Source code for api.odilo

# coding=utf-8
import base64
import datetime
import json
import isbnlib
import logging
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session

from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _

from .circulation import (

from core.model import (

from .selftest import (
from core.monitor import (
from core.util.http import HTTP

from .circulation_exceptions import *

from core.model import (

from import Analytics

from core.metadata_layer import (

from core.coverage import (

from core.config import (

from core.testing import DatabaseTest

from core.util.datetime_helpers import (
from core.util.http import (

from core.util.personal_names import sort_name_to_display_name

from core.testing import MockRequestsResponse

[docs]class OdiloRepresentationExtractor(object): """Extract useful information from Odilo's JSON representations.""" log = logging.getLogger("OdiloRepresentationExtractor") ACSM = 'ACSM' ACSM_EPUB = 'ACSM_EPUB' ACSM_PDF = 'ACSM_PDF' EBOOK_STREAMING = 'EBOOK_STREAMING' format_data_for_odilo_format = { ACSM_PDF: ( Representation.PDF_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.ADOBE_DRM ), ACSM_EPUB: ( Representation.EPUB_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.ADOBE_DRM ), EBOOK_STREAMING: ( Representation.TEXT_HTML_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE ), "MP3": ( Representation.MP3_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE ), "MP4": ( Representation.MP4_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE ), "WMV": ( Representation.WMV_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.STREAMING_VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE ), "JPG": ( Representation.JPEG_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.NO_DRM ), "SCORM": ( Representation.SCORM_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.NO_DRM ) } odilo_medium_to_simplified_medium = { ACSM_PDF: Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM, ACSM_EPUB: Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM, EBOOK_STREAMING: Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM, "MP3": Edition.AUDIO_MEDIUM, "MP4": Edition.VIDEO_MEDIUM, "WMV": Edition.VIDEO_MEDIUM, "JPG": Edition.IMAGE_MEDIUM, "SCORM": Edition.COURSEWARE_MEDIUM }
[docs] @classmethod def record_info_to_circulation(cls, availability): """ Note: The json data passed into this method is from a different file/stream from the json data that goes into the record_info_to_metadata() method. """ if 'recordId' not in availability: return None record_id = availability['recordId'] primary_identifier = IdentifierData(Identifier.ODILO_ID, record_id) # We own this availability. licenses_owned = int(availability['totalCopies']) licenses_available = int(availability['availableCopies']) # 'licenses_reserved' is the number of patrons who put the book on hold earlier, # but who are now at the front of the queue and who could get the book right now if they wanted to. if 'notifiedHolds' in availability: licenses_reserved = int(availability['notifiedHolds']) else: licenses_reserved = 0 # 'patrons_in_hold_queue' contains the number of patrons who are currently waiting for a copy of the book. if 'holdsQueueSize' in availability: patrons_in_hold_queue = int(availability['holdsQueueSize']) else: patrons_in_hold_queue = 0 return CirculationData( data_source=DataSource.ODILO, primary_identifier=primary_identifier, licenses_owned=licenses_owned, licenses_available=licenses_available, licenses_reserved=licenses_reserved, patrons_in_hold_queue=patrons_in_hold_queue, )
[docs] @classmethod def record_info_to_metadata(cls, book, availability): """Turn Odilo's JSON representation of a book into a Metadata object. Note: The json data passed into this method is from a different file/stream from the json data that goes into the book_info_to_circulation() method. """ if 'id' not in book: return None odilo_id = book['id'] primary_identifier = IdentifierData(Identifier.ODILO_ID, odilo_id) active = book.get('active') title = book.get('title') subtitle = book.get('subtitle') series = book.get('series').strip() or None series_position = book.get('seriesPosition').strip() or None contributors = [] sort_author = book.get('author') if sort_author: roles = [Contributor.AUTHOR_ROLE] display_author = sort_name_to_display_name(sort_author) contributor = ContributorData( sort_name=sort_author, display_name=display_author, roles=roles, biography=None ) contributors.append(contributor) publisher = book.get('publisher') # Metadata --> Marc21 260$c published = book.get('publicationDate') if not published: # yyyyMMdd --> record creation date published = book.get('releaseDate') if published: try: published = strptime_utc(published, "%Y%m%d") except ValueError as e: cls.log.warning('Cannot parse publication date from: ' + published + ', message: ' + str(e)) # yyyyMMdd --> record last modification date last_update = book.get('modificationDate') if last_update: try: last_update = strptime_utc(last_update, "%Y%m%d") except ValueError as e: cls.log.warning('Cannot parse last update date from: ' + last_update + ', message: ' + str(e)) language = book.get('language', 'spa') subjects = [] trusted_weight = Classification.TRUSTED_DISTRIBUTOR_WEIGHT for subject in book.get('subjects', []): subjects.append(SubjectData(type=Subject.TAG, identifier=subject, weight=trusted_weight)) for subjectBisacCode in book.get('subjectsBisacCodes', []): subjects.append(SubjectData(type=Subject.BISAC, identifier=subjectBisacCode, weight=trusted_weight)) grade_level = book.get('gradeLevel') if grade_level: subject = SubjectData(type=Subject.GRADE_LEVEL, identifier=grade_level, weight=trusted_weight) subjects.append(subject) medium = None file_format = book.get('fileFormat') formats = [] for format_received in book.get('formats', []): if format_received in cls.format_data_for_odilo_format: medium = cls.set_format(format_received, formats) elif format_received == cls.ACSM and file_format: medium = cls.set_format(format_received + '_' + file_format.upper(), formats) else: cls.log.warning('Unrecognized format received: ' + format_received) if not medium: medium = Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM identifiers = [] isbn = book.get('isbn') if isbn: if isbnlib.is_isbn10(isbn): isbn = isbnlib.to_isbn13(isbn) identifiers.append(IdentifierData(Identifier.ISBN, isbn, 1)) # A cover links = [] cover_image_url = book.get('coverImageUrl') if cover_image_url: image_data = cls.image_link_to_linkdata(cover_image_url, Hyperlink.THUMBNAIL_IMAGE) if image_data: links.append(image_data) original_image_url = book.get('originalImageUrl') if original_image_url: image_data = cls.image_link_to_linkdata(original_image_url, Hyperlink.IMAGE) if image_data: links.append(image_data) # Descriptions become links. description = book.get('description') if description: links.append(LinkData(rel=Hyperlink.DESCRIPTION, content=description, media_type="text/html")) metadata = Metadata( data_source=DataSource.ODILO, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, language=language, medium=medium, series=series, series_position=series_position, publisher=publisher, published=published, primary_identifier=primary_identifier, identifiers=identifiers, subjects=subjects, contributors=contributors, links=links, data_source_last_updated=last_update ) metadata.circulation = OdiloRepresentationExtractor.record_info_to_circulation(availability) # 'active' --> means that the book exists but it's no longer in the collection # (it could be available again in the future) if metadata.circulation: if not active: metadata.circulation.licenses_owned = 0 metadata.circulation.formats = formats return metadata, active
[docs] @classmethod def set_format(cls, format_received, formats): content_type, drm_scheme = cls.format_data_for_odilo_format.get(format_received) formats.append(FormatData(content_type, drm_scheme)) return cls.odilo_medium_to_simplified_medium.get(format_received)
[docs]class OdiloAPI(BaseCirculationAPI, HasSelfTests): log = logging.getLogger("Odilo API") LIBRARY_API_BASE_URL = "library_api_base_url" NAME = ExternalIntegration.ODILO DESCRIPTION = _("Integrate an Odilo library collection.") SETTINGS = [ { "key": LIBRARY_API_BASE_URL, "label": _("Library API base URL"), "description": _("This might look like <code>https://[library]</code>."), "required": True, "format": "url", }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.USERNAME, "label": _("Client Key"), "required": True }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.PASSWORD, "label": _("Client Secret"), "required": True }, ] + BaseCirculationAPI.SETTINGS # --- OAuth --- TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "/token" # --- Discovery API --- ALL_PRODUCTS_ENDPOINT = "/records" RECORD_METADATA_ENDPOINT = "/records/{recordId}" RECORD_AVAILABILITY_ENDPOINT = "/records/{recordId}/availability" # --- Circulation API --- CHECKOUT_ENDPOINT = "/records/{recordId}/checkout" CHECKIN_ENDPOINT = "/checkouts/{checkoutId}/return?patronId={patronId}" PLACE_HOLD_ENDPOINT = "/records/{recordId}/hold" RELEASE_HOLD_ENDPOINT = "/holds/{holdId}/cancel" PATRON_CHECKOUTS_ENDPOINT = "/patrons/{patronId}/checkouts" PATRON_HOLDS_ENDPOINT = "/patrons/{patronId}/holds" # --------------------------------------- PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT = 200 SET_DELIVERY_MECHANISM_AT = BaseCirculationAPI.BORROW_STEP # maps a 2-tuple (media_type, drm_mechanism) to the internal string used in Odilo API to describe that setup. delivery_mechanism_to_internal_format = { v: k for k, v in list(OdiloRepresentationExtractor.format_data_for_odilo_format.items()) } error_to_exception = { "TitleNotCheckedOut": NoActiveLoan, "patronNotFound": PatronNotFoundOnRemote, "ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND": NotFoundOnRemote, "LOAN_ALREADY_RESERVED": AlreadyOnHold, "CHECKOUT_NOT_FOUND": NotCheckedOut, } def __init__(self, _db, collection): self.odilo_bibliographic_coverage_provider = ( OdiloBibliographicCoverageProvider( collection, api_class=self ) ) if collection.protocol != ExternalIntegration.ODILO: raise ValueError("Collection protocol is %s, but passed into OdiloAPI!" % collection.protocol) self._db = _db = Analytics(self._db) self.collection_id = self.token = None self.client_key = collection.external_integration.username self.client_secret = collection.external_integration.password self.library_api_base_url = collection.external_integration.setting(self.LIBRARY_API_BASE_URL).value if not self.client_key or not self.client_secret or not self.library_api_base_url: raise CannotLoadConfiguration("Odilo configuration is incomplete.") # Use utf8 instead of unicode encoding settings = [self.client_key, self.client_secret, self.library_api_base_url] self.client_key, self.client_secret, self.library_api_base_url = ( setting.encode('utf8') for setting in settings ) # Get set up with up-to-date credentials from the API. self.check_creds() if not self.token: raise CannotLoadConfiguration("Invalid credentials for %s, cannot intialize API %s" % (self.client_key, self.library_api_base_url)) @property def collection(self): return Collection.by_id(self._db, id=self.collection_id) @property def source(self): return DataSource.lookup(self._db, DataSource.ODILO)
[docs] def external_integration(self, _db): return self.collection.external_integration
def _run_self_tests(self, _db): result = self.run_test( "Obtaining a sitewide access token", self.check_creds, force_refresh=True ) yield result if not result.success: # We couldn't get a sitewide token, so there is no # point in continuing. return for result in self.default_patrons(self.collection): if isinstance(result, SelfTestResult): yield result continue library, patron, pin = result task = "Viewing the active loans for the test patron for library %s" % yield self.run_test( task, self.get_patron_checkouts, patron, pin )
[docs] def check_creds(self, force_refresh=False): """If the Bearer Token has expired, update it.""" if force_refresh: refresh_on_lookup = lambda x: x else: refresh_on_lookup = self.refresh_creds credential = self.credential_object(refresh_on_lookup) if force_refresh: self.refresh_creds(credential) self.token = credential.credential
[docs] def credential_object(self, refresh): """Look up the Credential object that allows us to use the Odilo API. """ return Credential.lookup(self._db, DataSource.ODILO, None, None, refresh)
[docs] def refresh_creds(self, credential): """Fetch a new Bearer Token and update the given Credential object.""" response = self.token_post( self.TOKEN_ENDPOINT, dict(grant_type="client_credentials"), allowed_response_codes=[200, 400] ) # If you put in the wrong URL, this is where you'll run into # problems, so it's useful to give a helpful error message if # Odilo doesn't provide anything more specific. generic_error = "%s may not be the right base URL. Response document was: %r" % ( self.library_api_base_url, response.content.decode("utf-8") ) generic_exception = BadResponseException( self.TOKEN_ENDPOINT, generic_error ) try: data = response.json() except ValueError: raise generic_exception if response.status_code == 200: self._update_credential(credential, data) self.token = credential.credential return elif response.status_code == 400: if data and 'errors' in data and len(data['errors']) > 0: error = data['errors'][0] if 'description' in error: message = error['description'] else: message = generic_error raise BadResponseException(self.TOKEN_ENDPOINT, message) raise generic_exception
