Source code for api.config

import json
import re
import contextlib
from copy import deepcopy

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP

from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _

from .announcements import Announcements

from core.config import (
    Configuration as CoreConfiguration,
    empty_config as core_empty_config,
    temp_config as core_temp_config,
from core.util import MoneyUtility
from core.lane import Facets
from core.model import ConfigurationSetting

[docs]class Configuration(CoreConfiguration): LENDING_POLICY = "lending" DEFAULT_OPDS_FORMAT = "simple_opds_entry" # The list of patron web urls allowed to access this CM PATRON_WEB_HOSTNAMES = "patron_web_hostnames" # The list of admin web urls allowed to access this CM ADMIN_WEB_HOSTNAMES = "admin_web_hostnames" # The name of the sitewide secret used to sign cookies for admin login. SECRET_KEY = "secret_key" # The name of the setting that controls how long static files are cached. STATIC_FILE_CACHE_TIME = "static_file_cache_time" # The name of the setting controlling how long authentication # documents are cached. AUTHENTICATION_DOCUMENT_CACHE_TIME = "authentication_document_cache_time" # The name of a setting that turns UWSGI debugging information on # or off. WSGI_DEBUG_KEY = "wsgi_debug" # A custom link to a Terms of Service document to be understood by # users of the administrative interface. # # This is _not_ the end-user terms of service for SimplyE or any # other mobile client. The default value links to the terms of # service for a library's inclusion in the SimplyE library # registry. CUSTOM_TOS_HREF = "tos_href" DEFAULT_TOS_HREF = "" # Custom text for the link defined in CUSTOM_TOS_LINK. CUSTOM_TOS_TEXT = "tos_text" DEFAULT_TOS_TEXT = "Terms of Service for presenting e-reading materials through NYPL's SimplyE mobile app" # A short description of the library, used in its Authentication # for OPDS document. LIBRARY_DESCRIPTION = 'library_description' # The name of the per-library setting that sets the maximum amount # of fines a patron can have before losing lending privileges. MAX_OUTSTANDING_FINES = "max_outstanding_fines" # The name of the per-library settings that set the maximum amounts # of books a patron can have on loan or on hold at once. # (Note: depending on distributor settings, a patron may be able # to exceed the limits by checking out books directly from a distributor's # app. They may also get a limit exceeded error before they reach these # limits if a distributor has a smaller limit.) LOAN_LIMIT = "loan_limit" HOLD_LIMIT = "hold_limit" # The name of the per-library setting that sets the default email # address to use when notifying patrons of changes. DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "default_notification_email_address" STANDARD_NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "" # The name of the per-library setting that sets the email address # of the Designated Agent for copyright complaints COPYRIGHT_DESIGNATED_AGENT_EMAIL = "copyright_designated_agent_email_address" # This is the link relation used to indicate COPYRIGHT_DESIGNATED_AGENT_REL = "" # The name of the per-library setting that sets the contact address # for problems with the library configuration itself. CONFIGURATION_CONTACT_EMAIL = "configuration_contact_email_address" # Name of the site-wide ConfigurationSetting containing the secret # used to sign bearer tokens. BEARER_TOKEN_SIGNING_SECRET = "bearer_token_signing_secret" # Names of per-library ConfigurationSettings that control # how detailed the lane configuration gets for various languages. LARGE_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES = "large_collections" SMALL_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES = "small_collections" TINY_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES = "tiny_collections" LANGUAGE_DESCRIPTION = _('Each value can be either the full name of a language or an <a href="" target="_blank">ISO-639-2</a> language code.') HIDDEN_CONTENT_TYPES = "hidden_content_types" # The color scheme for native mobile applications to use for this library. COLOR_SCHEME = "color_scheme" DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME = "blue" # The color options for web applications to use for this library. WEB_PRIMARY_COLOR = "web-primary-color" WEB_SECONDARY_COLOR = "web-secondary-color" DEFAULT_WEB_PRIMARY_COLOR = "#377F8B" DEFAULT_WEB_SECONDARY_COLOR = "#D53F34" # A link to a CSS file for customizing the catalog display in web applications. WEB_CSS_FILE = "web-css-file" # Header