Source code for api.controller

import datetime
import email
import json
import logging
import os
import pytz
import sys
import urllib.parse
from collections import defaultdict
from time import mktime
from wsgiref.handlers import format_date_time

import flask
from expiringdict import ExpiringDict
from flask import (
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from lxml import etree
from sqlalchemy.orm import eagerload

from .util.short_client_token import ShortClientTokenUtility
from .annotations import (
from api.rbdigital import (
from api.saml.controller import SAMLController
from .authenticator import (
from .base_controller import BaseCirculationManagerController
from .circulation import CirculationAPI, FulfillmentInfo
from .circulation_exceptions import *
from .config import (
from import Analytics
from core.app_server import (
    URNLookupController as CoreURNLookupController,
from core.entrypoint import EverythingEntryPoint
from core.external_search import (
from core.lane import (
from core.log import LogConfiguration
from core.marc import MARCExporter
from core.metadata_layer import ContributorData
from core.model import (
from core.opds import (
from core.opensearch import OpenSearchDocument
from core.user_profile import ProfileController as CoreProfileController
from core.util.authentication_for_opds import AuthenticationForOPDSDocument
from core.util.datetime_helpers import (
from core.util.http import (
from core.util.opds_writer import (
from core.util.problem_detail import ProblemDetail
from core.util.string_helpers import base64
from .custom_index import CustomIndexView
from .lanes import (
from .odl import ODLAPI
from .opds import (
from .problem_details import *
from .shared_collection import SharedCollectionAPI
from .testing import MockCirculationAPI, MockSharedCollectionAPI

[docs]class CirculationManager(object): def __init__(self, _db, testing=False): self.log = logging.getLogger("Circulation manager web app") self._db = _db if not testing: try: self.config = Configuration.load(_db) except CannotLoadConfiguration as exception: self.log.exception( "Could not load configuration file: {0}".format(exception)) sys.exit() self.testing = testing self.site_configuration_last_update = ( Configuration.site_configuration_last_update(self._db, timeout=0) ) self.setup_one_time_controllers() self.load_settings()
[docs] def load_facets_from_request(self, *args, **kwargs): """Load a faceting object from the incoming request, but also apply some application-specific access restrictions: * You can't use nonstandard caching rules unless you're an authenticated administrator. * You can't access a WorkList that's not accessible to you. """ facets = load_facets_from_request(*args, **kwargs) worklist = kwargs.get('worklist') if worklist is not None: # Try to get the index controller. If it's not initialized # for any reason, don't run this check -- we have bigger # problems. index_controller = getattr(self, 'index_controller', None) if (index_controller and not worklist.accessible_to(index_controller.request_patron)): return NO_SUCH_LANE.detailed(_("Lane does not exist")) if isinstance(facets, BaseFacets) and getattr(facets, 'max_cache_age', None) is not None: # A faceting object was loaded, and it tried to do something nonstandard # with caching. # Try to get the AdminSignInController, which is # associated with the CirculationManager object by the # admin interface in admin/controller. # # If the admin interface wasn't initialized for whatever # reason, we'll default to assuming the user is not an # authenticated admin. authenticated = False controller = getattr(self, 'admin_sign_in_controller', None) if controller: admin = controller.authenticated_admin_from_request() # If authenticated_admin_from_request returns anything other than an admin (probably # a ProblemDetail), the user is not an authenticated admin. if isinstance(admin, Admin): authenticated = True if not authenticated: facets.max_cache_age = None return facets
[docs] def reload_settings_if_changed(self): """If the site configuration has been updated, reload the CirculationManager's configuration from the database. """ last_update = Configuration.site_configuration_last_update(self._db) if last_update > self.site_configuration_last_update: self.load_settings() self.site_configuration_last_update = last_update
[docs] def load_settings(self): """Load all necessary configuration settings and external integrations from the database. This is called once when the CirculationManager is initialized. It may also be called later to reload the site configuration after changes are made in the administrative interface. """ LogConfiguration.initialize(self._db) = Analytics(self._db) self.auth = Authenticator(self._db, self.setup_external_search() # Track the Lane configuration for each library by mapping its # short name to the top-level lane. new_top_level_lanes = {} # Create a CirculationAPI for each library. new_circulation_apis = {} # Potentially load a CustomIndexView for each library new_custom_index_views = {} # Make sure there's a site-wide public/private key pair. self.sitewide_key_pair for library in self._db.query(Library): lanes = load_lanes(self._db, library) new_top_level_lanes[] = lanes new_custom_index_views[] = CustomIndexView.for_library( library ) new_circulation_apis[] = self.setup_circulation( library, ) self.top_level_lanes = new_top_level_lanes self.circulation_apis = new_circulation_apis self.custom_index_views = new_custom_index_views self.shared_collection_api = self.setup_shared_collection() # Assemble the list of patron web client domains from individual # library registration settings as well as a sitewide setting. patron_web_domains = set() admin_web_domains = set() def get_domain(url): url = url.strip() if url == "*": return url scheme, netloc, path, parameters, query, fragment = urllib.parse.urlparse( url) if scheme and netloc: return scheme + "://" + netloc else: return None sitewide_patron_web_client_urls = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide( self._db, Configuration.PATRON_WEB_HOSTNAMES).value if sitewide_patron_web_client_urls: for url in sitewide_patron_web_client_urls.split('|'): domain = get_domain(url) if domain: patron_web_domains.add(domain) sitewide_admin_web_client_urls = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide( self._db, Configuration.ADMIN_WEB_HOSTNAMES).value if sitewide_admin_web_client_urls: for url in sitewide_admin_web_client_urls.split('|'): domain = get_domain(url) if domain: admin_web_domains.add(domain) from .registry import Registration for setting in self._db.query( ConfigurationSetting).filter( ConfigurationSetting.key == Registration.LIBRARY_REGISTRATION_WEB_CLIENT): if setting.value: patron_web_domains.add(get_domain(setting.value)) self.patron_web_domains = patron_web_domains self.admin_web_domains = admin_web_domains self.setup_configuration_dependent_controllers() authentication_document_cache_time = int( ConfigurationSetting.sitewide( self._db, Configuration.AUTHENTICATION_DOCUMENT_CACHE_TIME ).value_or_default(0) ) self.authentication_for_opds_documents = ExpiringDict( max_len=1000, max_age_seconds=authentication_document_cache_time ) self.wsgi_debug = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide( self._db, Configuration.WSGI_DEBUG_KEY ).bool_value or False
@property def external_search(self): """Retrieve or create a connection to the search interface. This is created lazily so that a failure to connect only affects feeds that depend on the search engine, not the whole circulation manager. """ if not self._external_search: self.setup_external_search() return self._external_search
[docs] def cdn_url_for(self, view, *args, **kwargs): """Generate a URL for a view that (probably) passes through a CDN. :param view: Name of the view. :param _facets: The faceting object used to generate the document that's calling this method. This may change which function is actually used to generate the URL; in particular, it may disable a CDN that would otherwise be used. This is called _facets just in case there's ever a view that takes 'facets' as a real keyword argument. :param args: Positional arguments to the view function. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to the view function. """ url_for = self._cdn_url_for facets = kwargs.pop('_facets', None) if facets and facets.max_cache_age is CachedFeed.IGNORE_CACHE: # The faceting object in play has disabled cache # checking. A CDN is also a cache, so we should disable # CDN URLs in the feed to make it more likely that the # client continues to see up-to-the-minute feeds as they # click around. url_for = self.url_for return url_for(view, *args, **kwargs)
def _cdn_url_for(self, *args, **kwargs): """Call the cdn_url_for function. Defined solely to be overridden in tests. """ return cdn_url_for(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def url_for(self, view, *args, **kwargs): """Call the url_for function, ensuring that Flask generates an absolute URL. """ kwargs['_external'] = True return url_for(view, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def log_lanes(self, lanelist=None, level=0): """Output information about the lane layout.""" lanelist = lanelist or self.top_level_lane.sublanes for lane in lanelist: self.log.debug("%s%r", "-" * level, lane) if lane.sublanes: self.log_lanes(lane.sublanes, level+1)
