Source code for api.lcp.collection

import datetime
import json
from io import BytesIO

from flask import send_file
from sqlalchemy import or_

from api.circulation import FulfillmentInfo, BaseCirculationAPI, LoanInfo
from api.lcp.encrypt import LCPEncryptionConfiguration
from api.lcp.hash import HasherFactory
from api.lcp.server import LCPServerConfiguration, LCPServer
from core.lcp.credential import LCPCredentialFactory
from core.model import ExternalIntegration, LicensePoolDeliveryMechanism, get_one, Loan, Collection, LicensePool, \
from core.model.configuration import HasExternalIntegration, ConfigurationStorage, ConfigurationFactory
from core.util.datetime_helpers import (

[docs]class LCPFulfilmentInfo(FulfillmentInfo): """Sends LCP licenses as fulfilment info""" def __init__( self, identifier, collection, data_source_name, identifier_type, content_link=None, content_type=None, content=None, content_expires=None): """Initializes a new instance of LCPFulfilmentInfo class :param identifier: Identifier :type identifier: string :param collection: Collection :type collection: Collection :param data_source_name: Data source's name :type data_source_name: string :param identifier_type: Identifier's type :type identifier_type: string :param content_link: Content link :type content_link: Optional[string] :param content_link: Identifier's type :type content_link: string :param content: Identifier's type :type content: Any :param content_expires: Time when the content expires :type content_expires: Optional[datetime.datetime] """ super(LCPFulfilmentInfo, self).__init__( collection, data_source_name, identifier_type, identifier, content_link, content_type, content, content_expires ) @property def as_response(self): """Returns LCP license as a Flask response :return: LCP license as a Flask response :rtype: Response """ return send_file( BytesIO(json.dumps(self.content)), mimetype=DeliveryMechanism.LCP_DRM, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename='{0}.lcpl'.format(self.identifier) )
[docs]class LCPAPI(BaseCirculationAPI, HasExternalIntegration): """Implements LCP workflow""" NAME = ExternalIntegration.LCP SERVICE_NAME = 'LCP' DESCRIPTION = 'Manually imported collection protected using Readium LCP DRM' SETTINGS = LCPServerConfiguration.to_settings() + LCPEncryptionConfiguration.to_settings() def __init__(self, db, collection): """Initializes a new instance of LCPAPI class :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param collection: Book collection :type collection: Collection """ if collection.protocol != ExternalIntegration.LCP: raise ValueError( 'Collection protocol is {0} but must be LCPAPI'.format(collection.protocol) ) self._db = db self._collection_id = self._lcp_server_instance = None
[docs] def internal_format(self, delivery_mechanism): """Look up the internal format for this delivery mechanism or raise an exception. :param delivery_mechanism: A LicensePoolDeliveryMechanism :type delivery_mechanism: LicensePoolDeliveryMechanism """ return delivery_mechanism
@property def collection(self): """Returns an associated Collection object :return: Associated Collection object :rtype: core.model.collection.Collection """ return Collection.by_id(self._db, id=self._collection_id)
[docs] def external_integration(self, db): """Returns an external integration associated with this object :param db: Database session :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :return: External integration associated with this object :rtype: core.model.configuration.ExternalIntegration """ return self.collection.external_integration
def _create_lcp_server(self): """Creates a new instance of LCPServer :return: New instance of LCPServer :rtype: LCPServer """ configuration_storage = ConfigurationStorage(self) configuration_factory = ConfigurationFactory() hasher_factory = HasherFactory() credential_factory = LCPCredentialFactory() lcp_server = LCPServer(configuration_storage, configuration_factory, hasher_factory, credential_factory) return lcp_server @property def _lcp_server(self): """Returns an instance of LCPServer :return: Instance of LCPServer :rtype: LCPServer """ if self._lcp_server_instance is None: self._lcp_server_instance = self._create_lcp_server() return self._lcp_server_instance
[docs] def checkout(self, patron, pin, licensepool, internal_format): """Checks out a book on behalf of a patron :param patron: A Patron object for the patron who wants to check out the book :type patron: Patron :param pin: The patron's alleged password :type pin: string :param licensepool: Contains lending info as well as link to parent Identifier :type licensepool: LicensePool :param internal_format: Represents the patron's desired book format. :type internal_format: Any :return: a LoanInfo object :rtype: LoanInfo """ days = self.collection.default_loan_period(patron.library) today = utc_now() expires = today + datetime.timedelta(days=days) loan = get_one(self._db, Loan, patron=patron, license_pool=licensepool, on_multiple='interchangeable') if loan: license = self._lcp_server.get_license(self._db, loan.external_identifier, patron) else: license = self._lcp_server.generate_license( self._db, licensepool.identifier.identifier, patron, today, expires ) loan = LoanInfo( licensepool.collection,, identifier_type=licensepool.identifier.type, identifier=licensepool.identifier.identifier, start_date=today, end_date=expires, fulfillment_info=None, external_identifier=license['id'] ) return loan
[docs] def fulfill(self, patron, pin, licensepool, internal_format=None, part=None, fulfill_part_url=None): """Get the actual resource file to the patron. :param patron: A Patron object for the patron who wants to check out the book :type patron: Patron :param pin: The patron's alleged password :type pin: string :param licensepool: Contains lending info as well as link to parent Identifier :type licensepool: LicensePool :param internal_format: A vendor-specific name indicating the format requested by the patron :type internal_format: :param part: A vendor-specific identifier indicating that the patron wants to fulfill one specific part of the book (e.g. one chapter of an audiobook), not the whole thing :type part: Any :param fulfill_part_url: A function that takes one argument (a vendor-specific part identifier) and returns the URL to use when fulfilling that part :type fulfill_part_url: Any :return: a FulfillmentInfo object :rtype: FulfillmentInfo """ loan = get_one(self._db, Loan, patron=patron, license_pool=licensepool, on_multiple='interchangeable') license = self._lcp_server.get_license(self._db, loan.external_identifier, patron) fulfillment_info = LCPFulfilmentInfo( licensepool.identifier.identifier, licensepool.collection,, licensepool.identifier.type, content_link=None, content_type=DeliveryMechanism.LCP_DRM, content=license, content_expires=None, ) return fulfillment_info
[docs] def patron_activity(self, patron, pin): """Returns patron's loans :param patron: A Patron object for the patron who wants to check out the book :type patron: Patron :param pin: The patron's alleged password :type pin: string :return: List of patron's loans :rtype: List[LoanInfo] """ now = utc_now() loans = self._db\ .query(Loan)\ .join(LicensePool)\ .join(Collection)\ .filter( == self._collection_id, Loan.patron == patron, or_( Loan.start is None, Loan.start <= now ), or_( Loan.end is None, Loan.end > now ) ) loan_info_objects = [] for loan in loans: licensepool = get_one(self._db, LicensePool, id=loan.license_pool_id) loan_info_objects.append(LoanInfo( collection=self.collection,, identifier_type=licensepool.identifier.type, identifier=licensepool.identifier.identifier, start_date=loan.start, end_date=loan.end, fulfillment_info=None, external_identifier=loan.external_identifier )) return loan_info_objects
# TODO: Implement place_hold and release_hold (