Source code for core.log

import logging
import json
import os
import socket
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from io import StringIO
from loggly.handlers import HTTPSHandler as LogglyHandler
from watchtower import CloudWatchLogHandler
from boto3.session import Session as AwsSession

from .config import Configuration
from .config import CannotLoadConfiguration
from .model import ExternalIntegration, ConfigurationSetting
from .util.datetime_helpers import utc_now

[docs]class JSONFormatter(logging.Formatter): hostname = socket.gethostname() fqdn = socket.getfqdn() if len(fqdn) > len(hostname): hostname = fqdn def __init__(self, app_name): super(JSONFormatter, self).__init__() self.app_name = app_name or LogConfiguration.DEFAULT_APP_NAME
[docs] def format(self, record): def ensure_str(s): """Ensure that unicode strings are used for a record's message. We don't want to try to interpolate an incompatible byte type; it could lead to a UnicodeDecodeError. """ if isinstance(s, bytes): s = s.decode("utf-8") return s message = ensure_str(record.msg) if record.args: record_args = tuple( [ensure_str(arg) for arg in record.args] ) try: message = message % record_args except Exception as e: # There was a problem formatting the log message, # which points to a bug. A problem with the logging # code shouldn't break the code that actually does the # work, but we can't just let this slide -- we need to # report the problem so it can be fixed. message = "Log message could not be formatted. Exception: %r. Original message: message=%r args=%r" % ( e, message, record_args ) data = dict( host=self.hostname, app=self.app_name,, level=record.levelname, filename=record.filename, message=message, timestamp=utc_now().isoformat() ) if record.exc_info: data['traceback'] = self.formatException(record.exc_info) return json.dumps(data)
[docs]class StringFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Encode all output as a string. """
[docs] def format(self, record): data = super(StringFormatter, self).format(record) return str(data)
[docs]class Logger(object): """Abstract base class for logging""" DEFAULT_APP_NAME = 'simplified' JSON_LOG_FORMAT = 'json' TEXT_LOG_FORMAT = 'text' DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "%(asctime)s:%(name)s:%(levelname)s:%(filename)s:%(message)s"
[docs] @classmethod def set_formatter(cls, handler, app_name=None, log_format=None, message_template=None): """Tell the given `handler` to format its log messages in a certain way. """ # Initialize defaults if log_format is None: log_format = cls.JSON_LOG_FORMAT if message_template is None: message_template = cls.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE if log_format == cls.JSON_LOG_FORMAT: formatter = JSONFormatter(app_name) else: formatter = StringFormatter(message_template) handler.setFormatter(formatter)
[docs] @classmethod def from_configuration(cls, _db, testing=False): """Should be implemented in each logging class.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class SysLogger(Logger): NAME = 'sysLog' # Settings for the integration with protocol=INTERNAL_LOGGING LOG_FORMAT = 'log_format' LOG_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = 'message_template' SETTINGS = [ { "key": LOG_FORMAT, "label": _("Log Format"), "type": "select", "options": [ { "key": Logger.JSON_LOG_FORMAT, "label": _("json") }, { "key": Logger.TEXT_LOG_FORMAT, "label": _("text") } ] }, { "key": LOG_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE, "label": _("template"), "default": Logger.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE, "required": True, } ] SITEWIDE = True @classmethod def _defaults(cls, testing=False): """Return default log configuration values.""" if testing: internal_log_format = cls.TEXT_LOG_FORMAT else: internal_log_format = cls.JSON_LOG_FORMAT message_template = cls.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE return internal_log_format, message_template
[docs] @classmethod def from_configuration(cls, _db, testing=False): (internal_log_format, message_template) = cls._defaults(testing) app_name = cls.DEFAULT_APP_NAME if _db and not testing: goal = ExternalIntegration.LOGGING_GOAL internal = ExternalIntegration.lookup( _db, ExternalIntegration.INTERNAL_LOGGING, goal ) if internal: internal_log_format = ( internal.setting(cls.LOG_FORMAT).value or internal_log_format ) message_template = ( internal.setting(cls.LOG_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE).value or message_template ) app_name = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide(_db, Configuration.LOG_APP_NAME).value or app_name handler = logging.StreamHandler() cls.set_formatter(handler, log_format=internal_log_format, message_template=message_template, app_name=app_name) return handler
[docs]class Loggly(Logger): NAME = "Loggly" DEFAULT_LOGGLY_URL = "" USER = 'user' PASSWORD = 'password' URL = 'url' SETTINGS = [ { "key": USER, "label": _("Username"), "required": True }, { "key": PASSWORD, "label": _("Password"), "required": True }, { "key": URL, "label": _("URL"), "required": True, "format": "url" }, ] SITEWIDE = True
