import datetime
import importlib
import json
import logging
import re
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import urllib.error
from abc import ABCMeta
import flask
import jwt
from flask import (
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from money import Money
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import or_
from werkzeug.datastructures import auth, Headers
from api.util.short_client_token import ShortClientTokenUtility
from api.annotations import AnnotationWriter
from api.announcements import Announcements
from api.custom_patron_catalog import CustomPatronCatalog
from api.opds import LibraryAnnotator
from api.saml.configuration.model import SAMLSettings
from .config import (
from core.app_server import cdn_url_for
from core.model import (
from core.opds import OPDSFeed
from core.selftest import (
from core.user_profile import ProfileController
from core.util.authentication_for_opds import (
from core.util.datetime_helpers import utc_now
from core.util.http import RemoteIntegrationException
from core.util.problem_detail import (
json as pd_json,
from .problem_details import *
from .util.patron import PatronUtility
[docs]class CannotCreateLocalPatron(Exception):
"""A remote system provided information about a patron, but we could
not put it into our database schema.
Probably because it was too vague.
[docs]class PatronData(object):
"""A container for basic information about a patron.
Like Metadata and CirculationData, this offers a layer of
abstraction between various account managment systems and the
circulation manager database. Unlike with those classes, some of
this data cannot be written to the database for data retention
reasons. But it can be passed from the account management system
to the client application.
# Used to distinguish between "value has been unset" and "value
# has not changed".
[docs] class NoValue(object):
def __bool__(self):
"""We want this object to act like None or False."""
return False
NO_VALUE = NoValue()
# Reasons why a patron might be blocked.
UNKNOWN_BLOCK = 'unknown'
CARD_REPORTED_LOST = 'card reported lost'
EXCESSIVE_FINES = 'excessive fines'
EXCESSIVE_FEES = 'excessive fees'
NO_BORROWING_PRIVILEGES = 'no borrowing privileges'
TOO_MANY_LOANS = 'too many active loans'
TOO_MANY_RENEWALS = 'too many renewals'
TOO_MANY_OVERDUE = 'too many items overdue'
TOO_MANY_LOST = 'too many items lost'
# Patron is being billed for too many items (as opposed to
# excessive fines, which means patron's fines have exceeded a
# certain amount).
TOO_MANY_ITEMS_BILLED = 'too many items billed'
# Patron was asked to return an item so someone else could borrow it,
# but didn't return the item.
RECALL_OVERDUE = 'recall overdue'
def __init__(self,
"""Store basic information about a patron.
:param permanent_id: A unique and unchanging identifier for
the patron, as used by the account management system and
probably never seen by the patron. This is not required, but
it is very useful to have because other identifiers tend to
:param authorization_identifier: One or more assigned
identifiers (usually numeric) the patron may use to identify
themselves. This may be a list, because patrons may have
multiple authorization identifiers. For example, an NYPL
patron may have an NYPL library card, a Brooklyn Public
Library card, and an IDNYC card: three different barcodes that
all authenticate the same patron.
The circulation manager does the best it can to maintain
continuity of the patron's identity in the face of changes to
this list. The two assumptions made are:
1) A patron tends to pick one of their authorization
identifiers and stick with it until it stops working, rather
than switching back and forth. This identifier is the one
stored in Patron.authorization_identifier.
2) In the absence of any other information, the authorization
identifier at the _beginning_ of this list is the one that
should be stored in Patron.authorization_identifier.
:param username: An identifier (usually alphanumeric) chosen
by the patron and used to identify themselves.
:param personal_name: The name of the patron. This information
is not stored in the circulation manager database but may be
passed on to the client.
:param authorization_expires: The date, if any, at which the patron's
authorization to borrow items from the library expires.
:param external_type: A string classifying the patron
according to some library-specific scheme.
:param fines: A Money object representing the amount the
patron owes in fines. Note that only the value portion of the
Money object will be stored in the database; the currency portion
will be ignored. (e.g. "20 USD" will become 20)
:param block_reason: A string indicating why the patron is
blocked from borrowing items. (Even if this is set to None, it
may turn out the patron cannot borrow items because their card
has expired or their fines are excessive.)
:param library_identifier: A string pulled from the ILS that
is used to determine if this user belongs to the current library.
:param neighborhood: A string pulled from the ILS that
identifies the patron's geographic location in a deliberately
imprecise way that makes sense to the library -- maybe the
patron's ZIP code or the name of their home branch. This data
is never stored in a way that can be associated with an
individual patron. Depending on library policy, this data may
be associated with circulation events -- but a circulation
event is not associated with the patron who triggered it.
:param cached_neighborhood: This is the same as neighborhood,
but it _will_ be cached in the patron's database record, for
up to twelve hours. This should only be used by ILS systems
that would have performance problems fetching patron
neighborhood on demand.
If cached_neighborhood is set but neighborhood is not,
cached_neighborhood will be used as neighborhood.
:param complete: Does this PatronData represent the most
complete data we are likely to get for this patron from this
data source, or is it an abbreviated version of more complete
data we could get some other way?
:param is_new: Is this the first time we are seeing this Patron?
self.permanent_id = permanent_id
self.username = username
self.authorization_expires = authorization_expires
self.external_type = external_type
self.fines = fines
self.block_reason = block_reason
self.library_identifier = library_identifier
self.complete = complete
self.is_new = is_new
# We do not store personal_name in the database, but we provide
# it to the client if possible.
self.personal_name = personal_name
# We do not store email address in the database, but we need
# to have it available for notifications.
self.email_address = email_address
# If cached_neighborhood (cached in the database) is provided
# but neighborhood (destroyed at end of request) is not, use
# cached_neighborhood as neighborhood.
self.neighborhood = neighborhood or cached_neighborhood
self.cached_neighborhood = cached_neighborhood
def __eq__(self, other):
Compares two PatronData objects
:param other: PatronData object
:type other: PatronData
:return: Boolean value indicating whether two items are equal
:rtype: bool
if not isinstance(other, PatronData):
return False
return \
self.permanent_id == other.permanent_id and \
self.username == other.username and \
self.authorization_expires == other.authorization_expires and \
self.external_type == other.external_type and \
self.fines == other.fines and \
self.block_reason == other.block_reason and \
self.library_identifier == other.library_identifier and \
self.complete == other.complete and \
self.personal_name == other.personal_name and \
self.email_address == other.email_address and \
self.neighborhood == other.neighborhood and \
self.cached_neighborhood == other.cached_neighborhood
def __repr__(self):
return "<PatronData permanent_id=%r authorization_identifier=%r username=%r>" % (
self.permanent_id, self.authorization_identifier,
def fines(self):
return self._fines
def fines(self, value):
"""When setting patron fines, only store the numeric portion of
a Money object.
if isinstance(value, Money):
value = value.amount
self._fines = value
[docs] def apply(self, patron):
"""Take the portion of this data that can be stored in the database
and write it to the given Patron record.
