Source code for api.saml.auth

import logging

import six
from flask import request
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from onelogin.saml2.auth import OneLogin_Saml2_Auth
from onelogin.saml2.errors import OneLogin_Saml2_Error
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from api.saml.configuration.model import SAMLOneLoginConfiguration
from api.saml.metadata.filter import SAMLSubjectFilter, SAMLSubjectFilterError
from api.saml.metadata.parser import SAMLSubjectParser
from core.problem_details import *
from core.python_expression_dsl.evaluator import DSLEvaluationVisitor, DSLEvaluator
from core.python_expression_dsl.parser import DSLParser

    title=_("SAML error."),
    detail=_("SAML error."),

    title=_("SAML incorrect response."),
    detail=_("SAML incorrect response."),

    title=_("SAML authentication error."),
    detail=_("SAML authentication error."),

    title=_("No access."),
    detail=_("Patron does not have access based on their attributes."),

[docs]class SAMLAuthenticationManager(object): """Implements SAML authentication process.""" def __init__(self, configuration, subject_parser, subject_filter): """Initialize a new instance of SAMLAuthenticationManager. :param configuration: OneLoginConfiguration object :type configuration: api.saml.configuration.model.SAMLOneLoginConfiguration :param subject_parser: Subject parser :type subject_parser: api.saml.metadata.parser.SAMLSubjectParser :param subject_filter: Subject filter :type subject_filter: api.saml.metadata.filter.SAMLSubjectFilter """ if not isinstance(configuration, SAMLOneLoginConfiguration): raise ValueError( "Argument 'configuration' must be an instance of {0} class".format( SAMLOneLoginConfiguration ) ) if not isinstance(subject_parser, SAMLSubjectParser): raise ValueError( "Argument 'subject_parser' must be an instance of {0} class".format( SAMLSubjectParser ) ) if not isinstance(subject_filter, SAMLSubjectFilter): raise ValueError( "Argument 'subject_filter' must be an instance of {0} class".format( SAMLSubjectFilter ) ) self._configuration = configuration self._subject_parser = subject_parser self._subject_filter = subject_filter self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @staticmethod def _get_request_data(): """Map Flask request to what the SAML toolkit expects. :return: Dictionary containing information about the request in the format SAML toolkit expects :rtype: Dict """ # If server is behind proxys or balancers use the HTTP_X_FORWARDED fields url_data = urlparse(request.url) return { "https": "on" if request.scheme == "https" else "off", "http_host":, "server_port": url_data.port, "script_name": request.path, "get_data": request.args.copy(), # Uncomment if using ADFS as IdP, # 'lowercase_urlencoding': True, "post_data": request.form.copy(), } def _create_auth_object(self, db, idp_entity_id): """Create and initialize an OneLogin_Saml2_Auth object. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param idp_entity_id: IdP's entityID :type idp_entity_id: string :return: OneLogin_Saml2_Auth object :rtype: OneLogin_Saml2_Auth """ request_data = self._get_request_data() settings = self._configuration.get_settings(db, idp_entity_id) auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(request_data, old_settings=settings) return auth def _get_auth_object(self, db, idp_entity_id): """Return a cached OneLogin_Saml2_Auth object. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param idp_entity_id: IdP's entityID :type idp_entity_id: string :return: OneLogin_Saml2_Auth object :rtype: OneLogin_Saml2_Auth """ auth_object = self._create_auth_object(db, idp_entity_id) return auth_object def _filter_subject(self, subject): """Filter the subject object using the filtration expression (if there is any). :param subject: SAML subject object :type subject: api.saml.metadata.model.SAMLSubject :return: SAML subject object if it has not been filtered out, a ProblemDetail object instead :rtype: Union[api.saml.metadata.model.SAMLSubject, core.util.problem_detail.ProblemDetail] """"Started filtering {0}".format(subject)) if not self._configuration.configuration.filter_expression: "There is no filtration expression. Finished