Source code for api.axis

import json
import logging
import re
import socket
import ssl
import urllib
import uuid

import certifi
from datetime import timedelta
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from lxml import etree
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session

from import Analytics

from core.config import CannotLoadConfiguration

from core.coverage import (

from core.metadata_layer import (

from core.model import (

from core.monitor import (

from core.testing import DatabaseTest

from core.util.datetime_helpers import (
from core.util.flask_util import Response
from core.util.http import (
from core.util.string_helpers import base64
from core.util.xmlparser import XMLParser

from .authenticator import Authenticator

from .circulation import (
from .circulation_exceptions import *

from .selftest import (

from .web_publication_manifest import (

[docs]class Axis360APIConstants: VERIFY_SSL = "verify_certificate"
[docs]class Axis360API(Authenticator, BaseCirculationAPI, Axis360APIConstants, HasCollectionSelfTests): NAME = ExternalIntegration.AXIS_360 SET_DELIVERY_MECHANISM_AT = BaseCirculationAPI.BORROW_STEP ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_SETTING = "allow_anonymous_access" SERVICE_NAME = "Axis 360" PRODUCTION_BASE_URL = "" QA_BASE_URL = "" SERVER_NICKNAMES = { "production" : PRODUCTION_BASE_URL, "qa" : QA_BASE_URL, } DATE_FORMAT = "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" SETTINGS = [ { "key": ExternalIntegration.USERNAME, "label": _("Username"), "required": True }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.PASSWORD, "label": _("Password"), "required": True }, { "key": Collection.EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_ID_KEY, "label": _("Library ID"), "required": True }, { "key": ExternalIntegration.URL, "label": _("Server"), "default": PRODUCTION_BASE_URL, "required": True, "format": "url", "allowed": list(SERVER_NICKNAMES.keys()), }, { "key": Axis360APIConstants.VERIFY_SSL, "label": _("Verify SSL Certificate"), "description": _( "This should always be True in production, it may need to be set to False to use the" "Axis 360 QA Environment."), "type": "select", "options": [ { "label": _("True"), "key": "True" }, { "label": _("False"), "key": "False", } ], "default": True, }, { "key": ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_SETTING, "label": _("Allow anonymous access"), "description": _("If you're associating an Axis 360 collection with a library that doesn't take any steps to authenticate its patrons, you'll need to disable this safety setting to explicitly allow anonymous access to the collection. Most libraries authenticate their patrons, so allowing only authenticated access is the right choice in almost all situations."), "type": "select", "options": [ { "key": "false", "label": _("Allow only authenticated access to this collection's titles") }, { "key": "true", "label": _("Allow anonymous access to this collection's titles") }, ], "default": "false" } ] + BaseCirculationAPI.SETTINGS LIBRARY_SETTINGS = BaseCirculationAPI.LIBRARY_SETTINGS + [ BaseCirculationAPI.DEFAULT_LOAN_DURATION_SETTING ] access_token_endpoint = 'accesstoken' availability_endpoint = 'availability/v2' fulfillment_endpoint = 'getfullfillmentInfo/v2' audiobook_metadata_endpoint = 'getaudiobookmetadata/v2' log = logging.getLogger("Axis 360 API") # Create a lookup table between common DeliveryMechanism identifiers # and Axis 360 format types. epub = Representation.EPUB_MEDIA_TYPE pdf = Representation.PDF_MEDIA_TYPE adobe_drm = DeliveryMechanism.ADOBE_DRM findaway_drm = DeliveryMechanism.FINDAWAY_DRM no_drm = DeliveryMechanism.NO_DRM axisnow_drm = DeliveryMechanism.AXISNOW_DRM # The name Axis 360 gives to its web interface. We use it as the # name for the underlying access control system. AXISNOW = "AxisNow" delivery_mechanism_to_internal_format = { (epub, no_drm): 'ePub', (epub, adobe_drm): 'ePub', (pdf, no_drm): 'PDF', (pdf, adobe_drm): 'PDF', (None, findaway_drm): 'Acoustik', (None, axisnow_drm): AXISNOW, } def __init__(self, _db, collection): if collection.protocol != ExternalIntegration.AXIS_360: raise ValueError( "Collection protocol is %s, but passed into Axis360API!" % collection.protocol ) self._db = _db self.library_id = collection.external_account_id self.username = collection.external_integration.username self.password = collection.external_integration.password # Anonymous access is only allowed a) for libraries that don't # authenticate patrons, b) if this setting is set to True. self.allow_anonymous_access = collection.external_integration.setting( self.ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_SETTING ).bool_value or False # Convert the nickname for a server into an actual URL. base_url = collection.external_integration.url or self.PRODUCTION_BASE_URL if base_url in self.SERVER_NICKNAMES: base_url = self.SERVER_NICKNAMES[base_url] if not base_url.endswith('/'): base_url += '/' self.base_url = base_url if (not self.library_id or not self.username or not self.password): raise CannotLoadConfiguration( "Axis 360 configuration is incomplete." ) # Use utf8 instead of unicode encoding settings = [self.library_id, self.username, self.password] self.library_id, self.username, self.password = ( setting.encode('utf8') for setting in settings ) self.token = None self.collection_id = verify_certificate = collection.external_integration.setting(self.VERIFY_SSL).bool_value self.verify_certificate = verify_certificate if verify_certificate is not None else True @property def collection(self): return Collection.by_id(self._db, id=self.collection_id) @property def source(self): return DataSource.lookup(self._db, DataSource.AXIS_360) @property def authorization_headers(self): authorization = b":".join([self.username, self.password, self.library_id]) authorization = authorization.decode("utf-8").encode("utf_16_le") authorization = base64.standard_b64encode(authorization) return dict(Authorization="Basic " + authorization)
[docs] def external_integration(self, _db): return self.collection.external_integration
[docs] def can_fulfill_without_loan(self, patron, pool, lpdm): """A LicensePool can be fulfilled without a loan if a) the library allows for it, and b) the delivery mechanism is either AxisNow or unspecified (in which case AxisNow is an option). """ return ( patron is None and self.allow_anonymous_access and (lpdm is None or lpdm.delivery_mechanism is None or lpdm.delivery_mechanism.drm_scheme == self.axisnow_drm) )
def _run_self_tests(self, _db): result = self.run_test( "Refreshing bearer token", self.refresh_bearer_token ) yield result if not result.success: # If we can't get a bearer token, there's no point running # the rest of the tests. return def _count_events(): now = utc_now() five_minutes_ago = now - timedelta(minutes=5) count = len(list(self.recent_activity(since=five_minutes_ago))) return "Found %d event(s)" % count yield self.run_test( "Asking for circulation events for the last five minutes", _count_events ) for result in self.default_patrons(self.collection): if isinstance(result, SelfTestResult): yield result continue library, patron, pin = result def _count_activity(): result = self.patron_activity(patron, pin) return "Found %d loans/holds" % len(result) yield self.run_test( "Checking activity for test patron for library %s" %, _count_activity ) # Run the tests defined by HasCollectionSelfTests for result in super(Axis360API, self)._run_self_tests(): yield result