[docs] def patron_request(self, patron, pin, url, extra_headers={}, data=None, exception_on_401=False, method=None): """Make an HTTP request on behalf of a patron. The results are never cached. """ headers = dict(Authorization="Bearer %s" % self.token) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' headers.update(extra_headers) if method and method.lower() in ('get', 'post', 'put', 'delete'): method = method.lower() else: if data: method = 'post' else: method = 'get' url = self._make_absolute_url(url) response = HTTP.request_with_timeout( method, url, headers=headers, data=data, timeout=60 ) # TODO: If Odilo doesn't recognize the patron it will send # 404 in this case. if response.status_code == 401: if exception_on_401: # This is our second try. Give up. raise Exception("Something's wrong with the patron OAuth Bearer Token!") else: # Refresh the token and try again. self.check_creds(True) return self.patron_request(patron, pin, url, extra_headers, data, True) else: return response
def _make_absolute_url(self, url): """Prepend the API base URL onto `url` unless it is already an absolute HTTP URL. """ if not any(url.startswith(protocol) for protocol in ('http://', 'https://')): url = self.library_api_base_url.decode("utf-8") + url return url
[docs] def get(self, url, extra_headers={}, exception_on_401=False): """Make an HTTP GET request using the active Bearer Token.""" if extra_headers is None: extra_headers = {} headers = dict(Authorization="Bearer %s" % self.token) headers.update(extra_headers) status_code, headers, content = self._do_get(self.library_api_base_url.decode("utf-8") + url, headers) if status_code == 401: if exception_on_401: # This is our second try. Give up. raise BadResponseException.from_response( url, "Something's wrong with the Odilo OAuth Bearer Token!", (status_code, headers, content) ) else: # Refresh the token and try again. self.check_creds(True) return self.get(url, extra_headers, True) else: return status_code, headers, content
[docs] def token_post(self, url, payload, headers={}, **kwargs): """Make an HTTP POST request for purposes of getting an OAuth token.""" s = "%s:%s" % (self.client_key, self.client_secret) auth = base64.standard_b64encode(s).strip() headers = dict(headers) headers['Authorization'] = "Basic %s" % auth headers['Content-Type'] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" return self._do_post(self.library_api_base_url + url, payload, headers, **kwargs)
[docs] def checkout(self, patron, pin, licensepool, internal_format): """Check out a book on behalf of a patron. :param patron: a Patron object for the patron who wants to check out the book. :param pin: The patron's alleged password. :param licensepool: Identifier of the book to be checked out is attached to this licensepool. :param internal_format: Represents the patron's desired book format. :return: a LoanInfo object. """ record_id = licensepool.identifier.identifier # Data just as 'x-www-form-urlencoded', no JSON payload = dict( patronId=patron.authorization_identifier, format=internal_format, ) response = self.patron_request( patron, pin, self.CHECKOUT_ENDPOINT.format(recordId=record_id), extra_headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data=payload) if response.content: response_json = response.json() if response.status_code == 404: self.raise_exception_on_error(response_json, default_exception_class=CannotLoan) else: return self.loan_info_from_odilo_checkout(licensepool.collection, response_json) # TODO: we need to improve this at the API and use an error code elif response.status_code == 400: raise NoAcceptableFormat('record_id: %s, format: %s' % (record_id, internal_format)) raise CannotLoan('patron: %s, record_id: %s, format: %s' % (patron, record_id, internal_format))
[docs] def loan_info_from_odilo_checkout(self, collection, checkout): start_date = self.extract_date(checkout, 'startTime') end_date = self.extract_date(checkout, 'endTime') return LoanInfo( collection, DataSource.ODILO, Identifier.ODILO_ID, checkout['id'], start_date, end_date, checkout['downloadUrl'] )
[docs] def checkin(self, patron, pin, licensepool): record_id = licensepool.identifier.identifier loan = self.get_checkout(patron, pin, record_id) url = self.CHECKIN_ENDPOINT.format(checkoutId=loan['id'], patronId=patron.authorization_identifier) response = self.patron_request(patron, pin, url, method='POST') if response.status_code == 200: return response self.raise_exception_on_error(response.json(), default_exception_class=CannotReturn)
[docs] @classmethod def extract_date(cls, data, field_name): if field_name not in data or not data[field_name]: d = None else: # OdiloAPI dates are timestamps in milliseconds d = from_timestamp(float(data[field_name]) / 1000.0) return d
