Source code for api.enki

import time
import datetime
import os
import json
import logging
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _

from .config import (

from .circulation import (

from .circulation_exceptions import *

from .selftest import (

from core.util.http import (

from core.model import (

from core.metadata_layer import (

from core.monitor import (

from import Analytics
from core.testing import DatabaseTest
from core.util.datetime_helpers import (

[docs]class EnkiAPI(BaseCirculationAPI, HasSelfTests): PRODUCTION_BASE_URL = "" ENKI_LIBRARY_ID_KEY = 'enki_library_id' DESCRIPTION = _("Integrate an Enki collection.") SETTINGS = [ { "key": ExternalIntegration.URL, "label": _("URL"), "default": PRODUCTION_BASE_URL, "required": True, "format": "url" }, ] + BaseCirculationAPI.SETTINGS LIBRARY_SETTINGS = [ { "key": ENKI_LIBRARY_ID_KEY, "label": _("Library ID"), "required": True }, ] list_endpoint = "ListAPI" item_endpoint = "ItemAPI" user_endpoint = "UserAPI" NAME = "Enki" ENKI = NAME ENKI_EXTERNAL = NAME ENKI_ID = "Enki ID" # Create a lookup table between common DeliveryMechanism identifiers # and Enki format types. epub = Representation.EPUB_MEDIA_TYPE adobe_drm = DeliveryMechanism.ADOBE_DRM no_drm = DeliveryMechanism.NO_DRM delivery_mechanism_to_internal_format = { (epub, no_drm): 'free', (epub, adobe_drm): 'acs', } # Enki API serves all responses with a 200 error code and a # text/html Content-Type. However, there's a string that # reliably shows up in error pages which is unlikely to show up # in normal API operation. ERROR_INDICATOR = '<h1>Oops, an error occurred</h1>' SET_DELIVERY_MECHANISM_AT = BaseCirculationAPI.FULFILL_STEP SERVICE_NAME = "Enki" log = logging.getLogger("Enki API") def __init__(self, _db, collection): self._db = _db if collection.protocol != self.ENKI: raise ValueError( "Collection protocol is %s, but passed into EnkiAPI!" % collection.protocol ) self.collection_id = self.base_url = collection.external_integration.url or self.PRODUCTION_BASE_URL
[docs] def external_integration(self, _db): return self.collection.external_integration
[docs] def enki_library_id(self, library): """Find the Enki library ID for the given library.""" _db = Session.object_session(library) return ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration( _db, self.ENKI_LIBRARY_ID_KEY, library, self.external_integration(_db) ).value
@property def collection(self): return Collection.by_id(self._db, id=self.collection_id) def _run_self_tests(self, _db): now = utc_now() def count_loans_and_holds(): """Count recent circulation events that affected loans or holds. """ one_hour_ago = now - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) count = len(list(self.recent_activity(one_hour_ago, now))) return "%s circulation events in the last hour" % count yield self.run_test( "Counting recent circulation changes.", count_loans_and_holds ) def count_title_changes(): """Count changes to title metadata (usually because of new titles). """ one_day_ago = now - datetime.timedelta(hours=24) return "%s titles added/updated in the last day" % ( len(list(self.updated_titles(since=one_day_ago))) ) yield self.run_test( "Counting recent collection changes.", count_title_changes, ) for result in self.default_patrons(self.collection): if isinstance(result, SelfTestResult): yield result continue library, patron, pin = result task = "Checking patron activity, using test patron for library %s" % def count_loans_and_holds(patron, pin): activity = list(self.patron_activity(patron, pin)) return "Total loans and holds: %s" % len(activity) yield self.run_test( task, count_loans_and_holds, patron, pin )
[docs] def request(self, url, method='get', extra_headers={}, data=None, params=None, retry_on_timeout=True, **kwargs): """Make an HTTP request to the Enki API.""" headers = dict(extra_headers) response = None try: response = self._request( method, url, headers=headers, data=data, params=params, **kwargs ) except RequestTimedOut as e: if not retry_on_timeout: raise e "Request to %s timed out once. Trying a second time.", url ) return self.request( url, method, extra_headers, data, params, retry_on_timeout=False, **kwargs ) # Look for the error indicator and raise # RemoteIntegrationException if it appears. if response.content and self.ERROR_INDICATOR in response.content.decode("utf-8"): raise RemoteIntegrationException(url, "An unknown error occured") return response
