Source code for api.proquest.client

import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager

import requests
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from requests import HTTPError, Request

from core.exceptions import BaseError
from core.model import DeliveryMechanism
from core.model.configuration import (
from core.util import is_session

[docs]class ProQuestAPIClientConfiguration(ConfigurationGrouping): """Contains configuration settings of ProQuest API client.""" DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 5000 books_catalog_service_url = ConfigurationMetadata( key="books_catalog_service_url", label=_("BooksCatalog service's URL"), description=_("URL of the BooksCatalog service endpoint"), type=ConfigurationAttributeType.TEXT, required=True, ) page_size = ConfigurationMetadata( key="page_size", label=_("Feed page's size"), description=_( "This value determines how many publications " "will be on a single page fetched from the BooksCatalog service." ), type=ConfigurationAttributeType.NUMBER, required=False, default=DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, ) partner_auth_token_service_url = ConfigurationMetadata( key="partner_auth_token_service_url", label=_("PartnerAuthToken service's URL"), description=_("URL of the PartnerAuthToken service endpoint."), type=ConfigurationAttributeType.TEXT, required=True, ) download_link_service_url = ConfigurationMetadata( key="download_link_service_url", label=_("DownloadLink service's URL"), description=_("URL of the DownloadLink service endpoint."), type=ConfigurationAttributeType.TEXT, required=True, ) http_proxy_url = ConfigurationMetadata( key="http_proxy_url", label=_("HTTP proxy's URL"), description=_("URL of the proxy handling HTTP traffic."), type=ConfigurationAttributeType.TEXT, required=False, ) https_proxy_url = ConfigurationMetadata( key="https_proxy_url", label=_("HTTPS proxy's URL"), description=_("URL of the proxy handling HTTPS traffic."), type=ConfigurationAttributeType.TEXT, required=False, )
[docs]class ProQuestAPIInvalidJSONResponseError(BaseError): """Raised when the client receives from ProQuest API a response with incorrect JSON document.""" def __init__(self, response): """Initialize a new instance of ProQuestAPIIncorrectResponseError class. :param response: Response object :type response: requests.models.Response """ super(ProQuestAPIInvalidJSONResponseError, self).__init__( "Response body does not contain a valid JSON document" ) self._response = response @property def response(self): """Return the response associated with this error. :return: Response associated with this error :rtype: requests.models.Response """ return self._response
[docs]class ProQuestAPIMissingJSONPropertyError(ProQuestAPIInvalidJSONResponseError): """Raised when the client receives from ProQuest API a response with incorrect JSON document.""" def __init__(self, response, missing_property): """Initialize a new instance of ProQuestAPIMissingJSONPropertyError class. :param response: Response object :type response: requests.models.Response :param missing_property: Name of the missing property :type missing_property: str """ super(ProQuestAPIInvalidJSONResponseError, self).__init__( "JSON document does not contain required property '{0}'".format( missing_property ), response, ) self._missing_property = missing_property @property def missing_property(self): """Return the name of the missing property. :return: Name of the missing property :rtype: str """ return self._missing_property
[docs]class ProQuestBook(object): """POCO class containing information about a ProQuest book.""" def __init__(self, link=None, content=None, content_type=None): """Initialize a new instance of ProQuestBook class. :param link: Book's link :type link: Optional[str] :param content: Book's content :type content: Optional[bytes] :param content_type: Content type :type content_type: Optional[str] """ if link is not None and not isinstance(link, str): raise ValueError("Argument 'link' must be a string") if content is not None and not isinstance(content, bytes): raise ValueError("Argument 'content' must be a bytes string") if content_type is not None and not isinstance(content_type, str): raise ValueError("Argument 'content_type' must be a string") if link is not None and content is not None: raise ValueError( "'link' and 'content' cannot be both set up at the same time" ) self._link = link self._content = content self._content_type = content_type def __eq__(self, other): """Compare self and other other book. :param other: Other book instance :type other: Any :return: Boolean value indicating whether self and other are equal to each to other :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(other, ProQuestBook): return False return ( == and self.content == other.content and self.content_type == other.content_type ) @property def link(self): """Return the book's link. :return: Book's link :rtype: Optional[str] """ return self._link @property def content(self): """Return the book's content. :return: Book's content :rtype: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] """ return self._content @property def content_type(self): """Return the content type. :return: Content type :rtype: Optional[str] """ return self._content_type