[docs] def setup_circulation(self, library, analytics): """Set up the Circulation object.""" if self.testing: cls = MockCirculationAPI else: cls = CirculationAPI return cls(self._db, library, analytics)
[docs] def setup_shared_collection(self): if self.testing: cls = MockSharedCollectionAPI else: cls = SharedCollectionAPI return cls(self._db)
[docs] def setup_one_time_controllers(self): """Set up all the controllers that will be used by the web app. This method will be called only once, no matter how many times the site configuration changes. """ self.index_controller = IndexController(self) self.opds_feeds = OPDSFeedController(self) self.marc_records = MARCRecordController(self) = LoanController(self) self.annotations = AnnotationController(self) self.urn_lookup = URNLookupController(self) self.work_controller = WorkController(self) self.analytics_controller = AnalyticsController(self) self.profiles = ProfileController(self) self.heartbeat = HeartbeatController() self.odl_notification_controller = ODLNotificationController(self) self.shared_collection_controller = SharedCollectionController(self) self.static_files = StaticFileController(self) self.rbdproxy = RBDFulfillmentProxyController(self) from api.lcp.controller import LCPController self.lcp_controller = LCPController(self)
[docs] def setup_configuration_dependent_controllers(self): """Set up all the controllers that depend on the current site configuration. This method will be called fresh every time the site configuration changes. """ self.basic_auth_token_controller = BasicAuthTempTokenController( self.auth) self.oauth_controller = OAuthController(self.auth) self.saml_controller = SAMLController(self, self.auth)
[docs] def setup_adobe_vendor_id(self, _db, library): """If this Library has an Adobe Vendor ID integration, configure the controller for it. :return: An Authdata object for `library`, if one could be created. """ short_client_token_initialization_exceptions = dict() adobe = ExternalIntegration.lookup( _db, ExternalIntegration.ADOBE_VENDOR_ID, ExternalIntegration.DRM_GOAL, library=library ) if adobe: # Relatively few libraries will have this setup. vendor_id = adobe.username node_value = adobe.password if not (vendor_id and node_value): self.log.warn( "Adobe Vendor ID is disabled due to missing or incomplete configuration. This is probably nothing to worry about.") # But almost all libraries will have a Short Client Token # setup. We're not setting anything up here, but this is useful # information for the calling code to have so it knows # whether or not we should support the Device Management Protocol. registry = ExternalIntegration.lookup( _db, ExternalIntegration.OPDS_REGISTRATION, ExternalIntegration.DISCOVERY_GOAL, library=library ) authdata = None if registry: try: authdata = ShortClientTokenUtility.from_config(library, _db) except CannotLoadConfiguration as e: short_client_token_initialization_exceptions[] = e self.log.error( "Short Client Token configuration for %s is present but not working. This may be cause for concern. Original error: %s",, str(e) ) self.short_client_token_initialization_exceptions = short_client_token_initialization_exceptions return authdata
[docs] def annotator(self, lane, facets=None, *args, **kwargs): """Create an appropriate OPDS annotator for the given lane. :param lane: A Lane or WorkList. :param facets: A faceting object. :param annotator_class: Instantiate this annotator class if possible. Intended for use in unit tests. """ library = None if lane and isinstance(lane, Lane): library = lane.library elif lane and isinstance(lane, WorkList): library = lane.get_library(self._db) if not library and hasattr(flask.request, 'library'): library = flask.request.library # If no library is provided, the best we can do is a generic # annotator for this application. if not library: return CirculationManagerAnnotator(lane) # At this point we know the request is in a library context, so we # can create a LibraryAnnotator customized for that library. # Some features are only available if a patron authentication # mechanism is set up for this library. authenticator = self.auth.library_authenticators.get( library.short_name) library_identifies_patrons = ( authenticator is not None and authenticator.identifies_individuals ) annotator_class = kwargs.pop('annotator_class', LibraryAnnotator) return annotator_class( self.circulation_apis[], lane, library, top_level_title='All Books', library_identifies_patrons=library_identifies_patrons, facets=facets, *args, **kwargs )
@property def authentication_for_opds_document(self): """Make sure the current request's library has an Authentication For OPDS document in the cache, then return the cached version. If the cache is disabled, a fresh document is created every time. If the query argument `debug` is provided and the WSGI_DEBUG_KEY site-wide setting is set to True, the authentication document is annotated with a '_debug' section describing the current WSGI environment. Since this can reveal internal details of deployment, it should only be enabled when diagnosing deployment problems. """ name = flask.request.library.short_name value = self.authentication_for_opds_documents.get(name, None) if value is None: # The document was not in the cache, either because it's # expired or because the cache itself has been disabled. # Create a new one and stick it in the cache for next # time. value = self.auth.create_authentication_document() self.authentication_for_opds_documents[name] = value if self.wsgi_debug and 'debug' in flask.request.args: # Annotate with debugging information about the WSGI # environment and the authentication document cache # itself. value = json.loads(value) value['_debug'] = dict( url=self.url_for( 'authentication_document', library_short_name=name ), environ=str(dict(flask.request.environ)), cache=str(self.authentication_for_opds_documents), ) value = json.dumps(value) return value @property def sitewide_key_pair(self): """Look up or create the sitewide public/private key pair.""" setting = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide( self._db, Configuration.KEY_PAIR ) return Configuration.key_pair(setting) @property def public_key_integration_document(self): """Serve a document with the sitewide public key.""" site_id = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide( self._db, Configuration.BASE_URL_KEY).value document = dict(id=site_id) public, private = self.sitewide_key_pair document['public_key'] = dict(type='RSA', value=public) return json.dumps(document)
[docs]class CirculationManagerController(BaseCirculationManagerController):
[docs] def get_patron_circ_objects(self, object_class, patron, license_pools): if not patron: return [] pool_ids = [ for pool in license_pools] return self._db.query(object_class).filter( object_class.patron_id ==, object_class.license_pool_id.in_(pool_ids) ).options(eagerload(object_class.license_pool)).all()
[docs] def get_patron_loan(self, patron, license_pools): loans = self.get_patron_circ_objects(Loan, patron, license_pools) if loans: loan = loans[0] return loan, loan.license_pool return None, None
[docs] def get_patron_hold(self, patron, license_pools): holds = self.get_patron_circ_objects(Hold, patron, license_pools) if holds: hold = holds[0] return hold, hold.license_pool return None, None
@property def circulation(self): """Return the appropriate CirculationAPI for the request Library.""" library_id = return self.manager.circulation_apis[library_id] @property def shared_collection(self): """Return the appropriate SharedCollectionAPI for the request library.""" return self.manager.shared_collection_api @property def search_engine(self): """Return the configured external search engine, or a ProblemDetail if none is configured. """ search_engine = self.manager.external_search if not search_engine: return REMOTE_INTEGRATION_FAILED.detailed( _("The search index for this site is not properly configured.") ) return search_engine
[docs] def handle_conditional_request(self, last_modified=None): """Handle a conditional HTTP request. :param last_modified: A datetime representing the time this resource was last modified. :return: a Response, if the incoming request can be handled conditionally. Otherwise, None. """ if not last_modified: return None # If-Modified-Since values have resolution of one second. If # last_modified has millisecond resolution, change its # resolution to one second. if last_modified.microsecond: last_modified = last_modified.replace(microsecond=0) if_modified_since = flask.request.headers.get('If-Modified-Since') if not if_modified_since: return None try: parsed_if_modified_since = email.utils.parsedate_to_datetime( if_modified_since ) except (TypeError, ValueError): # Parse error. return None if not parsed_if_modified_since: return None # "[I]f the date is conforming to the RFCs it will represent a # time in UTC but with no indication of the actual source # timezone of the message the date comes from." if parsed_if_modified_since.tzinfo is None: parsed_if_modified_since = parsed_if_modified_since.replace( tzinfo=pytz.UTC) if parsed_if_modified_since >= last_modified: return Response(status=304) return None