def _request(self, method, url, headers, data, params, **kwargs): """Actually make an HTTP request. MockEnkiAPI overrides this method. """ return HTTP.request_with_timeout( method, url, headers=headers, data=data, params=params, timeout=90, disallowed_response_codes=None, **kwargs ) @classmethod def _minutes_since(cls, since): """How many minutes have elapsed since `since`? This is a helper method to create the `minutes` parameter to the API. """ now = utc_now() return int((now - since).total_seconds() / 60)
[docs] def recent_activity(self, start, end): """Find circulation events from a certain timeframe that affected loans or holds. :param start: A DateTime :yield: A sequence of CirculationData objects. """ epoch = from_timestamp(0) start = int((start - epoch).total_seconds()) end = int((end - epoch).total_seconds()) url = self.base_url + self.item_endpoint args = dict( method='getRecentActivityTime', stime=str(start), etime=str(end) ) response = self.request(url, params=args) data = json.loads(response.content) parser = BibliographicParser() for element in data['result']['recentactivity']: identifier = IdentifierData(Identifier.ENKI_ID, element['id']) yield parser.extract_circulation( identifier, element['availability'], None # The recent activity API does not include format info )
[docs] def updated_titles(self, since): """Find recent changes to book metadata. NOTE: getUpdateTitles will return a maximum of 1000 items, so in theory this may need to be paginated. This shouldn't be a problem assuming the monitor is run regularly. :param since: A DateTime :yield: A sequence of Metadata objects. """ minutes = self._minutes_since(since) url = self.base_url + self.list_endpoint args = dict( method='getUpdateTitles', minutes=minutes, id='secontent', lib='0', # This is a stand-in value -- it doesn't matter # which library we ask about since they all have # the same collection. ) response = self.request(url, params=args) for metadata in BibliographicParser().process_all(response.content): yield metadata
[docs] def get_item(self, enki_id): """Retrieve bibliographic and availability information for a specific title. :param enki_id: An Enki record ID. :return: If the book is in the library's collection, a Metadata object with attached CirculationData. Otherwise, None. """ url = self.base_url + self.item_endpoint args = dict( method="getItem", recordid=enki_id, size="large", lib='0', # This is a stand-in value -- it doesn't matter # which library we ask about since they all have # the same collection. ) response = self.request(url, params=args) try: data = json.loads(response.content) except ValueError as e: # This is most likely a 'not found' error. return None book = data.get('result', {}) if book: return BibliographicParser().extract_bibliographic(book) return None
[docs] def get_all_titles(self, strt=0, qty=10): """Retrieve a single page of items from the Enki collection. Iterating over the entire collection is very expensive and should only happen during initial data population. :yield: A sequence of Metadata objects, each with a CirculationData attached. """ self.log.debug ("requesting : "+ str(qty) + " books starting at econtentRecord" + str(strt)) url = str(self.base_url) + str(self.list_endpoint) args = dict() args['method'] = "getAllTitles" args['id'] = "secontent" args['strt'] = strt args['qty'] = qty response = self.request(url, params=args) for metadata in BibliographicParser().process_all(response.content): yield metadata
@classmethod def _epoch_to_struct(cls, epoch_string): # This will turn the time string we get from Enki into a # struct that the Circulation Manager can make use of. time_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" return strptime_utc( time.strftime(time_format, time.gmtime(float(epoch_string))), time_format )
