Source code for api.util.short_client_token

import logging
import uuid
import base64
import datetime
from jwt.algorithms import HMACAlgorithm
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from ..config import (

from ..problem_details import *
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from core.util.datetime_helpers import (
from core.model import (

[docs]class ShortClientTokenUtility(object): """Generate authdata JWTs as per the Vendor ID Service spec: Capable of encoding JWTs (for this library), and decoding them (from this library and potentially others). Also generates and decodes JWT-like strings used to get around Adobe's lack of support for authdata in deactivation. """ # The type of the Credential created to identify a patron to the # Vendor ID Service. Using this as an alias keeps the Vendor ID # Service from knowing anything about the patron's true # identity. This Credential is permanent (unlike a patron's # username or authorization identifier), but can be revoked (if # the patron needs to reset their Adobe account ID) with no # consequences other than losing their currently checked-in books. ADOBE_ACCOUNT_ID_PATRON_IDENTIFIER = "Identifier for Adobe account ID purposes" VENDOR_ID_UUID_TOKEN_TYPE = "Vendor ID UUID" ALGORITHM = 'HS256' def __init__(self, vendor_id, library_uri, library_short_name, secret, other_libraries={}): """Basic constructor. :param vendor_id: The Adobe Vendor ID that should accompany authdata generated by this utility. If this library has its own Adobe Vendor ID, it should go here. If this library is delegating authdata control to some other library, that library's Vendor ID should go here. :param library_uri: A URI identifying this library. This is used when generating JWTs. :param short_name: A short string identifying this library. This is used when generating short client tokens, which must be as short as possible (thus the name). :param secret: A secret used to sign this library's authdata. :param other_libraries: A dictionary mapping other libraries' canonical URIs to their (short name, secret) 2-tuples. An instance of this class will be able to decode an authdata from any library in this dictionary (plus the library it was initialized for). """ self.vendor_id = vendor_id # This is used to _encode_ JWTs and send them to the # delegation authority. self.library_uri = library_uri # This is used to _encode_ short client tokens. self.short_name = library_short_name.upper() # This is used to encode both JWTs and short client tokens. self.secret = secret # This is used by the delegation authority to _decode_ JWTs. self.secrets_by_library_uri = {} self.secrets_by_library_uri[self.library_uri] = secret # This is used by the delegation authority to _decode_ short # client tokens. self.library_uris_by_short_name = {} self.library_uris_by_short_name[self.short_name] = self.library_uri # Fill in secrets_by_library_uri and library_uris_by_short_name # for other libraries. for uri, v in list(other_libraries.items()): short_name, secret = v short_name = short_name.upper() if short_name in self.library_uris_by_short_name: # This can happen if the same library is in the list # twice, capitalized differently. raise ValueError( "Duplicate short name: %s" % short_name ) self.library_uris_by_short_name[short_name] = uri self.secrets_by_library_uri[uri] = secret self.log = logging.getLogger("Adobe authdata utility") self.short_token_signer = HMACAlgorithm(HMACAlgorithm.SHA256) self.short_token_signing_key = self.short_token_signer.prepare_key( self.secret ) VENDOR_ID_KEY = 'vendor_id' OTHER_LIBRARIES_KEY = 'other_libraries'
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, library, _db=None): """Initialize an ShortClientTokenUtility from site configuration. :return: An ShortClientTokenUtility if one is configured; otherwise None. :raise CannotLoadConfiguration: If an ShortClientTokenUtility is incompletely configured. """ _db = _db or Session.object_session(library) if not _db: raise ValueError( "No database connection provided and could not derive one from Library object!" ) # Use a version of the library library = _db.merge(library, load=False) # Try to find an external integration with a configured Vendor ID. integrations = _db.query( ExternalIntegration ).outerjoin( ExternalIntegration.libraries ).filter( ExternalIntegration.protocol==ExternalIntegration.OPDS_REGISTRATION, ExternalIntegration.goal==ExternalIntegration.DISCOVERY_GOAL, ) integration = None for possible_integration in integrations: vendor_id = ConfigurationSetting.for_externalintegration( cls.VENDOR_ID_KEY, possible_integration).value if vendor_id: integration = possible_integration break library_uri = ConfigurationSetting.for_library( Configuration.WEBSITE_URL, library).value if not integration: return None vendor_id = integration.setting(cls.VENDOR_ID_KEY).value library_short_name = ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration( _db, ExternalIntegration.USERNAME, library, integration ).value secret = ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration( _db, ExternalIntegration.PASSWORD, library, integration ).value other_libraries = None adobe_integration = ExternalIntegration.lookup( _db, ExternalIntegration.ADOBE_VENDOR_ID, ExternalIntegration.DRM_GOAL, library=library ) if adobe_integration: other_libraries = adobe_integration.setting(cls.OTHER_LIBRARIES_KEY).json_value other_libraries = other_libraries or dict() if (not vendor_id or not library_uri or not library_short_name or not secret): raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "Short Client Token configuration is incomplete. " "vendor_id (%s), username (%s), password (%s) and " "Library website_url (%s) must all be defined." % ( vendor_id, library_uri, library_short_name, secret ) ) if '|' in library_short_name: raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "Library short name cannot contain the pipe character." ) return cls(vendor_id, library_uri, library_short_name, secret, other_libraries)
