Source code for core.app_server

"""Implement logic common to more than one of the Simplified applications."""

from psycopg2 import DatabaseError
import flask
import gzip
import json
import os
import sys
import subprocess
from lxml import etree
from functools import wraps
from flask import url_for, make_response
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from io import BytesIO
from .util.flask_util import problem
from .util.problem_detail import ProblemDetail
import traceback
import logging
from .entrypoint import EntryPoint
from .opds import (
from .util.flask_util import OPDSFeedResponse
from .util.opds_writer import (
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import (
from .log import LogConfiguration
from .model import (
from .cdn import cdnify
from .classifier import Classifier
from .config import Configuration
from .lane import (
from .problem_details import *

[docs]def cdn_url_for(*args, **kwargs): base_url = url_for(*args, **kwargs) return cdnify(base_url)
[docs]def load_facets_from_request( facet_config=None, worklist=None, base_class=Facets, base_class_constructor_kwargs=None, default_entrypoint=None ): """Figure out which faceting object this request is asking for. The active request must have the `library` member set to a Library object. :param worklist: The WorkList, if any, associated with the request. :param facet_config: An object containing the currently configured facet groups, if different from the request library. :param base_class: The faceting class to instantiate. :param base_class_constructor_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass into the faceting class constructor, other than those obtained from the request. :return: A faceting object if possible; otherwise a ProblemDetail. """ kwargs = base_class_constructor_kwargs or dict() get_arg = flask.request.args.get get_header = flask.request.headers.get library = flask.request.library facet_config = facet_config or library return base_class.from_request( library, facet_config, get_arg, get_header, worklist, default_entrypoint, **kwargs )
[docs]def load_pagination_from_request( base_class=Pagination, base_class_constructor_kwargs=None, default_size=None ): """Figure out which Pagination object this request is asking for. :param base_class: A subclass of Pagination to instantiate. :param base_class_constructor_kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to use when instantiating the Pagination subclass. :param default_size: The default page size. :return: An instance of `base_class`. """ kwargs = base_class_constructor_kwargs or dict() get_arg = flask.request.args.get return base_class.from_request(get_arg, default_size, **kwargs)
[docs]def returns_problem_detail(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): v = f(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(v, ProblemDetail): return v.response return v return decorated
[docs]def compressible(f): """Decorate a function to make it transparently handle whatever compression the client has announced it supports. Currently the only form of compression supported is representation-level gzip compression requested through the Accept-Encoding header. This code was modified from, though I don't know if that's the original source; it shows up in a lot of places. """ @wraps(f) def compressor(*args, **kwargs): @flask.after_this_request def compress(response): if (response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code >= 300 or 'Content-Encoding' in response.headers): # Don't encode anything other than a 2xx response # code. Don't encode a response that's # already been encoded. return response accept_encoding = flask.request.headers.get('Accept-Encoding', '') if not 'gzip' in accept_encoding.lower(): return response # At this point we know we're going to be changing the # outgoing response. # TODO: I understand what direct_passthrough does, but am # not sure what it has to do with this, and commenting it # out doesn't change the results or cause tests to # fail. This is pure copy-and-paste magic. response.direct_passthrough = False buffer = BytesIO() gzipped = gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', fileobj=buffer) gzipped.write( gzipped.close() = buffer.getvalue() response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' response.vary.add('Accept-Encoding') response.headers['Content-Length'] = len( return response return f(*args, **kwargs) return compressor
[docs]class ErrorHandler(object): def __init__(self, app, debug=False): """Constructor. :param app: A object. :param debug: Set this to True to give detailed debugging information on errors, even if the site is not configured to do so. """ = app self.debug = debug
[docs] def handle(self, exception): """Something very bad has happened. Notify the client.""" # By default, when reporting errors, err on the side of # terseness, to avoid leaking sensitive information. debug =['DEBUG'] or self.debug if hasattr(, 'manager') and hasattr(, '_db'): # There is an active database session. # Use it to determine whether we are in debug mode, in # which case we _should_ provide the client with a lot of # information about the problem, without worrying # whether it contains sensitive information. _db = try: LogConfiguration.from_configuration(_db) (log_level, database_log_level, handlers, errors) = LogConfiguration.from_configuration( ) debug = debug or ( LogConfiguration.DEBUG in (log_level, database_log_level) ) except SQLAlchemyError as e: # The database session could not be used, possibly due to # the very error under consideration. Go with the # preexisting value for `debug`. pass # Then roll the session back. tb = traceback.format_exc() if isinstance(exception, DatabaseError): # The database session may have become tainted. For now # the simplest thing to do is to kill the entire process # and let uwsgi restart it. logging.error( "Database error: %s Treating as fatal to avoid holding on to a tainted session!", exception, exc_info=exception ) shutdown = flask.request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if shutdown: shutdown() else: sys.exit() # By default, the error will be logged at log level ERROR. log_method = logging.error # Okay, it's not a database error. Turn it into a useful HTTP