[docs] @classmethod def from_configuration(cls, _db, testing=False): loggly = None from .model import (ExternalIntegration, ConfigurationSetting) app_name = cls.DEFAULT_APP_NAME if _db and not testing: goal = ExternalIntegration.LOGGING_GOAL loggly = ExternalIntegration.lookup( _db, ExternalIntegration.LOGGLY, goal ) app_name = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide(_db, Configuration.LOG_APP_NAME).value or app_name if loggly: loggly = Loggly.loggly_handler(loggly) cls.set_formatter(loggly, app_name) return loggly
[docs] @classmethod def loggly_handler(cls, externalintegration): """Turn a Loggly ExternalIntegration into a log handler. """ token = externalintegration.password url = externalintegration.url or cls.DEFAULT_LOGGLY_URL if not url: raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "Loggly integration configured but no URL provided." ) try: url = cls._interpolate_loggly_url(url, token) except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "Cannot interpolate token %s into loggly URL %s" % ( token, url, ) ) return LogglyHandler(url)
@classmethod def _interpolate_loggly_url(cls, url, token): if '%s' in url: return url % token if '%(' in url: return url % dict(token=token) # Assume the token is already in the URL. return url
[docs] @classmethod def set_formatter(cls, handler, app_name): """Tell the given `handler` to format its log messages in a certain way. """ formatter = JSONFormatter(app_name) handler.setFormatter(formatter)
[docs]class CloudwatchLogs(Logger): NAME = "AWS Cloudwatch Logs" GROUP = 'group' STREAM = 'stream' INTERVAL = 'interval' CREATE_GROUP = 'create_group' REGION = 'region' DEFAULT_REGION = 'us-west-2' DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 60 DEFAULT_CREATE_GROUP = "TRUE" # REGIONS = [ {"key": "us-east-2", "label": _("US East (Ohio)")}, {"key": "us-east-1", "label": _("US East (N. Virginia)")}, {"key": "us-west-1", "label": _("US West (N. California)")}, {"key": "us-west-2", "label": _("US West (Oregon)")}, {"key": "ap-south-1", "label": _("Asia Pacific (Mumbai)")}, {"key": "ap-northeast-3", "label": _("Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local)")}, {"key": "ap-northeast-2", "label": _("Asia Pacific (Seoul)")}, {"key": "ap-southeast-1", "label": _("Asia Pacific (Singapore)")}, {"key": "ap-southeast-2", "label": _("Asia Pacific (Sydney)")}, {"key": "ap-northeast-1", "label": _("Asia Pacific (Tokyo)")}, {"key": "ca-central-1", "label": _("Canada (Central)")}, {"key": "cn-north-1", "label": _("China (Beijing)")}, {"key": "cn-northwest-1", "label": _("China (Ningxia)")}, {"key": "eu-central-1", "label": _("EU (Frankfurt)")}, {"key": "eu-west-1", "label": _("EU (Ireland)")}, {"key": "eu-west-2", "label": _("EU (London)")}, {"key": "eu-west-3", "label": _("EU (Paris)")}, {"key": "sa-east-1", "label": _("South America (Sao Paulo)")}, ] SETTINGS = [ { "key": GROUP, "label": _("Log Group"), "default": Logger.DEFAULT_APP_NAME, "required": True, }, { "key": STREAM, "label": _("Log Stream"), "default": Logger.DEFAULT_APP_NAME, "required": True, }, { "key": INTERVAL, "label": _("Update Interval Seconds"), "default": DEFAULT_INTERVAL, "required": True, }, { "key": REGION, "label": _("AWS Region"), "type": "select", "options": REGIONS, "default": DEFAULT_REGION, "required": True, }, { "key": CREATE_GROUP, "label": _("Automatically Create Log Group"), "type": "select", "options": [ { "key": "TRUE", "label": _("Yes") }, { "key": "FALSE", "label": _("No") }, ], "default": True, "required": True, }, ] SITEWIDE = True
[docs] @classmethod def from_configuration(cls, _db, testing=False): settings = None cloudwatch = None app_name = cls.DEFAULT_APP_NAME if _db and not testing: goal = ExternalIntegration.LOGGING_GOAL settings = ExternalIntegration.lookup( _db, ExternalIntegration.CLOUDWATCH, goal ) app_name = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide(_db, Configuration.LOG_APP_NAME).value or app_name if settings: cloudwatch = cls.get_handler(settings, testing) cls.set_formatter(cloudwatch, app_name) return cloudwatch
[docs] @classmethod def get_handler(cls, settings, testing=False): """Turn ExternalIntegration into a log handler. """ group = settings.setting(cls.GROUP).value or cls.DEFAULT_APP_NAME stream = settings.setting(cls.STREAM).value or cls.DEFAULT_APP_NAME interval = settings.setting(cls.INTERVAL).value or cls.DEFAULT_INTERVAL region = settings.setting(cls.REGION).value or cls.DEFAULT_REGION create_group = settings.setting(cls.CREATE_GROUP).value or cls.DEFAULT_CREATE_GROUP try: interval = int(interval) if interval <= 0: raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "AWS Cloudwatch Logs interval must be a positive integer." ) except ValueError: raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "AWS Cloudwatch Logs interval configuration must be an integer." ) session = AwsSession(region_name=region) handler = CloudWatchLogHandler( log_group=group, stream_name=stream, send_interval=interval, boto3_session=session, create_log_group=create_group == "TRUE" ) # Add a filter that makes sure no messages from botocore are processed by # the cloudwatch logs integration, as these messages can lead to an infinite loop. class BotoFilter(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record): return not'botocore') handler.addFilter(BotoFilter()) return handler