[docs] def refresh_bearer_token(self): url = self.base_url + self.access_token_endpoint headers = self.authorization_headers response = self._make_request( url, 'post', headers, allowed_response_codes=[200] ) return self.parse_token(response.content)
[docs] def request(self, url, method='get', extra_headers={}, data=None, params=None, exception_on_401=False, **kwargs): """Make an HTTP request, acquiring/refreshing a bearer token if necessary. """ if not self.token: self.token = self.refresh_bearer_token() headers = dict(extra_headers) headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + self.token headers['Library'] = self.library_id if exception_on_401: disallowed_response_codes = ["401"] else: disallowed_response_codes = None response = self._make_request( url=url, method=method, headers=headers, data=data, params=params, disallowed_response_codes=disallowed_response_codes, **kwargs ) if response.status_code == 401: # This must be our first 401, since our second 401 will # make _make_request raise a RemoteIntegrationException. # # The token has expired. Get a new token and try again. self.token = None return self.request( url=url, method=method, extra_headers=extra_headers, data=data, params=params, exception_on_401=True, **kwargs ) else: return response
[docs] def availability(self, patron_id=None, since=None, title_ids=[]): url = self.base_url + self.availability_endpoint args = dict() if since: since = since.strftime(self.DATE_FORMAT) args['updatedDate'] = since if patron_id: args['patronId'] = patron_id if title_ids: args['titleIds'] = ','.join(title_ids) response = self.request(url, params=args, timeout=None) return response
[docs] def get_fulfillment_info(self, transaction_id): """Make a call to the getFulfillmentInfoAPI.""" url = self.base_url + self.fulfillment_endpoint params = dict(TransactionID=transaction_id) return self.request(url, "POST", params=params)
[docs] def get_audiobook_metadata(self, findaway_content_id): """Make a call to the getaudiobookmetadata endpoint.""" base_url = self.base_url url = base_url + self.audiobook_metadata_endpoint params = dict(fndcontentid=findaway_content_id) response = self.request(url, "POST", params=params) return response
[docs] def checkin(self, patron, pin, licensepool): """Return a book early. :param patron: The Patron who wants to return their book. :param pin: Not used. :param licensepool: LicensePool for the book to be returned. :raise CirculationException: If the API can't carry out the operation. :raise RemoteInitiatedServerError: If the API is down. """ title_id = licensepool.identifier.identifier patron_id = patron.authorization_identifier response = self._checkin(title_id, patron_id) try: return CheckinResponseParser( licensepool.collection ).process_all(response.content) except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e: raise RemoteInitiatedServerError( response.content, self.SERVICE_NAME )
def _checkin(self, title_id, patron_id): """Make a request to the EarlyCheckInTitle endpoint.""" url = self.base_url + "EarlyCheckInTitle/v3?itemID=%s&patronID=%s" % ( urllib.parse.quote(title_id), urllib.parse.quote(patron_id) ) return self.request(url, method="GET", verbose=True)
[docs] def checkout(self, patron, pin, licensepool, internal_format): title_id = licensepool.identifier.identifier if isinstance(patron, Patron): # Patron object was provided; this is the normal path. patron_id = patron.authorization_identifier else: # patron ID was provided directly, probably because it's # a UUID generated by fulfill() patron_id = patron response = self._checkout(title_id, patron_id, internal_format) try: return CheckoutResponseParser( licensepool.collection).process_all(response.content) except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e: raise RemoteInitiatedServerError( response.content, self.SERVICE_NAME )
def _checkout(self, title_id, patron_id, internal_format): url = self.base_url + "checkout/v2" args = dict(titleId=title_id, patronId=patron_id, format=internal_format) response = self.request(url, data=args, method="POST") return response
[docs] def fulfill(self, patron, pin, licensepool, internal_format, **kwargs): """Fulfill a patron's request for a specific book. :param kwargs: A container for arguments to fulfill() which are not relevant to this vendor. :return: a FulfillmentInfo object. """ if patron is None: # An attempt to fulfill anonymously. if not self.can_fulfill_without_loan(patron, licensepool, None): # This collection does not allow anonymous fulfillment. raise NoActiveLoan() # Make up a throwaway patron ID and check out the book # under that ID. patron = str(uuid.uuid4()) checkout_result = self.checkout( patron, None, licensepool, internal_format ) identifier = licensepool.identifier if isinstance(patron, Patron): # Check if the Patron's Loan has # a transaction ID as an external_identifier loan = get_one(self._db, Loan, patron=patron, license_pool=licensepool) if loan and loan.external_identifier: # Skip the availability API call and return fulfillment fulfillment = Axis360FulfillmentInfo( api=self, key=loan.external_identifier, data_source_name=DataSource.AXIS_360, identifier_type=Identifier.AXIS_360_ID, identifier=identifier.identifier ) return fulfillment # This should include only one 'activity'. activities = self.patron_activity(patron, pin, licensepool.identifier, internal_format) for loan in activities: if not isinstance(loan, LoanInfo): continue if not (loan.identifier_type == identifier.type and loan.identifier == identifier.identifier): continue # We've found the remote loan corresponding to this # license pool. fulfillment = loan.fulfillment_info if not fulfillment or not isinstance(fulfillment, FulfillmentInfo): raise CannotFulfill() if isinstance(patron, Patron) and loan.external_identifier: # Save the external_identifier to the Patron's Loan for future retrieval patron_loan = get_one(self._db, Loan, patron=patron, license_pool=licensepool) if patron_loan: patron_loan.external_identifier = loan.external_identifier return fulfillment # If we made it to this point, the patron does not have this # book checked out. raise NoActiveLoan()
[docs] def place_hold(self, patron, pin, licensepool, hold_notification_email): if not hold_notification_email: hold_notification_email = self.default_notification_email_address( patron, pin ) url = self.base_url + "addtoHold/v2" identifier = licensepool.identifier title_id = identifier.identifier patron_id = patron.authorization_identifier params = dict(titleId=title_id, patronId=patron_id, email=hold_notification_email) response = self.request(url, params=params) hold_info = HoldResponseParser(licensepool.collection).process_all( response.content) if not hold_info.identifier: # The Axis 360 API doesn't return the identifier of the # item that was placed on hold, so we have to fill it in # based on our own knowledge. hold_info.identifier_type = identifier.type hold_info.identifier = identifier.identifier return hold_info