[docs]class ProQuestAPIClient(object): """ProQuest API client.""" MAX_PAGE_INDEX = 32766 MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 32766 RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_FIELD = "statusCode" RESPONSE_OPDS_FEED_FIELD = "opdsFeed" TOKEN_FIELD = "token" DOWNLOAD_LINK_FIELD = "downloadLink" DRM_FREE_DOWNLOAD_LINK_KEYWORD = "getDrmFreeFile" SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE = 200 def __init__(self, configuration_storage, configuration_factory): """Initialize a new instance of ProQuestAPIClient class. :param configuration_storage: ConfigurationStorage object :type configuration_storage: core.model.configuration.ConfigurationStorage :param configuration_factory: Factory creating ProQuestAPIClientConfiguration instance :type configuration_factory: core.model.configuration.ConfigurationFactory """ self._configuration_storage = configuration_storage self._configuration_factory = configuration_factory self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @contextmanager def _get_configuration(self, db): """Return the configuration object. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :return: Configuration object :rtype: ProQuestAPIClientConfiguration """ with self._configuration_factory.create( self._configuration_storage, db, ProQuestAPIClientConfiguration ) as configuration: yield configuration def _get_request_headers(self, token): headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} if token: headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer {0}".format(token) self._logger.debug("Headers: {0}".format(headers)) return headers def _get_request_proxies(self, configuration): proxies = {} if configuration.http_proxy_url: proxies["http"] = configuration.http_proxy_url if configuration.https_proxy_url: proxies["https"] = configuration.https_proxy_url self._logger.debug("Proxies: {0}".format(proxies)) return proxies def _create_request(self, method, url, query_parameters, token=None): """Create a new HTTP request. :param method: HTTP method :type method: str :param url: Target URL :type url: str :param query_parameters: Dictionary containing query parameters :type query_parameters: Dict :param token: Optional JWT token to be put in the Authorization header :type token: Optional[str] :return: Response object :rtype: requests.models.Response """ self._logger.debug("Started creating a new request") headers = self._get_request_headers(token) request = Request(method, url, params=query_parameters, headers=headers) self._logger.debug( "Finished creating a new request: {0} ({1})".format(request, request.url) ) return request @staticmethod def _try_to_extract_json_from_response(response): """Try to extract a JSON document from the response. NOTE: DownloadLink service doesn't always return a JSON document. For open-access books it returns the book content. :param response: Response object :type response: requests.models.Response :return: JSON document containing in the response (if any) :rtype: Optional[Dict] """ try: response_json = response.json() return response_json except ValueError: return None def _parse_response(self, response, must_be_json=False): """Parse the response and return a JSON document containing in it. :param response: Response object :type response: requests.models.Response :param must_be_json: Boolean value specifying whether the response must contain a valid JSON document :type must_be_json: bool :return: 2-tuple containing the response and the JSON document containing in it (if any) :rtype: Tuple[requests.models.Response, Optional[Dict]] """ response_json = self._try_to_extract_json_from_response(response) if response.status_code != and response_json: self._logger.error("Request failed: {0}".format(response_json)) response.raise_for_status() if not response_json: if must_be_json: raise ProQuestAPIInvalidJSONResponseError(response) return response, None if self.RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_FIELD not in response_json: raise ProQuestAPIMissingJSONPropertyError( response, self.RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_FIELD ) status_code = response_json[self.RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_FIELD] if status_code != raise HTTPError( "Request failed with {0} code".format(status_code), response=response ) return response, response_json def _send_request( self, configuration, method, url, query_parameters, token=None, response_must_be_json=False, ): """Send