[docs] @classmethod def raise_exception_on_error(cls, data, default_exception_class=None, ignore_exception_codes=None): if not data or 'errors' not in data or len(data['errors']) <= 0: return '', '' error = data['errors'][0] error_code = error['id'] message = ('description' in error and error['description']) or '' if not ignore_exception_codes or error_code not in ignore_exception_codes: if error_code in cls.error_to_exception: raise cls.error_to_exception[error_code](message) elif default_exception_class: raise default_exception_class(message)
[docs] def get_checkout(self, patron, pin, record_id): patron_checkouts = self.get_patron_checkouts(patron, pin) for checkout in patron_checkouts: if checkout['recordId'] == record_id: return checkout raise NotFoundOnRemote("Could not find active loan for patron %s, record %s" % (patron, record_id))
[docs] def get_hold(self, patron, pin, record_id): patron_holds = self.get_patron_holds(patron, pin) for hold in patron_holds: if hold['recordId'] == record_id and hold['status'] in ('informed', 'waiting'): return hold raise NotFoundOnRemote("Could not find active hold for patron %s, record %s" % (patron, record_id))
[docs] def fulfill(self, patron, pin, licensepool, internal_format, **kwargs): """Get the actual resource file to the patron. :param kwargs: A container for arguments to fulfill() which are not relevant to this vendor. :return: a FulfillmentInfo object. """ record_id = licensepool.identifier.identifier content_link, content, content_type = self.get_fulfillment_link(patron, pin, record_id, internal_format) if not content_link and not content:"Odilo record_id %s was not available as %s" % (record_id, internal_format)) else: return FulfillmentInfo( licensepool.collection, DataSource.ODILO, Identifier.ODILO_ID, record_id, content_link=content_link, content=content, content_type=content_type, content_expires=None )
[docs] def get_patron_checkouts(self, patron, pin): data = self.patron_request(patron, pin, self.PATRON_CHECKOUTS_ENDPOINT.format(patronId=patron.authorization_identifier)).json() self.raise_exception_on_error(data) return data
[docs] def get_patron_holds(self, patron, pin): data = self.patron_request(patron, pin, self.PATRON_HOLDS_ENDPOINT.format(patronId=patron.authorization_identifier)).json() self.raise_exception_on_error(data) return data
[docs] def patron_activity(self, patron, pin): odilo_checkouts = self.get_patron_checkouts(patron, pin) odilo_holds = self.get_patron_holds(patron, pin) loans_info = [] holds_info = [] collection = self.collection for checkout in odilo_checkouts: loan_info = self.loan_info_from_odilo_checkout(collection, checkout) loans_info.append(loan_info) for hold in odilo_holds: hold_info = self.hold_from_odilo_hold(collection, hold) holds_info.append(hold_info) return loans_info + holds_info
[docs] def hold_from_odilo_hold(self, collection, hold): start = self.extract_date(hold, 'startTime') # end_date: The estimated date the title will be available for the patron to borrow. end = self.extract_date(hold, 'notifiedTime') position = hold.get('holdQueuePosition') if position is not None: position = int(position) # Patron already notified to borrow the title if 'informed' == hold['status']: position = 0 return HoldInfo( collection, DataSource.ODILO, Identifier.ODILO_ID, hold['id'], start_date=start, end_date=end, hold_position=position )
[docs] def place_hold(self, patron, pin, licensepool, notification_email_address): """Place a book on hold. :return: A HoldInfo object """ record_id = licensepool.identifier.identifier # Data just as 'x-www-form-urlencoded', no JSON payload = dict(patronId=patron.authorization_identifier) response = self.patron_request( patron, pin, self.PLACE_HOLD_ENDPOINT.format(recordId=record_id), extra_headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data=payload) data = response.json() if response.status_code == 200: return self.hold_from_odilo_hold(licensepool.collection, data) self.raise_exception_on_error(data, CannotHold)
[docs] def release_hold(self, patron, pin, licensepool): """Release a patron's hold on a book. """ record_id = licensepool.identifier.identifier hold = self.get_hold(patron, pin, record_id) url = self.RELEASE_HOLD_ENDPOINT.format(holdId=hold['id']) payload = json.dumps(dict(patronId=patron.authorization_identifier)) response = self.patron_request(patron, pin, url, extra_headers={}, data=payload, method='POST') if response.status_code == 200: return True self.raise_exception_on_error(response.json(), default_exception_class=CannotReleaseHold, ignore_exception_codes=['HOLD_NOT_FOUND']) return True
