Source code for api.overdrive

import datetime
import dateutil
import json
import pytz
import re
import requests
import flask
import urllib.parse
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _

from sqlalchemy.orm import contains_eager

from .circulation import (
from .selftest import (
from core.overdrive import (
    OverdriveAPI as BaseOverdriveAPI,
    MockOverdriveAPI as BaseMockOverdriveAPI,

from core.model import (

from core.monitor import (
from core.util.datetime_helpers import strptime_utc
from core.util.http import HTTP
from core.metadata_layer import ReplacementPolicy
from core.scripts import Script

from .circulation_exceptions import *
from import Analytics

[docs]class OverdriveAPIConstants(object): # These are not real Overdrive formats; we use them internally so # we can distinguish between (e.g.) using "audiobook-overdrive" # to get into Overdrive Read, and using it to get a link to a # manifest file. MANIFEST_INTERNAL_FORMATS = set( ['audiobook-overdrive-manifest', 'ebook-overdrive-manifest'] ) # These formats can be delivered either as manifest files or as # links to websites that stream the content. STREAMING_FORMATS = [ 'ebook-overdrive', 'audiobook-overdrive', ]
[docs]class OverdriveAPI(BaseOverdriveAPI, BaseCirculationAPI, HasSelfTests, OverdriveAPIConstants): NAME = ExternalIntegration.OVERDRIVE DESCRIPTION = _("Integrate an Overdrive collection. For an Overdrive Advantage collection, select the consortium's Overdrive collection as the parent.") SETTINGS = [ { "key": Collection.EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_ID_KEY, "label": _("Library ID"), "required": True }, { "key": BaseOverdriveAPI.WEBSITE_ID, "label": _("Website ID"), "required": True }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.USERNAME, "label": _("Client Key"), "required": True }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.PASSWORD, "label": _("Client Secret"), "required": True }, { "key": BaseOverdriveAPI.SERVER_NICKNAME, "label": _("Server family"), "description": _("Unless you hear otherwise from Overdrive, your integration should use their production servers."), "type": "select", "options": [ dict( label=_("Production"), key=BaseOverdriveAPI.PRODUCTION_SERVERS ), dict( label=_("Testing"), key=BaseOverdriveAPI.TESTING_SERVERS, ) ], "default": BaseOverdriveAPI.PRODUCTION_SERVERS, }, ] + BaseCirculationAPI.SETTINGS LIBRARY_SETTINGS = BaseCirculationAPI.LIBRARY_SETTINGS + [ { "key": BaseOverdriveAPI.ILS_NAME_KEY, "label": _("ILS Name"), "default": BaseOverdriveAPI.ILS_NAME_DEFAULT, "description": _("When multiple libraries share an Overdrive account, Overdrive uses a setting called 'ILS Name' to determine which ILS to check when validating a given patron."), }, BaseCirculationAPI.DEFAULT_LOAN_DURATION_SETTING ] # An Overdrive Advantage collection inherits everything except the library id # from its parent. CHILD_SETTINGS = [ { "key": Collection.EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_ID_KEY, "label": _("Library ID"), "required": True }, ] SET_DELIVERY_MECHANISM_AT = BaseCirculationAPI.FULFILL_STEP # Create a lookup table between common DeliveryMechanism identifiers # and Overdrive format types. epub = Representation.EPUB_MEDIA_TYPE pdf = Representation.PDF_MEDIA_TYPE adobe_drm = DeliveryMechanism.ADOBE_DRM no_drm = DeliveryMechanism.NO_DRM streaming_drm = DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_DRM streaming_text = DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE streaming_audio = DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE overdrive_audiobook_manifest = MediaTypes.OVERDRIVE_AUDIOBOOK_MANIFEST_MEDIA_TYPE libby_drm = DeliveryMechanism.LIBBY_DRM # When a request comes in for a given DeliveryMechanism, what # do we tell Overdrive? delivery_mechanism_to_internal_format = { (epub, no_drm): 'ebook-epub-open', (epub, adobe_drm): 'ebook-epub-adobe', (pdf, no_drm): 'ebook-pdf-open', (pdf, adobe_drm): 'ebook-pdf-adobe', (streaming_text, streaming_drm): 'ebook-overdrive', (streaming_audio, streaming_drm): 'audiobook-overdrive', (overdrive_audiobook_manifest, libby_drm): 'audiobook-overdrive-manifest' } # Once you choose a non-streaming format you're locked into it and can't # use other formats. LOCK_IN_FORMATS = [ x for x in BaseOverdriveAPI.FORMATS if x not in OverdriveAPIConstants.STREAMING_FORMATS and x not in OverdriveAPIConstants.MANIFEST_INTERNAL_FORMATS ] # TODO: This is a terrible choice but this URL should never be # displayed to a patron, so it doesn't matter much. DEFAULT_ERROR_URL = "" # Map Overdrive's error messages to standard circulation manager # exceptions. ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_EXCEPTION = { "PatronHasExceededCheckoutLimit": PatronLoanLimitReached, "PatronHasExceededCheckoutLimit_ForCPC": PatronLoanLimitReached, } def __init__(self, _db, collection): super(OverdriveAPI, self).__init__(_db, collection) self.overdrive_bibliographic_coverage_provider = ( OverdriveBibliographicCoverageProvider( collection, api_class=self ) )
[docs] def external_integration(self, _db): return self.collection.external_integration
