Source code for core.config

import contextlib
import os
import json
import logging
import copy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url
from sqlalchemy.exc import ArgumentError
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _

from .facets import FacetConstants
from .entrypoint import EntryPoint
from .util import LanguageCodes
from .util.datetime_helpers import utc_now
# It's convenient for other modules import IntegrationException
# from this module, alongside CannotLoadConfiguration.
from .util.http import IntegrationException
from .util.datetime_helpers import to_utc

[docs]class CannotLoadConfiguration(IntegrationException): """The current configuration of an external integration, or of the site as a whole, is in an incomplete or inconsistent state. This is more specific than a base IntegrationException because it assumes the problem is evident just by looking at the current configuration, with no need to actually talk to the foreign server. """ pass
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def temp_config(new_config=None, replacement_classes=None): old_config = Configuration.instance replacement_classes = replacement_classes or [Configuration] if new_config is None: new_config = copy.deepcopy(old_config) try: for c in replacement_classes: c.instance = new_config yield new_config finally: for c in replacement_classes: c.instance = old_config
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def empty_config(replacement_classes=None): with temp_config({}, replacement_classes) as i: yield i
[docs]class ConfigurationConstants(object): # Each facet group has two associated per-library keys: one # configuring which facets are enabled for that facet group, and # one configuring which facet is the default. ENABLED_FACETS_KEY_PREFIX = "facets_enabled_" DEFAULT_FACET_KEY_PREFIX = "facets_default_" # The "level" property determines which admins will be able to modify the setting. Level 1 settings can be modified by anyone. # Level 2 settings can be modified only by library managers and system admins (i.e. not by librarians). Level 3 settings can be changed only by system admins. # If no level is specified, the setting will be treated as Level 1 by default. ALL_ACCESS = 1 SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER = 2 SYS_ADMIN_ONLY = 3
[docs]class Configuration(ConfigurationConstants): log = logging.getLogger("Configuration file loader") # This is a dictionary containing information loaded from the # configuration file. It will be populated immediately after # this class is defined. instance = None # Environment variables that contain URLs to the database DATABASE_TEST_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE = 'SIMPLIFIED_TEST_DATABASE' DATABASE_PRODUCTION_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE = 'SIMPLIFIED_PRODUCTION_DATABASE' # The version of the app. APP_VERSION = 'app_version' VERSION_FILENAME = '.version' NO_APP_VERSION_FOUND = object() # Logging stuff LOGGING_LEVEL = "level" LOGGING_FORMAT = "format" LOG_FORMAT_TEXT = "text" LOG_FORMAT_JSON = "json" # Logging LOGGING = "logging" LOG_LEVEL = "level" DATABASE_LOG_LEVEL = "database_level" LOG_OUTPUT_TYPE = "output" LOG_DATA_FORMAT = "format" DATA_DIRECTORY = "data_directory" # ConfigurationSetting key for the base url of the app. BASE_URL_KEY = 'base_url' # ConfigurationSetting to enable the MeasurementReaper script MEASUREMENT_REAPER = 'measurement_reaper_enabled' # Policies, mostly circulation specific POLICIES = "policies" LANES_POLICY = "lanes" # Lane policies DEFAULT_OPDS_FORMAT = "verbose_opds_entry" ANALYTICS_POLICY = "analytics" LOCALIZATION_LANGUAGES = "localization_languages" # Integrations URL = "url" NAME = "name" TYPE = "type" INTEGRATIONS = "integrations" DATABASE_INTEGRATION = "Postgres" DATABASE_PRODUCTION_URL = "production_url" DATABASE_TEST_URL = "test_url" CONTENT_SERVER_INTEGRATION = "Content Server" AXIS_INTEGRATION = "Axis 360" RBDIGITAL_INTEGRATION = "RBDigital" OVERDRIVE_INTEGRATION = "Overdrive" THREEM_INTEGRATION = "3M" # ConfigurationSetting key for a CDN's mirror domain CDN_MIRRORED_DOMAIN_KEY = 'mirrored_domain' # The name of the per-library configuration policy that controls whether # books may be put on hold. ALLOW_HOLDS = "allow_holds" # Each library may set a minimum quality for the books that show # up in the 'featured' lanes that show up