[docs] def release_hold(self, patron, pin, licensepool): url = self.base_url + "removeHold/v2" identifier = licensepool.identifier title_id = identifier.identifier patron_id = patron.authorization_identifier params = dict(titleId=title_id, patronId=patron_id) response = self.request(url, params=params) try: HoldReleaseResponseParser(licensepool.collection).process_all( response.content) except NotOnHold: # Fine, it wasn't on hold and now it's still not on hold. pass # If we didn't raise an exception, we're fine. return True
[docs] def patron_activity(self, patron, pin, identifier=None, internal_format=None): if isinstance(patron, Patron): # This is the normal path. patron_id = patron.authorization_identifier else: # This is the path of anonymous fulfillment; the "patron" # is a UUID corresponding to a throwaway account. patron_id = patron if identifier: title_ids = [identifier.identifier] else: title_ids = None availability = self.availability( patron_id=patron_id, title_ids=title_ids) return list(AvailabilityResponseParser(self, internal_format).process_all( availability.content))
[docs] def update_availability(self, licensepool): """Update the availability information for a single LicensePool. Part of the CirculationAPI interface. """ self.update_licensepools_for_identifiers([licensepool.identifier])
[docs] def update_licensepools_for_identifiers(self, identifiers): """Update availability and bibliographic information for a list of books. If the book has never been seen before, a new LicensePool will be created for the book. The book's LicensePool will be updated with current circulation information. """ remainder = set(identifiers) for bibliographic, availability in self._fetch_remote_availability( identifiers ): edition, ignore1, license_pool, ignore2 = self.update_book( bibliographic, availability ) identifier = license_pool.identifier if identifier in remainder: remainder.remove(identifier) # We asked Axis about n books. It sent us n-k responses. Those # k books are the identifiers in `remainder`. These books have # been removed from the collection without us being notified. for removed_identifier in remainder: self._reap(removed_identifier)
[docs] def update_book(self, bibliographic, availability, analytics=None): """Create or update a single book based on bibliographic and availability data from the Axis 360 API. :param bibliographic: A Metadata object containing bibliographic data about this title. :param availability: A CirculationData object containing availability data about this title. """ analytics = analytics or Analytics(self._db) license_pool, new_license_pool = availability.license_pool( self._db, self.collection, analytics ) edition, new_edition = bibliographic.edition(self._db) license_pool.edition = edition policy = ReplacementPolicy( identifiers=False, subjects=True, contributions=True, formats=True, links=True, analytics=analytics, ) # NOTE: availability is bibliographic.circulation, so it's a # little redundant to call availability.apply() -- it's taken # care of inside bibliographic.apply(). bibliographic.apply(edition, self.collection, replace=policy) availability.apply(self._db, self.collection, replace=policy) return edition, new_edition, license_pool, new_license_pool
def _fetch_remote_availability(self, identifiers): """Retrieve availability information for the specified identifiers. :yield: A stream of (Metadata, CirculationData) 2-tuples. """ identifier_strings = self.create_identifier_strings(identifiers) response = self.availability(title_ids=identifier_strings) parser = BibliographicParser(self.collection) return parser.process_all(response.content) def _reap(self, identifier): """Update our local circulation information to reflect the fact that the identified book has been removed from the remote collection. """ collection = self.collection pool = identifier.licensed_through_collection(collection) if not pool: self.log.warning( "Was about to reap %r but no local license pool in this collection.", identifier ) return if pool.licenses_owned == 0: # Already reaped. return"Reaping %r", identifier) availability = CirculationData( data_source=pool.data_source, primary_identifier=identifier, licenses_owned=0, licenses_available=0, licenses_reserved=0, patrons_in_hold_queue=0, ) availability.apply( self._db, collection, ReplacementPolicy.from_license_source(self._db) )
[docs] def recent_activity(self, since): """Find books that have had recent activity. :yield: A sequence of (Metadata, CirculationData) 2-tuples """ availability = self.availability(since=since) content = availability.content for bibliographic, circulation in BibliographicParser(self.collection).process_all( content): yield bibliographic, circulation
[docs] @classmethod def create_identifier_strings(cls, identifiers): identifier_strings = [] for i in identifiers: if isinstance(i, Identifier): value = i.identifier else: value = i identifier_strings.append(value) return identifier_strings
[docs] @classmethod def parse_token(cls, token): data = json.loads(token) return data['access_token']
def _make_request(self, url, method, headers, data=None, params=None, **kwargs): """Actually make an HTTP request.""" return HTTP.request_with_timeout( method, url, headers=headers, data=data, params=params, **kwargs )
[docs]class Axis360CirculationMonitor(CollectionMonitor, TimelineMonitor): """Maintain LicensePools for Axis 360 titles. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Axis 360 Circulation Monitor" INTERVAL_SECONDS = 60 DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 50 PROTOCOL = ExternalIntegration.AXIS_360 DEFAULT_START_TIME = datetime_utc(1970, 1, 1) def __init__(self, _db, collection, api_class=Axis360API): super(Axis360CirculationMonitor, self).__init__(_db, collection) if isinstance(api_class, Axis360API): # Use a preexisting Axis360API instance rather than # creating a new one. self.api = api_class else: self.api = api_class(_db, collection) self.batch_size = self.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE self.bibliographic_coverage_provider = ( Axis360BibliographicCoverageProvider(collection, api_class=self.api) )
[docs] def catch_up_from(self, start, cutoff, progress): """Find Axis 360 books that changed recently. :progress: A TimestampData representing the time previously covered by this Monitor. """ count = 0 for bibliographic, circulation in self.api.recent_activity(start): self.process_book(bibliographic, circulation) count += 1 if count % self.batch_size == 0: self._db.commit() progress.achievements = "Modified titles: %d." % count
[docs] def process_book(self, bibliographic, circulation): edition, new_edition, license_pool, new_license_pool = self.api.update_book( bibliographic, circulation ) if new_license_pool or new_edition: # At this point we have done work equivalent to that done by # the Axis360BibliographicCoverageProvider. Register that the # work has been done so we don't have to do it again. identifier = edition.primary_identifier self.bibliographic_coverage_provider.handle_success(identifier) self.bibliographic_coverage_provider.add_coverage_record_for( identifier ) return edition, license_pool
[docs]class MockAxis360API(Axis360API):
[docs] @classmethod def mock_collection(cls, _db, name="Test Axis 360 Collection"): """Create a mock Axis 360 collection for use in tests.""" library = DatabaseTest.make_default_library(_db) collection, ignore = get_one_or_create( _db, Collection, name=name, create_method_kwargs=dict( external_account_id='c', ) ) integration = collection.create_external_integration( protocol=ExternalIntegration.AXIS_360 ) integration.username = 'a' integration.password = 'b' integration.url = "http://axis.test/" library.collections.append(collection) return collection
