibility of PatronNeighborhoodScrubber.
# This field is called cached_neighborhood for two reasons. First,
# the name makes it clear that this is a performance cache, not a
# permanent data store like authorization_identifier. Second, the
# neighborhood of the authenticated patron (however obtained) is
# stored in flask.request.patron.neighborhood. Giving the database
# field a different name guarantees that a patron's neighborhood
# is never _unintentionally_ written to the database. It has to
# be an explicit decision of the ILS integration code.
cached_neighborhood = Column(Unicode, default=None, index=True)
loans = relationship('Loan', backref='patron', cascade='delete')
holds = relationship('Hold', backref='patron', cascade='delete')
annotations = relationship('Annotation', backref='patron', order_by="desc(Annotation.timestamp)", cascade='delete')
# One Patron can have many associated Credentials.
credentials = relationship("Credential", backref="patron", cascade="delete")
__table_args__ = (
UniqueConstraint('library_id', 'username'),
UniqueConstraint('library_id', 'authorization_identifier'),
UniqueConstraint('library_id', 'external_identifier'),
# A patron with borrowing privileges should have their local
# metadata synced with their ILS record at intervals no greater
# than this time.
MAX_SYNC_TIME = datetime.timedelta(hours=12)
def __repr__(self):
def date(d):
"""Format an object that might be a datetime as a date.
This keeps a patron representation short.
if d is None:
return None
if isinstance(d, datetime.datetime):
return d.date()
return d
return '<Patron authentication_identifier=%s expires=%s sync=%s>' % (
self.authorization_identifier, date(self.authorization_expires),
[docs] def identifier_to_remote_service(self, remote_data_source, generator=None):
"""Find or randomly create an identifier to use when identifying
this patron to a remote service.
:param remote_data_source: A DataSource object (or name of a
DataSource) corresponding to the remote service.
_db = Session.object_session(self)
def refresh(credential):
if generator and callable(generator):
identifier = generator()
identifier = str(uuid.uuid1())
credential.credential = identifier
credential = Credential.lookup(
_db, remote_data_source, Credential.IDENTIFIER_TO_REMOTE_SERVICE,
self, refresh, allow_persistent_token=True
return credential.credential
[docs] def works_on_loan(self):
db = Session.object_session(self)
loans = db.query(Loan).filter(Loan.patron==self)
return [loan.work for loan in self.loans if loan.work]
[docs] def works_on_loan_or_on_hold(self):
db = Session.object_session(self)
results = set()
holds = [hold.work for hold in self.holds if hold.work]
loans = self.works_on_loan()
return set(holds + loans)
def loan_activity_max_age(self):
"""In the absence of any other information, how long should loan
activity be considered 'fresh' for this patron?
We reset Patron.last_loan_activity_sync immediately if we hear
about a change to a patron's loans or holds. This handles
cases where patron activity happens where we can't see it,
e.g. on a vendor website or mobile app.
TODO: This is currently a constant, but in the future it could become
a per-library setting.
return 15 * 60
def last_loan_activity_sync(self):
"""When was the last time we asked the vendors about
this patron's loan activity?
:return: A datetime, or None if we know our loan data is
value = self._last_loan_activity_sync
if not value:
return value
# We have an answer, but it may be so old that we should clear
# it out.
now = utc_now()
expires = value + datetime.timedelta(
if now > expires:
# The value has expired. Clear it out.
value = None
self._last_loan_activity_sync = value
return value
def last_loan_activity_sync(self, value):
self._last_loan_activity_sync = value
def synchronize_annotations(self):
return self._synchronize_annotations
def synchronize_annotations(self, value):
"""When a patron says they don't want their annotations to be stored
on a library server, delete all their annotations.
if value is None:
# A patron cannot decide to go back to the state where
# they hadn't made a decision.
raise ValueError(
"synchronize_annotations cannot be unset once set."
if value is False:
_db = Session.object_session(self)
qu = _db.query(Annotation).filter(Annotation.patron==self)
for annotation in qu:
self._synchronize_annotations = value
def root_lane(self):
"""Find the Lane, if any, to be used as the Patron's root lane.
