Source code for core.model.configuration

# encoding: utf-8
# ExternalIntegration, ExternalIntegrationLink, ConfigurationSetting
import inspect
import json
import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager
from enum import Enum

from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Index, Integer, Unicode, UniqueConstraint
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import and_

from .constants import DataSourceConstants
from .hasfulltablecache import HasFullTableCache
from .library import Library
from ..config import CannotLoadConfiguration, Configuration
from ..mirror import MirrorUploader
from ..util.string_helpers import random_string
from . import Base, get_one, get_one_or_create

[docs]class ExternalIntegration(Base, HasFullTableCache): """An external integration contains configuration for connecting to a third-party API. """ # Possible goals of ExternalIntegrations. # # These integrations are associated with external services such as # Google Enterprise which authenticate library administrators. ADMIN_AUTH_GOAL = 'admin_auth' # These integrations are associated with external services such as # SIP2 which authenticate library patrons. Other constants related # to this are defined in the circulation manager. PATRON_AUTH_GOAL = 'patron_auth' # These integrations are associated with external services such # as Overdrive which provide access to books. LICENSE_GOAL = 'licenses' # These integrations are associated with external services such as # the metadata wrangler, which provide information about books, # but not the books themselves. METADATA_GOAL = 'metadata' # These integrations are associated with external services such as # S3 that provide access to book covers. STORAGE_GOAL = MirrorUploader.STORAGE_GOAL # These integrations are associated with external services like # Cloudfront or other CDNs that mirror and/or cache certain domains. CDN_GOAL = 'CDN' # These integrations are associated with external services such as # Elasticsearch that provide indexed search. SEARCH_GOAL = 'search' # These integrations are associated with external services such as # Google Analytics, which receive analytics events. ANALYTICS_GOAL = 'analytics' # These integrations are associated with external services such as # Adobe Vendor ID, which manage access to DRM-dependent content. DRM_GOAL = 'drm' # These integrations are associated with external services that # help patrons find libraries. DISCOVERY_GOAL = 'discovery' # These integrations are associated with external services that # collect logs of server-side events. LOGGING_GOAL = 'logging' # These integrations are associated with external services that # a library uses to manage its catalog. CATALOG_GOAL = 'ils_catalog' # Supported protocols for ExternalIntegrations with LICENSE_GOAL. OPDS_IMPORT = 'OPDS Import' OPDS2_IMPORT = 'OPDS 2.0 Import' OVERDRIVE = DataSourceConstants.OVERDRIVE ODILO = DataSourceConstants.ODILO BIBLIOTHECA = DataSourceConstants.BIBLIOTHECA AXIS_360 = DataSourceConstants.AXIS_360 RB_DIGITAL = DataSourceConstants.RB_DIGITAL ONE_CLICK = RB_DIGITAL OPDS_FOR_DISTRIBUTORS = 'OPDS for Distributors' ENKI = DataSourceConstants.ENKI FEEDBOOKS = DataSourceConstants.FEEDBOOKS LCP = DataSourceConstants.LCP MANUAL = DataSourceConstants.MANUAL PROQUEST = DataSourceConstants.PROQUEST # These protocols were used on the Content Server when mirroring # content from a given directory or directly from Project # Gutenberg, respectively. DIRECTORY_IMPORT was replaced by # MANUAL. GUTENBERG has yet to be replaced, but will eventually # be moved into LICENSE_PROTOCOLS. DIRECTORY_IMPORT = "Directory Import" GUTENBERG = DataSourceConstants.GUTENBERG LICENSE_PROTOCOLS = [ OPDS_IMPORT, OVERDRIVE, ODILO, BIBLIOTHECA, AXIS_360, RB_DIGITAL, GUTENBERG, ENKI, MANUAL ] # Some integrations with LICENSE_GOAL imply that the data and # licenses come from a specific data source. DATA_SOURCE_FOR_LICENSE_PROTOCOL = { OVERDRIVE : DataSourceConstants.OVERDRIVE, ODILO : DataSourceConstants.ODILO, BIBLIOTHECA : DataSourceConstants.BIBLIOTHECA, AXIS_360 : DataSourceConstants.AXIS_360, RB_DIGITAL : DataSourceConstants.RB_DIGITAL, ENKI : DataSourceConstants.ENKI, FEEDBOOKS : DataSourceConstants.FEEDBOOKS, } # Integrations with METADATA_GOAL BIBBLIO = 'Bibblio' CONTENT_CAFE = 'Content Cafe' NOVELIST = 'NoveList Select' NYPL_SHADOWCAT = 'Shadowcat' NYT = 'New York Times' METADATA_WRANGLER = 'Metadata Wrangler' CONTENT_SERVER = 'Content Server' # Integrations with STORAGE_GOAL S3 = 'Amazon S3' MINIO = 'MinIO' LCP = 'LCP' # Integrations with CDN_GOAL CDN = 'CDN' # Integrations with SEARCH_GOAL ELASTICSEARCH = 'Elasticsearch' # Integrations with DRM_GOAL ADOBE_VENDOR_ID = 'Adobe Vendor ID' # Integrations with DISCOVERY_GOAL OPDS_REGISTRATION = 'OPDS Registration' # Integrations with ANALYTICS_GOAL GOOGLE_ANALYTICS = 'Google Analytics' # Integrations with ADMIN_AUTH_GOAL GOOGLE_OAUTH = 'Google OAuth' # List of such ADMIN_AUTH_GOAL integrations ADMIN_AUTH_PROTOCOLS = [GOOGLE_OAUTH] # Integrations with LOGGING_GOAL INTERNAL_LOGGING = 'Internal logging' LOGGLY = "Loggly" CLOUDWATCH = "AWS Cloudwatch Logs" # Integrations with CATALOG_GOAL MARC_EXPORT = "MARC Export" # Keys for common configuration settings # If there is a special URL to use for access to this API, # put it here. URL = "url" # If access requires authentication, these settings represent the # username/password or key/secret combination necessary to # authenticate. If there's a secret but no key, it's stored in # 'password'. USERNAME = "username" PASSWORD = "password" # If the request should use a custom headers, put it here. CUSTOM_ACCEPT_HEADER = "custom_accept_header" # If want to use an identifier different from <id>, use this config. PRIMARY_IDENTIFIER_SOURCE = "primary_identifier_source" DCTERMS_IDENTIFIER = "first_dcterms_identifier" _cache = HasFullTableCache.RESET _id_cache = HasFullTableCache.RESET __tablename__ = 'externalintegrations' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) # Each integration should have a protocol (explaining what type of # code or network traffic we need to run to get things done) and a # goal (explaining the real-world goal of the integration). # # Basically, the protocol is the 'how' and the goal is the 'why'. protocol = Column(Unicode, nullable=False) goal = Column(Unicode, nullable=True) # A unique name for this ExternalIntegration. This is primarily # used to identify ExternalIntegrations from command-line scripts. name = Column(Unicode, nullable=True, unique=True) # Any additional configuration information goes into # ConfigurationSettings. settings = relationship( "ConfigurationSetting", backref="external_integration", lazy="joined", cascade="all, delete", ) # Any number of Collections may designate an ExternalIntegration # as the source of their configuration collections = relationship( "Collection", backref="_external_integration", foreign_keys='Collection.external_integration_id', ) links = relationship( "ExternalIntegrationLink", backref="other_integration", foreign_keys="ExternalIntegrationLink.other_integration_id", cascade="all, delete-orphan" ) def __repr__(self): return "<ExternalIntegration: protocol=%s goal='%s' settings=%d ID=%d>" % ( self.protocol, self.goal, len(self.settings),
[docs] def cache_key(self): # TODO: This is not ideal, but the lookup method isn't like # other HasFullTableCache lookup methods, so for now we use # the unique ID as the cache key. This means that # by_cache_key() and by_id() do the same thing. # # This is okay because we need by_id() quite a # bit and by_cache_key() not as much. return
[docs] @classmethod def for_goal(cls, _db, goal): """Return all external integrations by goal type. """ integrations = _db.query(cls).filter( cls.goal==goal ).order_by( ) return integrations
[docs] @classmethod def for_collection_and_purpose(cls, _db, collection, purpose): """Find the ExternalIntegration for the collection. :param collection: Use the mirror configuration for this Collection. :param purpose: Use the purpose of the mirror configuration. """ qu = _db.query(cls).join( ExternalIntegrationLink, ).filter( ExternalIntegrationLink.external_integration_id==collection.external_integration_id, ExternalIntegrationLink.purpose==purpose ) integrations = qu.all() if not integrations: raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "No storage integration for collection '%s' and purpose '%s' is configured." % (, purpose) ) if len(integrations) > 1: raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "Multiple integrations found for collection '%s' and purpose '%s'" % (, purpose) ) [integration] = integrations return integration
[docs] @classmethod def lookup(cls, _db, protocol, goal, library=None): integrations = _db.query(cls).outerjoin(cls.libraries).filter( cls.protocol==protocol, cls.goal==goal ) if library: integrations = integrations.filter( integrations = integrations.all() if len(integrations) > 1: logging.warning("Multiple integrations found for '%s'/'%s'" % (protocol, goal)) if [i for i in integrations if i.libraries] and not library: raise ValueError( 'This ExternalIntegration requires a library and none was provided.' ) if not integrations: return None return integrations[0]
