Source code for api.sip

from datetime import datetime
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from api.authenticator import (
from api.sip.client import SIPClient
from core.util.http import RemoteIntegrationException
from core.util import MoneyUtility
from core.model import ExternalIntegration
import json
from api.sip.dialect import Dialect as Sip2Dialect

[docs]class SIP2AuthenticationProvider(BasicAuthenticationProvider): NAME = "SIP2" DATE_FORMATS = ["%Y%m%d", "%Y%m%d%Z%H%M%S", "%Y%m%d %H%M%S"] # Constants for integration configuration settings. PORT = "port" LOCATION_CODE = "location code" FIELD_SEPARATOR = "field separator" ENCODING = "encoding" DEFAULT_ENCODING = SIPClient.DEFAULT_ENCODING USE_SSL = "use_ssl" SSL_CERTIFICATE = "ssl_certificate" SSL_KEY = "ssl_key" ILS = "ils" PATRON_STATUS_BLOCK = "patron status block" SETTINGS = [ { "key": ExternalIntegration.URL, "label": _("Server"), "required": True }, { "key": PORT, "label": _("Port"), "required": True , "type": "number" }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.USERNAME, "label": _("Login User ID") }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.PASSWORD, "label": _("Login Password") }, { "key": LOCATION_CODE, "label": _("Location Code") }, { "key": ENCODING, "label": _("Data encoding"), "default": DEFAULT_ENCODING, "description": _("By default, SIP2 servers encode outgoing data using the Code Page 850 encoding, but some ILSes allow some other encoding to be used, usually UTF-8."), }, { "key": USE_SSL, "label": _("Connect over SSL?"), "description": _("Some SIP2 servers require or allow clients to connect securely over SSL. Other servers don't support SSL, and require clients to use an ordinary socket connection."), "type": "select", "options": [ { "key": "true", "label": _("Connect to the SIP2 server over SSL")}, { "key": "false", "label": _("Connect to the SIP2 server over an ordinary socket connection")}, ], "default": "false", "required": True, }, { "key": ILS, "label": _("ILS"), "description": _("Some ILS require specific SIP2 settings. If the ILS you are using is in the list please pick it otherwise select 'Generic ILS'."), "type": "select", "options": [ {"key": Sip2Dialect.GENERIC_ILS, "label": _("Generic ILS")}, {"key": Sip2Dialect.AG_VERSO, "label": _("Auto-Graphics VERSO")}, ], "default": Sip2Dialect.GENERIC_ILS, "required": True, }, { "key": SSL_CERTIFICATE, "label": _("SSL Certificate"), "description": _('The SSL certificate used to securely connect to an SSL-enabled SIP2 server. Not all SSL-enabled SIP2 servers require a custom certificate, but some do. This should be a string beginning with <code>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----</code> and ending with <code>-----END CERTIFICATE-----</code>'), "type": "textarea", }, { "key": SSL_KEY, "label": _("SSL Key"), "description" : _('The private key, if any, used to sign the SSL certificate above. If present, this should be a string beginning with <code>-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----</code> and ending with <code>-----END PRIVATE KEY-----</code>'), "type": "textarea", }, { "key": FIELD_SEPARATOR, "label": _("Field Separator"), "default": "|", "required": True, }, { "key": PATRON_STATUS_BLOCK, "label": _("SIP2 Patron Status Block"), "description": _( "Block patrons from borrowing based on the status of the SIP2 <em>patron status</em> field."), "type": "select", "options": [ {"key": "true", "label": _("Block based on patron status field")}, {"key": "false", "label": _("No blocks based on patron status field")}, ], "default": "true", }, ] + BasicAuthenticationProvider.SETTINGS # Map the reasons why SIP2 might report a patron is blocked to the # protocol-independent block reason used by PatronData. SPECIFIC_BLOCK_REASONS = { SIPClient.CARD_REPORTED_LOST : PatronData.CARD_REPORTED_LOST, SIPClient.EXCESSIVE_FINES : PatronData.EXCESSIVE_FINES, SIPClient.EXCESSIVE_FEES : PatronData.EXCESSIVE_FEES, SIPClient.TOO_MANY_ITEMS_BILLED : PatronData.TOO_MANY_ITEMS_BILLED, SIPClient.CHARGE_PRIVILEGES_DENIED : PatronData.NO_BORROWING_PRIVILEGES, SIPClient.TOO_MANY_ITEMS_CHARGED : PatronData.TOO_MANY_LOANS, SIPClient.TOO_MANY_ITEMS_OVERDUE : PatronData.TOO_MANY_OVERDUE, SIPClient.TOO_MANY_RENEWALS : PatronData.TOO_MANY_RENEWALS, SIPClient.TOO_MANY_LOST : PatronData.TOO_MANY_LOST, SIPClient.RECALL_OVERDUE : PatronData.RECALL_OVERDUE, } def __init__(self, library, integration, analytics=None, client=SIPClient, connect=True): """An object capable of communicating with a SIP server. :param server: Hostname of the SIP server. :param port: The port number to connect to on the SIP server. :param login_user_id: SIP field CN; the user ID to use when initiating a SIP session, if necessary. This is _not_ a patron identifier (SIP field AA); it identifies the SC creating the SIP session. SIP2 defines SC as "...any library automation device dealing with patrons or library materials." :param login_password: Sip field CO; the password to use when initiating a SIP session, if necessary. :param location_code: SIP field CP; the location code to use when initiating a SIP session. A location code supposedly refers to the physical location of a self-checkout machine within a library system. Some libraries require a special location code to be provided when authenticating patrons; others may require the circulation manager to be treated as its own special 'location'. :param field_separator: The field delimiter (see "Variable-length fields" in the SIP2 spec). If no value is specified, the default (the pipe character) will be used. :param client: A SIPClient, or a class that works like SIPClient. If a class, the class will be initialized with the appropriate configuration whenever necessary. Only intended to be overridden during testing. :param connect: If this is false, the generated SIPClient will not attempt to connect to the server. Only intended for use during testing. """ super(SIP2AuthenticationProvider, self).__init__( library, integration, analytics ) self.server = integration.url self.port = integration.setting(self.PORT).int_value self.login_user_id = integration.username self.login_password = integration.password self.location_code = integration.setting(self.LOCATION_CODE).value self.encoding = integration.setting(self.ENCODING).value_or_default( self.DEFAULT_ENCODING ) self.field_separator = integration.setting(self.FIELD_SEPARATOR).value or '|' self.use_ssl = integration.setting(self.USE_SSL).json_value self.ssl_cert = integration.setting(self.SSL_CERTIFICATE).value self.ssl_key = integration.setting(self.SSL_KEY).value self.dialect = Sip2Dialect.load_dialect(integration.setting(self.ILS).value) self.client = client patron_status_block = integration.setting(self.PATRON_STATUS_BLOCK).json_value if patron_status_block is None or patron_status_block: self.fields_that_deny_borrowing = SIPClient.PATRON_STATUS_FIELDS_THAT_DENY_BORROWING_PRIVILEGES else: self.fields_that_deny_borrowing = [] @property def _client(self): """Initialize a SIPClient object using the default settings. :return: A SIPClient """ if isinstance(self.client, SIPClient): # A specific SIPClient was provided, hopefully during # a test scenario. return self.client return self.client( target_server=self.server, target_port=self.port, login_user_id=self.login_user_id, login_password=self.login_password, location_code=self.location_code, institution_id=self.institution_id, separator=self.field_separator, use_ssl=self.use_ssl, ssl_cert=self.ssl_cert, ssl_key=self.ssl_key, encoding=self.encoding.lower(), dialect=self.dialect )
[docs] def patron_information(self, username, password): try: sip = self._client sip.connect() sip.login() info = sip.patron_information(username, password) sip.end_session(username, password) sip.disconnect() return info except IOError as e: raise RemoteIntegrationException( self.server or 'unknown server', str(e) )
def _remote_patron_lookup(self, patron_or_patrondata): info = self.patron_information( patron_or_patrondata.authorization_identifier, None ) return self.info_to_patrondata(info, False)