# First, handle the easy stuff -- everything except authorization
# identifier.
self.set_value(patron, 'external_identifier', self.permanent_id)
self.set_value(patron, 'username', self.username)
self.set_value(patron, 'external_type', self.external_type)
self.set_value(patron, 'authorization_expires',
self.set_value(patron, 'fines', self.fines)
self.set_value(patron, 'block_reason', self.block_reason)
self.set_value(patron, 'cached_neighborhood', self.cached_neighborhood)
# Patron neighborhood (not a database field) is set as a
# convenience.
patron.neighborhood = self.neighborhood or self.cached_neighborhood
# Now handle authorization identifier.
if self.complete:
# We have a complete picture of data from the ILS,
# so we can be comfortable setting the authorization
# identifier if necessary.
if (patron.authorization_identifier is None or
patron.authorization_identifier not in
# The patron's authorization_identifier is not set, or is
# set to a value that is no longer valid. Set it again.
self.set_value(patron, 'authorization_identifier',
elif patron.authorization_identifier != self.authorization_identifier:
# It looks like we need to change
# Patron.authorization_identifier. However, we do not
# have a complete picture of the patron's record. We don't
# know if the current identifier is better than the one
# the patron provided.
# However, we can provisionally
# Patron.authorization_identifier if it's not already set.
if not patron.authorization_identifier:
self.set_value(patron, 'authorization_identifier',
if patron.username and self.authorization_identifier == patron.username:
# This should be fine. It looks like the patron's
# .authorization_identifier is set to their barcode,
# and they authenticated with their username. In this
# case we can be confident there is no need to change
# Patron.authorization_identifier.
# We don't know what's going on and we need to sync
# with the remote ASAP.
patron.last_external_sync = None
# Note that we do not store personal_name or email_address in the
# database model.
if self.complete:
# We got a complete dataset from the ILS, which is what an
# external sync does, so we can reset the timer on
# external sync.
patron.last_external_sync = utc_now()
[docs] def set_value(self, patron, field_name, value):
if value is None:
# Do nothing
elif value is self.NO_VALUE:
# Unset a previous value.
value = None
setattr(patron, field_name, value)
[docs] def get_or_create_patron(self, _db, library_id, analytics=None):
"""Create a Patron with this information.
TODO: I'm concerned in the general case with race
conditions. It's theoretically possible that two newly created
patrons could have the same username or authorization
identifier, violating a uniqueness constraint. This could
happen if one was identified by permanent ID and the other had
no permanent ID and was identified by username. (This would
only come up if the authentication provider has permanent IDs
for some patrons but not others.)
Something similar can happen if the authentication provider
provides username and authorization identifier, but not
permanent ID, and the patron's authorization identifier (but
not their username) changes while two different circulation
manager authentication requests are pending.
When these race conditions do happen, I think the worst that
will happen is the second request will fail. But it's very
important that authorization providers give some unique,
preferably unchanging way of identifying patrons.
:param library_id: Database ID of the Library with which this
patron is associated.
:param analytics: Analytics instance to track the new patron
creation event.
# We must be very careful when checking whether the patron
# already exists because three different fields might be in use
# as the patron identifier.
if self.permanent_id:
search_by = dict(external_identifier=self.permanent_id)
elif self.username:
search_by = dict(username=self.username)
elif self.authorization_identifier:
search_by = dict(
raise CannotCreateLocalPatron(
"Cannot create patron without some way of identifying them uniquely."
search_by['library_id'] = library_id
__transaction = _db.begin_nested()
patron, is_new = get_one_or_create(_db, Patron, **search_by)
if is_new and analytics:
# Send out an analytics event to record the fact
# that a new patron was created.
analytics.collect_event(patron.library, None,
# This makes sure the Patron is brought into sync with the
# other fields of this PatronData object, regardless of
# whether or not it is newly created.
if patron:
return patron, is_new
def to_response_parameters(self):
"""Return information about this patron which the client might
find useful.
This information will be sent to the client immediately after
a patron's credentials are verified by an OAuth provider.
if self.personal_name:
return dict(name=self.personal_name)
return {}
def to_dict(self):
"""Convert the information in this PatronData to a dictionary
which can be converted to JSON and sent out to a client.
def scrub(value, default=None):
if value is self.NO_VALUE:
return default
return value
data = dict(
data = dict((k, scrub(v)) for k, v in list(data.items()))
# Handle the data items that aren't just strings.
# A date
expires = scrub(self.authorization_expires)
if expires:
expires = self.authorization_expires.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
data['authorization_expires'] = expires
# A Money
fines = scrub(self.fines)
if fines is not None:
fines = str(fines)
data['fines'] = fines
# A list
data['authorization_identifiers'] = scrub(
self.authorization_identifiers, []
return data
[docs] def set_authorization_identifier(self, authorization_identifier):
"""Helper method to set both .authorization_identifier
and .authorization_identifiers appropriately.
# The first authorization identifier in the list is the one
# we should use for Patron.authorization_identifier, assuming
# Patron.authorization_identifier needs to be updated.
if isinstance(authorization_identifier, list):
authorization_identifiers = authorization_identifier
authorization_identifier = authorization_identifiers[0]
elif authorization_identifier is None:
authorization_identifiers = []
authorization_identifier = None
elif authorization_identifier is self.NO_VALUE:
authorization_identifiers = []
authorization_identifier = self.NO_VALUE
authorization_identifiers = [authorization_identifier]
self.authorization_identifier = authorization_identifier
self.authorization_identifiers = authorization_identifiers
[docs]class CirculationPatronProfileStorage(PatronProfileStorage):
"""A patron profile storage that can also provide short client tokens"""
def profile_document(self):
doc = super(CirculationPatronProfileStorage, self).profile_document
drm = []
links = []
device_link = {}
authdata = ShortClientTokenUtility.from_config(self.patron.library)
if authdata:
vendor_id, token = authdata.short_client_token_for_patron(
adobe_drm = {}
adobe_drm['drm:vendor'] = vendor_id
adobe_drm['drm:clientToken'] = token
adobe_drm['drm:scheme'] = ""
annotations_link = dict(
'annotations', library_short_name=self.patron.library.short_name, _external=True)
doc['links'] = links
if drm:
doc['drm'] = drm
return doc
[docs]class Authenticator(object):
"""Route requests to the appropriate LibraryAuthenticator.
def __init__(self, _db, analytics=None):
self.library_authenticators = {}
self.populate_authenticators(_db, analytics)
def current_library_short_name(self):
return flask.request.library.short_name
[docs] def populate_authenticators(self, _db, analytics):
for library in _db.query(Library):
self.library_authenticators[library.short_name] = LibraryAuthenticator.from_config(
_db, library, analytics)
[docs] def invoke_authenticator_method(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs):
short_name = self.current_library_short_name
if short_name not in self.library_authenticators:
return getattr(self.library_authenticators[short_name], method_name)(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def authenticated_patron(self, _db, header):
return self.invoke_authenticator_method("authenticated_patron", _db, header)
[docs] def create_authentication_document(self):
return self.invoke_authenticator_method("create_authentication_document")
[docs] def create_bearer_token(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.invoke_authenticator_method(
"create_bearer_token", *args, **kwargs
[docs] def bearer_token_provider_lookup(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.invoke_authenticator_method(
"bearer_token_provider_lookup", *args, **kwargs
[docs] def decode_bearer_token(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.invoke_authenticator_method(
"decode_bearer_token", *args, **kwargs
[docs]class LibraryAuthenticator(object):
"""Use the registered AuthenticationProviders to turn incoming
credentials into Patron objects.