[docs] def checkout(self, patron, pin, licensepool, internal_format): identifier = licensepool.identifier enki_id = identifier.identifier enki_library_id = self.enki_library_id(patron.library) response = self.loan_request( patron.authorization_identifier, pin, enki_id, enki_library_id ) if response.status_code != 200: raise CannotLoan(response.status_code) result = json.loads(response.content)['result'] if not result['success']: message = result['message'] if "There are no available copies" in message: self.log.error("There are no copies of book %s available." % enki_id) raise NoAvailableCopies() elif "Login unsuccessful" in message: self.log.error("User validation against Enki server with %s / %s was unsuccessful." % (patron.authorization_identifier, pin)) raise AuthorizationFailedException() due_date = result['checkedOutItems'][0]['duedate'] expires = self._epoch_to_struct(due_date) # Create the loan info. loan = LoanInfo( licensepool.collection,, licensepool.identifier.type, licensepool.identifier.identifier, None, expires, None, ) return loan
[docs] def loan_request(self, barcode, pin, book_id, enki_library_id): self.log.debug ("Sending checkout request for %s" % book_id) url = str(self.base_url) + str(self.user_endpoint) args = dict() args['method'] = "getSELink" args['username'] = barcode args['password'] = pin args['lib'] = enki_library_id args['id'] = book_id response = self.request(url, method='get', params=args) return response
[docs] def fulfill(self, patron, pin, licensepool, internal_format, **kwargs): """Get the actual resource file to the patron. :param kwargs: A container for arguments to fulfill() which are not relevant to this vendor. :return: a FulfillmentInfo object. """ book_id = licensepool.identifier.identifier enki_library_id = self.enki_library_id(patron.library) response = self.loan_request( patron.authorization_identifier, pin, book_id, enki_library_id ) if response.status_code != 200: raise CannotFulfill(response.status_code) result = json.loads(response.content)['result'] if not result['success']: message = result['message'] if "There are no available copies" in message: self.log.error("There are no copies of book %s available." % book_id) raise NoAvailableCopies() elif "Login unsuccessful" in message: self.log.error("User validation against Enki server with %s / %s was unsuccessful." % (patron.authorization_identifier, pin)) raise AuthorizationFailedException() url, item_type, expires = self.parse_fulfill_result(result) # We don't know for sure which DRM scheme is in use, (that is, # whether the content link points to the actual book or an # ACSM file) but since Enki titles only have a single delivery # mechanism, it's easy to make a guess. drm_type = self.no_drm for lpdm in licensepool.delivery_mechanisms: delivery_mechanism = lpdm.delivery_mechanism if delivery_mechanism: drm_type = delivery_mechanism.drm_scheme break return FulfillmentInfo( licensepool.collection,, licensepool.identifier.type, licensepool.identifier.identifier, content_link=url, content_type=drm_type, content=None, content_expires=expires )
[docs] def parse_fulfill_result(self, result): links = result['checkedOutItems'][0]['links'][0] url = links['url'] item_type = links['item_type'] due_date = result['checkedOutItems'][0]['duedate'] expires = self._epoch_to_struct(due_date) return (url, item_type, expires)
[docs] def patron_activity(self, patron, pin): enki_library_id = self.enki_library_id(patron.library) response = self.patron_request( patron.authorization_identifier, pin, enki_library_id ) if response.status_code != 200: raise PatronNotFoundOnRemote(response.status_code) result = json.loads(response.content).get('result', {}) if not result.get('success'): message = result.get('message', '') if "Login unsuccessful" in message: raise AuthorizationFailedException() else: self.log.error( "Unexpected error in patron_activity: %r", response.content ) raise CirculationException(response.content) for loan in result['checkedOutItems']: yield self.parse_patron_loans(loan) for type, holds in list(result['holds'].items()): for hold in holds: yield self.parse_patron_holds(hold)
[docs] def patron_request(self, patron, pin, enki_library_id): self.log.debug ("Querying Enki for information on patron %s" % patron) url = str(self.base_url) + str(self.user_endpoint) args = dict() args['method'] = "getSEPatronData" args['username'] = patron args['password'] = pin args['lib'] = enki_library_id return self.request(url, method='get', params=args)