A patron with a root Lane can only access that Lane and the
Lanes beneath it. In addition, a patron with a root lane
cannot conduct a transaction on a book intended for an older
audience than the one defined by their root lane.
# Two ways of improving performance by short-circuiting this
# logic.
if not self.external_type:
return None
if not self.library.has_root_lanes:
return None
_db = Session.object_session(self)
from ..lane import Lane
qu = _db.query(Lane).filter(
lanes = qu.all()
if len(lanes) < 1:
# The most common situation -- this patron has no special
# root lane.
return None
if len(lanes) > 1:
# Multiple root lanes for a patron indicates a
# configuration problem, but we shouldn't make the patron
# pay the price -- just pick the first one.
"Multiple root lanes found for patron type %s.",
return lanes[0]
[docs] def work_is_age_appropriate(self, work_audience, work_target_age):
"""Is the given audience and target age an age-appropriate match for this Patron?
NOTE: What "age-appropriate" means depends on some policy questions
that have not been answered and may be library-specific. For
now, it is determined by comparing audience and target age to that of the
Patron's root lane.
This is designed for use when reasoning about works in
general. If you have a specific Work in mind, use
:param work_audience: One of the audience constants from
Classifier, representing the general reading audience to
which a putative work belongs.
:param work_target_age: A number or 2-tuple representing the target age
or age range of a putative work.
:return: A boolean
root = self.root_lane
if not root:
# The patron has no root lane. They can interact with any
# title.
return True
# The patron can interact with a title if any of the audiences
# in their root lane (in conjunction with the root lane's target_age)
# are a match for the title's audience and target age.
return any(
work_audience, work_target_age,
audience, root.target_age
for audience in root.audiences
[docs] @classmethod
def age_appropriate_match(
cls, work_audience, work_target_age,
reader_audience, reader_age
"""Match the audience and target age of a work with that of a reader,
and see whether they are an age-appropriate match.
NOTE: What "age-appropriate" means depends on some policy
questions that have not been answered and may be
library-specific. For now, non-children's books are
age-inappropriate for young children, and children's books are
age-inappropriate for children too young to be in the book's
target age range.
:param reader_audience: One of the audience constants from
Classifier, representing the general reading audience to
which the reader belongs.
:param reader_age: A number or 2-tuple representing the age or
age range of the reader.
if reader_audience is None:
# A patron with no particular audience restrictions
# can see everything.
# This is by far the most common case, so we don't set up
# logging until after running it.
return True
log = logging.getLogger("Age-appropriate match calculator")
"Matching work %s/%s to reader %s/%s" % (
work_audience, work_target_age,
reader_audience, reader_age
if reader_audience not in Classifier.AUDIENCES_JUVENILE:
log.debug("A non-juvenile patron can see everything.")
return True
if work_audience == Classifier.AUDIENCE_ALL_AGES:
log.debug("An all-ages book is always age appropriate.")
return True
# At this point we know that the patron is a juvenile.
def ensure_tuple(x):
# Convert a potential NumericRange into a tuple.
if isinstance(x, NumericRange):
x = numericrange_to_tuple(x)
return x
reader_age = ensure_tuple(reader_age)
if isinstance(reader_age, tuple):
# A range was passed in rather than a specific age. Assume
# the reader is at the top edge of the range.
ignore, reader_age = reader_age
work_target_age = ensure_tuple(work_target_age)
if isinstance(work_target_age, tuple):
# Pick the _bottom_ edge of a work's target age range --
# the work is appropriate for anyone _at least_ that old.
work_target_age, ignore = work_target_age
# A YA reader is treated as an adult (with no reading
# restrictions) if they have no associated age range, or their
# age range includes ADULT_AGE_CUTOFF.
if (reader_audience == Classifier.AUDIENCE_YOUNG_ADULT
and (reader_age is None
or (isinstance(reader_age, int) and reader_age >= Classifier.ADULT_AGE_CUTOFF))):
log.debug("YA reader to be treated as an adult.")
