# encoding: utf-8
# CustomList, CustomListEntry
from pdb import set_trace
from functools import total_ordering
import logging
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import or_
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from . import (
from .datasource import DataSource
from .identifier import Identifier
from .licensing import LicensePool
from .work import Work
from ..util.datetime_helpers import utc_now
class CustomList(Base):
"""A custom grouping of Editions."""
STAFF_PICKS_NAME = "Staff Picks"
__tablename__ = 'customlists'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
primary_language = Column(Unicode, index=True)
data_source_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('datasources.id'), index=True)
foreign_identifier = Column(Unicode, index=True)
name = Column(Unicode, index=True)
description = Column(Unicode)
created = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), index=True)
updated = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), index=True)
responsible_party = Column(Unicode)
library_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('libraries.id'), index=True, nullable=True)
# How many titles are in this list? This is calculated and
# cached when the list contents change.
size = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=0)
entries = relationship(
"CustomListEntry", backref="customlist")
__table_args__ = (
UniqueConstraint('data_source_id', 'foreign_identifier'),
UniqueConstraint('name', 'library_id'),
# TODO: It should be possible to associate a CustomList with an
# audience, fiction status, and subject, but there is no planned
# interface for managing this.
def __repr__(self):
return '<Custom List name="%s" foreign_identifier="%s" [%d entries]>' % (
self.name, self.foreign_identifier, len(self.entries)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality implementation for total_ordering."""
if other is None or not isinstance(other, CustomList):
return False
return (self.foreign_identifier, self.name) == (
other.foreign_identifier, other.name
def __lt__(self, other):
"""Comparison implementation for total_ordering."""
if other is None or not isinstance(other, CustomList):
return False
return (
self.foreign_identifier, self.name
) < (
other.foreign_identifier, other.name
[docs] @classmethod
def all_from_data_sources(cls, _db, data_sources):
"""All custom lists from the given data sources."""
if not isinstance(data_sources, list):
data_sources = [data_sources]
ids = []
for ds in data_sources:
if isinstance(ds, (bytes, str)):
ds = DataSource.lookup(_db, ds)
return _db.query(CustomList).filter(CustomList.data_source_id.in_(ids))
[docs] @classmethod
def find(cls, _db, foreign_identifier_or_name, data_source=None, library=None):
"""Finds a foreign list in the database by its foreign_identifier
or its name.
source_name = data_source
if isinstance(data_source, DataSource):
source_name = data_source.name
foreign_identifier = str(foreign_identifier_or_name)
qu = _db.query(cls)
if source_name:
qu = qu.join(CustomList.data_source).filter(
qu = qu.filter(
if library:
qu = qu.filter(CustomList.library_id==library.id)
qu = qu.filter(CustomList.library_id==None)
custom_lists = qu.all()
if not custom_lists:
return None
return custom_lists[0]
def featured_works(self):
_db = Session.object_session(self)
editions = [e.edition for e in self.entries if e.featured]
if not editions:
return None
identifiers = [ed.primary_identifier for ed in editions]
return Work.from_identifiers(_db, identifiers)
[docs] def add_entry(self, work_or_edition, annotation=None, first_appearance=None,
featured=None, update_external_index=True):
"""Add a Work or Edition to a CustomList.
:param work_or_edition: A Work or an Edition. If this is a
Work, that specific Work will be added to the CustomList. If
this is an Edition, that Edition will be added to the
CustomList, assuming there's no equivalent Edition already
in the list.
:param update_external_index: When a Work is added to a list,
its external index needs to be updated. The only reason not to
do this is when the current database session already contains
a new WorkCoverageRecord for this purpose (e.g. because the
Work was just created) and creating another one would violate
the workcoveragerecords table's unique constraint. TODO: This
is probably no longer be necessary since we no longer update the
external index in real time.
first_appearance = first_appearance or utc_now()
_db = Session.object_session(self)
if isinstance(work_or_edition, Work):
work = work_or_edition
edition = work.presentation_edition
# Don't look for duplicate entries. get_one_or_create will
# find an existing entry for this Work, and any other Work
# -- even for the same title -- is not considered a
# 'duplicate'.
existing_entries = []
edition = work_or_edition
work = edition.work
# Look for other entries in this CustomList for this Edition,
# or an equivalent Edition. This can avoid situations where
# the same book shows up on a CustomList multiple times.
existing_entries = list(self.entries_for_work(work_or_edition))
# There's no guarantee this Edition _has_ a work, so don't
# filter by Work when looking for a duplicate.
kwargs = dict()
if existing_entries:
# There is a book equivalent to this one on the list.
# Update one of the equivalent CustomListEntries,
# potentially giving it a new .edition and .work
was_new = False
entry = existing_entries[0]
if len(existing_entries) > 1:
entry.update(_db, equivalent_entries=existing_entries[1:])
entry.edition = edition
entry.work = work
# There is no equivalent book on the CustomList, but the
# exact same book may already be on the list. Either find
# an exact duplicate, or create a new entry.
entry, was_new = get_one_or_create(
_db, CustomListEntry,
customlist=self, edition=edition, work=work,
if (not entry.most_recent_appearance
or entry.most_recent_appearance < first_appearance):
entry.most_recent_appearance = first_appearance
if annotation:
entry.annotation = str(annotation)
if work and not entry.work:
entry.work = edition.work
if featured is not None:
entry.featured = featured
if was_new:
self.updated = utc_now()
self.size += 1
# Make sure the Work's search document is updated to reflect its new
# list membership.
if work and update_external_index:
return entry, was_new
[docs] def remove_entry(self, work_or_edition):
"""Remove the entry for a particular Work or Edition and/or any of its
equivalent Editions.