def _run_self_tests(self, _db): result = self.run_test( "Checking global Client Authentication privileges", self.check_creds, force_refresh=True ) yield result if not result.success: # There is no point in running the other tests if we # can't even get a token. return def _count_advantage(): """Count the Overdrive Advantage accounts""" accounts = list(self.get_advantage_accounts()) return "Found %d Overdrive Advantage account(s)." % len(accounts) yield self.run_test( "Looking up Overdrive Advantage accounts", _count_advantage ) def _count_books(): """Count the titles in the collection.""" url = self._all_products_link status, headers, body = self.get(url, {}) body = json.loads(body) return "%d item(s) in collection" % body['totalItems'] yield self.run_test( "Counting size of collection", _count_books ) default_patrons = [] for result in self.default_patrons(self.collection): if isinstance(result, SelfTestResult): yield result continue library, patron, pin = result task = "Checking Patron Authentication privileges, using test patron for library %s" % yield self.run_test( task, self.get_patron_credential, patron, pin )
[docs] def patron_request(self, patron, pin, url, extra_headers={}, data=None, exception_on_401=False, method=None): """Make an HTTP request on behalf of a patron. The results are never cached. """ patron_credential = self.get_patron_credential(patron, pin) headers = dict(Authorization="Bearer %s" % patron_credential.credential) headers.update(extra_headers) if method and method.lower() in ('get', 'post', 'put', 'delete'): method = method.lower() else: if data: method = 'post' else: method = 'get' url = self.endpoint(url) response = HTTP.request_with_timeout( method, url, headers=headers, data=data ) if response.status_code == 401: if exception_on_401: # This is our second try. Give up. raise IntegrationException( "Something's wrong with the patron OAuth Bearer Token!" ) else: # Refresh the token and try again. self.refresh_patron_access_token( patron_credential, patron, pin) return self.patron_request( patron, pin, url, extra_headers, data, True) else: # This is commented out because it may expose patron # information. # # self.log.debug("%s: %s", url, response.status_code) return response
[docs] def get_patron_credential(self, patron, pin): """Create an OAuth token for the given patron.""" def refresh(credential): return self.refresh_patron_access_token( credential, patron, pin) return Credential.lookup( self._db, DataSource.OVERDRIVE, "OAuth Token", patron, refresh, collection=self.collection )
[docs] def scope_string(self, library): """Create the Overdrive scope string for the given library. This is used when setting up Patron Authentication, and when generating the X-Overdrive-Scope header used by SimplyE to set up its own Patron Authentication. """ return "websiteid:%s authorizationname:%s" % ( self.website_id.decode("utf-8"), self.ils_name(library) )
[docs] def refresh_patron_access_token(self, credential, patron, pin): """Request an OAuth bearer token that allows us to act on behalf of a specific patron. Documentation: """ payload = dict( grant_type="password", username=patron.authorization_identifier, scope=self.scope_string(patron.library) ) if pin: # A PIN was provided. payload['password'] = pin else: # No PIN was provided. Depending on the library, # this might be fine. If it's not fine, Overdrive will # refuse to issue a token. payload['password_required'] = 'false' payload['password'] = '[ignore]' response = self.token_post(self.PATRON_TOKEN_ENDPOINT, payload) if response.status_code == 200: self._update_credential(credential, response.json()) elif response.status_code == 400: response = response.json() message = response['error'] error = response.get('error_description') if error: message += '/' + error diagnostic = None debug = message if error == 'Requested record not found': debug = "The patron failed Overdrive's cross-check against the library's ILS." raise PatronAuthorizationFailedException(message, debug) return credential
[docs] def checkout(self, patron, pin, licensepool, internal_format): """Check out a book on behalf of a patron. :param patron: a Patron object for the patron who wants to check out the book. :param pin: The patron's alleged password. :param licensepool: Identifier of the book to be checked out is attached to this licensepool. :param internal_format: Represents the patron's desired book format. :return: a LoanInfo object. """ identifier = licensepool.identifier overdrive_id=identifier.identifier headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} payload = dict(fields=[dict(name="reserveId", value=overdrive_id)]) payload = json.dumps(payload) response = self.patron_request( patron, pin, self.CHECKOUTS_ENDPOINT, extra_headers=headers, data=payload ) data = response.json() if response.status_code == 400: return self._process_checkout_error(patron, pin, licensepool, data) else: # Try to extract the expiration date from the response. expires = self.extract_expiration_date(data) # Create the loan info. loan = LoanInfo( licensepool.collection,, licensepool.identifier.type, licensepool.identifier.identifier, None, expires, None, ) return loan