on the front page. MINIMUM_FEATURED_QUALITY = "minimum_featured_quality" DEFAULT_MINIMUM_FEATURED_QUALITY = 0.65 # Each library may configure the maximum number of books in the # 'featured' lanes. FEATURED_LANE_SIZE = "featured_lane_size" # The name of the per-library per-patron authentication integration # regular expression used to derive a patron's external_type from # their authorization_identifier. EXTERNAL_TYPE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION = 'external_type_regular_expression' WEBSITE_URL = 'website' NAME = 'name' SHORT_NAME = 'short_name' DEBUG = "DEBUG" INFO = "INFO" WARN = "WARN" ERROR = "ERROR" # The default value to put into the 'app' field of JSON-format logs, # unless LOG_APP_NAME overrides it. DEFAULT_APP_NAME = 'simplified' # Settings for the integration with protocol=INTERNAL_LOGGING LOG_LEVEL = 'log_level' LOG_APP_NAME = 'log_app' DATABASE_LOG_LEVEL = 'database_log_level' LOG_LEVEL_UI = [ { "key": DEBUG, "label": _("Debug") }, { "key": INFO, "label": _("Info") }, { "key": WARN, "label": _("Warn") }, { "key": ERROR, "label": _("Error") }, ] EXCLUDED_AUDIO_DATA_SOURCES = 'excluded_audio_data_sources' SITEWIDE_SETTINGS = [ { "key": BASE_URL_KEY, "label": _("Base url of the application"), "required": True, "format": "url", }, { "key": LOG_LEVEL, "label": _("Log Level"), "type": "select", "options": LOG_LEVEL_UI, "default": INFO, }, { "key": LOG_APP_NAME, "label": _("Application name"), "description": _("Log messages originating from this application will be tagged with this name. If you run multiple instances, giving each one a different application name will help you determine which instance is having problems."), "default": DEFAULT_APP_NAME, "required": True, }, { "key": DATABASE_LOG_LEVEL, "label": _("Database Log Level"), "type": "select", "options": LOG_LEVEL_UI, "description": _("Database logs are extremely verbose, so unless you're diagnosing a database-related problem, it's a good idea to set a higher log level for database messages."), "default": WARN, }, { "key": EXCLUDED_AUDIO_DATA_SOURCES, "label": _("Excluded audiobook sources"), "description": _("Audiobooks from these data sources will be hidden from the collection, even if they would otherwise show up as available."), "default": None, "required": True, }, { "key": MEASUREMENT_REAPER, "label": _("Cleanup old measurement data"), "type": "select", "description": _("If this settings is 'true' old book measurement data will be cleaned out of the database. Some sites may want to keep this data for later analysis."), "options": { "true": "true", "false": "false" }, "default": "true", }, ] LIBRARY_SETTINGS = [ { "key": NAME, "label": _("Name"), "description": _("The human-readable name of this library."), "category": "Basic Information", "level": ConfigurationConstants.SYS_ADMIN_ONLY, "required": True }, { "key": SHORT_NAME, "label": _("Short name"), "description": _("A short name of this library, to use when identifying it in scripts or URLs, e.g. 'NYPL'."), "category": "Basic Information", "level": ConfigurationConstants.SYS_ADMIN_ONLY, "required": True }, { "key": WEBSITE_URL, "label": _("URL of the library's website"), "description": _("The library's main website, e.g. \"\" (not this Circulation Manager's URL)."), "required": True, "format": "url", "level": ConfigurationConstants.SYS_ADMIN_ONLY, "category": "Basic Information" }, { "key": ALLOW_HOLDS, "label": _("Allow books to be put on hold"), "type": "select", "options": [ { "key": "true", "label": _("Allow holds") }, { "key": "false", "label": _("Disable holds") }, ], "default": "true", "category": "Loans, Holds, & Fines", "level": ConfigurationConstants.SYS_ADMIN_ONLY }, { "key": EntryPoint.ENABLED_SETTING, "label": _("Enabled entry points"), "description": _("Patrons will see the selected entry points at the top level and in search results. <p>Currently supported audiobook vendors: Bibliotheca, Axis 360"), "type": "list", "options": [ { "key": entrypoint.INTERNAL_NAME, "label": EntryPoint.DISPLAY_TITLES.get(entrypoint) } for entrypoint in EntryPoint.ENTRY_POINTS ], "default": [x.INTERNAL_NAME for x in EntryPoint.DEFAULT_ENABLED], "category": "Lanes & Filters", # Renders a component with options that get narrowed down as the user makes selections. "format": "narrow", # Renders an input field that cannot be edited. "readOnly": True, "level": ConfigurationConstants.SYS_ADMIN_ONLY }, { "key": FEATURED_LANE_SIZE, "label": _("Maximum number of books in the 'featured' lanes"), "type": "number", "default": 15, "category": "Lanes & Filters", "level": ConfigurationConstants.