[docs] @classmethod
def from_config(cls, _db, library, analytics=None, custom_catalog_source=CustomPatronCatalog):
"""Initialize an Authenticator for the given Library based on its
configured ExternalIntegrations.
:param custom_catalog_source: The lookup class for CustomPatronCatalogs.
Intended for mocking during tests.
custom_catalog = custom_catalog_source.for_library(library)
# Start with an empty list of authenticators.
authenticator = cls(
_db=_db, library=library,
# Find all of this library's ExternalIntegrations set up with
# the goal of authenticating patrons.
integrations = ExternalIntegration.for_library_and_goal(
_db, library, ExternalIntegration.PATRON_AUTH_GOAL
# Turn each such ExternalIntegration into an
# AuthenticationProvider.
for integration in integrations:
authenticator.register_provider(integration, analytics)
except (ImportError, CannotLoadConfiguration) as e:
# These are the two types of error that might be caused
# by misconfiguration, as opposed to bad code.
"Error registering authentication provider %r (%s)",, integration.protocol,
authenticator.initialization_exceptions[] = e
if authenticator.providers_by_name or authenticator.basic_auth_provider:
# NOTE: this will immediately commit the database session,
# which may not be what you want during a test. To avoid
# this, you can create the bearer token signing secret as
# a regular site-wide ConfigurationSetting.
authenticator.bearer_token_signing_secret = BearerTokenSigner.bearer_token_signing_secret(
return authenticator
def __init__(self, _db, library, basic_auth_provider=None,
"""Initialize a LibraryAuthenticator from a list of AuthenticationProviders.
:param _db: A database session (probably a scoped session, which is
why we can't derive it from `library`)
:param library: The Library to which this LibraryAuthenticator guards
:param basic_auth_provider: The AuthenticatonProvider that handles
HTTP Basic Auth requests.
:param oauth_providers: A list of AuthenticationProviders that handle
OAuth requests.
:param saml_providers: A list of AuthenticationProviders that handle
SAML requests.
:param bearer_token_signing_secret: The secret to use when
signing JWTs for use as bearer tokens.
self._db = _db
self.library_id =
self.library_uuid = library.uuid
self.library_name =
self.library_short_name = library.short_name
self.authentication_document_annotator = authentication_document_annotator
self.basic_auth_provider = basic_auth_provider
self.providers_by_name = dict()
self.bearer_token_signing_secret = bearer_token_signing_secret
self.initialization_exceptions = dict()
# Make sure there's a public/private key pair for this
# library. This makes it possible to register the library with
# discovery services. Store the public key here for
# convenience; leave the private key in the database.
self.public_key, ignore = self.key_pair
if oauth_providers:
for provider in oauth_providers:
self.providers_by_name[provider.NAME] = provider
if saml_providers:
for provider in saml_providers:
self.providers_by_name[provider.NAME] = provider
def supports_patron_authentication(self):
"""Does this library have any way of authenticating patrons at all?"""
if self.basic_auth_provider or self.providers_by_name:
return True
return False
def identifies_individuals(self):
"""Does this library require that individual patrons be identified?
Most libraries require authentication as an individual. Some
libraries don't identify patrons at all; others may have a way
of identifying the patron population without identifying
individuals, such as an IP gate.
If some of a library's authentication mechanisms identify individuals,
and others do not, the library does not identify individuals.
if not self.supports_patron_authentication:
return False
matches = list(self.providers)
return matches and all(
[x.IDENTIFIES_INDIVIDUALS for x in matches]
def library(self):
return Library.by_id(self._db, self.library_id)
[docs] def assert_ready_for_token_signing(self):
"""If this LibraryAuthenticator has OAuth providers, ensure that it
also has a secret it can use to sign bearer tokens.
if self.providers_by_name and not self.bearer_token_signing_secret:
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
_("The secret for signing bearer tokens is not configured.")
[docs] def register_provider(self, integration, analytics=None):
"""Turn an ExternalIntegration object into an AuthenticationProvider
object, and register it.
:param integration: An ExternalIntegration that configures
a way of authenticating patrons.
if integration.goal != integration.PATRON_AUTH_GOAL:
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
"Was asked to register an integration with goal=%s as though it were a way of authenticating patrons." % integration.goal
library = self.library
if library not in integration.libraries:
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
"Was asked to register an integration with library %s, which doesn't use it." %
module_name = integration.protocol
if not module_name:
# This should be impossible since protocol is not nullable.
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
"Authentication provider configuration does not specify protocol."
provider_module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
provider_class = getattr(
provider_module, "AuthenticationProvider", None)
if not provider_class:
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
"Loaded module %s but could not find a class called AuthenticationProvider inside." % module_name
provider = provider_class(self.library, integration, analytics)
except RemoteIntegrationException as e:
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
"Could not instantiate %s authentication provider for library %s, possibly due to a network connection problem." % (
provider_class, self.library.short_name
if issubclass(provider_class, BasicAuthenticationProvider):
# TODO: Run a self-test, or at least check that we have
# the ability to run one.
elif issubclass(provider_class, (OAuthAuthenticationProvider, BaseSAMLAuthenticationProvider)):
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
"Authentication provider %s is neither a BasicAuthenticationProvider nor an OAuthAuthenticationProvider. I can create it, but not sure where to put it." % provider_class
[docs] def register_basic_auth_provider(self, provider):
if (self.basic_auth_provider != None
and self.basic_auth_provider != provider):
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
"Two basic auth providers configured"
self.basic_auth_provider = provider
[docs] def register_bearer_token_auth_provider(self, provider):
already_registered = self.providers_by_name.get(
if already_registered and already_registered != provider:
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
'Two different OAuth providers claim the name "%s"' % (
self.providers_by_name[provider.NAME] = provider
def providers(self):
"""An iterator over all registered AuthenticationProviders."""
if self.basic_auth_provider:
yield self.basic_auth_provider
for provider in list(self.providers_by_name.values()):
yield provider
[docs] def authenticated_patron(self, _db, header):
"""Go from an Authorization header value to a Patron object.
:param header: If Basic Auth is in use, this is a dictionary
with 'user' and 'password' components, derived from the HTTP
header `Authorization`. Otherwise, this is the literal value
of the `Authorization` HTTP header.
:return: A Patron, if one can be authenticated. None, if the
credentials do not authenticate any particular patron. A
ProblemDetail if an error occurs.