def _process_checkout_error(self, patron, pin, licensepool, error): """Handle an error received by the API checkout endpoint. :param patron: The Patron who tried to check out the book. :param pin: The Patron's PIN; used in case follow-up API requests are necessary. :param licensepool: LicensePool for the book that was to be borrowed. :param error: A dictionary representing the error response, parsed as JSON. """ code = "Unknown Error" identifier = licensepool.identifier if isinstance(error, dict): code = error.get('errorCode', code) if code == 'NoCopiesAvailable': # Clearly our info is out of date. self.update_licensepool(identifier.identifier) raise NoAvailableCopies() if code == 'TitleAlreadyCheckedOut': # Client should have used a fulfill link instead, but # we can handle it. # # NOTE: It's very unlikely this will happen, but it could # happen if the patron borrows a book through Libby and # then immediately borrows the same book through SimplyE. loan = self.get_loan(patron, pin, identifier.identifier) expires = self.extract_expiration_date(loan) return LoanInfo( licensepool.collection,, identifier.type, identifier.identifier, None, expires, None ) if code in self.ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_EXCEPTION: exc_class = self.ERROR_MESSAGE_TO_EXCEPTION[code] raise exc_class() # All-purpose fallback raise CannotLoan(code)
[docs] def checkin(self, patron, pin, licensepool): # Get the loan for this patron to see whether or not they # have a delivery mechanism recorded. loan = None loans = [l for l in if l.license_pool == licensepool] if loans: loan = loans[0] if (loan and loan.fulfillment and loan.fulfillment.delivery_mechanism and loan.fulfillment.delivery_mechanism.drm_scheme == DeliveryMechanism.NO_DRM): # This patron fulfilled this loan without DRM. That means we # should be able to find a loanEarlyReturnURL and hit it. if self.perform_early_return(patron, pin, loan): # No need for the fallback strategy. return # Our fallback strategy is to DELETE the checkout endpoint. # We do this if no loan can be found, no delivery mechanism is # recorded, the delivery mechanism uses DRM, we are unable to # locate the return URL, or we encounter a problem using the # return URL. # # The only case where this is likely to work is when the # loan exists but has not been locked to a delivery mechanism. overdrive_id = licensepool.identifier.identifier url = self.endpoint(self.CHECKOUT_ENDPOINT, overdrive_id=overdrive_id) return self.patron_request(patron, pin, url, method='DELETE')
[docs] def perform_early_return(self, patron, pin, loan, http_get=None): """Ask Overdrive for a loanEarlyReturnURL for the given loan and try to hit that URL. :param patron: A Patron :param pin: Authorization PIN for the patron :param loan: A Loan object corresponding to the title on loan. :param http_get: You may pass in a mock of HTTP.get_with_timeout for use in tests. """ mechanism = loan.fulfillment.delivery_mechanism internal_format = self.delivery_mechanism_to_internal_format.get( (mechanism.content_type, mechanism.drm_scheme) ) if not internal_format: # Something's wrong in general, but in particular we don't know # which fulfillment link to ask for. Bail out. return False # Ask Overdrive for a link that can be used to fulfill the book # (but which may also contain an early return URL). url, media_type = self.get_fulfillment_link( patron, pin, loan.license_pool.identifier.identifier, internal_format ) # The URL comes from Overdrive, so it probably doesn't need # interpolation, but just in case. url = self.endpoint(url) # Make a regular, non-authenticated request to the fulfillment link. http_get = http_get or HTTP.get_with_timeout response = http_get(url, allow_redirects=False) location = response.headers.get('location') # Try to find an early return URL in the Location header # sent from the fulfillment request. early_return_url = self._extract_early_return_url(location) if early_return_url: response = http_get(early_return_url) if response.status_code == 200: return True return False
@classmethod def _extract_early_return_url(cls, location): """Extract an early return URL from the URL Overdrive sends to fulfill a non-DRMed book. :param location: A URL found in a Location header. """ if not location: return None parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(location) query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed.query) urls = query.get('loanEarlyReturnUrl') if urls: return urls[0]
[docs] def fill_out_form(self, **values): fields = [] for k, v in list(values.items()): fields.append(dict(name=k, value=v)) headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"} return headers, json.dumps(dict(fields=fields))
error_to_exception = { "TitleNotCheckedOut" : NoActiveLoan, }
[docs] def raise_exception_on_error(self, data, custom_error_to_exception={}): if not 'errorCode' in data: return error = data['errorCode'] message = data.get('message') or '' for d in custom_error_to_exception, self.error_to_exception: if error in d: raise d[error](message)
