import logging
import flask
import json
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from core.model import (
from .circulation_exceptions import *
from .config import Configuration
from core.config import CannotLoadConfiguration
from core.util.http import HTTP
import base64
[docs]class SharedCollectionAPI(object):
"""Logic for circulating books to patrons of libraries on other
circulation managers. This can be used for something like ODL where the
circulation manager is responsible for managing loans and holds rather
than the distributor, or potentially for inter-library loans for other
collection types.
def __init__(self, _db, api_map=None):
:param _db: A database session (probably a scoped session).
:param api_map: A dictionary mapping Collection protocols to
API classes that should be instantiated to deal with these
protocols. The default map will work fine unless you're a
unit test.
Since instantiating these API classes may result in API
calls, we only instantiate one SharedCollectionAPI,
and keep it around as long as possible.
# TODO: Should there be analytics events for external libraries?
self._db = _db
api_map = api_map or self.default_api_map
self.api_for_collection = {}
self.initialization_exceptions = {}
self.log = logging.getLogger("Shared Collection API")
for collection in _db.query(Collection):
if collection.protocol in api_map:
api = None
api = api_map[collection.protocol](_db, collection)
except CannotLoadConfiguration as e:
"Error loading configuration for %s: %s",, str(e)
self.initialization_exceptions[] = e
if api:
self.api_for_collection[] = api
def default_api_map(self):
"""When you see a Collection that implements protocol X, instantiate
API class Y to handle that collection.
from .odl import ODLAPI
return {
[docs] def api_for_licensepool(self, pool):
"""Find the API to use for the given license pool."""
return self.api_for_collection.get(
[docs] def api(self, collection):
"""Find the API to use for the given collection, and raise an exception
if there isn't one."""
api = self.api_for_collection.get(
if not api:
raise CirculationException(
_("Collection %(collection)s is not a shared collection.",
return api
[docs] def register(self, collection, auth_document_url, do_get=HTTP.get_with_timeout):
"""Register a library on an external circulation manager for access to this
collection. The library's auth document url must be whitelisted in the
collection's settings."""
if not auth_document_url:
raise InvalidInputException(
_("An authentication document URL is required to register a library."))
auth_response = do_get(auth_document_url, allowed_response_codes=["2xx", "3xx"])
auth_document = json.loads(auth_response.content)
except ValueError as e:
raise RemoteInitiatedServerError(
_("Authentication document at %(auth_document_url)s was not valid JSON.",
_("Remote authentication document"))
links = auth_document.get("links")
start_url = None
for link in links:
if link.get("rel") == "start":
start_url = link.get("href")
if not start_url:
raise RemoteInitiatedServerError(
_("Authentication document at %(auth_document_url)s did not contain a start link.",
_("Remote authentication document"))
external_library_urls = ConfigurationSetting.for_externalintegration(
BaseSharedCollectionAPI.EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_URLS, collection.external_integration
if not external_library_urls or start_url not in external_library_urls:
raise AuthorizationFailedException(
_("Your library's URL is not one of the allowed URLs for this collection. Ask the collection administrator to add %(library_url)s to the list of allowed URLs.",
public_key = auth_document.get("public_key")
if not public_key or not public_key.get("type") == "RSA" or not public_key.get("value"):
raise RemoteInitiatedServerError(
_("Authentication document at %(auth_document_url)s did not contain an RSA public key.",
_("Remote authentication document"))
public_key = public_key.get("value")
encryptor = Configuration.cipher(public_key)
normalized_url = IntegrationClient.normalize_url(start_url)
client = get_one(self._db, IntegrationClient, url=normalized_url)
if not client:
client, ignore = IntegrationClient.register(self._db, start_url)
shared_secret = client.shared_secret.encode("utf-8")
encrypted_secret = encryptor.encrypt(shared_secret)
return dict(metadata=dict(shared_secret=base64.b64encode(encrypted_secret)))
[docs] def check_client_authorization(self, collection, client):
"""Verify that an IntegrationClient is whitelisted for access to the collection."""
external_library_urls = ConfigurationSetting.for_externalintegration(
BaseSharedCollectionAPI.EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_URLS, collection.external_integration
if client.url not in [IntegrationClient.normalize_url(url) for url in external_library_urls]:
raise AuthorizationFailedException()
[docs] def borrow(self, collection, client, pool, hold=None):
api = self.api(collection)
self.check_client_authorization(collection, client)
if hold and hold.integration_client != client:
raise CannotLoan(_("This hold belongs to a different library."))
return api.checkout_to_external_library(client, pool, hold=hold)
[docs] def revoke_loan(self, collection, client, loan):
api = self.api(collection)
self.check_client_authorization(collection, client)
if loan.integration_client != client:
raise NotCheckedOut(_("This loan belongs to a different library."))
return api.checkin_from_external_library(client, loan)
[docs] def fulfill(self, collection, client, loan, mechanism):
api = self.api(collection)
self.check_client_authorization(collection, client)
if loan.integration_client != client:
raise CannotFulfill(_("This loan belongs to a different library."))
fulfillment = api.fulfill_for_external_library(client, loan, mechanism)
if not fulfillment or not (fulfillment.content_link or fulfillment.content):
raise CannotFulfill()
if loan.fulfillment is None and not mechanism.delivery_mechanism.is_streaming:
__transaction = self._db.begin_nested()
loan.fulfillment = mechanism
return fulfillment
[docs] def revoke_hold(self, collection, client, hold):
api = self.api(collection)
self.check_client_authorization(collection, client)
if hold and hold.integration_client != client:
raise CannotReleaseHold(_("This hold belongs to a different library."))
return api.release_hold_from_external_library(client, hold)
[docs]class BaseSharedCollectionAPI(object):
"""APIs that permit external circulation managers to access their collections
should extend this class."""
EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_URLS = "external_library_urls"
"label": _("URLs for libraries on other circulation managers that use this collection"),
"description": _("A URL should include the library's short name (e.g., even if it is the only library on the circulation manager."),
"type": "list",
"format": "url",
"key": Collection.EBOOK_LOAN_DURATION_KEY,
"label": _("Ebook Loan Duration for libraries on other circulation managers (in Days)"),
"description": _("When a patron from another library borrows an ebook from this collection, the circulation manager will ask for a loan that lasts this number of days. This must be equal to or less than the maximum loan duration negotiated with the distributor."),
"type": "number",
[docs] def checkout_to_external_library(self, client, pool, hold=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def checkin_from_external_library(self, client, loan):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def fulfill_for_external_library(self, client, loan, mechanism):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def release_hold_from_external_library(self, client, hold):
raise NotImplementedError()