[docs]class LogConfiguration(object): """Configures the active Python logging handlers based on logging configuration from the database. """ DEBUG = "DEBUG" INFO = "INFO" WARN = "WARN" ERROR = "ERROR" # The default value to put into the 'app' field of JSON-format logs, # unless LOG_APP_NAME overrides it. DEFAULT_APP_NAME = 'simplified' LOG_APP_NAME = 'log_app' DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = INFO DEFAULT_DATABASE_LOG_LEVEL = WARN # Settings for the integration with protocol=INTERNAL_LOGGING LOG_LEVEL = 'log_level' DATABASE_LOG_LEVEL = 'database_log_level' LOG_LEVEL_UI = [ { "key": DEBUG, "value": _("Debug") }, { "key": INFO, "value": _("Info") }, { "key": WARN, "value": _("Warn") }, { "key": ERROR, "value": _("Error") }, ] SITEWIDE_SETTINGS = [ { "key": LOG_LEVEL, "label": _("Log Level"), "type": "select", "options": LOG_LEVEL_UI, "default": INFO, }, { "key": LOG_APP_NAME, "label": _("Log Application name"), "description": _("Log messages originating from this application will be tagged with this name. If you run multiple instances, giving each one a different application name will help you determine which instance is having problems."), "default": DEFAULT_APP_NAME, }, { "key": DATABASE_LOG_LEVEL, "label": _("Database Log Level"), "type": "select", "options": LOG_LEVEL_UI, "description": _("Database logs are extremely verbose, so unless you're diagnosing a database-related problem, it's a good idea to set a higher log level for database messages."), "default": WARN, }, ]
[docs] @classmethod def initialize(cls, _db, testing=False): """Make the logging handlers reflect the current logging rules as configured in the database. :param _db: A database connection. If this is None, the default logging configuration will be used. :param testing: True if unit tests are currently running; otherwise False. """ log_level, database_log_level, new_handlers, errors = ( cls.from_configuration(_db, testing) ) # Replace the set of handlers associated with the root logger. logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(log_level) old_handlers = list(logger.handlers) for handler in new_handlers: logger.addHandler(handler) handler.setLevel(log_level) for handler in old_handlers: logger.removeHandler(handler) # Set the loggers for various verbose libraries to the database # log level, which is probably higher than the normal log level. for logger in ( 'sqlalchemy.engine', 'elasticsearch', 'requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool', 'botocore' ): logging.getLogger(logger).setLevel(database_log_level) # These loggers can cause infinite loops if they're set to # DEBUG, because their log is triggered during the process of # logging something to Loggly. These loggers will never have their # log level set lower than WARN. if database_log_level == cls.ERROR: loop_prevention_log_level = cls.ERROR else: loop_prevention_log_level = cls.WARN for logger in ['urllib3.connectionpool']: logging.getLogger(logger).setLevel(loop_prevention_log_level) # If we had an error creating any log handlers report it for error in errors: logging.getLogger().error(error) return log_level
[docs] @classmethod def from_configuration(cls, _db, testing=False): """Return the logging policy as configured in the database. :param _db: A database connection. If None, the default logging policy will be used. :param testing: A boolean indicating whether a unit test is happening right now. If True, the database configuration will be ignored in favor of a known test-friendly policy. (It's okay to pass in False during a test *of this method*.) :return: A 3-tuple (internal_log_level, database_log_level, handlers). `internal_log_level` is the log level to be used for most log messages. `database_log_level` is the log level to be applied to the loggers for the database connector and other verbose third-party libraries. `handlers` is a list of Handler objects that will be associated with the top-level logger. """ log_level = cls.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL database_log_level = cls.DEFAULT_DATABASE_LOG_LEVEL if _db and not testing: log_level = ( ConfigurationSetting.sitewide(_db, Configuration.LOG_LEVEL).value or log_level ) database_log_level = ( ConfigurationSetting.sitewide(_db, Configuration.DATABASE_LOG_LEVEL).value or database_log_level ) loggers = [SysLogger, Loggly, CloudwatchLogs] handlers = [] errors = [] for logger in loggers: try: handler = logger.from_configuration(_db, testing) if handler: handlers.append(handler) except Exception as e: errors.append( "Error creating logger %s %s" % (logger.NAME, str(e)) ) return log_level, database_log_level, handlers, errors