[docs] def get_loan(self, patron, pin, overdrive_id): url = self.CHECKOUTS_ENDPOINT + "/" + overdrive_id.upper() data = self.patron_request(patron, pin, url).json() self.raise_exception_on_error(data) return data
[docs] def get_hold(self, patron, pin, overdrive_id): url = self.endpoint( self.HOLD_ENDPOINT, product_id=overdrive_id.upper() ) data = self.patron_request(patron, pin, url).json() self.raise_exception_on_error(data) return data
[docs] def get_loans(self, patron, pin): """Get a JSON structure describing all of a patron's outstanding loans.""" data = self.patron_request(patron, pin, self.CHECKOUTS_ENDPOINT).json() self.raise_exception_on_error(data) return data
[docs] def fulfill(self, patron, pin, licensepool, internal_format, **kwargs): """Get the actual resource file to the patron. :param kwargs: A container for arguments to fulfill() which are not relevant to this vendor. :return: a FulfillmentInfo object. """ try: result = self.get_fulfillment_link( patron, pin, licensepool.identifier.identifier, internal_format ) if isinstance(result, FulfillmentInfo): # The fulfillment process was short-circuited, probably # by the creation of an OverdriveManifestFulfillmentInfo. return result url, media_type = result if internal_format in self.STREAMING_FORMATS: media_type += DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_PROFILE except FormatNotAvailable as e: # It's possible the available formats for this book have changed and we # have an inaccurate delivery mechanism. Try to update the formats, but # reraise the error regardless."Overdrive id %s was not available as %s, getting updated formats" % (licensepool.identifier.identifier, internal_format)) try: self.update_formats(licensepool) except Exception as e2: self.log.error("Could not update formats for Overdrive ID %s" % licensepool.identifier.identifier) raise e return FulfillmentInfo( licensepool.collection,, licensepool.identifier.type, licensepool.identifier.identifier, content_link=url, content_type=media_type, content=None, content_expires=None )
[docs] def lock_in_format(self, patron, pin, overdrive_id, format_type): overdrive_id = overdrive_id.upper() headers, document = self.fill_out_form( reserveId=overdrive_id, formatType=format_type) url = self.endpoint( self.FORMATS_ENDPOINT, overdrive_id=overdrive_id ) return self.patron_request(patron, pin, url, headers, document)
[docs] @classmethod def extract_data_from_checkout_response(cls, checkout_response_json, format_type, error_url): expires = cls.extract_expiration_date(checkout_response_json) return expires, cls.get_download_link( checkout_response_json, format_type, error_url)
[docs] @classmethod def extract_data_from_hold_response(cls, hold_response_json): position = hold_response_json['holdListPosition'] placed = cls._extract_date(hold_response_json, 'holdPlacedDate') return position, placed
[docs] @classmethod def extract_expiration_date(cls, data): return cls._extract_date(data, 'expires')
@classmethod def _extract_date(cls, data, field_name): if not isinstance(data, dict): return None if not field_name in data: return None try: return strptime_utc( data[field_name], cls.TIME_FORMAT ) except ValueError as e: # Wrong format return None
[docs] def get_patron_information(self, patron, pin): data = self.patron_request(patron, pin, self.ME_ENDPOINT).json() self.raise_exception_on_error(data) return data
[docs] def get_patron_checkouts(self, patron, pin): data = self.patron_request(patron, pin, self.CHECKOUTS_ENDPOINT).json() self.raise_exception_on_error(data) return data
[docs] def get_patron_holds(self, patron, pin): data = self.patron_request(patron, pin, self.HOLDS_ENDPOINT).json() self.raise_exception_on_error(data) return data
@classmethod def _pd(cls, d): """Stupid method to parse a date. TIME_FORMAT mentions "Z" for Zulu time, which is the same as UTC. """ if not d: return d return strptime_utc(d, cls.TIME_FORMAT)
[docs] def patron_activity(self, patron, pin): try: loans = self.get_patron_checkouts(patron, pin) holds = self.get_patron_holds(patron, pin) except PatronAuthorizationFailedException as e: # This frequently happens because Overdrive performs # checks for blocked or expired accounts upon initial # authorization, where the circulation manager would let # the 'authorization' part succeed and block the patron's # access afterwards. # # It's common enough that it's hardly worth mentioning, but it # could theoretically be the sign of a larger problem. "Overdrive authentication failed, assuming no loans.", exc_info=e ) loans = {} holds = {} for checkout in loans.get('checkouts', []): loan_info = self.process_checkout_data(checkout, self.collection) yield loan_info for hold in holds.get('holds', []): overdrive_identifier = hold['reserveId'].lower() start = self._pd(hold.get('holdPlacedDate')) end = self._pd(hold.get('holdExpires')) position = hold.get('holdListPosition') if position is not None: position = int(position) if 'checkout' in hold.get('actions', {}): # This patron needs to decide whether to check the # book out. By our reckoning, the patron's position is # 0, not whatever position Overdrive had for them. position = 0 yield HoldInfo( self.collection, DataSource.OVERDRIVE, Identifier.OVERDRIVE_ID, overdrive_identifier, start_date=start, end_date=end, hold_position=position )