links and labels for web applications to display for this library. # TODO: It's very awkward to have these as separate settings, and separate # lists of inputs in the UI. WEB_HEADER_LINKS = "web-header-links" WEB_HEADER_LABELS = "web-header-labels" # The library-wide logo setting. LOGO = "logo" # Settings for geographic areas associated with the library. LIBRARY_FOCUS_AREA = "focus_area" LIBRARY_SERVICE_AREA = "service_area" AREA_INPUT_INSTRUCTIONS = _( """<ol>Accepted formats: <li>US zipcode or Canadian FSA</li> <li>Two-letter US state abbreviation</li> <li>City, US state abbreviation<i>e.g. "Boston, MA"</i></li> <li>County, US state abbreviation<i>e.g. "Litchfield County, CT"</i></li> <li>Canadian province name or two-letter abbreviation</li> <li>City, Canadian province name/abbreviation<i>e.g. "Stratford, Ontario"/"Stratford, ON"</i></li> </ol>""" ) # Names of the library-wide link settings. TERMS_OF_SERVICE = 'terms-of-service' PRIVACY_POLICY = 'privacy-policy' COPYRIGHT = 'copyright' ABOUT = 'about' LICENSE = 'license' REGISTER = 'register' # A library with this many titles in a given language will be given # a large, detailed lane configuration for that language. LARGE_COLLECTION_CUTOFF = 10000 # A library with this many titles in a given language will be # given separate fiction and nonfiction lanes for that language. SMALL_COLLECTION_CUTOFF = 500 # A library with fewer titles than that will be given a single # lane containing all books in that language. # These are link relations that are valid in Authentication for # OPDS documents but are not registered with IANA. AUTHENTICATION_FOR_OPDS_LINKS = ['register'] # The link relation used to indicate the related link provides marketing email # unsubscribe options. This is distinguished from a "1-click" unsubscribe option HELP_UNSUBSCRIBE_URI = "" # We support three different ways of integrating help processes. # All three of these will be sent out as links with rel='help' HELP_EMAIL = 'help-email' HELP_WEB = 'help-web' HELP_URI = 'help-uri' HELP_LINKS = [HELP_EMAIL, HELP_WEB, HELP_URI] # Features of an OPDS client which a library may want to enable or # disable. RESERVATIONS_FEATURE = "" # Name of the library-wide public key configuration setting for # negotiating a shared secret with a library registry. The setting # is automatically generated and not editable by admins. # KEY_PAIR = "key-pair" SITEWIDE_SETTINGS = CoreConfiguration.SITEWIDE_SETTINGS + [ { "key": BEARER_TOKEN_SIGNING_SECRET, "label": _("Internal signing secret for OAuth and SAML bearer tokens"), "required": True, }, { "key": SECRET_KEY, "label": _("Internal secret key for admin interface cookies"), "required": True, }, { "key": PATRON_WEB_HOSTNAMES, "label": _("Hostnames for patron web application access"), "type": "string", "required": True, "description": _("Only web applications from these hosts can access this circulation manager. You may set a value which includes a wildcard for subdomains, such as https://* or https://* Note that such a wildcard will NOT match the root domain alone; that must be included separately.") }, { "key": ADMIN_WEB_HOSTNAMES, "label": _("Hostnames for admin web application access"), "required": True, "type": "string", "description": _("Only admin web applications from these hosts can access this circulation manager. This can be a single hostname ( or a pipe-separated list of hostnames (| You may set a value which includes a wildcard for subdomains, such as https://* or https://* Note that such a wildcard will NOT match the root domain alone; that must be included separately.") }, { "key": STATIC_FILE_CACHE_TIME, "label": _("Cache time for static images and JS and CSS files (in seconds)"), "required": True, "type": "number", }, { "key": AUTHENTICATION_DOCUMENT_CACHE_TIME, "label": _("Cache time for authentication documents (in seconds)"), "required": True, "type": "number", "default": 0, }, { "key": CUSTOM_TOS_HREF, "label": _("Custom Terms of Service link"), "required": False, "default": DEFAULT_TOS_HREF, "description": _("If your inclusion in the SimplyE mobile app is governed by terms other than the default, put the URL to those terms in this link so that librarians will have access to them. This URL will be used for all libraries on this circulation manager.") }, { "key": CUSTOM_TOS_TEXT, "label": _("Custom Terms of Service link text"), "required": False, "default": DEFAULT_TOS_TEXT, "description": _("Custom text for the Terms of Service link in the footer of these administrative interface pages. This is primarily useful if you're