# Set provider_name and provider_token so it can be referenced
# in the basic auth provider check.
provider_name, provider_token = None, None
if isinstance(header, auth.Authorization):
header = header.parameters or header.to_header()
if isinstance(header, (bytes, str)):
provider_name, provider_token = self.decode_bearer_token_from_header(
except jwt.exceptions.InvalidTokenError:
if (self.basic_auth_provider
and (
(isinstance(header, dict) and 'username' in header)
or provider_name == BasicAuthenticationProvider.BEARER_TOKEN_PROVIDER_NAME
# The patron wants to authenticate with the BasicAuthenticationProvider.
if provider_token:
header = provider_token
return self.basic_auth_provider.authenticated_patron(_db, header)
elif isinstance(header, (bytes, str)) and 'bearer' in header.lower():
# The patron wants to authenticate with a bearer token
provider = self.bearer_token_provider_lookup(provider_name)
if isinstance(provider, ProblemDetail):
# There was a problem turning the provider name into
# a registered authentication provider.
return provider
# Ask the authentication provider to turn its token
# into a Patron.
return provider.authenticated_patron(_db, provider_token)
# We were unable to determine what was going on with the
# Authenticate header.
[docs] def bearer_token_provider_lookup(self, provider_name):
"""Look up the relevant bearer token authentication provider with
the given name. If that doesn't work, return an appropriate ProblemDetai.
if not self.providers_by_name:
_("No relevant providers are configured.")
if (not provider_name
or not provider_name in self.providers_by_name):
possibilities = ", ".join(list(self.providers_by_name.keys()))
_(" The known providers are: %s") % possibilities
return self.providers_by_name[provider_name]
[docs] def create_bearer_token(self, provider_name, provider_token):
"""Create a JSON web token with the given provider name and access
The patron will use this as a bearer token in lieu of the
token we got from their OAuth provider. The big advantage of
this token is that it tells us _which_ OAuth provider the
patron authenticated against.
When the patron uses the bearer token in the Authenticate header,
it will be decoded with `decode_bearer_token_from_header`.
payload = dict(
# I'm not sure this is the correct way to use an
# Issuer claim (
# Maybe we should use something custom instead.
return jwt.encode(
payload, self.bearer_token_signing_secret, algorithm='HS256'
[docs] def decode_bearer_token(self, token):
"""Extract auth provider name and access token from JSON web token."""
decoded = jwt.decode(token, self.bearer_token_signing_secret,
provider_name = decoded['iss']
token = decoded['token']
return (provider_name, token)
[docs] def authentication_document_url(self, library):
"""Return the URL of the authentication document for the
given library.
return url_for(
"authentication_document", library_short_name=library.short_name,
[docs] def create_authentication_document(self):
"""Create the Authentication For OPDS document to be used when
a request comes in with no authentication.
links = []
library = self.library
# Add the same links that we would show in an OPDS feed, plus
# some extra like 'registration' that are specific to Authentication
# For OPDS.
for rel in (LibraryAnnotator.CONFIGURATION_LINKS +
value = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(rel, library).value
if not value:
link = dict(rel=rel, href=value)
if any(value.startswith(x) for x in ('http:', 'https:')):
# We assume that HTTP URLs lead to HTML, but we don't
# assume anything about other URL schemes.
link['type'] = "text/html"
# Add a rel="start" link pointing to the root OPDS feed.
index_url = url_for("index", _external=True,
loans_url = url_for("active_loans", _external=True,
profile_url = url_for("patron_profile", _external=True,
dict(rel="start", href=index_url,
dict(rel="", href=loans_url,
dict(rel=ProfileController.LINK_RELATION, href=profile_url,
# If there is a Designated Agent email address, add it as a
# link.
designated_agent_uri = Configuration.copyright_designated_agent_uri(
if designated_agent_uri:
# If there is an unsubscribe link, add it here
unsubscribe_uri = Configuration.unsubscribe_email_uri(library)
if unsubscribe_uri:
dict(rel=Configuration.HELP_UNSUBSCRIBE_URI, href=unsubscribe_uri)
# Add a rel="help" link for every type of URL scheme that
# leads to library-specific help.
for type, uri in Configuration.help_uris(library):
links.append(dict(rel="help", href=uri, type=type))
# Add a link to the web page of the library itself.
library_uri = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(
Configuration.WEBSITE_URL, library).value
if library_uri:
dict(rel="alternate", type="text/html", href=library_uri)
# Add the library's logo, if it has one.
logo = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(
Configuration.LOGO, library).value
if logo:
links.append(dict(rel="logo", type="image/png", href=logo))
# Add the library's custom CSS file, if it has one.
css_file = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(
Configuration.WEB_CSS_FILE, library).value
if css_file:
dict(rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href=css_file))
library_name = self.library_name or str(_("Library"))
auth_doc_url = self.authentication_document_url(library)
doc = AuthenticationForOPDSDocument(
id=auth_doc_url, title=library_name,
# Add the library's mobile color scheme, if it has one.
description = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(
Configuration.COLOR_SCHEME, library).value
if description:
doc['color_scheme'] = description
# Add the library's web colors, if it has any.
primary = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(
Configuration.WEB_PRIMARY_COLOR, library).value
secondary = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(
Configuration.WEB_SECONDARY_COLOR, library).value
if primary or secondary:
doc["web_color_scheme"] = dict(
primary=primary, secondary=secondary, background=primary, foreground=secondary)
# Add the description of the library as the OPDS feed's
# service_description.
description = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(
Configuration.LIBRARY_DESCRIPTION, library).value
if description:
doc['service_description'] = description
# Add the library's focus area and service area, if either is
# specified.
focus_area, service_area = self._geographic_areas(library)
if focus_area:
doc['focus_area'] = focus_area
if service_area:
doc['service_area'] = service_area
# Add the library's public key.
doc["public_key"] = dict(type="RSA", value=self.public_key)
# Add feature flags to signal to clients what features they should
# offer.
enabled = []
disabled = []
if library.allow_holds:
bucket = enabled
bucket = disabled
doc['features'] = dict(enabled=enabled, disabled=disabled)
# Add any active announcements for the library.
announcements = [
for x in Announcements.for_library(library).active
doc['announcements'] = announcements
# Finally, give the active annotator a chance to modify the document.
if self.authentication_document_annotator:
doc = self.authentication_document_annotator.annotate_authentication_document(
library, doc, url_for
return json.dumps(doc)
def key_pair(self):
"""Look up or create a public/private key pair for use by this library.
setting = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(
Configuration.KEY_PAIR, self.library
return Configuration.key_pair(setting)
def _geographic_areas(cls, library):
"""Determine the library's focus area and service area.
:param library: A Library
:return: A 2-tuple (focus_area, service_area)
focus_area = cls._geographic_area(
Configuration.LIBRARY_FOCUS_AREA, library
service_area = cls._geographic_area(
Configuration.LIBRARY_SERVICE_AREA, library
# If only one value is provided, both values are considered to
# be the same.
if focus_area and not service_area:
service_area = focus_area
if service_area and not focus_area:
focus_area = service_area
return focus_area, service_area
def _geographic_area(cls, key, library):
"""Extract a geographic area from a ConfigurationSetting
for the given `library`.
See and #focus_area
setting = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(key, library).value
if not setting:
return setting
if setting == 'everywhere':
# This literal string may be served as is.
return setting
# If we can load the setting as JSON, it is either a list
# of place names or a GeoJSON object.
setting = json.loads(setting)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
# The most common outcome -- treat the value as a single place
# name by turning it into a list.
setting = [setting]
return setting
[docs]class AuthenticationProvider(OPDSAuthenticationFlow):
"""Handle a specific patron authentication scheme.