return True
# There are no other situations where a juvenile reader can access
# non-juvenile titles.
if work_audience not in Classifier.AUDIENCES_JUVENILE:
log.debug("Juvenile reader cannot access non-juvenile title.")
return False
# At this point we know we have a juvenile reader and a
# juvenile book.
if (reader_audience == Classifier.AUDIENCE_YOUNG_ADULT
and work_audience in (Classifier.AUDIENCES_YOUNG_CHILDREN)):
log.debug("YA reader can access any children's title.")
return True
if (reader_audience in (Classifier.AUDIENCES_YOUNG_CHILDREN)
and work_audience == Classifier.AUDIENCE_YOUNG_ADULT):
log.debug("Child reader cannot access any YA title.")
return False
# At this point we either have a YA patron with a YA book, or
# a child patron with a children's book. It comes down to a
# question of the reader's age vs. the work's target age.
if work_target_age is None:
# This is a generic children's or YA book with no
# particular target age. Assume it's age appropriate.
"Juvenile book with no target age is presumed age-appropriate."
return True
if reader_age is None:
# We have no idea how old the patron is, so any work with
# the appropriate audience is considered age-appropriate.
"Audience matches, and no specific patron age information available: presuming age-appropriate."
return True
if reader_age < work_target_age:
# The audience for this book matches the patron's
# audience, but the book has a target age that is too high
# for the reader.
"Audience matches, but work's target age is too high for reader."
return False
log.debug("Both audience and target age match; it's age-appropriate.")
return True
Index("ix_patron_library_id_external_identifier", Patron.library_id, Patron.external_identifier)
Index("ix_patron_library_id_authorization_identifier", Patron.library_id, Patron.authorization_identifier)
Index("ix_patron_library_id_username", Patron.library_id, Patron.username)
[docs]class Loan(Base, LoanAndHoldMixin):
__tablename__ = 'loans'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
patron_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('patrons.id'), index=True)
integration_client_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('integrationclients.id'), index=True)
# A Loan is always associated with a LicensePool.
license_pool_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('licensepools.id'), index=True)
# It may also be associated with an individual License if the source
# provides information about individual licenses.
license_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('licenses.id'), index=True, nullable=True)
fulfillment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('licensepooldeliveries.id'))
start = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), index=True)
end = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), index=True)
# Some distributors (e.g. Feedbooks) may have an identifier that can
# be used to check the status of a specific Loan.
external_identifier = Column(Unicode, unique=True, nullable=True)
cached_manifest = Column(LargeBinary, nullable=True)
cached_content_type = Column(Unicode, nullable=True)
__table_args__ = (
UniqueConstraint('patron_id', 'license_pool_id'),
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.id < other.id
[docs] def until(self, default_loan_period):
"""Give or estimate the time at which the loan will end."""
if self.end:
return self.end
if default_loan_period is None:
# This loan will last forever.
return None
start = self.start or utc_now()
return start + default_loan_period
[docs]class Hold(Base, LoanAndHoldMixin):
"""A patron is in line to check out a book.
__tablename__ = 'holds'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
patron_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('patrons.id'), index=True)
integration_client_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('integrationclients.id'), index=True)
license_pool_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('licensepools.id'), index=True)
start = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), index=True)
end = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), index=True)
position = Column(Integer, index=True)
external_identifier = Column(Unicode, unique=True, nullable=True)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.id < other.id
def _calculate_until(
self, start, queue_position, total_licenses, default_loan_period,
"""Helper method for `Hold.until` that can be tested independently.
We have to wait for the available licenses to cycle a
certain number of times before we get a turn.
