import json
import os
from . import *
base_dir = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
resource_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "..", "resources")
[docs]class DeweyDecimalClassifier(Classifier):
NAMES = json.load(
open(os.path.join(resource_dir, "dewey_1000.json")))
# Add some other values commonly found in MARC records.
NAMES["B"] = "Biography"
NAMES["E"] = "Juvenile Fiction"
NAMES["F"] = "Fiction"
NAMES["FIC"] = "Fiction"
NAMES["J"] = "Juvenile Nonfiction"
NAMES["Y"] = "Young Adult"
FICTION = set([813, 823, 833, 843, 853, 863, 873, 883, "FIC", "E", "F"])
NONFICTION = set(["J", "B"])
# 791.4572 and 791.4372 is for recordings. 741.59 is for comic
# adaptations? This is a good sign that a identifier should
# not be considered, actually.
# 428.6 - Primers, Readers, i.e. collections of stories
# 700 - Arts - full of distinctions
# 700.8996073 - African American arts
# 700.9 - Art history
# 700.71 Arts education
# 398.7 Jokes and jests
African_History : list(range(960, 970)),
Architecture : list(range(710, 720)) + list(range(720, 730)),
Art : list(range(700, 710)) + list(range(730, 770)) + [774, 776],
Art_Criticism_Theory : [701],
Asian_History : list(range(950, 960)) + [995, 996, 997],
Biography_Memoir : ["B", 920],
Economics : list(range(330, 340)),
Christianity : [list(range(220, 230)) + list(range(230, 290))],
Cooking : [list(range(640, 642))],
Performing_Arts : [790, 791, 792],
Entertainment : 790,
Games : [793, 794, 795],
Drama : [812, 822, 832, 842, 852, 862, 872, 882],
Education : list(range(370,380)) + [707],
European_History : list(range(940, 950)),
Folklore : [398],
History : [900],
Islam : [297],
Judaism : [296],
Latin_American_History : list(range(981, 990)),
Law : list(range(340, 350)) + [364],
Management_Leadership : [658],
Mathematics : list(range(510, 520)),
Medical : list(range(610, 620)),
Military_History : list(range(355, 360)),
Music : list(range(780, 789)),
Periodicals : list(range(50, 60)) + [105, 405, 505, 605, 705, 805, 905],
Philosophy : list(range(160, 200)),
Photography : [771, 772, 773, 775, 778, 779],
Poetry : [811, 821, 831, 841, 851, 861, 871, 874, 881, 884],
Political_Science : list(range(320, 330)) + list(range(351, 355)),
Psychology : list(range(150, 160)),
Foreign_Language_Study : list(range(430,500)),
Reference_Study_Aids : list(range(10, 20)) + list(range(30, 40)) + [103, 203, 303, 403, 503, 603, 703, 803, 903] + list(range(410, 430)),
Religion_Spirituality : list(range(200, 220)) + [290, 292, 293, 294, 295, 299],
Science : ([500, 501, 502] + list(range(506, 510)) + list(range(520, 530))
+ list(range(530, 540)) + list(range(540, 550)) + list(range(550, 560))
+ list(range(560, 570)) + list(range(570, 580)) + list(range(580, 590))
+ list(range(590, 600))),
Social_Sciences : (list(range(300, 310)) + list(range(360, 364)) + list(range(390,397)) + [399]),
Sports : list(range(796, 800)),
Technology : (
[600, 601, 602, 604] + list(range(606, 610)) + list(range(610, 640))
+ list(range(660, 670)) + list(range(670, 680)) + list(range(681, 690)) + list(range(690, 700))),
Travel : list(range(910, 920)),
United_States_History : list(range(973,980)),
World_History : [909],
[docs] @classmethod
def name_for(cls, identifier):
return cls.NAMES.get(identifier, None)
[docs] @classmethod
def scrub_identifier(cls, identifier):
if not identifier:
return identifier
if isinstance(identifier, int):
identifier = str(identifier).zfill(3)
identifier = identifier.upper()
if identifier.startswith('[') and identifier.endswith(']'):
# This is just bad data.
identifier = identifier[1:-1]
if identifier.startswith('C') or identifier.startswith('A'):
# A work from our Canadian neighbors or our Australian
# friends.
identifier = identifier[1:]
elif identifier.startswith("NZ"):
# A work from the good people of New Zealand.
identifier = identifier[2:]
# Trim everything after the first period. We don't know how to
# deal with it.
if '.' in identifier:
identifier = identifier.split('.')[0]
identifier = int(identifier)
except ValueError:
# For our purposes, Dewey Decimal numbers are identifiers
# without names.
return identifier, None
[docs] @classmethod
def is_fiction(cls, identifier, name):
"""Is the given DDC classification likely to contain fiction?"""
if identifier == 'Y':
# Inconsistently used for young adult fiction and
# young adult nonfiction.
return None
if (isinstance(identifier, (bytes, str)) and (
identifier.startswith('Y') or identifier.startswith('J'))):
# Young adult/children's literature--not necessarily fiction
identifier = identifier[1:]
identifier = int(identifier)
except ValueError:
if identifier in cls.FICTION:
return True
if identifier in cls.NONFICTION:
return False
# TODO: Make NONFICTION more comprehensive and return None if
# not in there, instead of always returning False. Or maybe
# returning False is fine here, who knows.
return False
[docs] @classmethod
def audience(cls, identifier, name):
if identifier == 'E':
# Juvenile fiction
if isinstance(identifier, (bytes, str)) and identifier.startswith('J'):
if isinstance(identifier, (bytes, str)) and identifier.startswith('Y'):
if isinstance(identifier, (bytes, str)) and identifier=='FIC':
# FIC is used for all types of fiction.
return None
# Everything else is _supposedly_ for adults, but we don't
# trust that assumption.
return None
[docs] @classmethod
def genre(cls, identifier, name, fiction=None, audience=None):
for genre, identifiers in list(cls.GENRES.items()):
if identifier == identifiers or (
isinstance(identifiers, list)
and identifier in identifiers):
return genre
return None
Classifier.classifiers[Classifier.DDC] = DeweyDecimalClassifier