[docs] def parse_patron_loans(self, checkout_data): # We should receive a list of JSON objects enki_id = checkout_data['id'] start_date = self._epoch_to_struct(checkout_data['checkoutdate']) end_date = self._epoch_to_struct(checkout_data['duedate']) return LoanInfo( self.collection, DataSource.ENKI, Identifier.ENKI_ID, enki_id, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, fulfillment_info=None )
[docs] def parse_patron_holds(self, hold_data): pass
[docs] def place_hold(self, patron, pin, licensepool, notification_email_address): pass
[docs] def release_hold(self, patron, pin, licensepool): pass
[docs]class MockEnkiAPI(EnkiAPI): def __init__(self, _db, collection=None, *args, **kwargs): self.responses = [] self.requests = [] library = DatabaseTest.make_default_library(_db) if not collection: collection, ignore = Collection.by_name_and_protocol( _db, name="Test Enki Collection", protocol=EnkiAPI.ENKI ) collection.protocol=EnkiAPI.ENKI if collection not in library.collections: library.collections.append(collection) # Set the "Enki library ID" variable between the default library # and this Enki collection. ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration( _db, self.ENKI_LIBRARY_ID_KEY, library, collection.external_integration ).value = 'c' super(MockEnkiAPI, self).__init__( _db, collection, *args, **kwargs )
[docs] def queue_response(self, status_code, headers={}, content=None): from core.testing import MockRequestsResponse self.responses.insert( 0, MockRequestsResponse(status_code, headers, content) )
def _request(self, method, url, headers, data, params, **kwargs): """Override EnkiAPI._request to pull responses from a queue instead of making real HTTP requests """ self.requests.append([method, url, headers, data, params, kwargs]) response = self.responses.pop() return HTTP._process_response( url, response, kwargs.get('allowed_response_codes'), kwargs.get('disallowed_response_codes'), )
[docs]class BibliographicParser(object): """Parses Enki's representation of book information into Metadata and CirculationData objects. """ log = logging.getLogger("Enki Bibliographic Parser") # Convert the English names of languages given in the Enki API to # the codes we use internally. LANGUAGE_CODES = { "English": "eng", "French" : "fre", "Spanish": "spa", }
[docs] def process_all(self, json_data): if isinstance(json_data, (bytes, str)): json_data = json.loads(json_data) returned_titles = json_data.get("result", {}).get("titles", []) for book in returned_titles: data = self.extract_bibliographic(book) if data: yield data
[docs] def extract_bibliographic(self, element): """Extract Metadata and CirculationData from a dictionary of information from Enki. :return: A Metadata with attached CirculationData. """ # TODO: it's not clear what these are or whether we'd find them # useful: # dateSaved # length # publishDate primary_identifier = IdentifierData(EnkiAPI.ENKI_ID, element["id"]) identifiers = [] identifiers.append(IdentifierData(Identifier.ISBN, element["isbn"])) contributors = [] sort_name = element.get("author", None) or Edition.UNKNOWN_AUTHOR contributors.append(ContributorData(sort_name=sort_name)) links = [] description = element.get('description') if description: links.append( LinkData(rel=Hyperlink.DESCRIPTION, content=description, media_type="text/html") ) # NOTE: When this method is called by, e.g. updated_titles(), # the large and small images are available separately. When # this method is called by get_item(), we only get a single # image, in 'cover'. In get_item() we ask that that image be 'large', # which means we'll be filing it as a normal-sized image. # full_image = None thumbnail_image = None for key, rel in ( ('cover', Hyperlink.IMAGE), ('small_image', Hyperlink.THUMBNAIL_IMAGE), ('large_image', Hyperlink.IMAGE) ): url = element.get(key) if not url: continue link = LinkData( rel=rel, href=url, media_type=Representation.PNG_MEDIA_TYPE ) if rel == Hyperlink.THUMBNAIL_IMAGE: # Don't add a thumbnail to the list of links -- wait # until the end and then make it a thumbnail of the # primary image. thumbnail_image = link else: if rel == Hyperlink.IMAGE: full_image = link links.append(link) if thumbnail_image: if full_image: # Set the thumbnail as the thumbnail _of_ the full image. full_image.thumbnail = thumbnail_image else: # Treat the