[docs] @classmethod def with_setting_value(cls, _db, protocol, goal, key, value): """Find ExternalIntegrations with the given protocol, goal, and with a particular ConfigurationSetting key/value pair. This is useful in a scenario where an ExternalIntegration is made unique by a ConfigurationSetting, such as ExternalIntegration.URL, rather than by anything in the ExternalIntecation itself. :param protocol: ExternalIntegrations must have this protocol. :param goal: ExternalIntegrations must have this goal. :param key: Look only at ExternalIntegrations with a ConfigurationSetting for this key. :param value: Find ExternalIntegrations whose ConfigurationSetting has this value. :return: A Query object. """ return _db.query( ExternalIntegration ).join( ExternalIntegration.settings ).filter( ExternalIntegration.goal==goal ).filter( ExternalIntegration.protocol==protocol ).filter( ConfigurationSetting.key==key ).filter( ConfigurationSetting.value==value )
[docs] @classmethod def admin_authentication(cls, _db): admin_auth = get_one(_db, cls, goal=cls.ADMIN_AUTH_GOAL) return admin_auth
[docs] @classmethod def for_library_and_goal(cls, _db, library, goal): """Find all ExternalIntegrations associated with the given Library and the given goal. :return: A Query. """ return _db.query(ExternalIntegration).join( ExternalIntegration.libraries ).filter( ExternalIntegration.goal==goal ).filter( )
[docs] @classmethod def one_for_library_and_goal(cls, _db, library, goal): """Find the ExternalIntegration associated with the given Library and the given goal. :return: An ExternalIntegration, or None. :raise: CannotLoadConfiguration """ integrations = cls.for_library_and_goal(_db, library, goal).all() if len(integrations) == 0: return None if len(integrations) > 1: raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "Library %s defines multiple integrations with goal %s!" % (, goal ) ) return integrations[0]
[docs] def set_setting(self, key, value): """Create or update a key-value setting for this ExternalIntegration.""" setting = self.setting(key) setting.value = value return setting
[docs] def setting(self, key): """Find or create a ConfigurationSetting on this ExternalIntegration. :param key: Name of the setting. :return: A ConfigurationSetting """ return ConfigurationSetting.for_externalintegration( key, self )
@hybrid_property def url(self): return self.setting(self.URL).value @url.setter def url(self, new_url): self.set_setting(self.URL, new_url) @hybrid_property def username(self): return self.setting(self.USERNAME).value @username.setter def username(self, new_username): self.set_setting(self.USERNAME, new_username) @hybrid_property def password(self): return self.setting(self.PASSWORD).value @password.setter def password(self, new_password): return self.set_setting(self.PASSWORD, new_password) @hybrid_property def custom_accept_header(self): return self.setting(self.CUSTOM_ACCEPT_HEADER).value @custom_accept_header.setter def custom_accept_header(self, new_custom_accept_header): return self.set_setting(self.CUSTOM_ACCEPT_HEADER, new_custom_accept_header) @hybrid_property def primary_identifier_source(self): return self.setting(self.PRIMARY_IDENTIFIER_SOURCE).value @primary_identifier_source.setter def primary_identifier_source(self, new_primary_identifier_source): return self.set_setting(self.PRIMARY_IDENTIFIER_SOURCE, new_primary_identifier_source)
[docs] def explain(self, library=None, include_secrets=False): """Create a series of human-readable strings to explain an ExternalIntegration's settings. :param library: Include additional settings imposed upon this ExternalIntegration by the given Library. :param include_secrets: For security reasons, sensitive settings such as passwords are not displayed by default. :return: A list of explanatory strings. """ lines = [] lines.append("ID: %s" % if lines.append("Name: %s" % lines.append("Protocol/Goal: %s/%s" % (self.protocol, self.goal)) def key(setting): if setting.library: return setting.key, return (setting.key, None) for setting in sorted(self.settings, key=key): if library and setting.library and setting.library != library: # This is a different library's specialization of # this integration. Ignore it. continue if setting.value is None: # The setting has no value. Ignore it. continue explanation = "%s='%s'" % (setting.key, setting.value) if setting.library: explanation = "%s (applies only to %s)" % ( explanation, ) if include_secrets or not setting.is_secret: lines.append(explanation) return lines