filtering {0}".format( subject ) ) return subject try: filtration_result = self._subject_filter.execute( self._configuration.configuration.filter_expression, subject ) "Finished filtering {0}: {1}".format(subject, filtration_result) ) if not filtration_result: return SAML_NO_ACCESS_ERROR return subject except SAMLSubjectFilterError as exception: "An unexpected error occurred during filtering {0}".format(subject) ) return SAML_GENERIC_ERROR.detailed(six.ensure_text(str(exception))) @property def configuration(self): """Return configuration object. :return: Configuration object :rtype: SAMLOneLoginConfiguration """ return self._configuration
[docs] def start_authentication(self, db, idp_entity_id, return_to_url): """Start the SAML authentication workflow by sending a AuthnRequest to the IdP. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param idp_entity_id: IdP's entityID :type idp_entity_id: string :param return_to_url: URL which will the user agent will be redirected to after authentication :type return_to_url: string :return: Redirection URL :rtype: string """ "Started authentication workflow for IdP '{0}' (redirection URL = '{1}')".format( idp_entity_id, return_to_url ) ) try: auth = self._get_auth_object(db, idp_entity_id) redirect_url = auth.login(return_to_url) if self._logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self._logger.debug( "SAML request: {0}".format(auth.get_last_request_xml()) ) "Finished authentication workflow for IdP '{0}' (redirection URL = '{1}'): {2}".format( idp_entity_id, return_to_url, redirect_url ) ) return redirect_url except OneLogin_Saml2_Error as exception: self._logger.exception( "Unexpected exception occurred while initiating authentication workflow" ) return SAML_GENERIC_ERROR.detailed(six.ensure_text(str(exception)))
[docs] def finish_authentication(self, db, idp_entity_id): """Finish the SAML authentication workflow by validating AuthnResponse and extracting a SAML assertion from it. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param idp_entity_id: IdP's entityID :type idp_entity_id: string :return: Subject object containing name ID and attributes in the case of a successful authentication or ProblemDetail object otherwise :rtype: Union[api.saml.metadata.model.SAMLSubject, core.util.problem_detail.ProblemDetail] """ "Started finishing authentication workflow for IdP '{0}'".format( idp_entity_id ) ) request_data = self._get_request_data() if self._logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self._logger.debug("Request data: {0}".format(request_data)) if ( "post_data" not in request_data or "SAMLResponse" not in request_data["post_data"] ): return SAML_INCORRECT_RESPONSE.detailed( "There is no SAMLResponse in the body of the response" ) auth = self._get_auth_object(db, idp_entity_id) auth.process_response() if self._logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self._logger.debug( "SAML response: {0}".format(auth.get_last_response_xml()) ) authenticated = auth.is_authenticated() if authenticated: subject = self._subject_parser.parse(auth) subject = self._filter_subject(subject) "Finished finishing authentication workflow for IdP '{0}': {1}".format( idp_entity_id, subject ) ) return subject else: self._logger.error(auth.get_last_error_reason()) return SAML_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR.detailed(auth.get_last_error_reason())
[docs]class SAMLAuthenticationManagerFactory(object): """Responsible for creating SAMLAuthenticationManager instances"""
[docs] def create(self, configuration): """ Creates a new instance of SAMLAuthenticationManager class :param configuration: SAML authentication provider's configuration :type configuration: api.saml.configuration.model.SAMLConfiguration :return: SAML authentication manager :rtype: SAMLAuthenticationManager """ onelogin_configuration = SAMLOneLoginConfiguration(configuration) subject_parser = SAMLSubjectParser() parser = DSLParser() visitor = DSLEvaluationVisitor() evaluator = DSLEvaluator(parser, visitor) subject_filter = SAMLSubjectFilter(evaluator) authentication_manager = SAMLAuthenticationManager( onelogin_configuration, subject_parser, subject_filter ) return authentication_manager