# NOTE: Each subclass MUST define an attribute called NAME, which
# is displayed in the admin interface when configuring patron auth,
# used to create the name of the log channel used by this
# subclass, used to distinguish between tokens from different
# OAuth providers, etc.
# Each subclass SHOULD define an attribute called DESCRIPTION, which
# is displayed in the admin interface when an admin is configuring
# the authentication provider.
# Each subclass MAY define a value for FLOW_TYPE. This is used in the
# Authentication for OPDS document to distinguish between
# different types of authentication. If you don't do this you need to
# explicitly set the flow type when you create your Authentication Object.
# If an AuthenticationProvider authenticates patrons without identifying
# then as specific individuals (the way a geographic gate does),
# it should override this value and set it to False.
# An AuthenticationProvider may define a custom button image for
# clients to display when letting a user choose between different
# AuthenticationProviders. Image files MUST be stored in the
# `resources/images` directory - the value here should be the
# file name.
# Each authentication mechanism may have a list of SETTINGS that
# must be configured for that mechanism, and may have a list of
# LIBRARY_SETTINGS that must be configured for each library using that
# mechanism. Each setting must have a key that is used to store the
# setting in the database, and a label that is displayed when configuring
# the authentication mechanism in the admin interface.
# For example: { "key": "username", "label": _("Client ID") }.
# A setting is optional by default, but may have "required" set to True.
# Each library and authentication mechanism may have an ILS-assigned
# branch or institution ID used in the SIP2 AO field.
INSTITUTION_ID = "institution_id"
# Each library and authentication mechanism may have a regular
# expression for deriving a patron's external type from their
# authentication identifier.
EXTERNAL_TYPE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION = 'external_type_regular_expression'
# When multiple libraries share an ILS, a person may be able to
# authenticate with the ILS but not be considered a patron of
# _this_ library. This setting contains the rule for determining
# whether an identifier is valid for a specific library.
LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_RESTRICTION_TYPE = 'library_identifier_restriction_type'
# This field lets the user choose the data source for the patron match.
LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_FIELD = 'library_identifier_field'
# Usually this is a string which is compared against the
# patron's identifiers using the comparison method chosen in
LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_RESTRICTION = 'library_identifier_restriction'
# Different types of patron restrictions.
"label": _("External Type Regular Expression"),
"description": _("Derive a patron's type from their identifier."),
"label": _("Library Identifier Restriction Type"),
"type": "select",
"description": _("When multiple libraries share an ILS, a person may be able to " +
"authenticate with the ILS but not be considered a patron of " +
"<em>this</em> library. This setting contains the rule for determining " +
"whether an identifier is valid for this specific library. <p/> " +
"If this setting it set to 'No Restriction' then the values for " +
"<em>Library Identifier Field</em> and <em>Library Identifier " +
"Restriction</em> will not be used."),
"options": [
"label": _("No restriction")},
"label": _("Prefix Match")},
"label": _("Exact Match")},
"label": _("Regex Match")},
"label": _("Exact Match, comma separated list")},
"label": _("Library Identifier Field"),
"type": "select",
"options": [
"label": _("Barcode")},
"description": _("This is the field on the patron record that the <em>Library Identifier Restriction " +
"Type</em> is applied to, different patron authentication methods provide different " +
"values here. This value is not used if <em>Library Identifier Restriction Type</em> " +
"is set to 'No restriction'."),
"label": _("Library Identifier Restriction"),
"description": _("This is the restriction applied to the <em>Library Identifier Field</em> " +
"using the method chosen in <em>Library Identifier Restriction Type</em>. " +
"This value is not used if <em>Library Identifier Restriction Type</em> " +
"is set to 'No restriction'."),
{"key": INSTITUTION_ID, "label": _("Institution ID"),
"description": _("A specific identifier for the library or branch, if used in patron authentication")
def __init__(self, library, integration, analytics=None):
"""Basic constructor.
:param library: Patrons authenticated through this provider
are associated with this Library. Don't store this object!
It's associated with a scoped database session. Just pull
normal Python objects out of it.
:param integration: The ExternalIntegration that
configures this AuthenticationProvider. Don't store this
object! It's associated with a scoped database session. Just
pull normal Python objects out of it.
if not isinstance(library, Library):
raise Exception(
"Expected library to be a Library, got %r" % library
if not isinstance(integration, ExternalIntegration):
raise Exception(
"Expected integration to be an ExternalIntegration, got %r" % integration
self.library_id =
self.external_integration_id =
self.log = logging.getLogger(self.NAME) = analytics
# If there's a regular expression that maps authorization
# identifier to external type, find it now.
_db = Session.object_session(library)
regexp = ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration(
_db, self.EXTERNAL_TYPE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION, library, integration
if regexp:
regexp = re.compile(regexp)
except Exception as e:
"Could not configure external type regular expression: %r", e
regexp = None
self.external_type_regular_expression = regexp
field = ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration(
_db, self.LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_FIELD, library, integration
if isinstance(field, (bytes, str)):
field = field.strip()
self.library_identifier_field = field
self.library_identifier_restriction_type = ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration(
_db, self.LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_RESTRICTION_TYPE, library, integration
if not self.library_identifier_restriction_type:
self.library_identifier_restriction_type = self.LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_RESTRICTION_TYPE_NONE
restriction = ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration(
_db, self.LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_RESTRICTION, library, integration
if self.library_identifier_restriction_type == self.LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_RESTRICTION_TYPE_REGEX:
self.library_identifier_restriction = re.compile(restriction)
elif self.library_identifier_restriction_type == self.LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_RESTRICTION_TYPE_LIST:
restriction = restriction.split(",")
self.library_identifier_restriction = [
item.strip() for item in restriction]
elif self.library_identifier_restriction_type == self.LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_RESTRICTION_TYPE_NONE:
self.library_identifier_restriction = None
if isinstance(restriction, (bytes, str)):
self.library_identifier_restriction = restriction.strip()
self.library_identifier_restriction = restriction
self.institution_id = ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration(
_db, self.INSTITUTION_ID, library, integration
).value or ''
def _restriction_matches(cls, field, restriction, match_type):
"""Does the given patron match the given library restriction restriction?"""
if not restriction:
# No restriction -- anything matches.
return True
if not field:
# No field -- it won't match any restriction.
return False
return True
if field.startswith(restriction):
return True
if field == restriction:
return True
if field in restriction:
return True
return False
[docs] def enforce_library_identifier_restriction(self, identifier, patrondata):
"""Does the given patron match the configured library identifier restriction?"""
if isinstance(patrondata, Patron):
if self.library_id == patrondata.library_id:
return patrondata
return False
if not self.library_identifier_restriction_type or self.library_identifier_restriction_type == self.LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_RESTRICTION_TYPE_NONE:
# No restriction to enforce.
return patrondata
if not self.library_identifier_field or not self.library_identifier_restriction:
# Restriction field is blank, so everything matches.
return patrondata
if self.library_identifier_field.lower() == self.LIBRARY_IDENTIFIER_RESTRICTION_BARCODE:
field = identifier
if not patrondata.complete:
# Get full patron information
patrondata = self.remote_patron_lookup(patrondata)
field = patrondata.library_identifier
if self._restriction_matches(field, self.library_identifier_restriction, self.library_identifier_restriction_type):
return patrondata
return False
[docs] def library(self, _db):
return Library.by_id(_db, self.library_id)
[docs] def external_integration(self, _db):
return get_one(_db, ExternalIntegration, id=self.external_integration_id)
[docs] def authenticated_patron(self, _db, header):
"""Go from a WWW-Authenticate header (or equivalent) to a Patron object.