[docs]class ConfigurationSetting(Base, HasFullTableCache): """An extra piece of site configuration. A ConfigurationSetting may be associated with an ExternalIntegration, a Library, both, or neither. * The secret used by the circulation manager to sign OAuth bearer tokens is not associated with an ExternalIntegration or with a Library. * The link to a library's privacy policy is associated with the Library, but not with any particular ExternalIntegration. * The "website ID" for an Overdrive collection is associated with an ExternalIntegration (the Overdrive integration), but not with any particular Library (since multiple libraries might share an Overdrive collection). * The "identifier prefix" used to determine which library a patron is a patron of, is associated with both a Library and an ExternalIntegration. """ __tablename__ = 'configurationsettings' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) external_integration_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(''), index=True ) library_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(''), index=True ) key = Column(Unicode) _value = Column(Unicode, name="value") __table_args__ = ( # Unique indexes to prevent the creation of redundant # configuration settings. # If both external_integration_id and library_id are null, # then the key--the name of a sitewide setting--must be unique. Index( "ix_configurationsettings_key", key, unique=True, postgresql_where=and_( external_integration_id==None, library_id==None ) ), # If external_integration_id is null but library_id is not, # then (library_id, key) must be unique. Index( "ix_configurationsettings_library_id_key", library_id, key, unique=True, postgresql_where=(external_integration_id==None) ), # If library_id is null but external_integration_id is not, # then (external_integration_id, key) must be unique. Index( "ix_configurationsettings_external_integration_id_key", external_integration_id, key, unique=True, postgresql_where=library_id==None ), # If both external_integration_id and library_id have values, # then (external_integration_id, library_id, key) must be # unique. Index( "ix_configurationsettings_external_integration_id_library_id_key", external_integration_id, library_id, key, unique=True, ), ) _cache = HasFullTableCache.RESET _id_cache = HasFullTableCache.RESET def __repr__(self): return '<ConfigurationSetting: key=%s, ID=%d>' % ( self.key,
[docs] @classmethod def sitewide_secret(cls, _db, key): """Find or create a sitewide shared secret. The value of this setting doesn't matter, only that it's unique across the site and that it's always available. """ secret = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide(_db, key) if not secret.value: secret.value = random_string(24) # Commit to get this in the database ASAP. _db.commit() return secret.value
[docs] @classmethod def explain(cls, _db, include_secrets=False): """Explain all site-wide ConfigurationSettings.""" lines = [] site_wide_settings = [] for setting in _db.query(ConfigurationSetting).filter( ConfigurationSetting.library==None).filter( ConfigurationSetting.external_integration==None): if not include_secrets and setting.key.endswith("_secret"): continue site_wide_settings.append(setting) if site_wide_settings: lines.append("Site-wide configuration settings:") lines.append("---------------------------------") for setting in sorted(site_wide_settings, key=lambda s: s.key): if setting.value is None: continue lines.append("%s='%s'" % (setting.key, setting.value)) return lines
[docs] @classmethod def sitewide(cls, _db, key): """Find or create a sitewide ConfigurationSetting.""" return cls.for_library_and_externalintegration(_db, key, None, None)
[docs] @classmethod def for_library(cls, key, library): """Find or create a ConfigurationSetting for the given Library.""" _db = Session.object_session(library) return cls.for_library_and_externalintegration(_db, key, library, None)
[docs] @classmethod def for_externalintegration(cls, key, externalintegration): """Find or create a ConfigurationSetting for the given ExternalIntegration. """ _db = Session.object_session(externalintegration) return cls.for_library_and_externalintegration( _db, key, None, externalintegration )
@classmethod def _cache_key(cls, library, external_integration, key): if library: library_id = else: library_id = None if external_integration: external_integration_id = else: external_integration_id = None return (library_id, external_integration_id, key)
[docs] def cache_key(self): return self._cache_key(self.library, self.external_integration, self.key)
[docs] @classmethod def for_library_and_externalintegration( cls, _db, key, library, external_integration ): """Find or create a ConfigurationSetting associated with a Library and an ExternalIntegration. """ def create(): """Function called when a ConfigurationSetting is not found in cache and must be created. """ return get_one_or_create( _db, ConfigurationSetting, library=library, external_integration=external_integration, key=key ) # ConfigurationSettings are stored in cache based on their library, # external integration, and the name of the setting. cache_key = cls._cache_key(library, external_integration, key) setting, ignore = cls.by_cache_key(_db, cache_key, create) return setting