thumbnail as the full image. thumbnail_image.rel = Hyperlink.IMAGE links.append(thumbnail_image) # We treat 'subject', 'topic', and 'genre' as interchangeable # sets of tags. This data is based on BISAC but it's not reliably # presented in a form that can be parsed as BISAC. subjects = [] seen_topics = set() for key in ('subject', 'topic', 'genre'): for topic in element.get(key, []): if not topic or topic in seen_topics: continue subjects.append( SubjectData( Subject.TAG, topic, weight=Classification.TRUSTED_DISTRIBUTOR_WEIGHT ) ) seen_topics.add(topic) language_code = element.get("language", "English") language = self.LANGUAGE_CODES.get(language_code, "eng") metadata = Metadata( data_source=DataSource.ENKI, title=element.get("title"), language=language, medium=Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM, publisher=element.get("publisher"), primary_identifier=primary_identifier, identifiers=identifiers, contributors=contributors, links=links, subjects=subjects, ) circulationdata = self.extract_circulation( primary_identifier, element.get('availability', {}), element.get('formattype', None) ) metadata.circulation = circulationdata return metadata
[docs] def extract_circulation(self, primary_identifier, availability, formattype): """Turn the 'availability' portion of an Enki API response into a CirculationData. """ if not availability: return None licenses_owned=availability.get("totalCopies", 0) licenses_available=availability.get("availableCopies", 0) hold=availability.get("onHold", 0) drm_type = EnkiAPI.no_drm if availability.get('accessType') == 'acs': drm_type = EnkiAPI.adobe_drm formats = [] content_type = None if formattype == 'PDF': content_type = Representation.PDF_MEDIA_TYPE elif formattype == 'EPUB': content_type=Representation.EPUB_MEDIA_TYPE if content_type != None: formats.append( FormatData( content_type, drm_scheme=drm_type ) ) else: self.log.error("Unrecognized formattype: %s", formattype) circulationdata = CirculationData( data_source=DataSource.ENKI, primary_identifier=primary_identifier, formats=formats, licenses_owned = int(licenses_owned), licenses_available = int(licenses_available), licenses_reserved = 0, patrons_in_hold_queue = int(hold) ) return circulationdata
[docs]class EnkiImport(CollectionMonitor, TimelineMonitor): """Make sure our local collection is up-to-date with the remote Enki collection. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Enki Circulation Monitor" INTERVAL_SECONDS = 500 PROTOCOL = EnkiAPI.ENKI_EXTERNAL DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 10 FIVE_MINUTES = datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) DEFAULT_START_TIME = CollectionMonitor.NEVER def __init__(self, _db, collection, api_class=EnkiAPI, analytics=None): """Constructor.""" super(EnkiImport, self).__init__(_db, collection) self._db = _db if callable(api_class): api = api_class(_db, collection) else: api = api_class self.api = api self.collection_id = = analytics or Analytics(_db) @property def collection(self): return Collection.by_id(self._db, id=self.collection_id)
[docs] def catch_up_from(self, start, cutoff, progress): """Find Enki books that changed recently. :param start: Find all books that changed since this date. """ if start is None: # This is the first time the monitor has run, so it's # important that we get the entire collection, even though that # will take a long time. new_titles = self.full_import() circulation_updates = 0 else: # We've run the monitor before, so we just need to learn # about new titles and circulation changes since the last time. # # Give us five minutes of overlap because it's very important # we don't miss anything. new_titles, circulation_updates = self.incremental_import(start) progress.achievements = ( "New or modified titles: %d. Titles with circulation changes: %d." % ( new_titles, circulation_updates ) )
[docs] def full_import(self): """Import the entire Enki collection, page by page.""" id_start = 0 batch_size = self.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE total_items = 0 while True: items_this_page = 0 for bibliographic in self.api.get_all_titles( strt=id_start, qty=batch_size ): self.process_book(bibliographic) items_this_page += 1 total_items += 1 self._db.commit() if items_this_page == 0: # When we get an empty page we know it's time to stop. break id_start += self.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE return total_items