Example: 4 licenses, queue position 21
After 1 cycle: queue position 17
2 : queue position 13
3 : queue position 9
4 : queue position 5
5 : queue position 1
6 : available
The worst-case cycle time is the loan period plus the reservation
if queue_position == 0:
# The book is currently reserved to this patron--they need
# to hurry up and check it out.
return start + default_reservation_period
if total_licenses == 0:
# The book will never be available
return None
# If you are at the very front of the queue, the worst case
# time to get the book is is the time it takes for the person
# in front of you to get a reservation notification, borrow
# the book at the last minute, and keep the book for the
# maximum allowable time.
cycle_period = (default_reservation_period + default_loan_period)
# This will happen at least once.
cycles = 1
if queue_position <= total_licenses:
# But then the book will be available to you.
# This will happen more than once. After the first cycle,
# other people will be notified that it's their turn,
# they'll wait a while, get a reservation, and then keep
# the book for a while, and so on.
cycles += queue_position // total_licenses
if (total_licenses > 1 and queue_position % total_licenses == 0):
cycles -= 1
return start + (cycle_period * cycles)
[docs] def until(self, default_loan_period, default_reservation_period):
"""Give or estimate the time at which the book will be available
to this patron.
This is a *very* rough estimate that should be treated more or
less as a worst case. (Though it could be even worse than
this--the library's license might expire and then you'll
_never_ get the book.)
if self.end and self.end > utc_now():
# The license source provided their own estimate, and it's
# not obviously wrong, so use it.
return self.end
if default_loan_period is None or default_reservation_period is None:
# This hold has no definite end date, because there's no known
# upper bound on how long someone in front of you can keep the
# book.
return None
start = utc_now()
licenses_available = self.license_pool.licenses_owned
position = self.position
if position is None:
# We don't know where in line we are. Assume we're at the
# end.
position = self.license_pool.patrons_in_hold_queue
return self._calculate_until(
start, position, licenses_available,
default_loan_period, default_reservation_period)
[docs] def update(self, start, end, position):
"""When the book becomes available, position will be 0 and end will be
set to the time at which point the patron will lose their place in
Otherwise, end is irrelevant and is set to None.
if start is not None:
self.start = start
if end is not None:
self.end = end
if position is not None:
self.position = position
__table_args__ = (
UniqueConstraint('patron_id', 'license_pool_id'),
[docs]class Annotation(Base):
# The Web Annotation Data Model defines a basic set of motivations.
# https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/#motivation-and-purpose
OA_NAMESPACE = "http://www.w3.org/ns/oa#"
# We need to define some terms of our own.
LS_NAMESPACE = "http://librarysimplified.org/terms/annotation/"
__tablename__ = 'annotations'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
patron_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('patrons.id'), index=True)
identifier_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('identifiers.id'), index=True)
motivation = Column(Unicode, index=True)
timestamp = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), index=True)
active = Column(Boolean, default=True)
content = Column(Unicode)
target = Column(Unicode)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_one_or_create(self, _db, patron, *args, **kwargs):
"""Find or create an Annotation, but only if the patron has
annotation sync turned on.
if not patron.synchronize_annotations:
raise ValueError(
"Patron has opted out of synchronizing annotations."
return get_one_or_create(
_db, Annotation, patron=patron, *args, **kwargs
[docs] def set_inactive(self):
self.active = False
self.content = None
self.timestamp = utc_now()
[docs]class PatronProfileStorage(ProfileStorage):
"""Interface between a Patron object and the User Profile Management
def __init__(self, patron, url_for=None):
"""Set up a storage interface for a specific Patron.
:param patron: We are accessing the profile for this patron.
self.patron = patron
self.url_for = url_for
def writable_setting_names(self):
"""Return the subset of settings that are considered writable."""
def profile_document(self):
"""Create a Profile document representing the patron's current
doc = dict()
patron = self.patron
doc[self.AUTHORIZATION_IDENTIFIER] = patron.authorization_identifier
if patron.authorization_expires:
settings = {
doc[self.SETTINGS_KEY] = settings
return doc
[docs] def update(self, settable, full):
"""Bring the Patron's status up-to-date with the given document.
Right now this means making sure Patron.synchronize_annotations
is up to date.
if key in settable:
self.patron.synchronize_annotations = settable[key]