Source code for api.saml.provider

import datetime
import json
import logging
from copy import deepcopy

from contextlib2 import contextmanager
from flask import url_for
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _

from api.authenticator import BaseSAMLAuthenticationProvider, PatronData
from api.problem_details import *
from api.saml.auth import SAMLAuthenticationManager, SAMLAuthenticationManagerFactory
from api.saml.configuration.model import SAMLConfiguration, SAMLConfigurationFactory
from api.saml.configuration.validator import SAMLSettingsValidator
from api.saml.metadata.filter import SAMLSubjectFilter
from api.saml.metadata.model import (
from api.saml.metadata.parser import SAMLMetadataParser
from core.model import Credential, DataSource, Session, get_one_or_create
from core.model.configuration import (
from core.python_expression_dsl.evaluator import DSLEvaluationVisitor, DSLEvaluator
from core.python_expression_dsl.parser import DSLParser
from core.util.problem_detail import ProblemDetail

    title=_("SAML invalid subject."),
    detail=_("SAML invalid subject."),

[docs]class SAMLWebSSOAuthenticationProvider( BaseSAMLAuthenticationProvider, HasExternalIntegration ): """SAML authentication provider implementing Web Browser SSO profile using the following bindings: - HTTP-Redirect Binding for requests - HTTP-POST Binding for responses """ NAME = "SAML 2.0 Web SSO" DESCRIPTION = _( """SAML 2.0 authentication provider implementing the Web SSO profile using the following bindings: HTTP-Redirect for requests and HTTP-POST for responses.""" ) def __init__(self, library, integration, analytics=None): """Initializes a new instance of SAMLAuthenticationProvider class :param library: Patrons authenticated through this provider are associated with this Library. Don't store this object! It's associated with a scoped database session. Just pull normal Python objects out of it. :type library: Library :param integration: The ExternalIntegration that configures this AuthenticationProvider. Don't store this object! It's associated with a scoped database session. Just pull normal Python objects out of it. :type integration: ExternalIntegration """ super(BaseSAMLAuthenticationProvider, self).__init__( library, integration, analytics ) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._configuration_storage = ConfigurationStorage(self) self._configuration_factory = SAMLConfigurationFactory(SAMLMetadataParser()) self._authentication_manager_factory = SAMLAuthenticationManagerFactory() db = Session.object_session(library) with self.get_configuration(db) as configuration: self._patron_id_use_name_id = ConfigurationMetadata.to_bool( configuration.patron_id_use_name_id ) self._patron_id_attributes = ( json.loads(configuration.patron_id_attributes) if configuration.patron_id_attributes else [] ) self._patron_id_regular_expression = ( configuration.patron_id_regular_expression ) def _authentication_flow_document(self, db): """Creates a Authentication Flow object for use in an Authentication for OPDS document. Example: { "type": "" "description": "SAML 2.0 authentication provider", "links": [ { "rel" : "authenticate" "href": "", "display_names": [ { "language": "en", "value": "Test Shibboleth IdP Provider" }, { "language": "es", "value": "Prueba de proveedor de IdP Shibboleth" } ], "descriptions": [ { "language": "en", "value": "Test Shibboleth IdP Provider" }, { "language": "es", "value": "Prueba de proveedor de IdP Shibboleth" } ], "information_urls": [ { "language": "en", "value": "" }, { "language": "es", "value": "" } ], "privacy_statement_urls": [ { "language": "en", "value": "" }, { "language": "es", "value": "" } ], "logo_urls": [ { "language": "en", "height": 16, "width": 16, "value": "" }, { "language": "es", "height": 16, "width": 16, "value": "" } ], } ] } :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :return: Authentication Flow object for use in an Authentication for OPDS document :rtype: Dict """ flow_doc = {"type": self.FLOW_TYPE, "description": self.NAME, "links": []} with self._configuration_factory.create( self._configuration_storage, db, SAMLConfiguration ) as configuration: configuration = self.get_authentication_manager(configuration).configuration for index, identity_provider in enumerate( configuration.configuration.get_identity_providers(db) ): link = { "rel": "authenticate", "href": self._create_authenticate_url( db, identity_provider.entity_id ), "display_names": self._join_ui_info_items( self._get_idp_display_names(index + 1, identity_provider) ), "descriptions": self._join_ui_info_items( identity_provider.ui_info.descriptions ), "information_urls": self._join_ui_info_items( identity_provider.ui_info.information_urls ), "privacy_statement_urls": self._join_ui_info_items( identity_provider.ui_info.privacy_statement_urls ), "logo_urls": self._join_ui_info_items( identity_provider.ui_info.logo_urls ), } flow_doc["links"].append(link) return flow_doc @staticmethod def _get_idp_display_names(identity_provider_index, identity_provider): """Returns a list of IdP's display names: - first, it checks UIInfo.display_names - secondly, it checks Organization.organization_display_names - thirdly, it generates a new name using SAMLConfiguration.IDP_DISPLAY_NAME_TEMPLATE :param identity_provider_index: Index of the current IdP :type identity_provider_index: int :param identity_provider: IdentityProviderMetadata object :type identity_provider: IdentityProviderMetadata :return: List of IdP's display names :rtype: List[LocalizableMetadataItem] """ if identity_provider.ui_info.display_names: return identity_provider.ui_info.display_names elif identity_provider.organization.organization_display_names: return identity_provider.organization.organization_display_names else: display_name = SAMLConfiguration.IDP_DISPLAY_NAME_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE.format( identity_provider_index ) return [SAMLLocalizedMetadataItem(display_name, language="en")] @staticmethod def _create_token_value(subject): """Serialize the SAML subject. :param subject: SAML subject :type subject: api.saml.metadata.model.SAMLSubject :return: Token value :rtype: str """ subject = deepcopy(subject) # We should not save a transient Name ID because it changes each time if ( subject.name_id and subject.name_id.name_format == SAMLNameIDFormat.TRANSIENT.value ): subject.name_id = None token_value = json.dumps(subject, cls=SAMLSubjectJSONEncoder) return token_value def _create_token(self, db, patron, subject, cm_session_lifetime=None): """Create a Credential object that ties the given patron to the given provider token. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param patron: Patron object :type patron: Patron :param subject: SAML subject :type subject: api.saml.metadata.model.SAMLSubject :param cm_session_lifetime: (Optional) Circulation Manager's session lifetime expressed in days :type cm_session_lifetime: Optional[int] :return: Credential object :rtype: Credential """ session_lifetime = subject.valid_till if cm_session_lifetime: session_lifetime = datetime.timedelta(days=int(cm_session_lifetime)) token = self._create_token_value(subject) data_source, ignore = self._get_token_data_source(db) return Credential.temporary_token_create( db, data_source, self.TOKEN_TYPE, patron, session_lifetime, token ) def _create_authenticate_url(self, db, idp_entity_id): """Returns an authentication link used by clients to authenticate patrons :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param idp_entity_id: Entity ID of the IdP which will be used for authentication :type idp_entity_id: string :return: URL for authentication using the chosen IdP :rtype: string """ library = self.library(db) return url_for( "saml_authenticate", _external=True, library_short_name=library.short_name, provider=self.NAME, idp_entity_id=idp_entity_id, ) def _get_token_data_source(self, db): """Returns a token data source :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :return: Token data source :rtype: DataSource """ # FIXME: This code will probably not work in a situation where a library has multiple SAML # authentication mechanisms for its patrons. # It'll look up a Credential from this data source but it won't be able to tell which IdP it came from. return get_one_or_create(db, DataSource, name=self.TOKEN_DATA_SOURCE_NAME) @staticmethod def _join_ui_info_items(*ui_info_item_lists): """Joins all UI info items (like, display names, descriptions, etc.) to a single list of dicts :param ui_info_item_lists: List of child LocalizableMetadataInfo objects :type: List[LocalizableMetadataItem] :return: List of dicts containing UI information (display names, descriptions, etc.) :rtype: List[Dict] """ result = [] if ui_info_item_lists: for ui_info_item_list in ui_info_item_lists: if ui_info_item_list: for ui_info_item in ui_info_item_list: result.append( { "value": ui_info_item.value, "language": ui_info_item.language, } ) return result def _run_self_tests(self, _db): pass