[docs] @classmethod def adobe_relevant_credentials(self, patron): """Find all Adobe-relevant Credential objects for the given patron. This includes the patron's identifier for Adobe ID purposes, and (less likely) any Adobe IDs directly associated with the Patron. :return: A SQLAlchemy query """ _db = Session.object_session(patron) types = ( ShortClientTokenUtility.VENDOR_ID_UUID_TOKEN_TYPE, ShortClientTokenUtility.ADOBE_ACCOUNT_ID_PATRON_IDENTIFIER ) return _db.query( Credential).filter(Credential.patron==patron).filter( Credential.type.in_(types) )
[docs] @classmethod def adobe_base64_encode(cls, str_to_encode): """A modified base64 encoding that avoids triggering an Adobe bug. The bug seems to happen when the 'password' portion of a username/password pair contains a + character. So we replace + with :. We also replace / (another "suspicious" character) with ;. and strip newlines. """ if isinstance(str_to_encode, str): str_to_encode = str_to_encode.encode("utf-8") encoded = base64.encodebytes(str_to_encode).decode("utf-8").strip() return encoded.replace("+", ":").replace("/", ";").replace("=", "@")
[docs] @classmethod def adobe_base64_decode(cls, str): """Undoes adobe_base64_encode.""" encoded = str.replace(":", "+").replace(";", "/").replace("@", "=") return base64.decodebytes(encoded.encode("utf-8"))
@classmethod def _adobe_patron_identifier(cls, patron): """Take patron object and return identifier for Adobe ID purposes""" _db = Session.object_session(patron) internal = DataSource.lookup(_db, DataSource.INTERNAL_PROCESSING) def refresh(credential): credential.credential = str(uuid.uuid1()) patron_identifier = Credential.lookup( _db, internal, ShortClientTokenUtility.ADOBE_ACCOUNT_ID_PATRON_IDENTIFIER, patron, refresher_method=refresh, allow_persistent_token=True ) return patron_identifier.credential
[docs] def short_client_token_for_patron(self, patron_information): """Generate short client token for patron, or for a patron's identifier for Adobe ID purposes""" if isinstance(patron_information, Patron): # Find the patron's identifier for Adobe ID purposes. patron_identifier = self._adobe_patron_identifier( patron_information ) else: patron_identifier = patron_information vendor_id, token = self.encode_short_client_token(patron_identifier) return vendor_id, token
[docs] def encode_short_client_token(self, patron_identifier): """Generate a short client token suitable for putting in an OPDS feed, where it can be picked up by a client and sent to the delegation authority to look up an Adobe ID. :return: A 2-tuple (vendor ID, token) """ if not patron_identifier: raise ValueError("No patron identifier specified") now = utc_now() expires = int(self.numericdate(now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=60))) authdata = self._encode_short_client_token( self.short_name, patron_identifier, expires ) return self.vendor_id, authdata
def _encode_short_client_token(self, library_short_name, patron_identifier, expires): base = library_short_name + "|" + str(expires) + "|" + patron_identifier signature = self.short_token_signer.sign( base.encode("utf-8"), self.short_token_signing_key ) signature = self.adobe_base64_encode(signature) if len(base) > 80: self.log.error( "Username portion of short client token exceeds 80 characters; Adobe will probably truncate it." ) if len(signature) > 76: self.log.error( "Password portion of short client token exceeds 76 characters; Adobe will probably truncate it." ) return base + "|" + signature
[docs] def decode_short_client_token(self, token): """Attempt to interpret a 'username' and 'password' as a short client token identifying a patron of a specific library. :return: a 2-tuple (library_uri, patron_identifier) :raise ValueError: When the token is not valid for any reason. """ if not '|' in token: raise ValueError( 'Supposed client token "%s" does not contain a pipe.' % token ) username, password = token.rsplit('|', 1) return self.decode_two_part_short_client_token(username, password)
[docs] def decode_two_part_short_client_token(self, username, password): """Decode a short client token that has already been split into two parts. """ signature = self.adobe_base64_decode(password) return self._decode_short_client_token(username, signature)
def _decode_short_client_token(self, token, supposed_signature): """Make sure a client token is properly formatted, correctly signed, and not expired. """ if token.count('|') < 2: raise ValueError("Invalid client token: %s" % token) library_short_name, expiration, patron_identifier = token.split("|", 2) library_short_name = library_short_name.upper() try: expiration = float(expiration) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Expiration time "%s" is not numeric.' % expiration) # We don't police the content of the patron identifier but there # has to be _something_ there. if not patron_identifier: raise ValueError( "Token %s has empty patron identifier" % token ) if not library_short_name in self.library_uris_by_short_name: raise ValueError( "I don't know how to handle tokens from library \"%s\"" % library_short_name ) library_uri = self.library_uris_by_short_name[library_short_name] if not library_uri in self.secrets_by_library_uri: raise ValueError( "I don't know the secret for library %s" % library_uri ) secret = self.secrets_by_library_uri[library_uri] # Don't bother checking an expired token. now = utc_now() expiration = self.EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(seconds=expiration) if expiration < now: raise ValueError( "Token %s expired at %s (now is %s)." % ( token, expiration, now ) ) # Sign the token and check against the provided signature. key = self.short_token_signer.prepare_key(secret) actual_signature = self.short_token_signer.sign(token.encode("utf-8"), key) if actual_signature != supposed_signature: raise ValueError( "Invalid signature for %s." % token ) return library_uri, patron_identifier EPOCH = datetime_utc(1970, 1, 1)
[docs] @classmethod def numericdate(cls, d): """Turn a datetime object into a NumericDate as per RFC 7519.""" return (d-cls.EPOCH).total_seconds()