not connecting this circulation manager to the SimplyE mobile app. This text will be used for all libraries on this circulation manager.") } ] # The "level" property determines which admins will be able to modify the setting. Level 1 settings can be modified by anyone. # Level 2 settings can be modified only by library managers and system admins (i.e. not by librarians). Level 3 settings can be changed only by system admins. # If no level is specified, the setting will be treated as Level 1 by default. LIBRARY_SETTINGS = CoreConfiguration.LIBRARY_SETTINGS + [ { "key": LIBRARY_DESCRIPTION, "label": _("A short description of this library"), "description": _("This will be shown to people who aren't sure they've chosen the right library."), "category": "Basic Information", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_ONLY }, { "key": Announcements.SETTING_NAME, "label": _("Scheduled announcements"), "description": _("Announcements will be displayed to authenticated patrons."), "category": "Announcements", "type": "announcements", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": HELP_EMAIL, "label": _("Patron support email address"), "description": _("An email address a patron can use if they need help, e.g. ''."), "required": True, "format": "email", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_ONLY }, { "key": HELP_WEB, "label": _("Patron support web site"), "description": _("A URL for patrons to get help."), "format": "url", "category": "Patron Support", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": HELP_URI, "label": _("Patron support custom integration URI"), "description": _("A custom help integration like Helpstack, e.g. ''."), "category": "Patron Support", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_ONLY }, { "key": HELP_UNSUBSCRIBE_URI, "label": _("Email (Un)Subscription Management URL"), "description": _("A URL for patrons to manage (or delete) any email subscriptions associated with their account."), "format": "url", "category": "Patron Support", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER }, { "key": COPYRIGHT_DESIGNATED_AGENT_EMAIL, "label": _("Copyright designated agent email"), "description": _("Patrons of this library should use this email address to send a DMCA notification (or other copyright complaint) to the library.<br/>If no value is specified here, the general patron support address will be used."), "format": "email", "category": "Patron Support", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER }, { "key": CONFIGURATION_CONTACT_EMAIL, "label": _("A point of contact for the organization reponsible for configuring this library"), "description": _("This email address will be shared as part of integrations that you set up through this interface. It will not be shared with the general public. This gives the administrator of the remote integration a way to contact you about problems with this library's use of that integration.<br/>If no value is specified here, the general patron support address will be used."), "format": "email", "category": "Patron Support", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER }, { "key": DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS, "label": _("Write-only email address for vendor hold notifications"), "description": _('This address must trash all email sent to it. Vendor hold notifications contain sensitive patron information, but <a href="" target="_blank">cannot be forwarded to patrons</a> because they contain vendor-specific instructions.<br/>The default address will work, but for greater security, set up your own address that trashes all incoming email.'), "default": STANDARD_NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS, "required": True, "format": "email", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_ONLY }, { "key": COLOR_SCHEME, "label": _("Mobile color scheme"), "description": _("This tells mobile applications what color scheme to use when rendering this library's OPDS feed."), "options": [ dict(key="amber", label=_("Amber")), dict(key="black", label=_("Black")), dict(key="blue", label=_("Blue")), dict(key="bluegray", label=_("Blue Gray")), dict(key="brown", label=_("Brown")), dict(key="cyan", label=_("Cyan")), dict(key="darkorange", label=_("Dark Orange")), dict(key="darkpurple", label=_("Dark Purple")), dict(key="green", label=_("Green")), dict(key="gray", label=_("Gray")), dict(key="indigo", label=_("Indigo")), dict(key="lightblue", label=_("Light