[docs] def load_lane(self, lane_identifier): """Turn user input into a Lane object.""" library_id = lane = None if lane_identifier is None: # Return the top-level lane. lane = self.manager.top_level_lanes[library_id] if isinstance(lane, Lane): lane = self._db.merge(lane) elif isinstance(lane, WorkList): lane.children = [self._db.merge(child) for child in lane.children] else: try: lane_identifier = int(lane_identifier) except ValueError as e: pass if isinstance(lane_identifier, int): lane = get_one( self._db, Lane, id=lane_identifier, library_id=library_id ) if lane and not lane.accessible_to(self.request_patron): # The authenticated patron cannot access the lane they # requested. Act like the lane does not exist. lane = None if not lane: return NO_SUCH_LANE.detailed( _("Lane %(lane_identifier)s does not exist or is not associated with library %(library_id)s", lane_identifier=lane_identifier, library_id=library_id ) ) return lane
[docs] def load_work(self, library, identifier_type, identifier): pools = self.load_licensepools(library, identifier_type, identifier) if isinstance(pools, ProblemDetail): return pools # We know there is at least one LicensePool, and all LicensePools # for an Identifier have the same Work. work = pools[0].work if work and not work.age_appropriate_for_patron(self.request_patron): # This work is not age-appropriate for the authenticated # patron. Don't show it. work = NOT_AGE_APPROPRIATE return work
[docs] def load_licensepools(self, library, identifier_type, identifier): """Turn user input into one or more LicensePool objects. :param library: The LicensePools must be associated with one of this Library's Collections. :param identifier_type: A type of identifier, e.g. "ISBN" :param identifier: An identifier string, used with `identifier_type` to look up an Identifier. """ _db = Session.object_session(library) pools = _db.query(LicensePool).join(LicensePool.collection).join( LicensePool.identifier).join(Collection.libraries).filter( Identifier.type == identifier_type ).filter( Identifier.identifier == identifier ).filter( == ).all() if not pools: return NO_LICENSES.detailed( _("The item you're asking about (%s/%s) isn't in this collection.") % ( identifier_type, identifier ) ) return pools
[docs] def load_licensepool(self, license_pool_id): """Turns user input into a LicensePool""" license_pool = get_one(self._db, LicensePool, id=license_pool_id) if not license_pool: return INVALID_INPUT.detailed( _("License Pool #%s does not exist.") % license_pool_id ) return license_pool
[docs] def load_licensepooldelivery(self, pool, mechanism_id): """Turn user input into a LicensePoolDeliveryMechanism object.""" mechanism = get_one( self._db, LicensePoolDeliveryMechanism, data_source=pool.data_source, identifier=pool.identifier, delivery_mechanism_id=mechanism_id, on_multiple='interchangeable' ) return mechanism or BAD_DELIVERY_MECHANISM
[docs] def apply_borrowing_policy(self, patron, license_pool): """Apply the borrowing policy of the patron's library to the book they're trying to check out. This prevents a patron from borrowing an age-inappropriate book or from placing a hold in a library that prohibits holds. Generally speaking, both of these operations should be prevented before they get to this point; this is an extra layer of protection. :param patron: A `Patron`. It's okay if this turns out to be a `ProblemDetail` or `None` due to a problem earlier in the process. :param license_pool`: The `LicensePool` the patron is trying to act on. """ if patron is None or isinstance(patron, ProblemDetail): # An earlier stage in the process failed to authenticate # the patron. return patron work = if work is not None and not work.age_appropriate_for_patron(patron): return NOT_AGE_APPROPRIATE if (not patron.library.allow_holds and license_pool.licenses_available == 0 and not license_pool.open_access and not license_pool.unlimited_access and not license_pool.self_hosted ): return FORBIDDEN_BY_POLICY.detailed( _("Library policy prohibits the placement of holds."), status_code=403 ) return None
[docs]class IndexController(CirculationManagerController): """Redirect the patron to the appropriate feed.""" def __call__(self): # If this library provides a custom index view, use that. library = flask.request.library custom = self.manager.custom_index_views.get( if custom is not None: annotator = self.manager.annotator(None) return custom(library, annotator) # The simple case: the app is equally open to all clients. library_short_name = flask.request.library.short_name if not self.has_root_lanes(): return redirect(self.cdn_url_for('acquisition_groups', library_short_name=library_short_name)) # The more complex case. We must authorize the patron, check # their type, and redirect them to an appropriate feed. return self.appropriate_index_for_patron_type()
[docs] def authentication_document(self): """Serve this library's Authentication For OPDS document.""" return Response( self.manager.authentication_for_opds_document, 200, { "Content-Type": AuthenticationForOPDSDocument.MEDIA_TYPE } )
[docs] def has_root_lanes(self): """Does the active library feature root lanes for patrons of certain types? :return: A boolean """ return flask.request.library.has_root_lanes
[docs] def authenticated_patron_root_lane(self): patron = self.authenticated_patron_from_request() if isinstance(patron, ProblemDetail): return patron if isinstance(patron, Response): return patron return patron.root_lane
[docs] def appropriate_index_for_patron_type(self): library_short_name = flask.request.library.short_name root_lane = self.authenticated_patron_root_lane() if isinstance(root_lane, ProblemDetail): return root_lane if isinstance(root_lane, Response): return root_lane if root_lane is None: return redirect( self.cdn_url_for( 'acquisition_groups', library_short_name=library_short_name, ) ) return redirect( self.cdn_url_for( 'acquisition_groups', library_short_name=library_short_name,, ) )
[docs] def public_key_document(self): """Serves a sitewide public key document""" return Response( self.manager.public_key_integration_document, 200, {'Content-Type': 'application/opds+json'} )
[docs]class OPDSFeedController(CirculationManagerController):
[docs] def groups(self, lane_identifier, feed_class=AcquisitionFeed): """Build or retrieve a grouped acquisition feed. :param lane_identifier: An identifier that uniquely identifiers the WorkList whose feed we want. :param feed_class: A replacement for AcquisitionFeed, for use in tests. """ library = flask.request.library # Special case: a patron with a root lane who attempts to access # the library's top-level WorkList is redirected to their root # lane (as though they had accessed the index controller) # rather than being denied access. if lane_identifier is None: patron = self.request_patron if patron is not None and patron.root_lane: return redirect( self.cdn_url_for( 'acquisition_groups', library_short_name=library.short_name,, _external=True ) ) lane = self.load_lane(lane_identifier) if isinstance(lane, ProblemDetail): return lane if not lane.children: # This lane has no children. Although we can technically # create a grouped feed, it would be an unsatisfying # gateway to a paginated feed. We should just serve the # paginated feed. return self.feed(lane_identifier, feed_class) facet_class_kwargs = dict( minimum_featured_quality=library.minimum_featured_quality, ) facets = self.manager.load_facets_from_request( worklist=lane, base_class=FeaturedFacets, base_class_constructor_kwargs=facet_class_kwargs ) if isinstance(facets, ProblemDetail): return facets search_engine = self.search_engine if isinstance(search_engine, ProblemDetail): return search_engine url = self.cdn_url_for( "acquisition_groups", lane_identifier=lane_identifier, library_short_name=library.short_name, _facets=facets ) annotator = self.manager.annotator(lane, facets) return feed_class.groups( _db=self._db, title=lane.display_name, url=url, worklist=lane, annotator=annotator, facets=facets, search_engine=search_engine )
[docs] def feed(self, lane_identifier, feed_class=AcquisitionFeed): """Build or retrieve a paginated acquisition feed. :param lane_identifier: An identifier that uniquely identifiers the WorkList whose feed we want. :param feed_class: A replacement for AcquisitionFeed, for use in tests. """ lane = self.load_lane(lane_identifier) if isinstance(lane, ProblemDetail): return lane facets = self.manager.load_facets_from_request(worklist=lane) if isinstance(facets, ProblemDetail): return facets pagination = load_pagination_from_request(SortKeyPagination) if isinstance(pagination, ProblemDetail): return pagination search_engine = self.search_engine if isinstance(search_engine, ProblemDetail): return search_engine library_short_name = flask.request.library.short_name url = self.cdn_url_for( "feed", lane_identifier=lane_identifier, library_short_name=library_short_name, _facets=facets ) annotator = self.manager.annotator(lane, facets=facets) return _db=self._db, title=lane.display_name, url=url, worklist=lane, annotator=annotator, facets=facets, pagination=pagination, search_engine=search_engine )
[docs] def navigation(self, lane_identifier): """Build or retrieve a navigation feed, for clients that do not support groups.""" lane = self.load_lane(lane_identifier) if isinstance(lane, ProblemDetail): return lane library = flask.request.library library_short_name = library.short_name url = self.cdn_url_for( "navigation_feed", lane_identifier=lane_identifier, library_short_name=library_short_name, ) title = lane.display_name facet_class_kwargs = dict( minimum_featured_quality=library.minimum_featured_quality, ) facets = self.manager.load_facets_from_request( worklist=lane, base_class=NavigationFacets, base_class_constructor_kwargs=facet_class_kwargs ) annotator = self.manager.annotator(lane, facets) return NavigationFeed.navigation( self._db, title, url, lane, annotator, facets=facets )