[docs] @classmethod def process_checkout_data(cls, checkout, collection): """Convert one checkout from Overdrive's list of checkouts into a LoanInfo object. :return: A LoanInfo object if the book can be fulfilled by the default Library Simplified client, and None otherwise. """ overdrive_identifier = checkout['reserveId'].lower() start = cls._pd(checkout.get('checkoutDate')) end = cls._pd(checkout.get('expires')) usable_formats = [] # If a format is already locked in, it will be in formats. for format in checkout.get('formats', []): format_type = format.get('formatType') if format_type in cls.FORMATS: usable_formats.append(format_type) # If a format hasn't been selected yet, available formats are in actions. actions = checkout.get('actions', {}) format_action = actions.get('format', {}) format_fields = format_action.get('fields', []) for field in format_fields: if field.get('name', "") == "formatType": format_options = field.get("options", []) for format_type in format_options: if format_type in cls.FORMATS: usable_formats.append(format_type) if not usable_formats: # Either this book is not available in any format readable # by the default client, or the patron previously chose to # fulfill it in a format not readable by the default # client. Either way, we cannot fulfill this loan and we # shouldn't show it in the list. return None locked_to = None if len(usable_formats) == 1: # Either the book has been locked into a specific format, # or only one usable format is available. We don't know # which case we're looking at, but for our purposes the # book is locked -- unless, of course, what Overdrive # considers "one format" corresponds to more than one # format on our side. [overdrive_format] = usable_formats internal_formats = list( OverdriveRepresentationExtractor.internal_formats( overdrive_format ) ) if len(internal_formats) == 1: [(media_type, drm_scheme)] = internal_formats # Make it clear that Overdrive will only deliver the content # in one specific media type. locked_to = DeliveryMechanismInfo( content_type=media_type, drm_scheme=drm_scheme ) return LoanInfo( collection, DataSource.OVERDRIVE, Identifier.OVERDRIVE_ID, overdrive_identifier, start_date=start, end_date=end, locked_to=locked_to )
[docs] def default_notification_email_address(self, patron, pin): """Find the email address this patron wants to use for hold notifications. :return: The email address Overdrive has on record for this patron's hold notifications, or None if there is no such address. """ # We're calling the superclass implementation, but we have no # intention of actually using the result. This is a # per-library default that trashes all of its input, and # Overdrive has a better solution. trash_everything_address = super( OverdriveAPI, self ).default_notification_email_address(patron, pin) # Instead, we will ask _Overdrive_ if this patron has a # preferred email address for notifications. address = None response = self.patron_request( patron, pin, self.PATRON_INFORMATION_ENDPOINT ) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() address = data.get('lastHoldEmail') # Great! Except, it's possible that this address is the # 'trash everything' address, because we _used_ to send # that address to Overdrive. If so, ignore it. if address == trash_everything_address: address = None else: self.log.error( "Unable to get patron information for %s: %s", patron.authorization_identifier, response.content ) return address
[docs] def place_hold(self, patron, pin, licensepool, notification_email_address): """Place a book on hold. :return: A HoldData object, if a hold was successfully placed, or the book was already on hold. :raise: A CirculationException explaining why no hold could be placed. """ if not notification_email_address: notification_email_address = self.default_notification_email_address( patron, pin ) overdrive_id = licensepool.identifier.identifier form_fields = dict(reserveId=overdrive_id) if notification_email_address: form_fields['emailAddress'] = notification_email_address else: form_fields['ignoreHoldEmail'] = True headers, document = self.fill_out_form(**form_fields) response = self.patron_request( patron, pin, self.HOLDS_ENDPOINT, headers, document ) return self.process_place_hold_response( response, patron, pin, licensepool )