def __init__(self, _db, collection, with_token=True, **kwargs): """Constructor. :param collection: Get Axis 360 credentials from this Collection. :param with_token: If True, this class will assume that it already has a valid token, and will not go through the motions of negotiating one with the mock server. """ super(MockAxis360API, self).__init__(_db, collection, **kwargs) if with_token: self.token = "mock token" self.responses = [] self.requests = []
[docs] def queue_response(self, status_code, headers={}, content=None): from core.testing import MockRequestsResponse self.responses.insert( 0, MockRequestsResponse(status_code, headers, content) )
def _make_request(self, url, *args, **kwargs): self.requests.append([url, args, kwargs]) response = self.responses.pop() return HTTP._process_response( url, response, kwargs.get('allowed_response_codes'), kwargs.get('disallowed_response_codes') )
[docs]class Axis360BibliographicCoverageProvider(BibliographicCoverageProvider): """Fill in bibliographic metadata for Axis 360 records. Currently this is only used by BibliographicRefreshScript. It's not normally necessary because the Axis 360 API combines bibliographic and availability data. We rely on Monitors to fetch availability data and fill in the bibliographic data as necessary. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Axis 360 Bibliographic Coverage Provider" DATA_SOURCE_NAME = DataSource.AXIS_360 PROTOCOL = ExternalIntegration.AXIS_360 INPUT_IDENTIFIER_TYPES = Identifier.AXIS_360_ID DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 25 def __init__(self, collection, api_class=Axis360API, **kwargs): """Constructor. :param collection: Provide bibliographic coverage to all Axis 360 books in the given Collection. :param api_class: Instantiate this class with the given Collection, rather than instantiating Axis360API. """ super(Axis360BibliographicCoverageProvider, self).__init__( collection, **kwargs ) if isinstance(api_class, Axis360API): # We were given a specific Axis360API instance to use. self.api = api_class else: # A web application should not use this option because it # will put a non-scoped session in the mix. _db = Session.object_session(collection) self.api = api_class(_db, collection) self.parser = BibliographicParser()
[docs] def process_batch(self, identifiers): identifier_strings = self.api.create_identifier_strings(identifiers) response = self.api.availability(title_ids=identifier_strings) seen_identifiers = set() batch_results = [] for metadata, availability in self.parser.process_all(response.content): identifier, is_new = metadata.primary_identifier.load(self._db) if not identifier in identifiers: # Axis 360 told us about a book we didn't ask # for. This shouldn't happen, but if it does we should # do nothing further. continue seen_identifiers.add(identifier.identifier) result = self.set_metadata(identifier, metadata) if not isinstance(result, CoverageFailure): result = self.handle_success(identifier) batch_results.append(result) # Create a CoverageFailure object for each original identifier # not mentioned in the results. for identifier_string in identifier_strings: if identifier_string not in seen_identifiers: identifier, ignore = Identifier.for_foreign_id( self._db, Identifier.AXIS_360_ID, identifier_string ) result = self.failure( identifier, "Book not in collection", transient=False ) batch_results.append(result) return batch_results
[docs] def handle_success(self, identifier): return self.set_presentation_ready(identifier)
[docs] def process_item(self, identifier): results = self.process_batch([identifier]) return results[0]
[docs]class AxisCollectionReaper(IdentifierSweepMonitor): """Check for books that are in the local collection but have left our Axis 360 collection. """ SERVICE_NAME = "Axis Collection Reaper" INTERVAL_SECONDS = 3600*12 PROTOCOL = ExternalIntegration.AXIS_360 def __init__(self, _db, collection, api_class=Axis360API): super(AxisCollectionReaper, self).__init__(_db, collection) if isinstance(api_class, Axis360API): # Use a preexisting Axis360API instance rather than # creating a new one. self.api = api_class else: self.api = api_class(_db, collection)
[docs] def process_items(self, identifiers): self.api.update_licensepools_for_identifiers(identifiers)
[docs]class Axis360Parser(XMLParser): NS = {"axis": ""} SHORT_DATE_FORMAT = "%m/%d/%Y" FULL_DATE_FORMAT_IMPLICIT_UTC = "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p" FULL_DATE_FORMAT_EXPLICIT_UTC = "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p +00:00" def _pd(self, date): """Stupid function to parse a date.""" if date is None: return date try: return strptime_utc(date, self.FULL_DATE_FORMAT_IMPLICIT_UTC) except ValueError: pass return strptime_utc(date, self.FULL_DATE_FORMAT_EXPLICIT_UTC) def _xpath1_boolean(self, e, target, ns, default=False): text = self.text_of_optional_subtag(e, target, ns) if text is None: return default if text == 'true': return True else: return False def _xpath1_date(self, e, target, ns): value = self.text_of_optional_subtag(e, target, ns) return self._pd(value)
[docs]class BibliographicParser(Axis360Parser): DELIVERY_DATA_FOR_AXIS_FORMAT = { "Blio" : None, # Legacy format, handled the same way as AxisNow "Acoustik" : (None, DeliveryMechanism.FINDAWAY_DRM), # Audiobooks "AxisNow" : None, # Handled specially, for ebooks only. "ePub" : (Representation.EPUB_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.ADOBE_DRM), "PDF" : (Representation.PDF_MEDIA_TYPE, DeliveryMechanism.ADOBE_DRM), } log = logging.getLogger("Axis 360 Bibliographic Parser")
[docs] @classmethod def parse_list(cls, l): """Turn strings like this into lists: FICTION / Thrillers; FICTION / Suspense; FICTION / General Ursu, Anne ; Fortune, Eric (ILT) """ return [x.strip() for x in l.split(";")]
def __init__(self, include_availability=True, include_bibliographic=True): self.include_availability = include_availability self.include_bibliographic = include_bibliographic
[docs] def process_all(self, string): for i in super(BibliographicParser, self).process_all( string, "//axis:title", self.NS): yield i
[docs] def extract_availability(self, circulation_data, element, ns): identifier = self.text_of_subtag(element, 'axis:titleId', ns) primary_identifier = IdentifierData(Identifier.AXIS_360_ID, identifier) if not circulation_data: circulation_data = CirculationData( data_source=DataSource.AXIS_360, primary_identifier=primary_identifier, ) availability = self._xpath1(element, 'axis:availability', ns) total_copies = self.int_of_subtag(availability, 'axis:totalCopies', ns) available_copies = self.int_of_subtag( availability, 'axis:availableCopies', ns) size_of_hold_queue = self.int_of_subtag( availability, 'axis:holdsQueueSize', ns) availability_updated = self.text_of_optional_subtag( availability, 'axis:updateDate', ns) if availability_updated: # NOTE: We don't actually do anything with this. availability_updated = self._pd(availability_updated) circulation_data.licenses_owned=total_copies circulation_data.licenses_available=available_copies circulation_data.licenses_reserved=0 circulation_data.patrons_in_hold_queue=size_of_hold_queue return circulation_data