@hybrid_property def value(self): """What's the current value of this configuration setting? If not present, the value may be inherited from some other ConfigurationSetting. """ if self._value: # An explicitly set value always takes precedence. return self._value elif self.library and self.external_integration: # This is a library-specific specialization of an # ExternalIntegration. Treat the value set on the # ExternalIntegration as a default. return self.for_externalintegration( self.key, self.external_integration).value elif self.library: # This is a library-specific setting. Treat the site-wide # value as a default. _db = Session.object_session(self) return self.sitewide(_db, self.key).value return self._value @value.setter def value(self, new_value): if isinstance(new_value, bytes): new_value = new_value.decode("utf8") elif new_value is not None: new_value = str(new_value) self._value = new_value @classmethod def _is_secret(self, key): """Should the value of the given key be treated as secret? This will have to do, in the absence of programmatic ways of saying that a specific setting should be treated as secret. """ return any( key == x or key.startswith('%s_' % x) or key.endswith('_%s' % x) or ("_%s_" %x) in key for x in ('secret', 'password') ) @property def is_secret(self): """Should the value of this key be treated as secret?""" return self._is_secret(self.key)
[docs] def value_or_default(self, default): """Return the value of this setting. If the value is None, set it to `default` and return that instead. """ if self.value is None: self.value = default return self.value
MEANS_YES = set(['true', 't', 'yes', 'y']) @property def bool_value(self): """Turn the value into a boolean if possible. :return: A boolean, or None if there is no value. """ if self.value: if self.value.lower() in self.MEANS_YES: return True return False return None @property def int_value(self): """Turn the value into an int if possible. :return: An integer, or None if there is no value. :raise ValueError: If the value cannot be converted to an int. """ if self.value: return int(self.value) return None @property def float_value(self): """Turn the value into an float if possible. :return: A float, or None if there is no value. :raise ValueError: If the value cannot be converted to a float. """ if self.value: return float(self.value) return None @property def json_value(self): """Interpret the value as JSON if possible. :return: An object, or None if there is no value. :raise ValueError: If the value cannot be parsed as JSON. """ if self.value: return json.loads(self.value) return None # As of this release of the software, this is our best guess as to # which data sources should have their audiobooks excluded from # lanes. EXCLUDED_AUDIO_DATA_SOURCES_DEFAULT = []
[docs] @classmethod def excluded_audio_data_sources(cls, _db): """List the data sources whose audiobooks should not be published in feeds, either because this server can't fulfill them or the expected client can't play them. Most methods like this go into Configuration, but this one needs to reference data model objects for its default value. """ value = cls.sitewide( _db, Configuration.EXCLUDED_AUDIO_DATA_SOURCES ).json_value if value is None: value = cls.EXCLUDED_AUDIO_DATA_SOURCES_DEFAULT return value
[docs]class HasExternalIntegration(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Interface allowing to get access to an external integration"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def external_integration(self, db): """Returns an external integration associated with this object :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :return: External integration associated with this object :rtype: core.model.configuration.ExternalIntegration """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class BaseConfigurationStorage(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Serializes and deserializes values as configuration settings"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def save(self, db, setting_name, value): """Save the value as as a new configuration setting :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param setting_name: Name of the configuration setting :type setting_name: string :param value: Value to be saved :type value: Any """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def load(self, db, setting_name): """Loads and returns the library's configuration setting :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param setting_name: Name of the configuration setting :type setting_name: string :return: Any """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ConfigurationStorage(BaseConfigurationStorage): """Serializes and deserializes values as configuration settings""" def __init__(self, integration_association): """Initializes a new instance of ConfigurationStorage class :param integration_association: Association with an external integration :type integration_association: HasExternalIntegration """ self._integration_association = integration_association