_db = Session.object_session(self)
existing_entries = list(self.entries_for_work(work_or_edition))
for entry in existing_entries:
if entry.work:
# Make sure the Work's search document is updated to
# reflect its new list membership.
if existing_entries:
self.updated = utc_now()
self.size -= len(existing_entries)
[docs] def entries_for_work(self, work_or_edition):
"""Find all of the entries in the list representing a particular
Edition or Work.
if isinstance(work_or_edition, Work):
work = work_or_edition
edition = work_or_edition.presentation_edition
edition = work_or_edition
work = edition.work
equivalent_ids = [x.id for x in edition.equivalent_editions()]
_db = Session.object_session(work_or_edition)
clauses = []
if equivalent_ids:
if work:
if len(clauses) == 0:
# This shouldn't happen, but if it does, there can be
# no matching results.
return _db.query(CustomListEntry).filter(False)
elif len(clauses) == 1:
clause = clauses[0]
clause = or_(*clauses)
qu = _db.query(CustomListEntry).filter(
return qu
[docs] def update_size(self):
self.size = len(self.entries)
[docs]class CustomListEntry(Base):
__tablename__ = 'customlistentries'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
list_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('customlists.id'), index=True)
edition_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('editions.id'), index=True)
work_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('works.id'), index=True)
featured = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
annotation = Column(Unicode)
# These two fields are for best-seller lists. Even after a book
# drops off the list, the fact that it once was on the list is
# still relevant.
first_appearance = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), index=True)
most_recent_appearance = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), index=True)
[docs] def set_work(self, metadata=None, metadata_client=None, policy=None):
"""If possible, identify a locally known Work that is the same
title as the title identified by this CustomListEntry.
:param policy: A PresentationCalculationPolicy, used to
determine how far to go when looking for equivalent
_db = Session.object_session(self)
edition = self.edition
if not self.edition:
# This shouldn't happen, but no edition means no work
self.work = None
return self.work
new_work = None
if not metadata:
from ..metadata_layer import Metadata
metadata = Metadata.from_edition(edition)
# Try to guess based on metadata, if we can get a high-quality
# guess.
potential_license_pools = metadata.guess_license_pools(
_db, metadata_client)
for lp, quality in sorted(
list(potential_license_pools.items()), key=lambda x: -x[1]):
if lp.deliverable and lp.work and quality >= 0.8:
# This work has at least one deliverable LicensePool
# associated with it, so it's likely to be real
# data and not leftover junk.
new_work = lp.work
if not new_work:
# Try using the less reliable, more expensive method of
# matching based on equivalent identifiers.
equivalent_identifier_id_subquery = Identifier.recursively_equivalent_identifier_ids_query(
self.edition.primary_identifier.id, policy=policy
pool_q = _db.query(LicensePool).filter(
pools = [x for x in pool_q if x.deliverable]
for pool in pools:
if pool.deliverable and pool.work:
new_work = pool.work
old_work = self.work
if old_work != new_work:
if old_work:
"Changing work for list entry %r to %r (was %r)",
self.edition, new_work, old_work
"Setting work for list entry %r to %r",
self.edition, new_work
self.work = new_work
return self.work
[docs] def update(self, _db, equivalent_entries=None):
"""Combines any number of equivalent entries into a single entry
and updates the edition being used to represent the Work.
work = None
if not equivalent_entries:
# There are no entries to compare against. Leave it be.
equivalent_entries += [self]
equivalent_entries = list(set(equivalent_entries))
# Confirm that all the entries are from the same CustomList.
list_ids = set([e.list_id for e in equivalent_entries])
if not len(list_ids)==1:
raise ValueError("Cannot combine entries on different CustomLists.")
# Confirm that all the entries are equivalent.
error = "Cannot combine entries that represent different Works."
equivalents = self.edition.equivalent_editions()
for equivalent_entry in equivalent_entries:
if equivalent_entry.edition not in equivalents:
raise ValueError(error)
# And get a Work if one exists.
works = set([])
for e in equivalent_entries:
work = e.edition.work
if work:
works = [w for w in works if w]
if works:
if not len(works)==1:
# This shouldn't happen, given all the Editions are equivalent.
raise ValueError(error)
[work] = works
self.first_appearance = min(
[e.first_appearance for e in equivalent_entries]
self.most_recent_appearance = max(
[e.most_recent_appearance for e in equivalent_entries]
annotations = [str(e.annotation) for e in equivalent_entries
if e.annotation]
if annotations:
if len(annotations) > 1:
# Just pick the longest one?
self.annotation = max(annotations, key=lambda a: len(a))
self.annotation = annotations[0]
# Reset the entry's edition to be the Work's presentation edition.
if work:
best_edition = work.presentation_edition
best_edition = None
if work and not best_edition:
best_edition = work.presentation_edition
if best_edition and not best_edition==self.edition:
"Changing edition for list entry %r to %r from %r",
self, best_edition, self.edition
self.edition = best_edition
for entry in equivalent_entries:
if entry != self:
# TODO: This was originally designed to speed up queries against the
# materialized view that use custom list membership as a way to cut
# down on the result set. Now that we've removed the materialized
# view, is this still necessary? It might still be necessary for
# similar queries against Work.
Index("ix_customlistentries_work_id_list_id", CustomListEntry.work_id, CustomListEntry.list_id)