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": MINIMUM_FEATURED_QUALITY, "label": _("Minimum quality for books that show up in 'featured' lanes"), "description": _("Between 0 and 1."), "type": "number", "max": 1, "default": DEFAULT_MINIMUM_FEATURED_QUALITY, "category": "Lanes & Filters", "level": ConfigurationConstants.ALL_ACCESS }, ] + [ { "key": ConfigurationConstants.ENABLED_FACETS_KEY_PREFIX + group, "label": description, "type": "list", "options": [ { "key": facet, "label": FacetConstants.FACET_DISPLAY_TITLES.get(facet) } for facet in FacetConstants.FACETS_BY_GROUP.get(group) ], "default": FacetConstants.FACETS_BY_GROUP.get(group), "category": "Lanes & Filters", # Tells the front end that each of these settings is related to the corresponding default setting. "paired": ConfigurationConstants.DEFAULT_FACET_KEY_PREFIX + group, "level": ConfigurationConstants.SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER } for group, description in FacetConstants.GROUP_DESCRIPTIONS.items() ] + [ { "key": ConfigurationConstants.DEFAULT_FACET_KEY_PREFIX + group, "label": _("Default %(group)s", group=display_name), "type": "select", "options": [ { "key": facet, "label": FacetConstants.FACET_DISPLAY_TITLES.get(facet) } for facet in FacetConstants.FACETS_BY_GROUP.get(group) ], "default": FacetConstants.DEFAULT_FACET.get(group), "category": "Lanes & Filters", "skip": True } for group, display_name in FacetConstants.GROUP_DISPLAY_TITLES.items() ] # This is set once CDN data is loaded from the database and # inserted into the Configuration object. CDNS_LOADED_FROM_DATABASE = 'loaded_from_database'
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, _db=None): """Load configuration information from the filesystem, and (optionally) from the database. """ cls.instance = cls.load_from_file() if _db: # Only do the database portion of the work if # a database connection was provided. cls.load_cdns(_db) cls.app_version() for parent in cls.__bases__: if parent.__name__.endswith('Configuration'): parent.load(_db)
[docs] @classmethod def cdns_loaded_from_database(cls): """Has the site configuration been loaded from the database yet?""" return cls.instance and cls.instance.get( cls.CDNS_LOADED_FROM_DATABASE, False )
# General getters
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, key, default=None): if cls.instance is None: raise ValueError("No configuration object loaded!") return cls.instance.get(key, default)
[docs] @classmethod def required(cls, key): if cls.instance is not None: value = cls.get(key) if value is not None: return value value = cls.get(key) if value is not None: return value raise ValueError( "Required configuration variable %s was not defined!" % key )
[docs] @classmethod def integration(cls, name, required=False): """Find an integration configuration by name.""" integrations = cls.get(cls.INTEGRATIONS, {}) v = integrations.get(name, {}) if not v and required: raise ValueError( "Required integration '%s' was not defined! I see: %r" % ( name, ", ".join(sorted(integrations.keys())) ) ) return v
[docs] @classmethod def integration_url(cls, name, required=False): """Find the URL to an integration.""" integration = cls.integration(name, required=required) v = integration.get(cls.URL, None) if not v and required: raise ValueError( "Integration '%s' did not define a required 'url'!" % name ) return v
[docs] @classmethod def cdns(cls): """Get CDN configuration, loading it from the database if necessary. """ if not cls.cdns_loaded_from_database(): # The CDNs were never initialized from the database. # Create a new database connection and find that # information now. from .model import SessionManager url = cls.database_url() _db = SessionManager.session( url, initialize_data=False, initialize_schema=False) cls.load_cdns(_db) _db.close() from .model import ExternalIntegration return cls.integration(ExternalIntegration.CDN)
[docs] @classmethod def policy(cls, name, default=None, required=False): """Find a policy configuration by name.""" v = cls.get(cls.POLICIES, {}).get(name, default) if not v and required: raise ValueError( "Required policy %s was not defined!" % name ) return v