an HTTP requests, check the result code and return the response. :param configuration: Configuration object :type configuration: ProQuestAPIClientConfiguration :param method: HTTP method :type method: str :param url: Target URL :type url: str :param query_parameters: Dictionary containing query parameters :type query_parameters: Dict :param token: Optional JWT token to be put in the Authorization header :type token: Optional[str] :param response_must_be_json: Boolean value specifying whether the response must contain a valid JSON document :type response_must_be_json: bool :return: 2-tuple containing the response and the JSON document containing in it (if any) :rtype: Tuple[requests.models.Response, Optional[Dict]] """ self._logger.debug( "Started sending {0} HTTP request to {1} with the following parameters: {2}".format( method, url, query_parameters ) ) request = self._create_request(method, url, query_parameters, token) proxies = self._get_request_proxies(configuration) with requests.sessions.Session() as session: request = session.prepare_request(request) response = session.send(request, proxies=proxies) self._logger.debug("Received the following response: {0}".format(response)) response, response_json = self._parse_response(response, response_must_be_json) self._logger.debug( "Finished sending {0} HTTP request to {1} with the following parameters: {2}".format( method, url, query_parameters ) ) return response, response_json def _download_feed_page(self, configuration, page, hits_per_page): """Download a single page of a paginated OPDS 2.0 feed. :param configuration: Configuration object :type configuration: ProQuestAPIClientConfiguration :param page: Page index (max = 32,767) :type page: int :param hits_per_page: Number of publications on a single page (max = 32,767) :type hits_per_page: int :return: Python dictionary object containing the feed's page :rtype: dict """ "Started downloading page # {0} ({1} hits) of a paginated OPDS 2.0 feed from {2}".format( page, hits_per_page, configuration.books_catalog_service_url ) ) parameters = {"page": page, "hitsPerPage": hits_per_page} response, response_json = self._send_request( configuration, "get", configuration.books_catalog_service_url, parameters, response_must_be_json=True, ) "Finished downloading page # {0} ({1} hits) of a paginated OPDS 2.0 feed from {2}".format( page, hits_per_page, configuration.books_catalog_service_url ) ) if self.RESPONSE_OPDS_FEED_FIELD not in response_json: raise ProQuestAPIMissingJSONPropertyError( response, self.RESPONSE_OPDS_FEED_FIELD ) return response_json[self.RESPONSE_OPDS_FEED_FIELD]
[docs] def download_feed_page(self, db, page, hits_per_page): """Download a single page of a paginated OPDS 2.0 feed. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param page: Page index (max = 32,766) :type page: int :param hits_per_page: Number of publications on a single page (max = 32,766) :type hits_per_page: int :return: Python dictionary object containing the feed's page :rtype: dict """ if not is_session(db): raise ValueError('"db" argument must be a valid SQLAlchemy session') if not isinstance(page, int): raise ValueError('"page" argument must be an integer') if page < 0 or page > self.MAX_PAGE_INDEX: raise ValueError( "Page argument must a non-negative number less than {0}".format( self.MAX_PAGE_INDEX ) ) if not isinstance(hits_per_page, int): raise ValueError('"hits_per_page" argument must be an integer') if hits_per_page < 0 or hits_per_page > self.MAX_PAGE_SIZE: raise ValueError( "Hits per page argument must a non-negative number less than {0}".format( self.MAX_PAGE_SIZE ) ) "Started downloading page # {0} ({1} hits) of a paginated OPDS 2.0 feed ".format( page, hits_per_page ) ) with self._get_configuration(db) as configuration: feed = self._download_feed_page(configuration, page, hits_per_page) "Finished downloading page # {0} ({1} hits) of a paginated OPDS 2.0 feed".format( page, hits_per_page ) ) return feed
[docs] def download_all_feed_pages(self, db): """Download all available feed pages. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :return: Iterable list of feed pages in a form of Python dictionaries :rtype: Iterable[dict] """ if not is_session(db): raise ValueError('"db" argument must be a valid SQLAlchemy session') "Started downloading all of the pages of a paginated OPDS 2.0 feed" ) with self._get_configuration(db) as configuration: page = 1 while True: try: feed = self._download_feed_page( configuration, page, configuration.page_size ) page += 1 yield feed except HTTPError as error: self._logger.debug( "Got an HTTP error {0}, assuming we reached the end of the feed".format( error ) ) break except ProQuestAPIInvalidJSONResponseError: self._logger.exception( "Got unexpected ProQuestAPIIncorrectResponseError, assuming we reached the end of the feed" ) break "Finished downloading all of the pages of a paginated OPDS 2.0 feed" )