# Axis authors with a special role have an abbreviation after their names, # e.g. "San Ruby (FRW)" role_abbreviation = re.compile("\(([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z])\)$") generic_author = object() role_abbreviation_to_role = dict( INT=Contributor.INTRODUCTION_ROLE, EDT=Contributor.EDITOR_ROLE, PHT=Contributor.PHOTOGRAPHER_ROLE, ILT=Contributor.ILLUSTRATOR_ROLE, TRN=Contributor.TRANSLATOR_ROLE, FRW=Contributor.FOREWORD_ROLE, ADP=generic_author, # Author of adaptation COR=generic_author, # Corporate author )
[docs] @classmethod def parse_contributor(cls, author, primary_author_found=False, force_role=None): """Parse an Axis 360 contributor string. The contributor string looks like "Butler, Octavia" or "Walt Disney Pictures (COR)" or "Rex, Adam (ILT)". The optional three-letter code describes the contributor's role in the book. :param author: The string to parse. :param primary_author_found: If this is false, then a contributor with no three-letter code will be treated as the primary author. If this is true, then a contributor with no three-letter code will be treated as just a regular author. :param force_role: If this is set, the contributor will be assigned this role, no matter what. This takes precedence over the value implied by primary_author_found. """ if primary_author_found: default_author_role = Contributor.AUTHOR_ROLE else: default_author_role = Contributor.PRIMARY_AUTHOR_ROLE role = default_author_role match = if match: role_type = match.groups()[0] role = cls.role_abbreviation_to_role.get( role_type, Contributor.UNKNOWN_ROLE) if role is cls.generic_author: role = default_author_role author = author[:-5].strip() if force_role: role = force_role return ContributorData( sort_name=author, roles=[role] )
[docs] def extract_bibliographic(self, element, ns): """Turn bibliographic metadata into a Metadata and a CirculationData objects, and return them as a tuple.""" # TODO: These are consistently empty (some are clearly for # audiobooks) so I don't know what they do and/or what format # they're in. # # edition # runtime identifier = self.text_of_subtag(element, 'axis:titleId', ns) isbn = self.text_of_optional_subtag(element, 'axis:isbn', ns) title = self.text_of_subtag(element, 'axis:productTitle', ns) contributor = self.text_of_optional_subtag( element, 'axis:contributor', ns) contributors = [] found_primary_author = False if contributor: for c in self.parse_list(contributor): contributor = self.parse_contributor( c, found_primary_author) if Contributor.PRIMARY_AUTHOR_ROLE in contributor.roles: found_primary_author = True contributors.append(contributor) narrator = self.text_of_optional_subtag( element, 'axis:narrator', ns ) if narrator: for n in self.parse_list(narrator): contributor = self.parse_contributor( n, force_role=Contributor.NARRATOR_ROLE ) contributors.append(contributor) links = [] description = self.text_of_optional_subtag( element, 'axis:annotation', ns ) if description: links.append( LinkData( rel=Hyperlink.DESCRIPTION, content=description, media_type=Representation.TEXT_PLAIN, ) ) subject = self.text_of_optional_subtag(element, 'axis:subject', ns) subjects = [] if subject: for subject_identifier in self.parse_list(subject): subjects.append( SubjectData( type=Subject.BISAC, identifier=None, name=subject_identifier, weight=Classification.TRUSTED_DISTRIBUTOR_WEIGHT ) ) publication_date = self.text_of_optional_subtag( element, 'axis:publicationDate', ns) if publication_date: publication_date = strptime_utc( publication_date, self.SHORT_DATE_FORMAT ) series = self.text_of_optional_subtag(element, 'axis:series', ns) publisher = self.text_of_optional_subtag(element, 'axis:publisher', ns) imprint = self.text_of_optional_subtag(element, 'axis:imprint', ns) audience = self.text_of_optional_subtag(element, 'axis:audience', ns) if audience: subjects.append( SubjectData( type=Subject.AXIS_360_AUDIENCE, identifier=audience, weight=Classification.TRUSTED_DISTRIBUTOR_WEIGHT, ) ) language = self.text_of_subtag(element, 'axis:language', ns) thumbnail_url = self.text_of_optional_subtag( element, 'axis:imageUrl', ns ) if thumbnail_url: # Switch out http for https thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url.replace('http://', 'https://') # We presume all images from this service are JPEGs. media_type = MediaTypes.JPEG_MEDIA_TYPE if '/Medium/' in thumbnail_url: # We know about a URL hack for this service that lets us # get a larger image. full_size_url = thumbnail_url.replace("/Medium/", "/Large/") else: # If the URL hack won't work, treat the image we got # as both the full-sized image and its thumbnail. # This won't happen unless B&T changes the service. full_size_url = thumbnail_url thumbnail = LinkData( rel=LinkRelations.THUMBNAIL_IMAGE, href=thumbnail_url, media_type=media_type ) image = LinkData( rel=LinkRelations.IMAGE, href=full_size_url, media_type=media_type, thumbnail=thumbnail ) links.append(image) # We don't use this for anything. # file_size = self.int_of_optional_subtag(element, 'axis:fileSize', ns) primary_identifier = IdentifierData(Identifier.AXIS_360_ID, identifier) identifiers = [] if isbn: identifiers.append(IdentifierData(Identifier.ISBN, isbn)) formats = [] acceptable = False seen_formats = [] # All of the formats we don't support, like Blio, are ebook # formats. If this is an audiobook format (Acoustik), we'll # hear about it below. medium = Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM # If AxisNow is mentioned as a format, and this turns out to be a book, # we'll be adding an extra delivery mechanism. axisnow_seen = False # Blio is an older ebook format now used as an alias for AxisNow. blio_seen = False for format_tag in self._xpath( element, 'axis:availability/axis:availableFormats/axis:formatName', ns ): informal_name = format_tag.text seen_formats.append(informal_name) if informal_name == "Blio": # We will be adding an AxisNow FormatData. blio_seen = True continue elif informal_name == Axis360API.AXISNOW: # We will only be adding an AxisNow FormatData if this # turns out to be an ebook. axisnow_seen = True continue if informal_name not in self.DELIVERY_DATA_FOR_AXIS_FORMAT: self.log.warning("Unrecognized Axis format name for %s: %s" % ( identifier, informal_name )) elif self.DELIVERY_DATA_FOR_AXIS_FORMAT.get(informal_name): content_type, drm_scheme = self.DELIVERY_DATA_FOR_AXIS_FORMAT[ informal_name ] formats.append( FormatData(content_type=content_type, drm_scheme=drm_scheme) ) if drm_scheme == DeliveryMechanism.FINDAWAY_DRM: medium = Edition.AUDIO_MEDIUM else: medium = Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM if (blio_seen or (axisnow_seen and medium == Edition.BOOK_MEDIUM)): # This ebook is available through AxisNow. Add an # appropriate FormatData. # # Audiobooks may also be available through AxisNow, but we # currently ignore that fact. formats.append( FormatData(content_type=None, drm_scheme=DeliveryMechanism.AXISNOW_DRM) ) if not formats: self.log.error( "No supported format for %s (%s)! Saw: %s", identifier, title, ", ".join(seen_formats) ) metadata = Metadata( data_source=DataSource.AXIS_360, title=title, language=language, medium=medium, series=series, publisher=publisher, imprint=imprint, published=publication_date, primary_identifier=primary_identifier, identifiers=identifiers, subjects=subjects, contributors=contributors, links=links, ) circulationdata = CirculationData( data_source=DataSource.AXIS_360, primary_identifier=primary_identifier, formats=formats, ) metadata.circulation = circulationdata return metadata