# More specific getters.
[docs] @classmethod def database_url(cls): """Find the database URL configured for this site. For compatibility with old configurations, we will look in the site configuration first. If it's not there, we will look in the appropriate environment variable. """ # To avoid expensive mistakes, test and production databases # are always configured with separate keys. The TESTING variable # controls which database is used, and it's set by the # package_setup() function called in every component's # tests/ test = os.environ.get('TESTING', False) if test: config_key = cls.DATABASE_TEST_URL environment_variable = cls.DATABASE_TEST_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE else: config_key = cls.DATABASE_PRODUCTION_URL environment_variable = cls.DATABASE_PRODUCTION_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE url = os.environ.get(environment_variable) if not url: raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "Database URL was not defined in environment variable (%s)." % environment_variable ) url_obj = None try: url_obj = make_url(url) except ArgumentError as e: # Improve the error message by giving a guide as to what's # likely to work. raise ArgumentError( "Bad format for database URL (%s). Expected something like postgresql://[username]:[password]@[hostname]:[port]/[database name]" % url )"Connecting to database: %s" % url_obj.render_as_string(hide_password=True)) return url
[docs] @classmethod def static_resources_dir(cls): """ Locate the static resources for this installation. Default location is /simplified_static. To use a different location, set the value of the SIMPLIFIED_STATIC_DIR environment variable. """ default_static_dir = '/simplified_static' static_dir = os.environ.get('SIMPLIFIED_STATIC_DIR') error_msgs = [] warning_msgs = [] if not static_dir: static_dir = default_static_dir warning_msgs.append(f"Env var SIMPLIFIED_STATIC_DIR unset or empty, defaulted to '{static_dir}'.") if not os.path.exists(static_dir): error_msgs.append(f"Static resources directory path '{static_dir}' does not exist.") elif not os.path.isdir(static_dir): error_msgs.append(f"Static resources directory path '{static_dir}' not a directory.") elif not len(os.listdir(static_dir)): error_msgs.append(f"Static resources directory path '{static_dir}' exists, but is empty.") if error_msgs: raise CannotLoadConfiguration(' '.join(warning_msgs + error_msgs)) elif warning_msgs: logging.warning(' '.join(warning_msgs)) return static_dir
[docs] @classmethod def app_version(cls): """Returns the git version of the app, if a .version file exists.""" version = cls.get(cls.APP_VERSION, None) if version: # The version has been set in Configuration before. return version # Look in the parent directory, e.g. circulation/ or metadata/ root_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "..") version_file = os.path.join(root_dir, cls.VERSION_FILENAME) version = cls.NO_APP_VERSION_FOUND if os.path.exists(version_file): with open(version_file) as f: version = f.readline().strip() or version cls.instance[cls.APP_VERSION] = version return version
[docs] @classmethod def data_directory(cls): return cls.get(cls.DATA_DIRECTORY)
[docs] @classmethod def load_cdns(cls, _db, config_instance=None): from .model import ExternalIntegration as EI cdns = _db.query(EI).filter(EI.goal==EI.CDN_GOAL).all() cdn_integration = dict() for cdn in cdns: cdn_integration[cdn.setting(cls.CDN_MIRRORED_DOMAIN_KEY).value] = cdn.url config_instance = config_instance or cls.instance integrations = config_instance.setdefault(cls.INTEGRATIONS, {}) integrations[EI.CDN] = cdn_integration config_instance[cls.CDNS_LOADED_FROM_DATABASE] = True
[docs] @classmethod def localization_languages(cls): languages = cls.policy(cls.LOCALIZATION_LANGUAGES, default=["eng"]) return [LanguageCodes.three_to_two[l] for l in languages]