error # response. if hasattr(exception, 'as_problem_detail_document'): # This exception can be turned directly into a problem # detail document. document = exception.as_problem_detail_document(debug) if not debug: document.debug_message = None else: if document.debug_message: document.debug_message += "\n\n" + tb else: document.debug_message = tb if document.status_code == 502: # This is an error in integrating with some upstream # service. It's a serious problem, but probably not # indicative of a bug in our software. Log it at log level # WARN. log_method = logging.warn response = make_response(document.response) else: # There's no way to turn this exception into a problem # document. This is probably indicative of a bug in our # software. if debug: body = tb else: body = _('An internal error occured') response = make_response(str(body), 500, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}) log_method("Exception in web app: %s", exception, exc_info=exception) return response
[docs]class HeartbeatController(object): HEALTH_CHECK_TYPE = 'application/' VERSION_FILENAME = '.version'
[docs] def heartbeat(self, conf_class=None): health_check_object = dict(status='pass') Conf = conf_class or Configuration app_version = Conf.app_version() if app_version and app_version != Conf.NO_APP_VERSION_FOUND: health_check_object['releaseID'] = app_version health_check_object['version'] = app_version.split('-')[0] data = json.dumps(health_check_object) return make_response(data, 200, {"Content-Type": self.HEALTH_CHECK_TYPE})
[docs]class URNLookupController(object): """A controller for looking up OPDS entries for specific books, identified in terms of their Identifier URNs. """ def __init__(self, _db): """Constructor. :param _db: A database connection. """ self._db = _db
[docs] def work_lookup(self, annotator, route_name='lookup', **process_urn_kwargs): """Generate an OPDS feed describing works identified by identifier.""" urns = flask.request.args.getlist('urn') this_url = cdn_url_for(route_name, _external=True, urn=urns) handler = self.process_urns(urns, **process_urn_kwargs) if isinstance(handler, ProblemDetail): # In a subclass, self.process_urns may return a ProblemDetail return handler opds_feed = LookupAcquisitionFeed( self._db, "Lookup results", this_url,, annotator, precomposed_entries=handler.precomposed_entries, ) return OPDSFeedResponse(str(opds_feed))
[docs] def process_urns(self, urns, **process_urn_kwargs): """Process a number of URNs by instantiating a URNLookupHandler and having it do the work. The information gathered by the URNLookupHandler can be used by the caller to generate an OPDS feed. :return: A URNLookupHandler, or a ProblemDetail if there's a problem with the request. """ handler = URNLookupHandler(self._db) handler.process_urns(urns, **process_urn_kwargs) return handler
[docs]class URNLookupHandler(object): """A helper for URNLookupController that takes URNs as input and looks up their OPDS entries. This is a separate class from URNLookupController because URNLookupController is designed to not keep state. """ UNRECOGNIZED_IDENTIFIER = "This work is not in the collection." WORK_NOT_PRESENTATION_READY = "Work created but not yet presentation-ready." WORK_NOT_CREATED = "Identifier resolved but work not yet created." def __init__(self, _db): self._db = _db = [] self.precomposed_entries = [] self.unresolved_identifiers = []
[docs] def process_urns(self, urns, **process_urn_kwargs): """Processes a list of URNs for a lookup request. :return: None or, to override default feed behavior, a ProblemDetail or Response. """ identifiers_by_urn, failures = Identifier.parse_urns(self._db, urns) self.add_urn_failure_messages(failures) for urn, identifier in list(identifiers_by_urn.items()): self.process_identifier(identifier, urn, **process_urn_kwargs) self.post_lookup_hook()
[docs] def add_urn_failure_messages(self, failures): for urn in failures: self.add_message(urn, 400, INVALID_URN.detail)
[docs] def process_identifier(self, identifier, urn, **kwargs): """Turn a URN into a Work suitable for use in an OPDS feed. """ if not identifier.licensed_through: # The default URNLookupHandler cannot look up an # Identifier that has no associated LicensePool. return self.add_message(urn, 404, self.UNRECOGNIZED_IDENTIFIER) # If we get to this point, there is at least one LicensePool # for this identifier. work = if not work: # There are LicensePools but no Work. return self.add_message(urn, 202, self.WORK_NOT_CREATED) if not work.presentation_ready: # There is a work but it's not presentation ready. return self.add_message(urn, 202, self.WORK_NOT_PRESENTATION_READY) # The work is ready for use in an OPDS feed! return self.add_work(identifier, work)
[docs] def add_work(self, identifier, work): """An identifier lookup succeeded in finding a Work.""", work))
[docs] def add_entry(self, entry): """An identifier lookup succeeded in creating an OPDS entry.""" self.precomposed_entries.append(entry)
[docs] def add_message(self, urn, status_code, message): """An identifier lookup resulted in the creation of a message.""" self.precomposed_entries.append( OPDSMessage(urn, status_code, message) )
[docs] def post_lookup_hook(self): """Run after looking up a number of Identifiers. By default, does nothing. """ pass
[docs]class ComplaintController(object): """A controller to register complaints against objects."""
[docs] def register(self, license_pool, raw_data): if license_pool is None: return problem(None, 400, _("No license pool specified")) _db = Session.object_session(license_pool) try: data = json.loads(raw_data) except ValueError as e: return problem(None, 400, _("Invalid problem detail document")) type = data.get('type') source = data.get('source') detail = data.get('detail') if not type: return problem(None, 400, _("No problem type specified.")) if type not in Complaint.VALID_TYPES: return problem(None, 400, _("Unrecognized problem type: %(type)s", type=type)) complaint = None try: complaint = Complaint.register(license_pool, type, source, detail) _db.commit() except ValueError as e: return problem( None, 400, _("Error registering complaint: %(error)s", error=str(e)) ) return make_response(str(_("Success")), 201, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"})