from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from .config import CannotLoadConfiguration
from .util.datetime_helpers import utc_now
[docs]class MirrorUploader(metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Handles the job of uploading a representation's content to
a mirror that we control.
STORAGE_GOAL = 'storage'
# Depending on the .protocol of an ExternalIntegration with
# .goal=STORAGE, a different subclass might be initialized by
# sitewide() or for_collection(). A subclass that wants to take
# advantage of this should add a mapping here from its .protocol
# to itself.
[docs] @classmethod
def mirror(cls, _db, storage_name=None, integration=None):
"""Create a MirrorUploader from an integration or storage name.
:param storage_name: The name of the storage integration.
:param integration: The external integration.
:return: A MirrorUploader.
:raise: CannotLoadConfiguration if no integration with
goal==STORAGE_GOAL is configured.
if not integration:
integration = cls.integration_by_name(_db, storage_name)
return cls.implementation(integration)
[docs] @classmethod
def integration_by_name(cls, _db, storage_name=None):
"""Find the ExternalIntegration for the mirror by storage name."""
from .model import ExternalIntegration
qu = _db.query(ExternalIntegration).filter(
integrations = qu.all()
if not integrations:
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
"No storage integration with name '%s' is configured." % storage_name
[integration] = integrations
return integration
[docs] @classmethod
def for_collection(cls, collection, purpose):
"""Create a MirrorUploader for the given Collection.
:param collection: Use the mirror configuration for this Collection.
:param purpose: Use the purpose of the mirror configuration.
:return: A MirrorUploader, or None if the Collection has no
mirror integration.
from .model import ExternalIntegration
from .model import Session
_db = Session.object_session(collection)
integration = ExternalIntegration.for_collection_and_purpose(_db, collection, purpose)
except CannotLoadConfiguration as e:
return None
return cls.implementation(integration)
[docs] @classmethod
def implementation(cls, integration):
"""Instantiate the appropriate implementation of MirrorUploader
for the given ExternalIntegration.
if not integration:
return None
implementation_class = cls.IMPLEMENTATION_REGISTRY.get(
integration.protocol, cls
return implementation_class(integration)
def __init__(self, integration, host):
"""Instantiate a MirrorUploader from an ExternalIntegration.
:param integration: An ExternalIntegration configuring the credentials
used to upload things.
:type integration: ExternalIntegration
:param host: Base host used by the mirror
:type host: string
if integration.goal != self.STORAGE_GOAL:
# This collection's 'mirror integration' isn't intended to
# be used to mirror anything.
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
"Cannot create an MirrorUploader from an integration with goal=%s" %
self._host = host
# Subclasses will override this to further configure the client
# based on the credentials in the ExternalIntegration.
[docs] def do_upload(self, representation):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def mirror_one(self, representation, mirror_to, collection=None):
"""Mirror a single Representation.
:param representation: Book's representation
:type representation: Representation
:param mirror_to: Mirror URL
:type mirror_to: string
:param collection: Collection
:type collection: Optional[core.model.collection.Collection]
now = utc_now()
exception = self.do_upload(representation)
representation.mirror_exception = exception
if exception:
representation.mirrored_at = None
representation.mirrored_at = now
[docs] def mirror_batch(self, representations):
"""Mirror a batch of Representations at once."""
for representation in representations:
self.mirror_one(representation, '')
[docs] def book_url(self, identifier, extension='.epub', open_access=True,
data_source=None, title=None):
"""The URL of the hosted EPUB file for the given identifier.
This does not upload anything to the URL, but it is expected
that calling mirror() on a certain Representation object will
make that representation end up at that URL.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def cover_image_url(self, data_source, identifier, filename=None,
"""The URL of the hosted cover image for the given identifier.
This does not upload anything to the URL, but it is expected
that calling mirror() on a certain Representation object will
make that representation end up at that URL.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def sign_url(self, url, expiration=None):
"""Signs a URL and make it expirable
:param url: URL
:type url: string
:param expiration: (Optional) Time in seconds for the presigned URL to remain valid.
Default value depends on a specific implementation
:type expiration: int
:return: Signed expirable link
:rtype: string
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def is_self_url(self, url):
"""Determines whether the URL has the mirror's host or a custom domain
:param url: The URL
:type url: string
:return: Boolean value indicating whether the URL has the mirror's host or a custom domain
:rtype: bool
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)
if netloc.endswith(self._host):
return True
return False
[docs] @abstractmethod
def split_url(self, url, unquote=True):
"""Splits the URL into the components: container (bucket) and file path
:param url: URL
:type url: string
:param unquote: Boolean value indicating whether it's required to unquote URL elements
:type unquote: bool
:return: Tuple (bucket, file path)
:rtype: Tuple[string, string]
raise NotImplementedError()