@staticmethod def _update_credential(credential, odilo_data): """Copy Odilo OAuth data into a Credential object.""" credential.credential = odilo_data['token'] if odilo_data['expiresIn'] == -1: # This token never expires. credential.expires = None else: expires_in = (odilo_data['expiresIn'] * 0.9) credential.expires = utc_now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=expires_in)
[docs] def get_metadata(self, record_id): identifier = record_id if isinstance(record_id, Identifier): identifier = record_id.identifier url = self.RECORD_METADATA_ENDPOINT.format(recordId=identifier) status_code, headers, content = self.get(url) if status_code == 200 and content: return content else: msg = 'Cannot retrieve metadata for record: ' + record_id + ' response http ' + status_code if content: msg += ' content: ' + content self.log.warning(msg) return None
[docs] def get_availability(self, record_id): url = self.RECORD_AVAILABILITY_ENDPOINT.format(recordId=record_id) status_code, headers, content = self.get(url) content = json.loads(content) if status_code == 200 and len(content) > 0: return content else: msg = 'Cannot retrieve availability for record: ' + record_id + ' response http ' + status_code if content: msg += ' content: ' + content self.log.warning(msg) return None
@staticmethod def _do_get(url, headers, **kwargs): # More time please if 'timeout' not in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = 60 if 'allow_redirects' not in kwargs: kwargs['allow_redirects'] = True response = HTTP.get_with_timeout(url, headers=headers, **kwargs) return response.status_code, response.headers, response.content @staticmethod def _do_post(url, payload, headers, **kwargs): # More time please if 'timeout' not in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = 60 return HTTP.post_with_timeout(url, payload, headers=headers, **kwargs)
[docs]class OdiloCirculationMonitor(CollectionMonitor, TimelineMonitor): """Maintain LicensePools for recently changed Odilo titles """ SERVICE_NAME = "Odilo Circulation Monitor" INTERVAL_SECONDS = 500 PROTOCOL = ExternalIntegration.ODILO DEFAULT_START_TIME = CollectionMonitor.NEVER def __init__(self, _db, collection, api_class=OdiloAPI): """Constructor.""" super(OdiloCirculationMonitor, self).__init__(_db, collection) self.api = api_class(_db, collection)
[docs] def catch_up_from(self, start, cutoff, progress): """Find Odilo books that changed recently. :progress: A TimestampData representing the time previously covered by this Monitor. """"Starting recently_changed_ids, start: " + str(start) + ", cutoff: " + str(cutoff)) start_time = utc_now() updated, new = self.all_ids(start) finish_time = utc_now() time_elapsed = finish_time - start_time"recently_changed_ids finished in: " + str(time_elapsed)) progress.achievements = ( "Updated records: %d. New records: %d." % (updated, new) )
[docs] def all_ids(self, modification_date=None): """Get IDs for every book in the system, from modification date if any """ retrieved = 0 parsed = 0 new = 0 offset = 0 limit = self.api.PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT if modification_date and isinstance(modification_date, modification_date = modification_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # Format YYYY-MM-DD # Retrieve first group of records url = self.get_url(limit, modification_date, offset) status_code, headers, content = self.api.get(url) content = json.loads(content) # Retrieve Odilo record in groups while status_code == 200 and len(content) > 0: offset += limit retrieved += len(content)'Retrieved %i records' % retrieved) # Process a bunch of records retrieved for record in content: record_id = record['id']'Processing record %i/%i: %s' % (parsed, retrieved, record_id)) identifier, is_new = self.api.odilo_bibliographic_coverage_provider.process_item( record_id, record ) if is_new: new += 1 parsed += 1 # Persist each bunch of retrieved records self._db.commit() # Retrieve next group of records url = self.get_url(limit, modification_date, offset) status_code, headers, content = self.api.get(url) content = json.loads(content) if status_code >= 400: self.log.error('ERROR: Fail while retrieving data from remote source: HTTP ' + status_code) if content: self.log.error('ERROR response content: ' + str(content)) else:'Retrieving all ids finished ok. Retrieved %i records. New records: %i!!' % (retrieved, new)) return retrieved, new
[docs] def get_url(self, limit, modification_date, offset): url = "%s?limit=%i&offset=%i" % (self.api.ALL_PRODUCTS_ENDPOINT, limit, offset) if modification_date: url = "%s&modificationDate=%s" % (url, modification_date) return url
[docs]class MockOdiloAPI(OdiloAPI):