[docs] def crawlable_library_feed(self): """Build or retrieve a crawlable acquisition feed for the request library. """ library = flask.request.library url = self.cdn_url_for( "crawlable_library_feed", library_short_name=library.short_name, ) title = lane = CrawlableCollectionBasedLane() lane.initialize(library) return self._crawlable_feed(title=title, url=url, worklist=lane)
[docs] def crawlable_collection_feed(self, collection_name): """Build or retrieve a crawlable acquisition feed for the requested collection. """ collection = get_one(self._db, Collection, name=collection_name) if not collection: return NO_SUCH_COLLECTION title = url = self.cdn_url_for( "crawlable_collection_feed", ) lane = CrawlableCollectionBasedLane() lane.initialize([collection]) if collection.protocol in [ODLAPI.NAME]: annotator = SharedCollectionAnnotator(collection, lane) else: # We'll get a generic CirculationManagerAnnotator. annotator = None return self._crawlable_feed( title=title, url=url, worklist=lane, annotator=annotator )
[docs] def crawlable_list_feed(self, list_name): """Build or retrieve a crawlable, paginated acquisition feed for the named CustomList, sorted by update date. """ # TODO: A library is not strictly required here, since some # CustomLists aren't associated with a library, but this isn't # a use case we need to support now. library = flask.request.library list = CustomList.find(self._db, list_name, library=library) if not list: return NO_SUCH_LIST library_short_name = library.short_name title = url = self.cdn_url_for( "crawlable_list_feed",, library_short_name=library_short_name, ) lane = CrawlableCustomListBasedLane() lane.initialize(library, list) return self._crawlable_feed(title=title, url=url, worklist=lane)
def _crawlable_feed(self, title, url, worklist, annotator=None, feed_class=AcquisitionFeed): """Helper method to create a crawlable feed. :param title: The title to use for the feed. :param url: The URL from which the feed will be served. :param worklist: A crawlable Lane which controls which works show up in the feed. :param annotator: A custom Annotator to use when generating the feed. :param feed_class: A drop-in replacement for AcquisitionFeed for use in tests. """ pagination = load_pagination_from_request( SortKeyPagination, default_size=Pagination.DEFAULT_CRAWLABLE_SIZE ) if isinstance(pagination, ProblemDetail): return pagination search_engine = self.search_engine if isinstance(search_engine, ProblemDetail): return search_engine annotator = annotator or self.manager.annotator(worklist) # A crawlable feed has only one possible set of Facets, # so library settings are irrelevant. facets = CrawlableFacets.default(None) return _db=self._db, title=title, url=url, worklist=worklist, annotator=annotator, facets=facets, pagination=pagination, search_engine=search_engine ) def _load_search_facets(self, lane): entrypoints = list(flask.request.library.entrypoints) if len(entrypoints) > 1: # There is more than one enabled EntryPoint. # By default, search them all. default_entrypoint = EverythingEntryPoint else: # There is only one enabled EntryPoint, # and no need for a special default. default_entrypoint = None return self.manager.load_facets_from_request( worklist=lane, base_class=SearchFacets, default_entrypoint=default_entrypoint, )
[docs] def search(self, lane_identifier, feed_class=AcquisitionFeed): """Search for books.""" lane = self.load_lane(lane_identifier) if isinstance(lane, ProblemDetail): return lane # Althoug the search query goes against Elasticsearch, we must # use normal pagination because the results are sorted by # match quality, not bibliographic information. pagination = load_pagination_from_request( Pagination, default_size=Pagination.DEFAULT_SEARCH_SIZE ) if isinstance(pagination, ProblemDetail): return pagination facets = self._load_search_facets(lane) if isinstance(facets, ProblemDetail): return facets search_engine = self.search_engine if isinstance(search_engine, ProblemDetail): return search_engine # Check whether there is a query string -- if not, we want to # send an OpenSearch document explaining how to search. query = flask.request.args.get('q') library_short_name = flask.request.library.short_name # Create a function that, when called, generates a URL to the # search controller. # # We'll call this one way if there is no query string in the # request arguments, and another way if there is a query # string. make_url_kwargs = dict(list(facets.items())) def make_url(): return self.url_for( 'lane_search', lane_identifier=lane_identifier, library_short_name=library_short_name, **make_url_kwargs ) if not query: # Send the search form open_search_doc = OpenSearchDocument.for_lane(lane, make_url()) headers = {"Content-Type": "application/opensearchdescription+xml"} return Response(open_search_doc, 200, headers) # We have a query -- add it to the keyword arguments used when # generating a URL. make_url_kwargs['q'] = query.encode("utf8") # Run a search. annotator = self.manager.annotator(lane, facets) info = OpenSearchDocument.search_info(lane) return _db=self._db, title=info['name'], url=make_url(), lane=lane, search_engine=search_engine, query=query, annotator=annotator, pagination=pagination, facets=facets )
def _qa_feed(self, feed_factory, feed_title, controller_name, facet_class, worklist_factory): """Create some kind of OPDS feed designed for consumption by an automated QA process. :param feed_factory: This function will be called to create the feed. It must either be AcquisitionFeed.groups or, or it must take the same arguments as those methods. :param feed_title: String title of the feed. :param controller_name: Controller name to use when generating the URL to the feed. :param facet_class: Faceting class to load (through load_facets_from_request). :param worklist_factory: Function that takes (Library, Facets) and returns a Worklist configured to generate the feed. :return: A ProblemDetail if there's a problem loading the faceting object; otherwise the return value of `feed_factory`. """ library = flask.request.library search_engine = self.search_engine if isinstance(search_engine, ProblemDetail): return search_engine url = self.url_for( controller_name, library_short_name=library.short_name, ) facets = load_facets_from_request( base_class=facet_class, default_entrypoint=EverythingEntryPoint ) if isinstance(facets, ProblemDetail): return facets worklist = worklist_factory(library, facets) annotator = self.manager.annotator(worklist) # Since this feed will be consumed by an automated client, and # we're choosing titles for specific purposes, there's no # reason to put more than a single item in each group. pagination = Pagination(size=1) return feed_factory( _db=self._db, title=feed_title, url=url, pagination=pagination, worklist=worklist, annotator=annotator, search_engine=search_engine, facets=facets, max_age=CachedFeed.IGNORE_CACHE )
[docs] def qa_feed(self, feed_class=AcquisitionFeed): """Create an OPDS feed containing the information necessary to run a full set of integration tests against this server and the vendors it relies on. :param feed_class: Class to substitute for AcquisitionFeed during tests. """ def factory(library, facets): return JackpotWorkList(library, facets) return self._qa_feed( feed_factory=feed_class.groups, feed_title="QA test feed", controller_name="qa_feed", facet_class=JackpotFacets, worklist_factory=factory )
[docs] def qa_series_feed(self, feed_class=AcquisitionFeed): """Create an OPDS feed containing books that belong to _some_ series, without regard to _which_ series. :param feed_class: Class to substitute for AcquisitionFeed during tests. """ def factory(library, facets): wl = WorkList() wl.initialize(library) return wl return self._qa_feed(, feed_title="QA series test feed", controller_name="qa_series_feed", facet_class=HasSeriesFacets, worklist_factory=factory )
[docs]class MARCRecordController(CirculationManagerController): DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE = """ <html lang="en"> <head><meta charset="utf8"></head> <body> %(body)s </body> </html>"""