[docs] def create_token(self, db, affiliation_id): """Create a new JWT bearer token. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param affiliation_id: SAML affiliation ID used as a patron's unique identifier by ProQuest :type affiliation_id: str :return: New JWT bearer token :rtype: str """ if not is_session(db): raise ValueError('"db" argument must be a valid SQLAlchemy session') if not affiliation_id or not isinstance(affiliation_id, str): raise ValueError('"affiliation_id" argument must be a non-empty string') "Started creating a new JWT bearer token for affiliation ID {0}".format( affiliation_id ) ) with self._get_configuration(db) as configuration: parameters = {"userName": affiliation_id} response, response_json = self._send_request( configuration, "get", configuration.partner_auth_token_service_url, parameters, response_must_be_json=True, ) "Finished creating a new JWT bearer token for affiliation ID {0}: {1}".format( affiliation_id, response_json ) ) if self.TOKEN_FIELD not in response_json: raise ProQuestAPIMissingJSONPropertyError(response, self.TOKEN_FIELD) return response_json[self.TOKEN_FIELD]
[docs] def get_book(self, db, token, document_id): """Get a book by it's ProQuest Doc ID. NOTE: There are two different cases to consider: - Open-access books: in this case ProQuest API returns the book content. - Adobe DRM copy protected books: in this case ProQuest API returns an ACSM file containing information about downloading a digital publication. :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param token: JWT bearer token created using `ProQuestAPIClient.create_token` method :type token: str :param document_id: ProQuest Doc ID :type document_id: str :return: Book instance containing either an ACS link to the book or the book content :rtype: ProQuestBook """ if not is_session(db): raise ValueError('"db" argument must be a valid SQLAlchemy session') if not token or not isinstance(token, str): raise ValueError('"token" argument must be a non-empty string') if not document_id or not isinstance(document_id, str): raise ValueError('"document_id" must be a non-empty string') "Started fetching a book link for Doc ID {0} using JWT token {1}".format( document_id, token ) ) with self._get_configuration(db) as configuration: parameters = {"docID": document_id} response, response_json = self._send_request( configuration, "get", configuration.download_link_service_url, parameters, token, ) if response_json: "Finished fetching a download link for Doc ID {0} using JWT token {1}: {2}".format( document_id, token, response_json ) ) if self.DOWNLOAD_LINK_FIELD not in response_json: raise ProQuestAPIMissingJSONPropertyError( response, self.DOWNLOAD_LINK_FIELD ) # The API returns another link leading to either a DRM-free book or ACSM file: # - DRM-free books are publicly accessible, meaning that their download links # are not protected by IP whitelisting and we shall pass the link to the client # to avoid proxying the content through Circulation Manager. # - DRM-protected download links are protected by IP whitelisting # and can be called only from Circulation Manager, # meaning that Circulation Manager has to download an ACSM file # and proxy it to the client. # However, it shouldn't incur any bad consequences because # ACSM files are usually relatively small. link = response_json[self.DOWNLOAD_LINK_FIELD] # In the case of DRM-free books we return a link immediately # and we'll pass it to the client app. if self.DRM_FREE_DOWNLOAD_LINK_KEYWORD in link: return ProQuestBook(link=link) # In the case of Adobe DRM-protected books we have to download an ACSM file # and pass its content to the client app. response, _ = self._send_request( configuration, "get", link, {}, token, response_must_be_json=False ) "Finished fetching an ACSM file for Doc ID {0} using JWT token {1}".format( document_id, token ) ) return ProQuestBook( content=bytes(response.content), content_type=DeliveryMechanism.ADOBE_DRM, ) else: "Finished fetching an open-access book for Doc ID {0} using JWT token {1}".format( document_id, token ) ) return ProQuestBook(content=bytes(response.content))
[docs]class ProQuestAPIClientFactory(object): """Factory used for creating ProQuestAPIClient instances."""
[docs] def create(self, integration_association): """Create a new instance of ProQuestAPIClientFactory. :param integration_association: Association with an external integration :type integration_association: core.model.configuration.HasExternalIntegration :return: New instance of ProQuestAPIClient :rtype: ProQuestAPIClient """ configuration_storage = ConfigurationStorage(integration_association) configuration_factory = ConfigurationFactory() client = ProQuestAPIClient(configuration_storage, configuration_factory) return client