[docs] def process_place_hold_response(self, response, patron, pin, licensepool): """Process the response to a HOLDS_ENDPOINT request. :return: A HoldData object, if a hold was successfully placed, or the book was already on hold. :raise: A CirculationException explaining why no hold could be placed. """ def make_holdinfo(hold_response): # Create a HoldInfo object by combining data passed into # the enclosing method with the data from a hold response # (either creating a new hold or fetching an existing # one). position, start_date = self.extract_data_from_hold_response( hold_response ) return HoldInfo( licensepool.collection,, licensepool.identifier.type, licensepool.identifier.identifier, start_date=start_date, end_date=None, hold_position=position ) family = response.status_code // 100 if family == 4: error = response.json() if not error or not 'errorCode' in error: raise CannotHold() code = error['errorCode'] if code == 'AlreadyOnWaitList': # The book is already on hold, so this isn't an exceptional # condition. Refresh the queue info and act as though the # request was successful. hold = self.get_hold( patron, pin, licensepool.identifier.identifier ) return make_holdinfo(hold) elif code == 'NotWithinRenewalWindow': # The patron has this book checked out and cannot yet # renew their loan. raise CannotRenew() elif code == 'PatronExceededHoldLimit': raise PatronHoldLimitReached() else: raise CannotHold(code) elif family == 2: # The book was successfuly placed on hold. Return an # appropriate HoldInfo. data = response.json() return make_holdinfo(data) else: # Some other problem happened -- we don't know what. It's # not a 5xx error because the HTTP client would have been # turned that into a RemoteIntegrationException. raise CannotHold()
[docs] def release_hold(self, patron, pin, licensepool): """Release a patron's hold on a book. :raises CannotReleaseHold: If there is an error communicating with Overdrive, or Overdrive refuses to release the hold for any reason. """ url = self.endpoint( self.HOLD_ENDPOINT, product_id=licensepool.identifier.identifier ) response = self.patron_request(patron, pin, url, method='DELETE') if response.status_code // 100 == 2 or response.status_code == 404: return True if not response.content: raise CannotReleaseHold() data = response.json() if not 'errorCode' in data: raise CannotReleaseHold() if data['errorCode'] == 'PatronDoesntHaveTitleOnHold': # There was never a hold to begin with, so we're fine. return True raise CannotReleaseHold(response.content)
[docs] def circulation_lookup(self, book): if isinstance(book, str): book_id = book circulation_link = self.endpoint( self.AVAILABILITY_ENDPOINT, collection_token=self.collection_token, product_id=book_id ) book = dict(id=book_id) else: circulation_link = book['availability_link'] # Make sure we use v2 of the availability API, # even if Overdrive gave us a link to v1. circulation_link = self.make_link_safe(circulation_link) return book, self.get(circulation_link, {})
[docs] def update_formats(self, licensepool): """Update the format information for a single book. Incidentally updates the metadata, just in case Overdrive has changed it. """ info = self.metadata_lookup(licensepool.identifier) metadata = OverdriveRepresentationExtractor.book_info_to_metadata( info, include_bibliographic=True, include_formats=True) if not metadata: # No work to be done. return edition, ignore = self._edition(licensepool) replace = ReplacementPolicy.from_license_source(self._db) metadata.apply(edition, self.collection, replace=replace)
[docs] def update_licensepool(self, book_id): """Update availability information for a single book. If the book has never been seen before, a new LicensePool will be created for the book. The book's LicensePool will be updated with current circulation information. Bibliographic coverage will be ensured for the Overdrive Identifier, and a Work will be created for the LicensePool and set as presentation-ready. """ # Retrieve current circulation information about this book try: book, (status_code, headers, content) = self.circulation_lookup( book_id ) except Exception as e: status_code = None self.log.error( "HTTP exception communicating with Overdrive", exc_info=e ) # TODO: If you ask for a book that you know about, and # Overdrive says the book doesn't exist in the collection, # then it's appropriate to update an existing # LicensePool. However we shouldn't be creating a *brand new* # LicensePool for a book Overdrive says isn't in the # collection. if status_code not in (200, 404): self.log.error( "Could not get availability for %s: status code %s", book_id, status_code ) return None, None, False if isinstance(content, (bytes, str)): content = json.loads(content) book.update(content) # Update book_id now that we know we have new data. book_id = book['id'] license_pool, is_new = LicensePool.for_foreign_id( self._db, DataSource.OVERDRIVE, Identifier.OVERDRIVE_ID, book_id, collection=self.collection ) if is_new or not # Either this is the first time we've seen this book or its doesn't # have an associated work. Make sure its identifier has bibliographic coverage. self.overdrive_bibliographic_coverage_provider.ensure_coverage( license_pool.identifier, force=True ) return self.update_licensepool_with_book_info( book, license_pool, is_new )
# Alias for the CirculationAPI interface
[docs] def update_availability(self, licensepool): return self.update_licensepool(licensepool.identifier.identifier)
def _edition(self, licensepool): """Find or create the Edition that would be used to contain Overdrive metadata for the given LicensePool. """ return Edition.for_foreign_id( self._db, self.source, licensepool.identifier.type, licensepool.identifier.identifier )