If the Patron needs to have their metadata updated, it happens
transparently at this point.
:return: A Patron if one can be authenticated; a ProblemDetail
if an error occurs; None if the credentials are missing or wrong.
patron = self.authenticate(_db, header)
if not isinstance(patron, Patron):
return patron
if PatronUtility.needs_external_sync(patron):
if patron.cached_neighborhood and not patron.neighborhood:
# Patron.neighborhood (which is not a model field) was not
# set, probably because we avoided an expensive metadata
# update. But we have a cached_neighborhood (which _is_ a
# model field) to use in situations like this.
patron.neighborhood = patron.cached_neighborhood
return patron
[docs] def update_patron_external_type(self, patron):
"""Make sure the patron's external type reflects
what external_type_regular_expression says.
if not self.external_type_regular_expression:
# External type is not determined by a regular expression.
if not patron.authorization_identifier:
# Patron has no authorization identifier. Leave their
# external_type alone.
match =
if not match:
# Patron's authorization identifier doesn't match the
# regular expression at all. Leave their external_type
# alone.
groups = match.groups()
if not groups:
# The regular expression matched but didn't contain any groups.
# This is a configuration error; do nothing.
patron.external_type = groups[0]
[docs] def authenticate(self, _db, header):
"""Authenticate a patron based on a WWW-Authenticate header
(or equivalent).
:return: A Patron if one can be authenticated; a ProblemDetail if an
error occurs; None if the credentials are missing or wrong.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def remote_patron_lookup(self, patron_or_patrondata):
"""Ask the remote for detailed information about a patron's account.
This may be called in the course of authenticating a patron,
or it may be called when the patron isn't around, for purposes
of learning some personal information (primarily email
address) that can't be stored in the database.
The default implementation assumes there is no special
lookup functionality, and returns exactly the information
present in the object that was passed in.
:param patron_or_patrondata: Either a Patron object, a PatronData
object, or None (if no further information could be provided).
:return: An updated PatronData object.
if not patron_or_patrondata:
return None
if (isinstance(patron_or_patrondata, PatronData)
or isinstance(patron_or_patrondata, Patron)):
return patron_or_patrondata
raise ValueError(
"Unexpected object %r passed into remote_patron_lookup." %
# BasicAuthenticationProvider defines remote_patron_lookup to call this
# method and then do something additional; by default, we want the core
# lookup mechanism to work the same way as AuthenticationProvider.remote_patron_lookup.
_remote_patron_lookup = remote_patron_lookup
def _authentication_flow_document(self, _db):
"""Create a Authentication Flow object for use in an Authentication for
OPDS document.
:return: A dictionary suitable for inclusion as one of the
'authentication' list in an Authentication for OPDS document.
For example:
"authentication": [
{ "type": "",
"labels": {"login": "Barcode", "password": "PIN"} }
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class BasicAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider, HasSelfTests):
"""Verify a username/password, obtained through HTTP Basic Auth, with
a remote source of truth.
# NOTE: Each subclass MUST define an attribute called NAME, which
# is used to configure that subclass in the configuration file,
# used to create the name of the log channel used by this
# subclass, used to distinguish between tokens from different
# OAuth providers, etc.
# Each subclass MAY override the default value for DISPLAY_NAME.
# This becomes the human-readable name of the authentication
# mechanism in the OPDS authentication document.
# Each subclass MAY override the default values for
# default human-readable labels for username and password in the
# OPDS authentication document
# Each subclass MAY override the default value for
# AUTHENTICATION_REALM. This becomes the name of the HTTP Basic
# Auth authentication realm.
# It's generally not necessary for a subclass to override URI, but
# you might want to do it if your username/password doesn't fit
# into the 'library barcode' paradigm.
# It's probably not necessary for a subclass to override METHOD,
# since the default indicates HTTP Basic Auth.
DISPLAY_NAME = _("Library Barcode")
AUTHENTICATION_REALM = _("Library card")
NAME = 'Generic Basic Authentication provider'
# By default, patron identifiers can only contain alphanumerics and
# a few other characters. By default, there are no restrictions on
# passwords.
alphanumerics_plus = re.compile("^[A-Za-z0-9@.-]+$")
# Configuration settings that are common to all Basic Auth-type
# authentication techniques.
# Settings for basic auth bearer tokens
HTTP_BASIC_OAUTH_ENABLED = "http_basic_oauth_enabled"
# Identifiers can be presumed invalid if they don't match
# this regular expression.
IDENTIFIER_REGULAR_EXPRESSION = 'identifier_regular_expression'
# Passwords can be presumed invalid if they don't match this regular
# expression.
PASSWORD_REGULAR_EXPRESSION = 'password_regular_expression'
# The client should prefer one keyboard over another.
IDENTIFIER_KEYBOARD = 'identifier_keyboard'
PASSWORD_KEYBOARD = 'password_keyboard'
# Constants describing different types of keyboards.
NUMBER_PAD = "Number pad"
NULL_KEYBOARD = "No input"
# The identifier and password can have a maximum
# supported length.
IDENTIFIER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = "identifier_maximum_length"
PASSWORD_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = "password_maximum_length"
# The client should use a certain string when asking for a patron's
# "identifier" and "password"
IDENTIFIER_LABEL = 'identifier_label'
PASSWORD_LABEL = 'password_label'
# If the identifier label is one of these strings, it will be
# automatically localized. Otherwise, the same label will be displayed
# to everyone.
"Barcode": _("Barcode"),
"Email Address": _("Email Address"),
"Username": _("Username"),
"Library Card": _("Library Card"),
"Card Number": _("Card Number"),
# If the password label is one of these strings, it will be
# automatically localized. Otherwise, the same label will be
# displayed to everyone.
"Password": _("Password"),
"PIN": _("PIN"),
IDENTIFIER_BARCODE_FORMAT = "identifier_barcode_format"
BARCODE_FORMAT_CODABAR = "Codabar" # Constant defined in the extension
# These identifier and password are supposed to be valid
# credentials. If there's a problem using them, there's a problem
# with the authenticator or with the way we have it configured.
TEST_IDENTIFIER = 'test_identifier'
TEST_PASSWORD = 'test_password'
"A valid identifier that can be used to test that patron authentication is working."
"An optional Test Password for this identifier can be set in the next section.",
"The password for the Test Identifier.")
"The password for the Test Identifier (above, in previous section).")