[docs] def download_page(self): library = flask.request.library body = "<h2>Download MARC files for %s</h2>" % time_format = "%B %-d, %Y" # Check if a MARC exporter is configured so we can show a # message if it's not. exporter = None try: exporter = MARCExporter.from_config(library) except CannotLoadConfiguration as e: body += "<p>" + \ _("No MARC exporter is currently configured for this library.") + "</p>" if len(library.cachedmarcfiles) < 1 and exporter: body += "<p>" + \ _("MARC files aren't ready to download yet.") + "</p>" files_by_lane = defaultdict(dict) for file in library.cachedmarcfiles: if file.start_time == None: files_by_lane[file.lane]["full"] = file else: if not files_by_lane[file.lane].get("updates"): files_by_lane[file.lane]["updates"] = [] files_by_lane[file.lane]["updates"].append(file) # TODO: By default the MARC script only caches one level of lanes, # so sorting by priority is good enough. lanes = sorted(list(files_by_lane.keys()), key=lambda x: x.priority if x else -1) for lane in lanes: files = files_by_lane[lane] body += "<section>" body += "<h3>%s</h3>" % (lane.display_name if lane else _("All Books")) if files.get("full"): file = files.get("full") full_url = file.representation.mirror_url full_label = _("Full file - last updated %(update_time)s", update_time=file.end_time.strftime(time_format)) body += '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % ( files.get("full").representation.mirror_url, full_label) if files.get("updates"): body += "<h4>%s</h4>" % _("Update-only files") body += "<ul>" files.get("updates").sort(key=lambda x: x.end_time) for update in files.get("updates"): update_url = update.representation.mirror_url update_label = _("Updates from %(start_time)s to %(end_time)s", start_time=update.start_time.strftime( time_format), end_time=update.end_time.strftime(time_format)) body += '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % ( update_url, update_label) body += "</ul>" body += "</section>" body += "<br />" html = self.DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE % dict(body=body) headers = dict() headers['Content-Type'] = "text/html" return Response(html, 200, headers)
[docs]class LoanController(CirculationManagerController):
[docs] def sync(self): """Sync the authenticated patron's loans and holds with all third-party providers. :return: A Response containing an OPDS feed with up-to-date information. """ patron = flask.request.patron # Save some time if we don't believe the patron's loans or holds have # changed since the last time the client requested this feed. response = self.handle_conditional_request( patron.last_loan_activity_sync ) if isinstance(response, Response): return response # First synchronize our local list of loans and holds with all # third-party loan providers. if patron.authorization_identifier: header = self.authorization_header() credential = self.manager.auth.get_credential_from_header(header) try: self.circulation.sync_bookshelf(patron, credential) except Exception as e: # If anything goes wrong, omit the sync step and just # display the current active loans, as we understand them. self.manager.log.error( "ERROR DURING SYNC for %s: %r",, e, exc_info=e ) # Then make the feed. return LibraryLoanAndHoldAnnotator.active_loans_for( self.circulation, patron )
[docs] def borrow(self, identifier_type, identifier, mechanism_id=None): """Create a new loan or hold for a book. :return: A Response containing an OPDS entry that includes a link of rel "", which can be used to fetch the book or the license file. """ patron = flask.request.patron library = flask.request.library header = self.authorization_header() credential = self.manager.auth.get_credential_from_header(header) result = self.best_lendable_pool( library, patron, identifier_type, identifier, mechanism_id ) if not result: # No LicensePools were found and no ProblemDetail # was returned. Send a generic ProblemDetail. return NO_LICENSES.detailed( _("I've never heard of this work.") ) if isinstance(result, ProblemDetail): # There was a problem determining the appropriate # LicensePool to use. return result if isinstance(result, Loan): # We already have a Loan, so there's no need to go to the API. loan_or_hold = result is_new = False else: # We need to actually go out to the API # and try to take out a loan. pool, mechanism = result loan_or_hold, is_new = self._borrow( patron, credential, pool, mechanism) if isinstance(loan_or_hold, ProblemDetail): return loan_or_hold # At this point we have either a loan or a hold. If a loan, serve # a feed that tells the patron how to fulfill the loan. If a hold, # serve a feed that talks about the hold. response_kwargs = {} if is_new: response_kwargs['status'] = 201 else: response_kwargs['status'] = 200 return LibraryLoanAndHoldAnnotator.single_item_feed( self.circulation, loan_or_hold, **response_kwargs )
def _borrow(self, patron, credential, pool, mechanism): """Go out to the API, try to take out a loan, and handle errors as problem detail documents. :param patron: The Patron who's trying to take out the loan :param credential: A Credential to use when authenticating as this Patron with the external API. :param pool: The LicensePool for the book the Patron wants. :mechanism: The DeliveryMechanism to request when asking for a loan. :return: a 2-tuple (result, is_new) `result` is a Loan (if one could be created or found), a Hold (if a Loan could not be created but a Hold could be), or a ProblemDetail (if the entire operation failed). """ result = None is_new = False try: loan, hold, is_new = self.circulation.borrow( patron, credential, pool, mechanism ) result = loan or hold except NoOpenAccessDownload as e: result = NO_LICENSES.detailed( _("Couldn't find an open-access download link for this book."), status_code=404 ) except PatronAuthorizationFailedException as e: result = INVALID_CREDENTIALS except (PatronLoanLimitReached, PatronHoldLimitReached) as e: result = e.as_problem_detail_document().with_debug(str(e)) except DeliveryMechanismError as e: result = BAD_DELIVERY_MECHANISM.with_debug( str(e), status_code=e.status_code ) except OutstandingFines as e: result = OUTSTANDING_FINES.detailed( _("You must pay your $%(fine_amount).2f outstanding fines before you can borrow more books.", fine_amount=patron.fines) ) except AuthorizationExpired as e: result = e.as_problem_detail_document(debug=False) except AuthorizationBlocked as e: result = e.as_problem_detail_document(debug=False) except CannotLoan as e: result = CHECKOUT_FAILED.with_debug(str(e)) except CannotHold as e: result = HOLD_FAILED.with_debug(str(e)) except CannotRenew as e: result = RENEW_FAILED.with_debug(str(e)) except NotFoundOnRemote as e: result = NOT_FOUND_ON_REMOTE except CirculationException as e: # Generic circulation error. result = CHECKOUT_FAILED.with_debug(str(e)) if result is None: # This shouldn't happen, but if it does, it means no exception # was raised but we just didn't get a loan or hold. Return a # generic circulation error. result = HOLD_FAILED return result, is_new
[docs] def best_lendable_pool(self, library, patron, identifier_type, identifier, mechanism_id): """ Of the available LicensePools for the given Identifier, return the one that's the best candidate for loaning out right now. :return: A Loan if this patron already has an active loan, otherwise a LicensePool. """ # Turn source + identifier into a set of LicensePools pools = self.load_licensepools( library, identifier_type, identifier ) if isinstance(pools, ProblemDetail): # Something went wrong. return pools best = None mechanism = None problem_doc = None existing_loans = self._db.query(Loan).filter( Loan.license_pool_id.in_([ for lp in pools]), Loan.patron == patron ).all() if existing_loans: # The patron already has at least one loan on this book already. # To make the "borrow" operation idempotent, return one of # those loans instead of an error. return existing_loans[0] # We found a number of LicensePools. Try to locate one that # we can actually loan to the patron. for pool in pools: problem_doc = self.apply_borrowing_policy(patron, pool) if problem_doc: # As a matter of policy, the patron is not allowed to borrow # this book. continue # Beyond this point we know that site policy does not prohibit # us from lending this pool to this patron. if mechanism_id: # But the patron has requested a license pool that # supports a specific delivery mechanism. This pool # must offer that mechanism. mechanism = self.load_licensepooldelivery(pool, mechanism_id) if isinstance(mechanism, ProblemDetail): problem_doc = mechanism continue # Beyond this point we have a license pool that we can # actually loan or put on hold. # But there might be many such LicensePools, and we want # to pick the one that will get the book to the patron # with the shortest wait. if (not best or pool.licenses_available > best.licenses_available or pool.patrons_in_hold_queue < best.patrons_in_hold_queue): best = pool if not best: # We were unable to find any LicensePool that fit the # criteria. return problem_doc return best, mechanism
[docs] def fulfill(self, license_pool_id, mechanism_id=None, part=None, do_get=None): """Fulfill a book that has already been checked out, or which can be fulfilled with no active loan. If successful, this will serve the patron a downloadable copy of the book, a key (such as a DRM license file or bearer token) which can be used to get the book, or an OPDS entry containing a link to the book. :param license_pool_id: Database ID of a LicensePool. :param mechanism_id: Database ID of a DeliveryMechanism. :param part: Vendor-specific identifier used when fulfilling a specific part of a book rather than the whole thing (e.g. a single chapter of an audiobook). """ do_get = do_get or Representation.simple_http_get # Unlike most controller methods, this one has different # behavior whether or not the patron is authenticated. This is # why we're about to do something we don't usually do--call # authenticated_patron_from_request from within a controller # method. authentication_response = self.authenticated_patron_from_request() if isinstance(authentication_response, Patron): # The patron is authenticated. patron = authentication_response else: # The patron is not authenticated, either due to bad credentials # (in which case authentication_response is a Response) # or due to an integration error with the auth provider (in # which case it is a ProblemDetail). # # There's still a chance this request can succeed, but if