[docs] def update_licensepool_with_book_info(self, book, license_pool, is_new_pool): """Update a book's LicensePool with information from a JSON representation of its circulation info. Then, create an Edition and make sure it has bibliographic coverage. If the new Edition is the only candidate for the pool's presentation_edition, promote it to presentation status. """ extractor = OverdriveRepresentationExtractor(self) circulation = extractor.book_info_to_circulation( book ) license_pool, circulation_changed = circulation.apply( self._db, license_pool.collection ) edition, is_new_edition = self._edition(license_pool) if is_new_pool: license_pool.open_access = False"New Overdrive book discovered: %r", edition) return license_pool, is_new_pool, circulation_changed
[docs]class MockOverdriveResponse(object): def __init__(self, status_code, headers, content): self.status_code = status_code self.headers = headers self.content = content
[docs] def json(self): return json.loads(self.content)
[docs]class MockOverdriveAPI(BaseMockOverdriveAPI, OverdriveAPI): library_data = '{"id":1810,"name":"My Public Library (MA)","type":"Library","collectionToken":"1a09d9203","links":{"self":{"href":"","type":"application/vnd.overdrive.api+json"},"products":{"href":"","type":"application/vnd.overdrive.api+json"},"dlrHomepage":{"href":"","type":"text/html"}},"formats":[{"id":"audiobook-wma","name":"OverDrive WMA Audiobook"},{"id":"ebook-pdf-adobe","name":"Adobe PDF eBook"},{"id":"ebook-mediado","name":"MediaDo eBook"},{"id":"ebook-epub-adobe","name":"Adobe EPUB eBook"},{"id":"ebook-kindle","name":"Kindle Book"},{"id":"audiobook-mp3","name":"OverDrive MP3 Audiobook"},{"id":"ebook-pdf-open","name":"Open PDF eBook"},{"id":"ebook-overdrive","name":"OverDrive Read"},{"id":"video-streaming","name":"Streaming Video"},{"id":"ebook-epub-open","name":"Open EPUB eBook"}]}' token_data = '{"access_token":"foo","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":3600,"scope":"LIB META AVAIL SRCH"}' collection_token = 'fake token'
[docs] def patron_request(self, patron, pin, *args, **kwargs): response = self._make_request(*args, **kwargs) # Modify the record of the request to include the patron information. original_data = self.requests[-1] # The last item in the record of the request is keyword arguments. # Stick this information in there to minimize confusion. original_data[-1]['_patron'] = patron original_data[-1]['_pin'] = patron return response
[docs]class OverdriveCirculationMonitor(CollectionMonitor, TimelineMonitor): """Maintain LicensePools for recently changed Overdrive titles. Create basic Editions for any new LicensePools that show up. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Overdrive Circulation Monitor" PROTOCOL = ExternalIntegration.OVERDRIVE OVERLAP = datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) def __init__(self, _db, collection, api_class=OverdriveAPI, analytics_class=Analytics): """Constructor.""" super(OverdriveCirculationMonitor, self).__init__(_db, collection) self.api = api_class(_db, collection) = analytics_class(_db)
[docs] def recently_changed_ids(self, start, cutoff): return self.api.recently_changed_ids(start, cutoff)
[docs] def catch_up_from(self, start, cutoff, progress): """Find Overdrive books that changed recently. :progress: A TimestampData representing the time previously covered by this Monitor. """ overdrive_data_source = DataSource.lookup( self._db, DataSource.OVERDRIVE ) # Ask for changes between the last time covered by the Monitor # and the current time. total_books = 0 for book in self.recently_changed_ids(start, cutoff): total_books += 1 if not total_books % 100:"%s books processed", total_books) if not book: continue license_pool, is_new, is_changed = self.api.update_licensepool(book) # Log a circulation event for this work. if is_new: for library in self.collection.libraries: library, license_pool, CirculationEvent.DISTRIBUTOR_TITLE_ADD, license_pool.last_checked ) self._db.commit() if self.should_stop(start, book, is_changed): break progress.achievements = "Books processed: %d." % total_books
[docs]class NewTitlesOverdriveCollectionMonitor(OverdriveCirculationMonitor): """Monitor the Overdrive collection for newly added titles. This catches any new titles that slipped through the cracks of the RecentOverdriveCollectionMonitor. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Overdrive New Title Monitor" OVERLAP = datetime.timedelta(days=7) DEFAULT_START_TIME = OverdriveCirculationMonitor.NEVER
[docs] def recently_changed_ids(self, start, cutoff): """Ignore the dates and return all IDs.""" return self.api.all_ids()
[docs] def should_stop(self, start, api_description, is_changed): if not start or start is self.NEVER: # This monitor has never run before. It should ask about # every single book. return False # We should stop if this book was added before our start time. date_added = api_description.get('date_added') if not date_added: # We don't know when this book was added -- shouldn't happen. return False try: date_added = dateutil.parser.parse(date_added) except ValueError as e: # The date format is unparseable -- shouldn't happen. self.log.error("Got invalid date: %s", date_added) return False # The time stored in the database is UTC, but it's stored # without any time zone information. Add that information so # we can compare it against the date we got from Overdrive. start = pytz.utc.localize(start) "Date added: %s, start time: %s, result %s", date_added, start, date_added < start ) return date_added < start