Blue")), dict(key="orange", label=_("Orange")), dict(key="pink", label=_("Pink")), dict(key="purple", label=_("Purple")), dict(key="red", label=_("Red")), dict(key="teal", label=_("Teal")), ], "type": "select", "default": DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME, "category": "Client Interface Customization", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER }, { "key": WEB_PRIMARY_COLOR, "label": _("Web primary color"), "description": _("This is the brand primary color for the web application. Must have sufficient contrast with white."), "type": "color-picker", "default": DEFAULT_WEB_PRIMARY_COLOR, "category": "Client Interface Customization", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER }, { "key": WEB_SECONDARY_COLOR, "label": _("Web secondary color"), "description": _("This is the brand secondary color for the web application. Must have sufficient contrast with white."), "type": "color-picker", "default": DEFAULT_WEB_SECONDARY_COLOR, "category": "Client Interface Customization", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER }, { "key": WEB_CSS_FILE, "label": _("Custom CSS file for web"), "description": _("Give web applications a CSS file to customize the catalog display."), "format": "url", "category": "Client Interface Customization", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_ONLY }, { "key": WEB_HEADER_LINKS, "label": _("Web header links"), "description": _("This gives web applications a list of links to display in the header. Specify labels for each link in the same order under 'Web header labels'."), "type": "list", "category": "Client Interface Customization", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER }, { "key": WEB_HEADER_LABELS, "label": _("Web header labels"), "description": _("Labels for each link under 'Web header links'."), "type": "list", "category": "Client Interface Customization", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER }, { "key": LOGO, "label": _("Logo image"), "type": "image", "description": _("The image must be in GIF, PNG, or JPG format, approximately square, no larger than 135x135 pixels, and look good on a white background."), "category": "Client Interface Customization", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": HIDDEN_CONTENT_TYPES, "label": _("Hidden content types"), "type": "text", "description": _('A list of content types to hide from all clients, e.g. <code>["application/pdf"]</code>. This can be left blank except to solve specific problems.'), "category": "Client Interface Customization", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_ONLY }, { "key": LIBRARY_FOCUS_AREA, "label": _("Focus area"), "type": "list", "description": _("The library focuses on serving patrons in this geographic area. In most cases this will be a city name like <code>Springfield, OR</code>."), "category": "Geographic Areas", "format": "geographic", "instructions": AREA_INPUT_INSTRUCTIONS, "capitalize": True, "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": LIBRARY_SERVICE_AREA, "label": _("Service area"), "type": "list", "description": _("The full geographic area served by this library. In most cases this is the same as the focus area and can be left blank, but it may be a larger area such as a US state (which should be indicated by its abbreviation, like <code>OR</code>)."), "category": "Geographic Areas", "format": "geographic", "instructions": AREA_INPUT_INSTRUCTIONS, "capitalize": True, "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": MAX_OUTSTANDING_FINES, "label": _("Maximum amount in fines a patron can have before losing lending privileges"), "type": "number", "category": "Loans, Holds, & Fines", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": LOAN_LIMIT, "label": _("Maximum number of books a patron can have on loan at once"), "description": _("(Note: depending on distributor settings, a patron may be able to exceed the limit by checking out books directly from a distributor's app. They may also get a limit exceeded error before they reach these limits if a distributor has a smaller limit.)"), "type": "number", "category": "Loans, Holds, & Fines", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": HOLD_LIMIT, "label": _("Maximum number of books a patron can have on hold at once"), "description": _("(Note: depending on distributor settings, a patron may be able to exceed the limit by checking out books directly from a distributor's app. They may also get a limit exceeded error before they reach these limits if a distributor has a smaller limit.)"), "type": "number", "category": "Loans, Holds, & Fines", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": TERMS_OF_SERVICE, "label": _("Terms