[docs] def save(self, db, setting_name, value): """Save the value as as a new configuration setting :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param setting_name: Name of the configuration setting :type setting_name: string :param value: Value to be saved :type value: Any """ integration = self._integration_association.external_integration(db) ConfigurationSetting.for_externalintegration( setting_name, integration).value = value
[docs] def load(self, db, setting_name): """Loads and returns the library's configuration setting :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param setting_name: Name of the library's configuration setting :type setting_name: string :return: Any """ integration = self._integration_association.external_integration(db) value = ConfigurationSetting.for_externalintegration( setting_name, integration).value return value
[docs]class ConfigurationAttributeType(Enum): """Enumeration of configuration setting types""" TEXT = 'text' TEXTAREA = 'textarea' SELECT = 'select' NUMBER = 'number' LIST = 'list' MENU = 'menu'
[docs] def to_control_type(self): """Converts the value to a attribute type understandable by circulation-web :return: String representation of attribute's type :rtype: string """ # NOTE: For some reason, circulation-web converts "text" into <text> so we have to turn it into None # In this case circulation-web will use <input> # TODO: To be fixed in if self.value == self.TEXT.value: return None else: return self.value
[docs]class ConfigurationAttribute(Enum): """Enumeration of configuration setting attributes""" KEY = 'key' LABEL = 'label' DESCRIPTION = 'description' TYPE = 'type' REQUIRED = 'required' DEFAULT = 'default' OPTIONS = 'options' CATEGORY = 'category' FORMAT = 'format'
[docs]class ConfigurationOption(object): """Key-value pair containing information about configuration attribute option""" def __init__(self, key, label): """Initializes a new instance of ConfigurationOption class :param key: Key :type key: string :param label: Label :type label: string """ self._key = key self._label = label def __eq__(self, other): """Compares two ConfigurationOption objects :param other: ConfigurationOption object :type other: ConfigurationOption :return: Boolean value indicating whether two items are equal :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(other, ConfigurationOption): return False return \ self.key == other.key and \ self.label == other.label @property def key(self): """Returns option's key :return: Option's key :rtype: string """ return self._key @property def label(self): """Returns option's label :return: Option's label :rtype: string """ return self._label
[docs] def to_settings(self): """Returns a dictionary containing option metadata in the SETTINGS format :return: Dictionary containing option metadata in the SETTINGS format :rtype: Dict """ return { 'key': self.key, 'label': self.label }
[docs] @staticmethod def from_enum(cls): """Convers Enum to a list of options in the SETTINGS format :param cls: Enum type :type cls: type :return: List of options in the SETTINGS format :rtype: List[Dict] """ if not issubclass(cls, Enum): raise ValueError('Class should be descendant of Enum') return [ ConfigurationOption(element.value, for element in cls ]
[docs]class HasConfigurationSettings(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Interface representing class containing ConfigurationMetadata properties"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_setting_value(self, setting_name): """Returns a settings'value :param setting_name: Name of the setting :type setting_name: string :return: Setting's value :rtype: Any """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_setting_value(self, setting_name, setting_value): """Sets setting's value :param setting_name: Name of the setting :type setting_name: string :param setting_value: New value of the setting :type setting_value: Any """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ConfigurationMetadata(object): """Contains