not, # we'll be sending out authentication_response. patron = None library = flask.request.library header = self.authorization_header() credential = self.manager.auth.get_credential_from_header(header) # Turn source + identifier into a LicensePool. pool = self.load_licensepool(license_pool_id) if isinstance(pool, ProblemDetail): return pool loan, loan_license_pool = self.get_patron_loan(patron, [pool]) requested_license_pool = loan_license_pool or pool # Find the LicensePoolDeliveryMechanism they asked for. mechanism = None if mechanism_id: mechanism = self.load_licensepooldelivery( requested_license_pool, mechanism_id ) if isinstance(mechanism, ProblemDetail): return mechanism if (not loan or not loan_license_pool) and not ( self.can_fulfill_without_loan( library, patron, requested_license_pool, mechanism ) ): if patron: # Since a patron was identified, the problem is they have # no active loan. return NO_ACTIVE_LOAN.detailed( _("You have no active loan for this title.") ) else: # Since no patron was identified, the problem is # whatever problem was revealed by the earlier # authenticated_patron_from_request() call -- either the # patron didn't authenticate or there's a problem # integrating with the auth provider. return authentication_response if not mechanism: # See if the loan already has a mechanism set. We can use that. if loan and loan.fulfillment: mechanism = loan.fulfillment else: return BAD_DELIVERY_MECHANISM.detailed( _("You must specify a delivery mechanism to fulfill this loan.") ) # Define a function that, given a part identifier, will create # an appropriate link to this controller. def fulfill_part_url(part): return url_for( "fulfill",,, library_short_name=library.short_name, part=str(part), _external=True ) try: fulfillment = self.circulation.fulfill( patron, credential, requested_license_pool, mechanism, part=part, fulfill_part_url=fulfill_part_url ) except DeliveryMechanismConflict as e: return DELIVERY_CONFLICT.detailed(str(e)) except NoActiveLoan as e: return NO_ACTIVE_LOAN.detailed( _('Can\'t fulfill loan because you have no active loan for this book.'), status_code=e.status_code ) except CannotFulfill as e: return CANNOT_FULFILL.with_debug( str(e), status_code=e.status_code ) except FormatNotAvailable as e: return NO_ACCEPTABLE_FORMAT.with_debug( str(e), status_code=e.status_code ) except DeliveryMechanismError as e: return BAD_DELIVERY_MECHANISM.with_debug( str(e), status_code=e.status_code ) # A subclass of FulfillmentInfo may want to bypass the whole # response creation process. response = fulfillment.as_response if response: return response headers = dict() encoding_header = dict() if (fulfillment.data_source_name == DataSource.ENKI and mechanism.delivery_mechanism.drm_scheme_media_type == DeliveryMechanism.NO_DRM): encoding_header["Accept-Encoding"] = "deflate" if mechanism.delivery_mechanism.is_streaming: # If this is a streaming delivery mechanism, create an OPDS entry # with a fulfillment link to the streaming reader url. feed = LibraryLoanAndHoldAnnotator.single_item_feed( self.circulation, loan, fulfillment=fulfillment ) if isinstance(feed, Response): return feed if isinstance(feed, OPDSFeed): content = str(feed) else: content = etree.tostring(feed) status_code = 200 headers["Content-Type"] = OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE else: content = fulfillment.content if fulfillment.content_link: # If we have a link to the content on a remote server, web clients may not # be able to access it if the remote server does not support CORS requests. # If the pool is open access though, the web client can link directly to the # file to download it, so it's safe to redirect. if requested_license_pool.open_access: return redirect(fulfillment.content_link) # Otherwise, we need to fetch the content and return it instead # of redirecting to it, since it may be downloaded through an # indirect acquisition link. try: status_code, headers, content = do_get( fulfillment.content_link, headers=encoding_header) headers = dict(headers) except RemoteIntegrationException as e: return e.as_problem_detail_document(debug=False) else: status_code = 200 if fulfillment.content_type: headers['Content-Type'] = fulfillment.content_type return Response(response=content, status=status_code, headers=headers)
[docs] def can_fulfill_without_loan(self, library, patron, pool, lpdm): """Is it acceptable to fulfill the given LicensePoolDeliveryMechanism for the given Patron without creating a Loan first? This question is usually asked because no Patron has been authenticated, and thus no Loan can be created, but somebody wants a book anyway. :param library: A Library. :param patron: A Patron, probably None. :param lpdm: A LicensePoolDeliveryMechanism. """ authenticator = self.manager.auth.library_authenticators.get( library.short_name) if authenticator and authenticator.identifies_individuals: # This library identifies individual patrons, so there is # no reason to fulfill books without a loan. Even if the # books are free and the 'loans' are nominal, having a # Loan object makes it possible for a patron to sync their # collection across devices, so that's the way we do it. return False # If the library doesn't require that individual patrons # identify themselves, it's up to the CirculationAPI object. # Most of them will say no. (This would indicate that the # collection is improperly associated with a library that # doesn't identify its patrons.) return self.circulation.can_fulfill_without_loan(patron, pool, lpdm)
[docs] def revoke(self, license_pool_id): patron = flask.request.patron pool = self.load_licensepool(license_pool_id) if isinstance(pool, ProblemDetail): return pool loan, _ignore = self.get_patron_loan(patron, [pool]) if loan: hold = None else: hold, _ignore = self.get_patron_hold(patron, [pool]) if not loan and not hold: if not title = 'this book' else: title = '"%s"' % return NO_ACTIVE_LOAN_OR_HOLD.detailed( _('Can\'t revoke because you have no active loan or hold for "%(title)s".', title=title), status_code=404 ) header = self.authorization_header() credential = self.manager.auth.get_credential_from_header(header) if loan: try: self.circulation.revoke_loan(patron, credential, pool) except RemoteRefusedReturn as e: title = _( "Loan deleted locally but remote refused. Loan is likely to show up again on next sync.") return COULD_NOT_MIRROR_TO_REMOTE.detailed(title, status_code=503) except CannotReturn as e: title = _("Loan deleted locally but remote failed.") return COULD_NOT_MIRROR_TO_REMOTE.detailed(title, 503).with_debug(str(e)) elif hold: if not self.circulation.can_revoke_hold(pool, hold): title = _("Cannot release a hold once it enters reserved state.") return CANNOT_RELEASE_HOLD.detailed(title, 400) try: self.circulation.release_hold(patron, credential, pool) except CannotReleaseHold as e: title = _("Hold released locally but remote failed.") return CANNOT_RELEASE_HOLD.detailed(title, 503).with_debug(str(e)) work = annotator = self.manager.annotator(None) return AcquisitionFeed.single_entry(self._db, work, annotator)
[docs] def detail(self, identifier_type, identifier): patron = flask.request.patron library = flask.request.library pools = self.load_licensepools(library, identifier_type, identifier) if isinstance(pools, ProblemDetail): return pools loan, pool = self.get_patron_loan(patron, pools) if loan: hold = None else: hold, pool = self.get_patron_hold(patron, pools) if not loan and not hold: return NO_ACTIVE_LOAN_OR_HOLD.detailed( _('You have no active loan or hold for "%(title)s".',, status_code=404 ) if flask.request.method == 'GET': if loan: item = loan else: item = hold return LibraryLoanAndHoldAnnotator.single_item_feed( self.circulation, item )
[docs]class AnnotationController(CirculationManagerController):
[docs] def container(self, identifier=None, accept_post=True): headers = dict() if accept_post: headers['Allow'] = 'GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST' headers['Accept-Post'] = AnnotationWriter.CONTENT_TYPE else: headers['Allow'] = 'GET,HEAD,OPTIONS' if flask.request.method == 'HEAD': return Response(status=200, headers=headers) patron = flask.request.patron if flask.request.method == 'GET': headers['Link'] = ['<>; rel="type"', '<>; rel=""'] headers['Content-Type'] = AnnotationWriter.CONTENT_TYPE container, timestamp = AnnotationWriter.annotation_container_for( patron, identifier=identifier) etag = 'W/""' if timestamp: etag = 'W/"%s"' % timestamp headers['Last-Modified'] = format_date_time( mktime(timestamp.timetuple())) headers['ETag'] = etag content = json.dumps(container) return Response(content, status=200, headers=headers) data = annotation = AnnotationParser.parse(self._db, data, patron) if isinstance(annotation, ProblemDetail): return annotation content = json.dumps(AnnotationWriter.detail(annotation)) status_code = 200 headers['Link'] = '<>; rel="type"' headers['Content-Type'] = AnnotationWriter.CONTENT_TYPE return Response(content, status_code, headers)
[docs] def container_for_work(self, identifier_type, identifier): id_obj, ignore = Identifier.for_foreign_id( self._db, identifier_type, identifier) return self.container(identifier=id_obj, accept_post=False)