[docs] def authenticate(self, db, header): pass
[docs] def authenticated_patron(self, db, token): """Go from a token to an authenticated Patron. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param token: The provider token extracted from the Authorization header. This is _not_ the bearer token found in the Authorization header; it's the provider-specific token embedded in that token. :type token: Dict :return: A Patron, if one can be authenticated. None, if the credentials do not authenticate any particular patron. A ProblemDetail if an error occurs. :rtype: Union[Patron, ProblemDetail] """ data_source, ignore = self._get_token_data_source(db) credential = Credential.lookup_by_token(db, data_source, self.TOKEN_TYPE, token) if credential: return credential.patron # This token wasn't in our database, or was expired. The # patron will have to log in through the SAML provider again # to get a new token. return None
[docs] @contextmanager def get_configuration(self, db): """Return a SAMLConfiguration object. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :return: SAMLConfiguration object :rtype: api.saml.configuration.model.SAMLConfiguration """ with self._configuration_factory.create( self._configuration_storage, db, SAMLConfiguration ) as configuration: yield configuration
[docs] def get_authentication_manager(self, configuration): """Returns SAML authentication manager used by this provider :param configuration: SAMLConfiguration object :type configuration: api.saml.configuration.model.SAMLConfiguration :return: SAML authentication manager used by this provider :rtype: SAMLAuthenticationManager """ authentication_manager = self._authentication_manager_factory.create( configuration ) return authentication_manager
[docs] def remote_patron_lookup(self, subject): """Creates a PatronData object based on Subject object containing SAML Subject and AttributeStatement :param subject: Subject object containing SAML Subject and AttributeStatement :type subject: api.saml.metadata.Subject :return: PatronData object containing information about the authenticated SAML subject or ProblemDetail object in the case of any errors :rtype: Union[PatronData, ProblemDetail] """ if not subject: return SAML_INVALID_SUBJECT.detailed("Subject is empty") if isinstance(subject, PatronData): return subject if not isinstance(subject, SAMLSubject): return SAML_INVALID_SUBJECT.detailed("Incorrect subject type") extractor = SAMLSubjectPatronIDExtractor( self._patron_id_use_name_id, self._patron_id_attributes, self._patron_id_regular_expression, ) uid = extractor.extract(subject) if uid is None: return SAML_INVALID_SUBJECT.detailed("Subject does not have a unique ID") patron_data = PatronData( permanent_id=uid, authorization_identifier=uid, external_type="A", complete=True, ) return patron_data
[docs] def saml_callback(self, db, subject): """Verifies the SAML subject, generates a Bearer token in the case of successful authentication and returns it :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param subject: Subject object containing SAML Subject and AttributeStatement :type subject: api.saml.metadata.Subject :return: A ProblemDetail if there's a problem. Otherwise, a 3-tuple (Credential, Patron, PatronData). The Credential contains the access token provided by the SAML provider. The Patron object represents the authenticated Patron, and the PatronData object includes information about the patron obtained from the OAuth provider which cannot be stored in the circulation manager's database, but which should be passed on to the client. :rtype: Union[Tuple[Credential, Patron, PatronData], ProblemDetail] """ patron_data = self.remote_patron_lookup(subject) if isinstance(patron_data, ProblemDetail): return patron_data # Convert the PatronData into a Patron object patron, is_new = patron_data.get_or_create_patron(db, self.library_id, # Create a credential for the Patron with self.get_configuration(db) as configuration: credential, is_new = self._create_token( db, patron, subject, configuration.session_lifetime ) return credential, patron, patron_data
[docs]def validator_factory(): metadata_parser = SAMLMetadataParser() parser = DSLParser() visitor = DSLEvaluationVisitor() evaluator = DSLEvaluator(parser, visitor) subject_filter = SAMLSubjectFilter(evaluator) return SAMLSettingsValidator(metadata_parser, subject_filter)
AuthenticationProvider = SAMLWebSSOAuthenticationProvider