configuration metadata""" _counter = 0 def __init__( self, key, label, description, type, required=False, default=None, options=None, category=None, format=None, index=None ): """Initializes a new instance of ConfigurationMetadata class :param key: Setting's key :type key: string :param label: Setting's label :type label: string :param description: Setting's description :type description: string :param type: Setting's type :type type: ConfigurationAttributeType :param required: Boolean value indicating whether the setting is required or not :type required: bool :param default: Setting's default value :type default: Any :param options: Setting's options (used in the case of select) :type options: List[ConfigurationSettingAttributeOption] :param category: Setting's category :type category: string """ self._key = key self._label = label self._description = description self._type = type self._required = required self._default = default self._options = options self._category = category self._format = format if index is not None: self._index = index else: ConfigurationMetadata._counter += 1 self._index = ConfigurationMetadata._counter def __get__(self, owner_instance, owner_type): """Returns a value of the setting :param owner_instance: Instance of the owner, class having instance of ConfigurationMetadata as an attribute :type owner_instance: Optional[ConfigurationMetadataOwner] :param owner_type: Owner's class :type owner_type: Optional[Type] :return: ConfigurationMetadata instance (when called via a static method) or the setting's value (when called via an instance method) :rtype: Union[ConfigurationMetadata, Any] """ # If owner_instance is empty, it means that this method was called # via a static method of ConfigurationMetadataOwner (for example, ConfigurationBucket.to_settings). # In this case we need to return the metadata instance itself if owner_instance is None: return self if not isinstance(owner_instance, HasConfigurationSettings): raise Exception('owner must be an instance of ConfigurationSettingsMetadataOwner type') return owner_instance.get_setting_value(self._key) def __set__(self, owner_instance, value): """Updates the setting's value :param owner_instance: Instance of the owner, class having instance of ConfigurationMetadata as an attribute :type owner_instance: Optional[ConfigurationMetadataOwner] :param value: New setting's value :type value: Any """ if not isinstance(owner_instance, HasConfigurationSettings): raise Exception('owner must be an instance ConfigurationSettingsMetadataOwner type') return owner_instance.set_setting_value(self._key, value) @property def key(self): """Returns the setting's key :return: Setting's key :rtype: string """ return self._key @property def label(self): """Returns the setting's label :return: Setting's label :rtype: string """ return self._label @property def description(self): """Returns the setting's description :return: Setting's description :rtype: string """ return self._description @property def type(self): """Returns the setting's type :return: Setting's type :rtype: string """ return self._type @property def required(self): """Returns the boolean value indicating whether the setting is required or not :return: Boolean value indicating whether the setting is required or not :rtype: string """ return self._required @property def default(self): """Returns the setting's default value :return: Setting's default value :rtype: string """ return self._default @property def options(self): """Returns the setting's options (used in the case of select) :return: Setting's options (used in the case of select) :rtype: string """ return self._options @property def category(self): """Returns the setting's category :return: Setting's category :rtype: string """ return self._category @property def format(self): """Returns the setting's format :return: Setting's format :rtype: string """ return self._format @property def index(self): return self._index
[docs] @staticmethod def get_configuration_metadata(cls): """Returns a list of 2-tuples containing information ConfigurationMetadata properties in the specified class :param cls: Class :type cls: type :return: List of 2-tuples containing information ConfigurationMetadata properties in the specified class :rtype: List[Tuple[string, ConfigurationMetadata]] """ members = inspect.getmembers(cls) configuration_metadata = [] for name, member in members: if isinstance(member, ConfigurationMetadata): configuration_metadata.append((name, member)) configuration_metadata.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1].index) return configuration_metadata