[docs] def detail(self, annotation_id): headers = dict() headers['Allow'] = 'GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,DELETE' if flask.request.method == 'HEAD': return Response(status=200, headers=headers) patron = flask.request.patron annotation = get_one( self._db, Annotation, patron=patron, id=annotation_id, active=True) if not annotation: return NO_ANNOTATION if flask.request.method == 'DELETE': annotation.set_inactive() return Response() content = json.dumps(AnnotationWriter.detail(annotation)) status_code = 200 headers['Link'] = '<>; rel="type"' headers['Content-Type'] = AnnotationWriter.CONTENT_TYPE return Response(content, status_code, headers)
[docs]class WorkController(CirculationManagerController): def _lane_details(self, languages, audiences): if languages: languages = languages.split(',') if audiences: audiences = [urllib.parse.unquote_plus( a) for a in audiences.split(',')] return languages, audiences
[docs] def contributor( self, contributor_name, languages, audiences, feed_class=AcquisitionFeed ): """Serve a feed of books written by a particular author""" library = flask.request.library if not contributor_name: return NO_SUCH_LANE.detailed(_("No contributor provided")) # contributor_name is probably a display_name, but it could be a # sort_name. Pass it in for both fields and # ContributorData.lookup() will do its best to figure it out. contributor = ContributorData.lookup( self._db, sort_name=contributor_name, display_name=contributor_name ) if not contributor: return NO_SUCH_LANE.detailed( _("Unknown contributor: %s") % contributor_name ) search_engine = self.search_engine if isinstance(search_engine, ProblemDetail): return search_engine languages, audiences = self._lane_details(languages, audiences) lane = ContributorLane( library, contributor, languages=languages, audiences=audiences ) facets = self.manager.load_facets_from_request( worklist=lane, base_class=ContributorFacets ) if isinstance(facets, ProblemDetail): return facets pagination = load_pagination_from_request(SortKeyPagination) if isinstance(pagination, ProblemDetail): return pagination annotator = self.manager.annotator(lane, facets) url = annotator.feed_url( lane, facets=facets, pagination=pagination, ) return _db=self._db, title=lane.display_name, url=url, worklist=lane, facets=facets, pagination=pagination, annotator=annotator, search_engine=search_engine )
[docs] def related(self, identifier_type, identifier, novelist_api=None, feed_class=AcquisitionFeed): """Serve a groups feed of books related to a given book.""" library = flask.request.library work = self.load_work(library, identifier_type, identifier) if isinstance(work, ProblemDetail): return work search_engine = self.search_engine if isinstance(search_engine, ProblemDetail): return search_engine try: lane_name = "Books Related to %s by %s" % ( work.title, ) lane = RelatedBooksLane( library, work, lane_name, novelist_api=novelist_api ) except ValueError as e: # No related books were found. return NO_SUCH_LANE.detailed(str(e)) facets = self.manager.load_facets_from_request( worklist=lane, base_class=FeaturedFacets, base_class_constructor_kwargs=dict( minimum_featured_quality=library.minimum_featured_quality ) ) if isinstance(facets, ProblemDetail): return facets annotator = self.manager.annotator(lane) url = annotator.feed_url( lane, facets=facets, ) return feed_class.groups( _db=self._db, title=lane.DISPLAY_NAME, url=url, worklist=lane, annotator=annotator, facets=facets, search_engine=search_engine )
[docs] def recommendations(self, identifier_type, identifier, novelist_api=None, feed_class=AcquisitionFeed): """Serve a feed of recommendations related to a given book.""" library = flask.request.library work = self.load_work(library, identifier_type, identifier) if isinstance(work, ProblemDetail): return work search_engine = self.search_engine if isinstance(search_engine, ProblemDetail): return search_engine lane_name = "Recommendations for %s by %s" % (work.title, try: lane = RecommendationLane( library=library, work=work, display_name=lane_name, novelist_api=novelist_api ) except CannotLoadConfiguration as e: # NoveList isn't configured. return NO_SUCH_LANE.detailed(_("Recommendations not available")) facets = self.manager.load_facets_from_request(worklist=lane) if isinstance(facets, ProblemDetail): return facets # We use a normal Pagination object because recommendations # are looked up in a third-party API and paginated through the # database lookup. pagination = load_pagination_from_request(Pagination) if isinstance(pagination, ProblemDetail): return pagination annotator = self.manager.annotator(lane) url = annotator.feed_url( lane, facets=facets, pagination=pagination, ) return _db=self._db, title=lane.DISPLAY_NAME, url=url, worklist=lane, facets=facets, pagination=pagination, annotator=annotator, search_engine=search_engine )
[docs] def report(self, identifier_type, identifier): """Report a problem with a book.""" # TODO: We don't have a reliable way of knowing whether the # complaing is being lodged against the work or against a # specific LicensePool. # Turn source + identifier into a set of LicensePools library = flask.request.library pools = self.load_licensepools(library, identifier_type, identifier) if isinstance(pools, ProblemDetail): # Something went wrong. return pools if flask.request.method == 'GET': # Return a list of valid URIs to use as the type of a problem detail # document. data = "\n".join(Complaint.VALID_TYPES) return Response(data, 200, {"Content-Type": "text/uri-list"}) data = controller = ComplaintController() return controller.register(pools[0], data)
[docs] def series(self, series_name, languages, audiences, feed_class=AcquisitionFeed): """Serve a feed of books in a given series.""" library = flask.request.library if not series_name: return NO_SUCH_LANE.detailed(_("No series provided")) search_engine = self.search_engine if isinstance(search_engine, ProblemDetail): return search_engine languages, audiences = self._lane_details(languages, audiences) lane = SeriesLane( library, series_name=series_name, languages=languages, audiences=audiences ) facets = self.manager.load_facets_from_request( worklist=lane, base_class=SeriesFacets ) if isinstance(facets, ProblemDetail): return facets pagination = load_pagination_from_request(SortKeyPagination) if isinstance(pagination, ProblemDetail): return pagination annotator = self.manager.annotator(lane) url = annotator.feed_url(lane, facets=facets, pagination=pagination) return _db=self._db, title=lane.display_name, url=url, worklist=lane, facets=facets, pagination=pagination, annotator=annotator, search_engine=search_engine )
[docs]class ProfileController(CirculationManagerController): """Implement the User Profile Management Protocol.""" @property def _controller(self): """Instantiate a CoreProfileController that actually does the work. """ # TODO: Probably better to use request_patron and check for # None here. patron = self.authenticated_patron_from_request() storage = CirculationPatronProfileStorage(patron, flask.url_for) return CoreProfileController(storage)
[docs] def protocol(self): """Handle a UPMP request.""" controller = self._controller if flask.request.method == 'GET': result = controller.get() else: result = controller.put(flask.request.headers, if isinstance(result, ProblemDetail): return result return make_response(*result)
[docs]class URNLookupController(CoreURNLookupController): def __init__(self, manager): self.manager = manager super(URNLookupController, self).__init__(manager._db)
[docs] def work_lookup(self, route_name): """Build a CirculationManagerAnnotor based on the current library's top-level WorkList, and use it to generate an OPDS lookup feed. """ library = flask.request.library top_level_worklist = self.manager.top_level_lanes[] annotator = CirculationManagerAnnotator(top_level_worklist) return super(URNLookupController, self).work_lookup( annotator, route_name )
[docs]class AnalyticsController(CirculationManagerController):
[docs] def track_event(self, identifier_type, identifier, event_type): # TODO: It usually doesn't matter, but there should be # a way to distinguish between different LicensePools for the # same book. if event_type in CirculationEvent.CLIENT_EVENTS: library = flask.request.library # Authentication on the AnalyticsController is optional, # so flask.request.patron may or may not be set. patron = getattr(flask.request, 'patron', None) neighborhood = None if patron: neighborhood = getattr(patron, 'neighborhood', None) pools = self.load_licensepools( library, identifier_type, identifier) if isinstance(pools, ProblemDetail): return pools library, pools[0], event_type, utc_now(), neighborhood=neighborhood ) return Response({}, 200) else: return INVALID_ANALYTICS_EVENT_TYPE
[docs]class ODLNotificationController(CirculationManagerController): """Receive notifications from an ODL distributor when the status of a loan changes. """
[docs] def notify(self, loan_id): library = flask.request.library status_doc = loan = get_one(self._db, Loan, id=loan_id) if not loan: return NO_ACTIVE_LOAN.detailed(_("No loan was found for this identifier.")) collection = loan.license_pool.collection if collection.protocol != ODLAPI.NAME: return INVALID_LOAN_FOR_ODL_NOTIFICATION api = self.manager.circulation_apis[].api_for_license_pool( loan.license_pool) api.update_loan(loan, json.loads(status_doc)) return Response(_('Success'), 200)
[docs]class SharedCollectionController(CirculationManagerController): """Enable this circulation manager to share its collections with libraries on other circulation managers, for collection types that support it."""