# The last time the database configuration is known to have changed. SITE_CONFIGURATION_LAST_UPDATE = "site_configuration_last_update" # The last time we *checked* whether the database configuration had # changed. LAST_CHECKED_FOR_SITE_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE = "last_checked_for_site_configuration_update" # A sitewide configuration setting controlling *how often* to check # whether the database configuration has changed. # # NOTE: This setting is currently not used; the most reliable # value seems to be zero. Assuming that's true, this whole # subsystem can be removed. SITE_CONFIGURATION_TIMEOUT = 'site_configuration_timeout' # The name of the service associated with a Timestamp that tracks # the last time the site's configuration changed in the database. SITE_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED = "Site Configuration Changed"
[docs] @classmethod def last_checked_for_site_configuration_update(cls): """When was the last time we actually checked when the database was updated? """ return cls.instance.get( cls.LAST_CHECKED_FOR_SITE_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE, None )
[docs] @classmethod def site_configuration_last_update(cls, _db, known_value=None, timeout=0): """Check when the site configuration was last updated. Updates Configuration.instance[Configuration.SITE_CONFIGURATION_LAST_UPDATE]. It's the application's responsibility to periodically check this value and reload the configuration if appropriate. :param known_value: We know when the site configuration was last updated--it's this timestamp. Use it instead of checking with the database. :param timeout: We will only call out to the database once in this number of seconds. If we are asked again before this number of seconds elapses, we will assume site configuration has not changed. By default, we call out to the database every time. :return: a datetime object. """ now = utc_now() # NOTE: Currently we never check the database (because timeout is # never set to None). This code will hopefully be removed soon. if _db and timeout is None: from .model import ConfigurationSetting timeout = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide( _db, cls.SITE_CONFIGURATION_TIMEOUT ).int_value if timeout is None: # NOTE: this only happens if timeout is explicitly set to # None _and_ no database value is present. Right now that # never happens because timeout is never explicitly set to # None. timeout = 60 last_check = cls.instance.get( cls.LAST_CHECKED_FOR_SITE_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE ) if (not known_value and last_check and (now - last_check).total_seconds() < timeout): # We went to the database less than [timeout] seconds ago. # Assume there has been no change. return cls._site_configuration_last_update() # Ask the database when was the last time the site # configuration changed. Specifically, this is the last time # site_configuration_was_changed() (defined in was # called. if not known_value: from .model import Timestamp known_value = Timestamp.value( _db, cls.SITE_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED, service_type=None, collection=None ) if not known_value: # The site configuration has never changed. last_update = None else: last_update = known_value # Update the Configuration object's record of the last update time. cls.instance[cls.SITE_CONFIGURATION_LAST_UPDATE] = last_update # Whether that record changed or not, the time at which we # _checked_ is going to be set to the current time. cls.instance[cls.LAST_CHECKED_FOR_SITE_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE] = now return last_update
@classmethod def _site_configuration_last_update(cls): """Get the raw SITE_CONFIGURATION_LAST_UPDATE value, without any attempt to find a fresher value from the database. """ last_update = cls.instance.get(cls.SITE_CONFIGURATION_LAST_UPDATE, None) if last_update: last_update = to_utc(last_update) return last_update
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_file(cls): """Load additional site configuration from a config file. This is being phased out in favor of taking all configuration from a database. """ cfv = 'SIMPLIFIED_CONFIGURATION_FILE' config_path = os.environ.get(cfv) if config_path: try:"Loading configuration from %s", config_path) configuration = cls._load(open(config_path).read()) except Exception as e: raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "Error loading configuration file %s: %s" % ( config_path, e) ) else: configuration = cls._load('{}') return configuration
@classmethod def _load(cls, str): lines = [x for x in str.split("\n") if not (x.strip().startswith("#") or x.strip().startswith("//"))] return json.loads("\n".join(lines))
# Immediately load the configuration file (if any). Configuration.instance = Configuration.load_from_file()