[docs] def incremental_import(self, since): # Take care of new titles and titles with updated metadata. new_titles = 0 for metadata in self.api.updated_titles(since): self.process_book(metadata) new_titles += 1 self._db.commit() # Take care of titles whose circulation status changed. circulation_changes = self.update_circulation(since) self._db.commit() return new_titles, circulation_changes
[docs] def update_circulation(self, since): """Process circulation events that happened since `since`. :return: The total number of circulation events. """ circulation_changes = 0 # Slice the time since `since` into two-hour increments. # Experimentation shows that the Enki API can grab about 60 # hours of activity at once before timing out, so this puts us # well below that threshold. now = utc_now() for start, end, full_slice in self.slice_timespan( since, now, datetime.timedelta(hours=2) ): circulation_changes += self._update_circulation(start, end) return circulation_changes
def _update_circulation(self, start, end): """Process circulation events that happened between `start` and `end`. :return: The number of circulation events between `start` and `end`. """ circulation_changes = 0 for circulation in self.api.recent_activity(start, end): circulation_changes += 1 license_pool, is_new = circulation.license_pool( self._db, self.collection ) if not # Either this is the first time we've heard about this # title, or we never made a Work for this # LicensePool. Look up its bibliographic data -- that # should let us make a Work. metadata = self.api.get_item(license_pool.identifier.identifier) if metadata: self.process_book(metadata) else: license_pool, made_changes = circulation.apply( self._db, self.collection ) return circulation_changes
[docs] def process_book(self, bibliographic): """Make the local database reflect the state of the remote Enki collection for the given book. :param bibliographic: A Metadata object with attached CirculationData :return: A 2-tuple (LicensePool, Edition). If possible, a presentation-ready Work will be created for the LicensePool. """ availability = bibliographic.circulation edition, new_edition = bibliographic.edition(self._db) now = utc_now() policy = ReplacementPolicy( identifiers=False, subjects=True, contributions=True, formats=True, ) bibliographic.apply(edition, self.collection, replace=policy) license_pool, ignore = availability.license_pool( self._db, self.collection ) if new_edition: for library in self.collection.libraries:, license_pool, CirculationEvent.DISTRIBUTOR_TITLE_ADD, now) return edition, license_pool
[docs]class EnkiCollectionReaper(IdentifierSweepMonitor): """Check for books that are in the local collection but have left the Enki collection.""" SERVICE_NAME = "Enki Collection Reaper" INTERVAL_SECONDS = 3600*4 PROTOCOL = "Enki" def __init__(self, _db, collection, api_class=EnkiAPI): self._db = _db super(EnkiCollectionReaper, self).__init__(self._db, collection) if callable(api_class): api = api_class(self._db, collection) else: api = api_class self.api = api
[docs] def process_item(self, identifier): self.log.debug( "Seeing if %s needs reaping", identifier.identifier ) metadata = self.api.get_item(identifier.identifier) if metadata: # This title is still in the collection. Do nothing. return # Get this collection's license pool for this identifier. # We'll reap it by setting its licenses_owned to 0. pool = identifier.licensed_through_collection(self.collection) if not pool or pool.licenses_owned == 0: # It's already been reaped. return if pool.presentation_edition: self.log.warning( "Removing %r from circulation", pool.presentation_edition ) else: self.log.warning( "Removing unknown title %s from circulation.", identifier.identifier ) now = utc_now() circulationdata = CirculationData( data_source=DataSource.ENKI, primary_identifier= IdentifierData( identifier.type, identifier.identifier ), licenses_owned = 0, licenses_available = 0, patrons_in_hold_queue = 0, last_checked = now ) circulationdata.apply( self._db, self.collection, replace=ReplacementPolicy.from_license_source(self._db) ) return circulationdata