"label": _("Enable OAuth for HTTP Basic Auth"),
"description": _("Enable authentication with bearer tokens generated via basic auth credentials"),
"type": "select",
"options": [
{"key": "false", "label": _("Disabled")},
{"key": "true", "label": _("Enabled")},
"default": "false",
] + AuthenticationProvider.LIBRARY_SETTINGS
"label": _("Test Identifier"),
"required": True,
"label": _("Test Password"),
"label": _("Patron identifier barcode format"),
"description": _("Many libraries render patron identifiers as barcodes on physical library cards. If you specify the barcode format, patrons will be able to scan their library cards with a camera instead of manually typing in their identifiers."),
"type": "select",
"options": [
{"key": BARCODE_FORMAT_CODABAR, "label": _(
"Patron identifiers are are rendered as barcodes in Codabar format")},
{"key": BARCODE_FORMAT_NONE, "label": _(
"Patron identifiers are not rendered as barcodes")},
"required": True,
"label": _("Identifier Regular Expression"),
"description": _("A patron's identifier will be immediately rejected if it doesn't match this regular expression."),
"label": _("Password Regular Expression"),
"description": _("A patron's password will be immediately rejected if it doesn't match this regular expression."),
"label": _("Keyboard for identifier entry"),
"type": "select",
"options": [
{"key": DEFAULT_KEYBOARD, "label": _("System default")},
"label": _("Email address entry")},
{"key": NUMBER_PAD, "label": _("Number pad")},
"required": True,
"label": _("Keyboard for password entry"),
"type": "select",
"options": [
{"key": DEFAULT_KEYBOARD, "label": _("System default")},
{"key": NUMBER_PAD, "label": _("Number pad")},
{"key": NULL_KEYBOARD, "label": _(
"Patrons have no password and should not be prompted for one.")},
"label": _("Maximum identifier length"),
"type": "number",
"label": _("Maximum password length"),
"type": "number",
"label": _("Label for identifier entry"),
"label": _("Label for password entry"),
] + AuthenticationProvider.SETTINGS
# Used in the constructor to signify that the default argument
# value for the class should be used (as distinct from None, which
# indicates that no value should be used.)
class_default = object()
patron_is_new = False
def __init__(self, library, integration, analytics=None):
"""Create a BasicAuthenticationProvider.
:param library: Patrons authenticated through this provider
are associated with this Library. Don't store this object!
It's associated with a scoped database session. Just pull
normal Python objects out of it.
:param externalintegration: The ExternalIntegration that
configures this AuthenticationProvider. Don't store this
object! It's associated with a scoped database session. Just
pull normal Python objects out of it.
super(BasicAuthenticationProvider, self).__init__(
library, integration, analytics)
identifier_regular_expression = integration.setting(
if identifier_regular_expression:
identifier_regular_expression = re.compile(
self.identifier_re = identifier_regular_expression
password_regular_expression = integration.setting(
if password_regular_expression:
password_regular_expression = re.compile(
self.password_re = password_regular_expression
self.test_username = integration.setting(self.TEST_IDENTIFIER).value
self.test_password = integration.setting(self.TEST_PASSWORD).value
self.identifier_maximum_length = integration.setting(
self.password_maximum_length = integration.setting(
self.identifier_keyboard = integration.setting(
self.password_keyboard = integration.setting(
self.identifier_barcode_format = integration.setting(
).value or self.BARCODE_FORMAT_NONE
self.identifier_label = (
self.password_label = (
_db = Session.object_session(library)
self.oauth_enabled = ConfigurationSetting.for_library_and_externalintegration(
_db, self.HTTP_BASIC_OAUTH_ENABLED, library, integration
self.patron_is_new = False
[docs] def remote_patron_lookup(self, patron_or_patrondata):
"""Ask the remote for information about this patron, and then make sure
the patron belongs to the library associated with thie BasicAuthenticationProvider."""
patron_info = self._remote_patron_lookup(patron_or_patrondata)
if patron_info:
return self.enforce_library_identifier_restriction(patron_info.authorization_identifier, patron_info)
return patron_info
def collects_password(self):
"""Does this BasicAuthenticationProvider expect a username
and a password, or just a username?
return self.password_keyboard != self.NULL_KEYBOARD
[docs] def testing_patron(self, _db):
"""Look up a Patron object reserved for testing purposes.
:return: A 2-tuple (Patron, password)
if self.test_username is None:
return self.test_username, self.test_password
header = dict(username=self.test_username, password=self.test_password)
return self.authenticated_patron(_db, header), self.test_password
[docs] def testing_patron_or_bust(self, _db):
"""Look up the Patron object reserved for testing purposes.
:raise:CannotLoadConfiguration: If no test patron is configured.
:raise:IntegrationException: If the returned patron is not a Patron object.
:return: A 2-tuple (Patron, password)
if self.test_username is None:
raise CannotLoadConfiguration(
"No test patron identifier is configured."
patron, password = self.testing_patron(_db)
if isinstance(patron, Patron):
return patron, password
if not patron:
message = (
"Remote declined to authenticate the test patron.",
"The patron may not exist or its password may be wrong."
elif isinstance(patron, ProblemDetail):
message = "Test patron lookup returned a problem detail - {}: {} ({})".format(
patron.title, patron.detail, patron.uri
message = "Test patron lookup returned invalid value for patron: {!r}".format(
raise IntegrationException(message)
def _run_self_tests(self, _db):
"""Verify the credentials of the test patron for this integration,
and update its metadata.
patron_test = self.run_test(
"Authenticating test patron", self.testing_patron_or_bust, _db
yield patron_test
if not patron_test.success:
# We can't run the rest of the tests.
patron, password = patron_test.result
yield self.run_test(
"Syncing patron metadata", self.update_patron_metadata,
[docs] def scrub_credential(self, value):
"""Scrub an incoming value that is part of a patron's set of credentials."""
if not isinstance(value, (str, bytes)):
return value
return value.strip()
[docs] def authenticate(self, _db, credentials):
"""Turn a set of credentials into a Patron object.
:param credentials:
A dictionary with keys `username` and `password`
or a bearer token string.
:return: A Patron if one can be authenticated; a ProblemDetail
if an error occurs; None if the credentials are missing or wrong.
if isinstance(credentials, str):
return self._authenticate_from_token(_db, credentials)
elif isinstance(credentials, (dict, auth.Authorization)):
return self._authenticate_from_credentials(_db, credentials)
def _authenticate_from_token(self, _db, credentials):
"""Turn a bearer token into a Patron object.
:param credentials: A bearer token string
:return: A Patron if one can be looked up; a ProblemDetail
if an error occurs.
credential = Credential.lookup_by_token(
_db, None, BasicAuthenticationProvider.TOKEN_TYPE, credentials
if isinstance(credential, Credential):
return credential.patron
def _authenticate_from_credentials(self, _db, credentials):
"""Turn a dict of credentials into a Patron object.
:param credentials: A dictionary with keys 'username' and 'password'.