[docs] def process_one(self, element, ns): if self.include_bibliographic: bibliographic = self.extract_bibliographic(element, ns) else: bibliographic = None passed_availability = None if bibliographic and bibliographic.circulation: passed_availability = bibliographic.circulation if self.include_availability: availability = self.extract_availability(circulation_data=passed_availability, element=element, ns=ns) else: availability = None return bibliographic, availability
[docs]class ResponseParser(Axis360Parser): id_type = Identifier.AXIS_360_ID SERVICE_NAME = "Axis 360" # Map Axis 360 error codes to our circulation exceptions. code_to_exception = { 315 : InvalidInputException, # Bad password 316 : InvalidInputException, # DRM account already exists 1000 : PatronAuthorizationFailedException, 1001 : PatronAuthorizationFailedException, 1002 : PatronAuthorizationFailedException, 1003 : PatronAuthorizationFailedException, 2000 : LibraryAuthorizationFailedException, 2001 : LibraryAuthorizationFailedException, 2002 : LibraryAuthorizationFailedException, 2003 : LibraryAuthorizationFailedException, # "Encoded input parameters exceed limit", whatever that meaus 2004 : LibraryAuthorizationFailedException, 2005 : LibraryAuthorizationFailedException, # Invalid credentials 2005 : LibraryAuthorizationFailedException, # Wrong library ID 2007 : LibraryAuthorizationFailedException, # Invalid library ID 2008 : LibraryAuthorizationFailedException, # Invalid library ID 3100 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Missing title ID 3101 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Missing patron ID 3102 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Missing email address (for hold notification) 3103 : NotFoundOnRemote, # Invalid title ID 3104 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Invalid Email Address (for hold notification) 3105 : PatronAuthorizationFailedException, # Invalid Account Credentials 3106 : InvalidInputException, # Loan Period is out of bounds 3108 : InvalidInputException, # DRM Credentials Required 3109 : InvalidInputException, # Hold already exists or hold does not exist, depending. 3110 : AlreadyCheckedOut, 3111 : CurrentlyAvailable, 3112 : CannotFulfill, 3113 : CannotLoan, (3113, "Title ID is not available for checkout") : NoAvailableCopies, 3114 : PatronLoanLimitReached, 3115 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Missing DRM format 3116 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # No patron session ID provided -- we don't use this 3117 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Invalid DRM format 3118 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Invalid Patron credentials 3119 : LibraryAuthorizationFailedException, # No Blio account 3120 : LibraryAuthorizationFailedException, # No Acoustikaccount 3123 : PatronAuthorizationFailedException, # Patron Session ID expired 3124 : PatronAuthorizationFailedException, # Patron SessionID is required 3126 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Invalid checkout format 3127 : InvalidInputException, # First name is required 3128 : InvalidInputException, # Last name is required 3129 : PatronAuthorizationFailedException, # Invalid Patron Session Id 3130 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Invalid hold format (?) 3131 : RemoteInitiatedServerError, # Custom error message (?) 3132 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Invalid delta datetime format 3134 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Delta datetime format must not be in the future 3135 : NoAcceptableFormat, 3136 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Missing checkout format 4058 : NoActiveLoan, # No checkout is associated with patron for the title. 5000 : RemoteInitiatedServerError, 5003 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Missing TransactionID 5004 : LibraryInvalidInputException, # Missing TransactionID } def __init__(self, collection): """Constructor. :param collection: A Collection, in case parsing this document results in the creation of LoanInfo or HoldInfo objects. """ self.collection = collection
[docs] def raise_exception_on_error(self, e, ns, custom_error_classes={}, ignore_error_codes=None): """Raise an error if the given lxml node represents an Axis 360 error condition. :param e: An lxml Element :param ns: A dictionary of namespaces :param custom_error_classes: A dictionary of errors to map to custom classes rather than the defaults. :param ignore_error_codes: A list of error codes to treat as success rather than as cause to raise an exception. """ code = self._xpath1(e, '//axis:status/axis:code', ns) message = self._xpath1(e, '//axis:status/axis:statusMessage', ns) if message is None: message = etree.tostring(e) else: message = message.text if code is None: # Something is so wrong that we don't know what to do. raise RemoteInitiatedServerError(message, self.SERVICE_NAME) return self._raise_exception_on_error( code.text, message, custom_error_classes, ignore_error_codes )
@classmethod def _raise_exception_on_error(cls, code, message, custom_error_classes={}, ignore_error_codes=None): try: code = int(code) except ValueError: # Non-numeric code? Inconcievable! raise RemoteInitiatedServerError( "Invalid response code from Axis 360: %s" % code, cls.SERVICE_NAME ) if ignore_error_codes and code in ignore_error_codes: return code, message for d in custom_error_classes, cls.code_to_exception: if (code, message) in d: raise d[(code, message)] elif code in d: # Something went wrong and we know how to turn it into a # specific exception. error_class = d[code] if error_class is RemoteInitiatedServerError: e = error_class(message, cls.SERVICE_NAME) else: e = error_class(message) raise e return code, message
[docs]class CheckinResponseParser(ResponseParser):
[docs] def process_all(self, string): for i in super(CheckinResponseParser, self).process_all( string, "//axis:EarlyCheckinRestResult", self.NS): return i
[docs] def process_one(self, e, namespaces): """Either raise an appropriate exception, or do nothing. """ self.raise_exception_on_error( e, namespaces, ignore_error_codes = [4058] ) return True
[docs]class CheckoutResponseParser(ResponseParser):
[docs] def process_all(self, string): for i in super(CheckoutResponseParser, self).process_all( string, "//axis:checkoutResult", self.NS): return i
[docs] def process_one(self, e, namespaces): """Either turn the given document into a LoanInfo object, or raise an appropriate exception. """ self.raise_exception_on_error(e, namespaces) # If we get to this point it's because the checkout succeeded. expiration_date = self._xpath1(e, '//axis:expirationDate', namespaces) fulfillment_url = self._xpath1(e, '//axis:url', namespaces) if fulfillment_url is not None: fulfillment_url = fulfillment_url.text if expiration_date is not None: expiration_date = expiration_date.text expiration_date = self._pd(expiration_date) loan_start = utc_now() loan = LoanInfo( collection=self.collection, data_source_name=DataSource.AXIS_360, identifier_type=self.id_type, identifier=None, start_date=loan_start, end_date=expiration_date, ) return loan