[docs] def to_settings(self): return { ConfigurationAttribute.KEY.value: self.key, ConfigurationAttribute.LABEL.value: self.label, ConfigurationAttribute.DESCRIPTION.value: self.description, ConfigurationAttribute.TYPE.value: self.type.to_control_type(), ConfigurationAttribute.REQUIRED.value: self.required, ConfigurationAttribute.DEFAULT.value: self.default, ConfigurationAttribute.OPTIONS.value: [option.to_settings() for option in self.options] if self.options else None, ConfigurationAttribute.CATEGORY.value: self.category, ConfigurationAttribute.FORMAT.value: self.format }
[docs] @staticmethod def to_bool(metadata): """Return a boolean scalar indicating whether the configuration setting contains a value that can be treated as True (see ConfigurationSetting.MEANS_YES). :param metadata: ConfigurationMetadata object :type metadata: ConfigurationMetadata :return: Boolean scalar indicating whether this configuration setting contains a value that can be treated as True :rtype: bool """ return str(metadata).lower() in ConfigurationSetting.MEANS_YES
[docs]class ConfigurationGrouping(HasConfigurationSettings): """Base class for all classes containing configuration settings NOTE: Be aware that it's valid only while a database session is valid and must not be stored between requests """ def __init__(self, configuration_storage, db): """Initializes a new instance of ConfigurationGrouping :param configuration_storage: ConfigurationStorage object :type configuration_storage: BaseConfigurationStorage :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session """ self._logger = logging.getLogger() self._configuration_storage = configuration_storage self._db = db def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._db = None
[docs] def get_setting_value(self, setting_name): """Returns a settings'value :param setting_name: Name of the setting :type setting_name: string :return: Setting's value :rtype: Any """ return self._configuration_storage.load(self._db, setting_name)
[docs] def set_setting_value(self, setting_name, setting_value): """Sets setting's value :param setting_name: Name of the setting :type setting_name: string :param setting_value: New value of the setting :type setting_value: Any """, setting_name, setting_value)
[docs] @classmethod def to_settings_generator(cls): """Return a generator object returning settings in a format understandable by circulation-web. :return: list of settings in a format understandable by circulation-web. :rtype: List[Dict] """ for name, member in ConfigurationMetadata.get_configuration_metadata(cls): key_attribute = getattr(member, ConfigurationAttribute.KEY.value, None) label_attribute = getattr(member, ConfigurationAttribute.LABEL.value, None) description_attribute = getattr(member, ConfigurationAttribute.DESCRIPTION.value, None) type_attribute = getattr(member, ConfigurationAttribute.TYPE.value, None) required_attribute = getattr(member, ConfigurationAttribute.REQUIRED.value, None) default_attribute = getattr(member, ConfigurationAttribute.DEFAULT.value, None) options_attribute = getattr(member, ConfigurationAttribute.OPTIONS.value, None) category_attribute = getattr(member, ConfigurationAttribute.CATEGORY.value, None) yield { ConfigurationAttribute.KEY.value: key_attribute, ConfigurationAttribute.LABEL.value: label_attribute, ConfigurationAttribute.DESCRIPTION.value: description_attribute, ConfigurationAttribute.TYPE.value: type_attribute.to_control_type(), ConfigurationAttribute.REQUIRED.value: required_attribute, ConfigurationAttribute.DEFAULT.value: default_attribute, ConfigurationAttribute.OPTIONS.value: [option.to_settings() for option in options_attribute] if options_attribute else None, ConfigurationAttribute.CATEGORY.value: category_attribute }
[docs] @classmethod def to_settings(cls): """Return a list of settings in a format understandable by circulation-web. :return: list of settings in a format understandable by circulation-web. :rtype: List[Dict] """ return list(cls.to_settings_generator())
[docs]class ConfigurationFactory(object): """Factory creating new instances of ConfigurationGrouping class descendants."""
[docs] @contextmanager def create(self, configuration_storage, db, configuration_grouping_class): """Create a new instance of ConfigurationGrouping. :param configuration_storage: ConfigurationStorage object :type configuration_storage: ConfigurationStorage :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param configuration_grouping_class: Configuration bucket's class :type configuration_grouping_class: Type[ConfigurationGrouping] :return: ConfigurationGrouping instance :rtype: ConfigurationGrouping """ with configuration_grouping_class(configuration_storage, db) as configuration_bucket: yield configuration_bucket