[docs] def remote_authenticate(self, username, password): """Authenticate a patron with the SIP2 server. :param username: The patron's username/barcode/card number/authorization identifier. :param password: The patron's password/pin/access code. """ if not self.collects_password: # Even if we were somehow given a password, we won't be # passing it on. password = None info = self.patron_information(username, password) return self.info_to_patrondata(info)
def _run_self_tests(self, _db): def makeConnection(sip): sip.connect() return sip.connection sip = self._client connection = self.run_test( ("Test Connection"), makeConnection, sip ) yield connection if not connection.success: return login = self.run_test( ("Test Login with username '%s' and password '%s'" % (self.login_user_id, self.login_password)), sip.login ) yield login # Log in was successful so test patron's test credentials if login.success: results = [r for r in super(SIP2AuthenticationProvider, self)._run_self_tests(_db)] for result in results: yield result if results[0].success: def raw_patron_information(): info = sip.patron_information(self.test_username, self.test_password) return json.dumps(info, indent=1) yield self.run_test( "Patron information request", sip.patron_information_request, self.test_username, patron_password=self.test_password ) yield self.run_test( ("Raw test patron information"), raw_patron_information )
[docs] def info_to_patrondata(self, info, validate_password=True): """Convert the SIP-specific dictionary obtained from SIPClient.patron_information() to an abstract, authenticator-independent PatronData object. """ if info.get('valid_patron', 'N') == 'N': # The patron could not be identified as a patron of this # library. Don't return any data. return None if info.get('valid_patron_password') == 'N' and validate_password: # The patron did not authenticate correctly. Don't # return any data. return None # TODO: I'm not 100% convinced that a missing CQ field # always means "we don't have passwords so you're # authenticated," rather than "you didn't provide a # password so we didn't check." patrondata = PatronData() if 'sipserver_internal_id' in info: patrondata.permanent_id = info['sipserver_internal_id'] if 'patron_identifier' in info: patrondata.authorization_identifier = info['patron_identifier'] if 'email_address' in info: patrondata.email_address = info['email_address'] if 'personal_name' in info: patrondata.personal_name = info['personal_name'] if 'fee_amount' in info: fines = info['fee_amount'] else: fines = '0' patrondata.fines = MoneyUtility.parse(fines) if 'sipserver_patron_class' in info: patrondata.external_type = info['sipserver_patron_class'] for expire_field in ['sipserver_patron_expiration', 'polaris_patron_expiration']: if expire_field in info: value = info.get(expire_field) value = self.parse_date(value) if value: patrondata.authorization_expires = value break # A True value in most (but not all) subfields of the # patron_status field will prohibit the patron from borrowing # books. status = info['patron_status_parsed'] block_reason = PatronData.NO_VALUE for field in self.fields_that_deny_borrowing: if status.get(field) is True: block_reason = self.SPECIFIC_BLOCK_REASONS.get( field, PatronData.UNKNOWN_BLOCK ) if block_reason not in (PatronData.NO_VALUE, PatronData.UNKNOWN_BLOCK): # Even if there are multiple problems with this # patron's account, we can now present a specific # error message. There's no need to look through # more fields. break patrondata.block_reason = block_reason # If we can tell by looking at the SIP2 message that the # patron has excessive fines, we can use that as the reason # they're blocked. if 'fee_limit' in info: fee_limit = MoneyUtility.parse(info['fee_limit']).amount if fee_limit and patrondata.fines > fee_limit: patrondata.block_reason = PatronData.EXCESSIVE_FINES return patrondata
[docs] @classmethod def parse_date(cls, value): """Try to parse `value` using any of several common date formats.""" date_value = None for format in cls.DATE_FORMATS: try: date_value = datetime.strptime(value, format) break except ValueError as e: continue return date_value
# NOTE: It's not necessary to implement remote_patron_lookup # because authentication gets patron data as a side effect. AuthenticationProvider = SIP2AuthenticationProvider