[docs]class HoldResponseParser(ResponseParser):
[docs] def process_all(self, string): for i in super(HoldResponseParser, self).process_all( string, "//axis:addtoholdResult", self.NS): return i
[docs] def process_one(self, e, namespaces): """Either turn the given document into a HoldInfo object, or raise an appropriate exception. """ self.raise_exception_on_error( e, namespaces, {3109 : AlreadyOnHold}) # If we get to this point it's because the hold place succeeded. queue_position = self._xpath1( e, '//axis:holdsQueuePosition', namespaces) if queue_position is None: queue_position = None else: try: queue_position = int(queue_position.text) except ValueError: print("Invalid queue position: %s" % queue_position) queue_position = None hold_start = utc_now() # NOTE: The caller needs to fill in Collection -- we have no idea # what collection this is. hold = HoldInfo( collection=self.collection, data_source_name=DataSource.AXIS_360, identifier_type=self.id_type, identifier=None, start_date=hold_start, end_date=None, hold_position=queue_position) return hold
[docs]class HoldReleaseResponseParser(ResponseParser):
[docs] def process_all(self, string): for i in super(HoldReleaseResponseParser, self).process_all( string, "//axis:removeholdResult", self.NS): return i
[docs] def post_process(self, i): """Unlike other ResponseParser subclasses, we don't return any type of \*Info object, so there's no need to do any post-processing. """ return i
[docs] def process_one(self, e, namespaces): # There's no data to gather here. Either there was an error # or we were successful. self.raise_exception_on_error( e, namespaces, {3109 : NotOnHold}) return True
[docs]class AvailabilityResponseParser(ResponseParser): def __init__(self, api, internal_format=None): """Constructor. :param api: An Axis360API instance, in case the parsing of an availability document triggers additional API requests. :param internal_format: The name Axis 360 gave to the format the user requested. Used to distinguish books checked out through the AxisNow Book Vault from books checked out through ACS. """ self.api = api self.internal_format = internal_format super(AvailabilityResponseParser, self).__init__(api.collection)
[docs] def process_all(self, string): for info in super(AvailabilityResponseParser, self).process_all( string, "//axis:title", self.NS): # Filter out books where nothing in particular is # happening. if info: yield info
[docs] def process_one(self, e, ns): # Figure out which book we're talking about. axis_identifier = self.text_of_subtag(e, "axis:titleId", ns) availability = self._xpath1(e, 'axis:availability', ns) if availability is None: return None reserved = self._xpath1_boolean(availability, 'axis:isReserved', ns) checked_out = self._xpath1_boolean(availability, 'axis:isCheckedout', ns) on_hold = self._xpath1_boolean(availability, 'axis:isInHoldQueue', ns) info = None if checked_out: start_date = self._xpath1_date( availability, 'axis:checkoutStartDate', ns) end_date = self._xpath1_date( availability, 'axis:checkoutEndDate', ns) download_url = self.text_of_optional_subtag( availability, 'axis:downloadUrl', ns) transaction_id = self.text_of_optional_subtag( availability, 'axis:transactionID', ns) or "" # Arguments common to FulfillmentInfo and # Axis360FulfillmentInfo. kwargs = dict( data_source_name=DataSource.AXIS_360, identifier_type=self.id_type, identifier=axis_identifier ) if download_url and self.internal_format != self.api.AXISNOW: # The patron wants a direct link to the book, which we can deliver # immediately, without making any more API requests. fulfillment = Axis360AcsFulfillmentInfo( collection=self.collection, content_link=download_url, content_type=DeliveryMechanism.ADOBE_DRM, content=None, content_expires=None, verify=self.api.verify_certificate, **kwargs ) elif transaction_id: # We will eventually need to make a request to the # "getfulfillmentInfo" endpoint, using this # transaction ID. # # For a book delivered in AxisNow format, this will give # us the Book Vault UUID and ISBN. # # For an audiobook, this will give us the Findaway # content ID, license ID, and session key. We'll also # need to make a second request to get the audiobook # metadata. # # Axis360FulfillmentInfo can handle both cases. fulfillment = Axis360FulfillmentInfo( api=self.api, key=transaction_id, **kwargs ) else: # We're out of luck -- we can't fulfill this loan. fulfillment = None info = LoanInfo( collection=self.collection, data_source_name=DataSource.AXIS_360, identifier_type=self.id_type, identifier=axis_identifier, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, fulfillment_info=fulfillment, external_identifier=transaction_id, ) elif reserved: end_date = self._xpath1_date( availability, 'axis:reservedEndDate', ns) info = HoldInfo( collection=self.collection, data_source_name=DataSource.AXIS_360, identifier_type=self.id_type, identifier=axis_identifier, start_date=None, end_date=end_date, hold_position=0 ) elif on_hold: position = self.int_of_optional_subtag( availability, 'axis:holdsQueuePosition', ns) info = HoldInfo( collection=self.collection, data_source_name=DataSource.AXIS_360, identifier_type=self.id_type, identifier=axis_identifier, start_date=None, end_date=None, hold_position=position) return info
[docs]class JSONResponseParser(ResponseParser): """Most ResponseParsers parse XML documents; subclasses of JSONResponseParser parse JSON documents. This only subclasses ResponseParser so it can reuse _raise_exception_on_error. """ @classmethod def _required_key(cls, key, json_obj): """Raise an exception if the given key is not present in the given object. """ if json_obj is None or key not in json_obj: raise RemoteInitiatedServerError( "Required key %s not present in Axis 360 fulfillment document: %s" % ( key, json_obj, ), cls.SERVICE_NAME ) return json_obj[key]
[docs] @classmethod def verify_status_code(cls, parsed): """Assert that the incoming JSON document represents a successful response. """ k = cls._required_key status = k('Status', parsed) code = k('Code', status) message = status.get('Message') # If the document describes an error condition, raise # an appropriate exception immediately. cls._raise_exception_on_error(code, message)
[docs] def parse(self, data, *args, **kwargs): """Parse a JSON document.""" if isinstance(data, dict): parsed = data # already parsed else: try: parsed = json.loads(data) except ValueError as e: # It's not JSON. raise RemoteInitiatedServerError( "Invalid response from Axis 360 (was expecting JSON): %s" % data, self.SERVICE_NAME ) # If the response indicates an error condition, don't continue -- # raise an exception immediately. self.verify_status_code(parsed) return self._parse(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