[docs]class OverdriveCollectionReaper(IdentifierSweepMonitor): """Check for books that are in the local collection but have left our Overdrive collection. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Overdrive Collection Reaper" PROTOCOL = ExternalIntegration.OVERDRIVE def __init__(self, _db, collection, api_class=OverdriveAPI): super(OverdriveCollectionReaper, self).__init__(_db, collection) self.api = api_class(_db, collection)
[docs] def process_item(self, identifier): self.api.update_licensepool(identifier.identifier)
[docs]class RecentOverdriveCollectionMonitor(OverdriveCirculationMonitor): """Monitor recently changed books in the Overdrive collection.""" SERVICE_NAME = "Reverse Chronological Overdrive Collection Monitor" # Report successful completion upon finding this number of # consecutive books in the Overdrive results whose LicensePools # haven't changed since last time. Overdrive results are not in # strict chronological order, but if you see 100 consecutive books # that haven't changed, you're probably done. MAXIMUM_CONSECUTIVE_UNCHANGED_BOOKS=100 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RecentOverdriveCollectionMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.consecutive_unchanged_books = 0
[docs] def should_stop(self, start, api_description, is_changed): if is_changed: self.consecutive_unchanged_books = 0 else: self.consecutive_unchanged_books += 1 if (self.consecutive_unchanged_books >= self.MAXIMUM_CONSECUTIVE_UNCHANGED_BOOKS): # We're supposed to stop this run after finding a # run of books that have not changed, and we have # in fact seen that many consecutive unchanged # books."Stopping at %d unchanged books.", self.consecutive_unchanged_books) return True return False
[docs]class OverdriveFormatSweep(IdentifierSweepMonitor): """Check the current formats of every Overdrive book in our collection. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Overdrive Format Sweep" DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 25 PROTOCOL = ExternalIntegration.OVERDRIVE def __init__(self, _db, collection, api_class=OverdriveAPI): super(OverdriveFormatSweep, self).__init__(_db, collection) self.api = api_class(_db, collection)
[docs] def process_item(self, identifier): pools = identifier.licensed_through for pool in pools: self.api.update_formats(pool) # if there are multiple pools they should all have the same formats # so we break after processing the first one break
[docs]class OverdriveAdvantageAccountListScript(Script):
[docs] def run(self): """Explain every Overdrive collection and, for each one, all of its Advantage collections. """ collections = Collection.by_protocol( self._db, ExternalIntegration.OVERDRIVE ) for collection in collections: self.explain_main_collection(collection) print()
[docs] def explain_main_collection(self, collection): """Explain an Overdrive collection and all of its Advantage collections. """ api = OverdriveAPI(self._db, collection) print("Main Overdrive collection: %s" % print("\n".join(collection.explain())) print("A few of the titles in the main collection:") for i, book in enumerate(api.all_ids()): print("", book['title']) if i > 10: break advantage_accounts = list(api.get_advantage_accounts()) print("%d associated Overdrive Advantage account(s)." % len( advantage_accounts )) for advantage_collection in advantage_accounts: self.explain_advantage_collection(advantage_collection) print()
[docs] def explain_advantage_collection(self, collection): """Explain a single Overdrive Advantage collection.""" parent_collection, child = collection.to_collection(self._db) print(" Overdrive Advantage collection: %s" % print(" " + ("\n ".join(child.explain()))) print(" A few of the titles in this Advantage collection:") child_api = OverdriveAPI(self._db, child) for i, book in enumerate(child_api.all_ids()): print(" ", book['title']) if i > 10: break
[docs]class OverdriveManifestFulfillmentInfo(FulfillmentInfo): def __init__(self, collection, content_link, overdrive_identifier, scope_string): """Constructor. Most of the arguments to the superconstructor can be assumed, and none of them matter all that much, since this class overrides the normal process by which a FulfillmentInfo becomes a Flask response. """ super(OverdriveManifestFulfillmentInfo, self).__init__( collection=collection, data_source_name=DataSource.OVERDRIVE, identifier_type=Identifier.OVERDRIVE_ID, identifier=overdrive_identifier, content_link=content_link, content_type=None, content=None, content_expires=None, ) self.scope_string = scope_string @property def as_response(self): headers = { "Location": self.content_link, "X-Overdrive-Scope": self.scope_string, "Content-Type": self.content_type or 'text/plain', } return flask.Response("", 302, headers)