[docs] def info(self, collection_name): """Return an OPDS2 catalog-like document with a link to register.""" collection = get_one(self._db, Collection, name=collection_name) if not collection: return NO_SUCH_COLLECTION register_url = self.url_for('shared_collection_register', collection_name=collection_name) register_link = dict(href=register_url, rel='register') content = json.dumps(dict(links=[register_link])) headers = dict() headers["Content-Type"] = "application/opds+json;profile=" return Response(content, 200, headers)
[docs] def load_collection(self, collection_name): collection = get_one(self._db, Collection, name=collection_name) if not collection: return NO_SUCH_COLLECTION return collection
[docs] def register(self, collection_name): collection = self.load_collection(collection_name) if isinstance(collection, ProblemDetail): return collection url = flask.request.form.get("url") try: response = self.shared_collection.register(collection, url) except InvalidInputException as e: return INVALID_REGISTRATION.detailed(str(e)) except AuthorizationFailedException as e: return INVALID_CREDENTIALS.detailed(str(e)) except RemoteInitiatedServerError as e: return e.as_problem_detail_document(debug=False) return Response(json.dumps(response), 200)
[docs] def authenticated_client_from_request(self): header = flask.request.headers.get('Authorization') if header and 'bearer' in header.lower(): shared_secret = base64.b64decode(header.split(' ')[1]) client = IntegrationClient.authenticate(self._db, shared_secret) if client: return client return INVALID_CREDENTIALS
[docs] def loan_info(self, collection_name, loan_id): collection = self.load_collection(collection_name) if isinstance(collection, ProblemDetail): return collection client = self.authenticated_client_from_request() if isinstance(client, ProblemDetail): return client loan = get_one(self._db, Loan, id=loan_id, integration_client=client) if not loan or loan.license_pool.collection != collection: return LOAN_NOT_FOUND return SharedCollectionLoanAndHoldAnnotator.single_item_feed( collection, loan )
[docs] def borrow(self, collection_name, identifier_type, identifier, hold_id): collection = self.load_collection(collection_name) if isinstance(collection, ProblemDetail): return collection client = self.authenticated_client_from_request() if isinstance(client, ProblemDetail): return client if identifier_type and identifier: pools = self._db.query(LicensePool).join( LicensePool.identifier).filter( Identifier.type == identifier_type ).filter( Identifier.identifier == identifier ).filter( LicensePool.collection_id == ).all() if not pools: return NO_LICENSES.detailed( _("The item you're asking about (%s/%s) isn't in this collection.") % ( identifier_type, identifier ) ) pool = pools[0] hold = None elif hold_id: hold = get_one(self._db, Hold, id=hold_id) pool = hold.license_pool try: loan = self.shared_collection.borrow( collection, client, pool, hold) except AuthorizationFailedException as e: return INVALID_CREDENTIALS.detailed(str(e)) except NoAvailableCopies as e: return NO_AVAILABLE_LICENSE.detailed(str(e)) except CannotLoan as e: return CHECKOUT_FAILED.detailed(str(e)) except RemoteIntegrationException as e: return e.as_problem_detail_document(debug=False) if loan: return SharedCollectionLoanAndHoldAnnotator.single_item_feed( collection, loan, status=201 )
[docs] def revoke_loan(self, collection_name, loan_id): """Revoke a loan for a given collection and loan ID. :param collection_name: The name of the collection. :param loan_id: The ID of the loan. :return: A success response with a status code of 200 if the loan is successfully revoked, or a ProblemDetail object if an error occurs. """ # Load the collection collection = self.load_collection(collection_name) # If the collection could not be loaded, return a ProblemDetail object if isinstance(collection, ProblemDetail): return collection # Authenticate the client client = self.authenticated_client_from_request() # If the client could not be authenticated, return a ProblemDetail object if isinstance(client, ProblemDetail): return client # Retrieve the loan with the given ID that belongs to the authenticated client loan = get_one(self._db, Loan, id=loan_id, integration_client=client) # If the loan is not found or does not belong to the collection, return the LOAN_NOT_FOUND constant if not loan or not loan.license_pool.collection == collection: return LOAN_NOT_FOUND # Attempt to revoke the loan try: self.shared_collection.revoke_loan(collection, client, loan) # If the authorization fails, return the INVALID_CREDENTIALS constant with a detailed error message except AuthorizationFailedException as e: return INVALID_CREDENTIALS.detailed(str(e)) # If the loan is not checked out, return the NO_ACTIVE_LOAN constant with a detailed error message except NotCheckedOut as e: return NO_ACTIVE_LOAN.detailed(str(e)) # If the loan cannot be returned, return the COULD_NOT_MIRROR_TO_REMOTE constant with a detailed error message except CannotReturn as e: return COULD_NOT_MIRROR_TO_REMOTE.detailed(str(e)) # If the loan is successfully revoked, return a success response with a status code of 200 return Response(_("Success"), 200)
[docs] def fulfill(self, collection_name, loan_id, mechanism_id, do_get=HTTP.get_with_timeout): """Fulfill a loan for a given collection, loan ID, and delivery mechanism ID. :param collection_name: The name of the collection. :param loan_id: The ID of the loan. :param mechanism_id: The ID of the delivery mechanism. :param do_get: An optional function for making HTTP GET requests. :return: The content of the fulfillment with a status code of 200 and the appropriate headers if the loan is successfully fulfilled, or a ProblemDetail object if an error occurs. """ collection = self.load_collection(collection_name) if isinstance(collection, ProblemDetail): return collection client = self.authenticated_client_from_request() if isinstance(client, ProblemDetail): return client loan = get_one(self._db, Loan, id=loan_id) if not loan or not loan.license_pool.collection == collection: return LOAN_NOT_FOUND mechanism = None if mechanism_id: mechanism = self.load_licensepooldelivery( loan.license_pool, mechanism_id ) if isinstance(mechanism, ProblemDetail): return mechanism if not mechanism: # See if the loan already has a mechanism set. We can use that. if loan and loan.fulfillment: mechanism = loan.fulfillment else: return BAD_DELIVERY_MECHANISM.detailed( _("You must specify a delivery mechanism to fulfill this loan.") ) try: fulfillment = self.shared_collection.fulfill( collection, client, loan, mechanism) except AuthorizationFailedException as e: return INVALID_CREDENTIALS.detailed(str(e)) except CannotFulfill as e: return CANNOT_FULFILL.detailed(str(e)) except RemoteIntegrationException as e: return e.as_problem_detail_document(debug=False) headers = dict() content = fulfillment.content if fulfillment.content_link: # If we have a link to the content on a remote server, web clients may not # be able to access it if the remote server does not support CORS requests. # We need to fetch the content and return it instead of redirecting to it. try: response = do_get(fulfillment.content_link) status_code = response.status_code headers = dict(response.headers) content = response.content except RemoteIntegrationException as e: return e.as_problem_detail_document(debug=False) else: status_code = 200 if fulfillment.content_type: headers['Content-Type'] = fulfillment.content_type return Response(content, status_code, headers)
[docs] def hold_info(self, collection_name, hold_id): collection = self.load_collection(collection_name) if isinstance(collection, ProblemDetail): return collection client = self.authenticated_client_from_request() if isinstance(client, ProblemDetail): return client hold = get_one(self._db, Hold, id=hold_id, integration_client=client) if not hold or not hold.license_pool.collection == collection: return HOLD_NOT_FOUND return SharedCollectionLoanAndHoldAnnotator.single_item_feed( collection, hold )
[docs] def revoke_hold(self, collection_name, hold_id): collection = self.load_collection(collection_name) if isinstance(collection, ProblemDetail): return collection client = self.authenticated_client_from_request() if isinstance(client, ProblemDetail): return client hold = get_one(self._db, Hold, id=hold_id, integration_client=client) if not hold or not hold.license_pool.collection == collection: return HOLD_NOT_FOUND try: self.shared_collection.revoke_hold(collection, client, hold) except AuthorizationFailedException as e: return INVALID_CREDENTIALS.detailed(str(e)) except NotOnHold as e: return NO_ACTIVE_HOLD.detailed(str(e)) except CannotReleaseHold as e: return CANNOT_RELEASE_HOLD.detailed(str(e)) return Response(_("Success"), 200)
[docs]class StaticFileController(CirculationManagerController):
[docs] def static_file(self, directory, filename): cache_timeout = ConfigurationSetting.sitewide( self._db, Configuration.STATIC_FILE_CACHE_TIME ).int_value return flask.send_from_directory(directory, filename, max_age=cache_timeout)
[docs]class RBDFulfillmentProxyController(CirculationManagerController): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RBDFulfillmentProxyController, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.log = logging.getLogger("RBDigital fulfillment proxy")
[docs] def proxy(self, bearer, api_class=None): # This method expects a proxy URL with a "url" query parameter. # It returns a Flask response. fulfillment_url = flask.request.values.get('url', None) try: response = RBDigitalFulfillmentProxy.proxy(self._db, bearer, fulfillment_url, api_class=api_class) except RBDProxyException as e: status = e.args[0].get('status', 500) message = e.args[0].get('message', 'unspecified error') self.log.error('RBDProxyException: {} {}'.format(status, message)) response = Response( response=json.dumps({"message": message}), status=status, content_type='application/json;charset=UTF-8', ) return response