of Service URL"), "format": "url", "category": "Links", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": PRIVACY_POLICY, "label": _("Privacy Policy URL"), "format": "url", "category": "Links", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": COPYRIGHT, "label": _("Copyright URL"), "format": "url", "category": "Links", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER }, { "key": ABOUT, "label": _("About URL"), "format": "url", "category": "Links", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": LICENSE, "label": _("License URL"), "format": "url", "category": "Links", "level": CoreConfiguration.SYS_ADMIN_OR_MANAGER }, { "key": REGISTER, "label": _("Patron registration URL"), "description": _("A URL where someone who doesn't have a library card yet can sign up for one."), "format": "url", "category": "Patron Support", "allowed": ["nypl.card-creator:"], "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": LARGE_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES, "label": _("The primary languages represented in this library's collection"), "type": "list", "format": "language-code", "description": LANGUAGE_DESCRIPTION, "optional": True, "category": "Languages", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": SMALL_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES, "label": _("Other major languages represented in this library's collection"), "type": "list", "format": "language-code", "description": LANGUAGE_DESCRIPTION, "optional": True, "category": "Languages", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, { "key": TINY_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES, "label": _("Other languages in this library's collection"), "type": "list", "format": "language-code", "description": LANGUAGE_DESCRIPTION, "optional": True, "category": "Languages", "level": CoreConfiguration.ALL_ACCESS }, ]
[docs] @classmethod def lending_policy(cls): return cls.policy(cls.LENDING_POLICY)
@classmethod def _collection_languages(cls, library, key): """Look up a list of languages in a library configuration. If the value is not set, estimate a value (and all related values) by looking at the library's collection. """ setting = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(key, library) value = None try: value = setting.json_value if not isinstance(value, list): value = None except (TypeError, ValueError): pass if value is None: # We have no value or a bad value. Estimate a better value. cls.estimate_language_collections_for_library(library) value = setting.json_value return value
[docs] @classmethod def large_collection_languages(cls, library): return cls._collection_languages( library, cls.LARGE_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES )
[docs] @classmethod def small_collection_languages(cls, library): return cls._collection_languages( library, cls.SMALL_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES )
[docs] @classmethod def tiny_collection_languages(cls, library): return cls._collection_languages( library, cls.TINY_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES )
[docs] @classmethod def max_outstanding_fines(cls, library): max_fines = ConfigurationSetting.for_library( cls.MAX_OUTSTANDING_FINES, library ) if max_fines.value is None: return None return MoneyUtility.parse(max_fines.value)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, _db=None): CoreConfiguration.load(_db) cls.instance = CoreConfiguration.instance return cls.instance
[docs] @classmethod def estimate_language_collections_for_library(cls, library): """Guess at appropriate values for the given library for LARGE_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES, SMALL_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES, and TINY_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES. Set configuration values appropriately, overriding any previous values. """ holdings = library.estimated_holdings_by_language() large, small, tiny = cls.classify_holdings(holdings) for setting, value in ( (cls.LARGE_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES, large), (cls.SMALL_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES, small), (cls.TINY_COLLECTION_LANGUAGES, tiny), ): ConfigurationSetting.for_library( setting, library).value = json.dumps(value)