def _parse(self, parsed, *args, **kwargs): """Parse a document we know to represent success on the API level. Called by parse() once the high-level details have been worked out. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Axis360FulfillmentInfoResponseParser(JSONResponseParser): """Parse JSON documents into Findaway audiobook manifests or AxisNow manifests.""" def __init__(self, api): """Constructor. :param api: An Axis360API instance, in case the parsing of a fulfillment document triggers additional API requests. """ self.api = api super(Axis360FulfillmentInfoResponseParser, self).__init__( self.api.collection ) def _parse(self, parsed, license_pool): """Extract all useful information from a parsed FulfillmentInfo response. :param parsed: A dictionary corresponding to a parsed JSON document. :param license_pool: The LicensePool for the book that's being fulfilled. :return: A 2-tuple (manifest, expiration_date). `manifest` is either a FindawayManifest (for an audiobook) or an AxisNowManifest (for an ebook). """ expiration_date = self._required_key('ExpirationDate', parsed) expiration_date = self.parse_date(expiration_date) if 'FNDTransactionID' in parsed: manifest = self.parse_findaway(parsed, license_pool) else: manifest = self.parse_axisnow(parsed) return manifest, expiration_date
[docs] def parse_date(self, date): if '.' in date: # Remove 7(?!) decimal places of precision and # UTC timezone, which are more trouble to parse # than they're worth. date = date[:date.rindex('.')] try: date = strptime_utc(date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except ValueError: raise RemoteInitiatedServerError( "Could not parse expiration date: %s" % date, self.SERVICE_NAME ) return date
[docs] def parse_findaway(self, parsed, license_pool): k = self._required_key fulfillmentId = k('FNDContentID', parsed) licenseId = k('FNDLicenseID', parsed) sessionKey = k('FNDSessionKey', parsed) checkoutId = k('FNDTransactionID', parsed) # Acquire the TOC information metadata_response = self.api.get_audiobook_metadata(fulfillmentId) parser = AudiobookMetadataParser(self.api.collection) accountId, spine_items = parser.parse(metadata_response.content) return FindawayManifest( license_pool, accountId=accountId, checkoutId=checkoutId, fulfillmentId=fulfillmentId, licenseId=licenseId, sessionKey=sessionKey, spine_items=spine_items )
[docs] def parse_axisnow(self, parsed): k = self._required_key isbn = k('ISBN', parsed) book_vault_uuid = k('BookVaultUUID', parsed) return AxisNowManifest(book_vault_uuid, isbn)
[docs]class AudiobookMetadataParser(JSONResponseParser): """Parse the results of Axis 360's audiobook metadata API call. """ @classmethod def _parse(cls, parsed): spine_items = [] accountId = parsed.get('fndaccountid', None) for item in parsed.get('readingOrder', []): spine_item = cls._extract_spine_item(item) if spine_item: spine_items.append(spine_item) return accountId, spine_items @classmethod def _extract_spine_item(cls, part): """Convert an element of the 'readingOrder' list to a SpineItem.""" title = part.get('title') # Incoming duration is measured in seconds. duration = part.get('duration', 0) part_number = int(part.get('fndpart', 0)) sequence = int(part.get('fndsequence', 0)) return SpineItem(title, duration, part_number, sequence)
[docs]class AxisNowManifest(object): """A simple media type for conveying an entry point into the AxisNow access control system. """ MEDIA_TYPE = DeliveryMechanism.AXISNOW_DRM def __init__(self, book_vault_uuid, isbn): """Constructor. :param book_vault_uuid: The UUID of a Book Vault. :param isbn: The ISBN of a book in that Book Vault. """ self.book_vault_uuid = book_vault_uuid self.isbn = isbn def __str__(self): data = dict(isbn=self.isbn, book_vault_uuid=self.book_vault_uuid) return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True)
[docs]class Axis360FulfillmentInfo(APIAwareFulfillmentInfo): """An Axis 360-specific FulfillmentInfo implementation for audiobooks and books served through AxisNow. We use these instead of normal FulfillmentInfo objects because putting all this information into FulfillmentInfo would require one or two extra HTTP requests, and there's often no need to make those requests. """
[docs] def do_fetch(self): _db = self.api._db license_pool = self.license_pool(_db) transaction_id = self.key response = self.api.get_fulfillment_info(transaction_id) parser = Axis360FulfillmentInfoResponseParser(self.api) manifest, expires = parser.parse(response.content, license_pool) self._content = str(manifest) self._content_type = manifest.MEDIA_TYPE self._content_expires = expires if manifest.MEDIA_TYPE == AxisNowManifest.MEDIA_TYPE: self.can_cache_manifest = True
[docs]class Axis360AcsFulfillmentInfo(FulfillmentInfo): """This implements a Axis 360 specific FulfillmentInfo for ACS content served through AxisNow. The AxisNow API gives us a link that we can use to get the ACSM file that we serve to the mobile apps. This link resolves to a redirect, which resolves to the actual ACSM file. The URL we are given in the redirect has a percent encoded query string in it. The encoding used in this string has lower case characters in it like "%3a" for :. In versions of urllib3 > 1.24.3 the library normalizes the query string before doing the actual request. In doing the normalization it follows the recommendation of RFC 3986 and uppercases the percent encoded bytes. This causes the Axis360 API to return an error from Adobe ACS: ``` <error xmlns="" data="E_URLLINK_AUTH"/> ``` instead of the correct ACSM file. Others have noted that this is a problem in the urllib3 github but they do not seem interested in providing an option to override this behavior and closed the ticket. This FulfillmentInfo implementation uses the built in Python urllib implementation instead of requests (and urllib3) to make this request to the Axis 360 API, sidestepping the problem, but taking a different code path than most of our external HTTP requests. Copyright The Palace Project for code licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self, verify, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.verify = verify
[docs] def problem_detail_document(self, error_details): service_name = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.content_link).netloc self.logger.warning(error_details) return INTEGRATION_ERROR.detailed( _(RequestNetworkException.detail, service=service_name), title=RequestNetworkException.title, debug_message=error_details, )
@property def as_response(self): service_name = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.content_link).netloc try: if self.verify: # Actually verify the ssl certificates ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS) ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED ssl_context.check_hostname = True ssl_context.load_verify_locations(cafile=certifi.where()) else: # Default context does no ssl verification ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext() req = urllib.request.Request(self.content_link) with urllib.request.urlopen( req, timeout=20, context=ssl_context ) as response: content = status = response.status headers = response.headers # Mimic the behavior of the HTTP.request_with_timeout class and # wrap the exceptions thrown by urllib and ssl returning a ProblemDetail document. except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: return self.problem_detail_document( "The server received a bad status code ({}) while contacting {}".format( e.code, service_name ) ) except socket.timeout: return self.problem_detail_document( f"Error connecting to {service_name}. Timeout occurred." ) except (urllib.error.URLError, ssl.SSLError) as e: reason = getattr(e, "reason", e.__class__.__name__) return self.problem_detail_document( f"Error connecting to {service_name}. {reason}." ) return Response(response=content, status=status, headers=headers)