[docs] def patron_request(self, patron, pin, *args, **kwargs): response = self._make_request(*args, **kwargs) # Modify the record of the request to include the patron information. original_data = self.requests[-1] # The last item in the record of the request is keyword arguments. # Stick this information in there to minimize confusion. original_data[-1]['_patron'] = patron original_data[-1]['_pin'] = pin return response
[docs] @classmethod def mock_collection(cls, _db): library = DatabaseTest.make_default_library(_db) collection, ignore = get_one_or_create( _db, Collection, name="Test Odilo Collection", create_method_kwargs=dict( external_account_id='library_id_123', ) ) integration = collection.create_external_integration( protocol=ExternalIntegration.ODILO ) integration.username = 'username' integration.password = 'password' integration.setting(OdiloAPI.LIBRARY_API_BASE_URL).value = 'http://library_api_base_url/api/v2' library.collections.append(collection) return collection
def __init__(self, _db, collection, *args, **kwargs): self.access_token_requests = [] self.requests = [] self.responses = [] self.access_token_response = self.mock_access_token_response('bearer token') super(MockOdiloAPI, self).__init__(_db, collection, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def token_post(self, url, payload, headers={}, **kwargs): """Mock the request for an OAuth token. """ self.access_token_requests.append((url, payload, headers, kwargs)) response = self.access_token_response return HTTP._process_response(url, response, **kwargs)
[docs] def mock_access_token_response(self, credential, expires_in=-1): token = dict(token=credential, expiresIn=expires_in) return MockRequestsResponse(200, {}, json.dumps(token))
[docs] def queue_response(self, status_code, headers={}, content=None): self.responses.insert( 0, MockRequestsResponse(status_code, headers, content) )
def _do_get(self, url, *args, **kwargs): """Simulate Representation.simple_http_get.""" response = self._make_request(url, *args, **kwargs) return response.status_code, response.headers, response.content def _do_post(self, url, *args, **kwargs): return self._make_request(url, *args, **kwargs) def _make_request(self, url, *args, **kwargs): response = self.responses.pop() self.requests.append((url, args, kwargs)) return HTTP._process_response( url, response, kwargs.get('allowed_response_codes'), kwargs.get('disallowed_response_codes') )
[docs]class OdiloBibliographicCoverageProvider(BibliographicCoverageProvider): """Fill in bibliographic metadata for Odilo records. This will occasionally fill in some availability information for a single Collection, but we rely on Monitors to keep availability information up to date for all Collections. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Odilo Bibliographic Coverage Provider" DATA_SOURCE_NAME = DataSource.ODILO PROTOCOL = ExternalIntegration.ODILO INPUT_IDENTIFIER_TYPES = Identifier.ODILO_ID def __init__(self, collection, api_class=OdiloAPI, **kwargs): """Constructor. :param collection: Provide bibliographic coverage to all Odilo books in the given Collection. :param api_class: Instantiate this class with the given Collection, rather than instantiating OdiloAPI. """ super(OdiloBibliographicCoverageProvider, self).__init__( collection, **kwargs ) if isinstance(api_class, OdiloAPI): # Use a previously instantiated OdiloAPI instance # rather than creating a new one. self.api = api_class else: # A web application should not use this option because it # will put a non-scoped session in the mix. _db = Session.object_session(collection) self.api = api_class(_db, collection) self.replacement_policy = ReplacementPolicy( identifiers=True, subjects=True, contributions=True, links=True, formats=True, rights=True, link_content=True, # even_if_not_apparently_updated=False, analytics=Analytics(self._db) )
[docs] def process_item(self, record_id, record=None): if not record: record = self.api.get_metadata(record_id) if not record: return self.failure(record_id, 'Record not found', transient=False) # Retrieve availability availability = self.api.get_availability(record_id) metadata, is_active = OdiloRepresentationExtractor.record_info_to_metadata(record, availability) if not metadata: e = "Could not extract metadata from Odilo data: %s" % record_id return self.failure(record_id, e) identifier, made_new = metadata.primary_identifier.load(_db=self._db) if not identifier: e = "Could not create identifier for Odilo data: %s" % record_id return self.failure(identifier, e) identifier = self.set_metadata(identifier, metadata) # calls work.set_presentation_ready() for us self.handle_success(identifier) return identifier, made_new