[docs] @classmethod def classify_holdings(cls, works_by_language): """Divide languages into 'large', 'small', and 'tiny' colletions based on the number of works available for each. :param works_by_language: A Counter mapping languages to the number of active works available for that language. The output of `Library.estimated_holdings_by_language` is a good thing to pass in. :return: a 3-tuple of lists (large, small, tiny). """ large = [] small = [] tiny = [] result = [large, small, tiny] if not works_by_language: # In the absence of any information, assume we have an # English collection and nothing else. large.append('eng') return result # The single most common language always gets a large # collection. # # Otherwise, it depends on how many works are in the # collection. for language, num_works in works_by_language.most_common(): if not large: bucket = large elif num_works >= cls.LARGE_COLLECTION_CUTOFF: bucket = large elif num_works >= cls.SMALL_COLLECTION_CUTOFF: bucket = small else: bucket = tiny bucket.append(language) return result
@classmethod def _as_mailto(cls, value): """Turn an email address into a mailto: URI.""" if not value: return value if value.startswith("mailto:"): return value return "mailto:%s" % value
[docs] @classmethod def help_uris(cls, library): """Find all the URIs that might help patrons get help from this library. :yield: A sequence of 2-tuples (media type, URL) """ for name in cls.HELP_LINKS: setting = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(name, library) value = setting.value if not value: continue type = None if name == cls.HELP_EMAIL: value = cls._as_mailto(value) if name == cls.HELP_WEB: type = 'text/html' yield type, value
@classmethod def _help_uri_with_fallback(cls, library, key): for setting in [key, cls.HELP_WEB, cls.HELP_URI]: value = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(setting, library).value if value: return value
[docs] @classmethod def unsubscribe_email_uri(cls, library): return ConfigurationSetting.for_library(cls.HELP_UNSUBSCRIBE_URI, library).value
@classmethod def _email_uri_with_fallback(cls, library, key): """Try to find a certain email address configured for the given purpose. If not available, use the general patron support address. :param key: The specific email address to look for. """ for setting in [key, Configuration.HELP_EMAIL]: value = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(setting, library).value if value: return cls._as_mailto(value)
[docs] @classmethod def copyright_designated_agent_uri(cls, library): return cls._email_uri_with_fallback( library, Configuration.COPYRIGHT_DESIGNATED_AGENT_EMAIL )
[docs] @classmethod def configuration_contact_uri(cls, library): return cls._email_uri_with_fallback( library, Configuration.CONFIGURATION_CONTACT_EMAIL )
[docs] @classmethod def key_pair(cls, setting): """Look up a public-private key pair in a ConfigurationSetting. If the value is missing or incorrect, a new key pair is created and stored. TODO: This could go into ConfigurationSetting or core Configuration. :param public_setting: A ConfigurationSetting for the public key. :param private_setting: A ConfigurationSetting for the private key. :return: A 2-tuple (public key, private key) """ public = None private = None try: public, private = setting.json_value except Exception as e: pass if not public or not private: key = RSA.generate(2048) encryptor = public = key.publickey().exportKey().decode("utf8") private = key.exportKey().decode("utf8") setting.value = json.dumps([public, private]) return public, private
[docs] @classmethod def cipher(cls, key): """Create a Cipher for a public or private key. This just wraps some hard-to-remember Crypto code. :param key: A string containing the key. :return: A Cipher object which will support either encrypt() (public key) or decrypt() (private key). """ return
# We changed Configuration.DEFAULT_OPDS_FORMAT, but the Configuration # class from core still has the old value. Change that one to match, # so that core code that checks this constant will get the right # value. # # TODO: We should come up with a better solution for this, probably # involving a registry of Configuration objects that returns the # appropriate one in any situation. This is a source of subtle bugs. CoreConfiguration.DEFAULT_OPDS_FORMAT = Configuration.DEFAULT_OPDS_FORMAT
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def empty_config(): with core_empty_config({}, [CoreConfiguration, Configuration]) as i: yield i
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def temp_config(new_config=None, replacement_classes=None): all_replacement_classes = [CoreConfiguration, Configuration] if replacement_classes: all_replacement_classes.extend(replacement_classes) with core_temp_config(new_config, all_replacement_classes) as i: yield i