"return: A Patron if one can be authenticated; a ProblemDetail
if an error occurs; None if the credentials are missing or wrong.
username = self.scrub_credential(credentials.get('username'))
password = self.scrub_credential(credentials.get('password'))
server_side_validation_result = self.server_side_validation(
username, password
if not server_side_validation_result:
# False => None
server_side_validation_result = None
if (not server_side_validation_result
or isinstance(server_side_validation_result, ProblemDetail)):
# The credentials are prima facie invalid and do not
# need to be checked with the source of truth.
return server_side_validation_result
# Check these credentials with the source of truth.
patrondata = self.remote_authenticate(username, password)
if not patrondata or isinstance(patrondata, ProblemDetail):
# Either an error occured or the credentials did not correspond
# to any patron.
return patrondata
# Check that the patron belongs to this library.
patrondata = self.enforce_library_identifier_restriction(
username, patrondata)
if not patrondata:
# At this point we know there is _some_ authenticated patron,
# but it might not correspond to a Patron in our database, and
# if it does, that Patron's authorization_identifier might be
# different from the `username` passed in as part of the
# credentials.
# First, try to look up the Patron object in our database.
patron = self.local_patron_lookup(_db, username, patrondata)
if patron and (
patrondata.complete or not PatronUtility.needs_external_sync(
# We found them! And there is no need to do a separate
# lookup for purposes of external sync -- either because
# they don't need to be synced or because we got a
# complete PatronData as a side effect of the authentication
# check.
# Just make sure our local data is up to date with
# whatever we just got from remote.
self.apply_patrondata(patrondata, patron)
self.patron_is_new = False
return patron
# At this point there are two possibilities:
# 1. We didn't find them. Now the question is: _why_ didn't
# the patron show up locally? Have we never seen them before
# or has their authorization identifier changed?
# 2. We found them, they need an external sync, and we found
# them in a way that didn't provide that information.
# In both cases, the next step is to look up the patron's
# account details remotely. In some providers this step may
# be a no-op. But we have to try it, because if the patron's
# account details are out of sync, the rest of the request (the
# thing they're actually trying to do) might fail.
patrondata = self.remote_patron_lookup(patrondata)
if not patrondata or isinstance(patrondata, ProblemDetail):
# Either there was a problem looking up the patron data, or
# the patron does not exist on the remote. How we passed
# remote validation is a mystery, but ours not to reason
# why. There is no authenticated patron.
return patrondata
if isinstance(patrondata, Patron):
# For whatever reason, the remote lookup implementation
# returned a Patron object instead of a PatronData. Just
# use that Patron object.
self.patron_is_new = False
return patrondata
# At this point we have a _complete_ PatronData object which we
# know represents an existing patron on the remote side. Try
# the local lookup again.
patron = self.local_patron_lookup(_db, username, patrondata)
if not patron:
# We have a PatronData from the ILS that does not
# correspond to any local Patron. Create the local Patron.
patron, is_new = patrondata.get_or_create_patron(
_db, self.library_id,
self.patron_is_new = is_new
self.patron_is_new = False
# The lookup failed in the first place either because the
# Patron did not exist on the local side, or because one of
# the patron's identifiers changed; or, the lookup succeeded
# but we needed to do a separate validation step. Either way,
# we now need to update the Patron record with the account
# information we just got from the source of truth.
self.apply_patrondata(patrondata, patron)
return patron
[docs] def apply_patrondata(self, patrondata, patron):
"""Apply a PatronData object to the given patron and make sure
any fields that need to be updated as a result of new data
are updated.
if self.external_type_regular_expression:
[docs] def server_side_validation(self, username, password):
"""Do these credentials even look right?
Sometimes egregious problems can be caught without needing to
check with the ILS.
valid = True
if self.identifier_re:
valid = valid and username is not None and (
self.identifier_re.match(username) is not None
if not self.collects_password:
# The only legal password is an empty one.
valid = valid and password in (None, '')
if self.password_re:
valid = valid and password is not None and (
self.password_re.match(password) is not None
if self.password_maximum_length:
valid = valid and password and (
len(password) <= self.password_maximum_length)
if self.identifier_maximum_length:
valid = valid and (len(username) <= self.identifier_maximum_length)
return valid
[docs] def remote_authenticate(self, username, password):
"""Does the source of truth approve of these credentials?
:return: If the credentials are valid, but nothing more is
known about the patron, return True.
If the credentials are valid, _and_ enough information came
back in the request to also create a PatronInfo object, you
may create that object and return it to save a
remote patron lookup later.
If the credentials are invalid, return False or None.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def local_patron_lookup(self, _db, username, patrondata):
"""Try to find a Patron object in the local database.
:param username: An HTTP Basic Auth username. May or may not
correspond to the `Patron.username` field.
:param patrondata: A PatronData object recently obtained from
the source of truth, possibly as a side effect of validating
the username and password. This may make it possible to
identify the patron more precisely. Or it may be None, in
which case it's no help at all.
# We're going to try a number of different strategies to look
# up the appropriate patron based on PatronData. In theory we
# could employ all these strategies at once (see the code at
# the end of this method), but if the source of truth is
# well-behaved, the first available lookup should work, and if
# it's not, it's better to check the more reliable mechanisms
# before the less reliable.
lookups = []
if patrondata:
if patrondata.permanent_id:
# Permanent ID is the most reliable way of identifying
# a patron, since this is supposed to be an internal
# ID that never changes.
if patrondata.username:
# Username is fairly reliable, since the patron
# generally has to decide to change it.
if patrondata.authorization_identifier:
# Authorization identifiers change all the time so
# they're not terribly reliable.
patron = None
for lookup in lookups:
lookup['library_id'] = self.library_id
patron = get_one(_db, Patron, **lookup)
if patron:
# We found them!
if not patron and username:
# This is a Basic Auth username, but it might correspond
# to either Patron.authorization_identifier or
# Patron.username.
# NOTE: If patrons are allowed to choose their own
# usernames, it's possible that a username and
# authorization_identifier can conflict. In that case it's
# undefined which Patron is returned from this query. If
# this happens, it's a problem with the ILS and needs to
# be resolved over there.
clause = or_(Patron.authorization_identifier == username,
Patron.username == username)
qu = _db.query(Patron).filter(clause).filter(
Patron.library_id == self.library_id).limit(1)
patron =
except NoResultFound:
patron = None
return patron
def authentication_header(self):
return 'Basic realm="%s"' % self.AUTHENTICATION_REALM
def _authentication_flow_document(self, _db):
"""Create a Authentication Flow object for use in an Authentication for
OPDS document.
basic_doc = self._generate_authentication_flow_document(
_db, type=self.FLOW_TYPE_BASIC)
docs = [basic_doc, ]
if self.oauth_enabled:
oauth_doc = self._generate_authentication_flow_document(
_db, type=self.FLOW_TYPE_OAUTH)
return docs
def _generate_authentication_flow_document(self, _db, type):
login_inputs = dict(keyboard=self.identifier_keyboard)
if self.identifier_maximum_length:
login_inputs['maximum_length'] = self.identifier_maximum_length
if self.identifier_barcode_format:
login_inputs['barcode_format'] = self.identifier_barcode_format
password_inputs = dict(keyboard=self.password_keyboard)
if self.password_maximum_length:
password_inputs['maximum_length'] = self.password_maximum_length
# Localize the labels if possible.
localized_identifier_label = self.COMMON_IDENTIFIER_LABELS.get(
localized_password_label = self.COMMON_PASSWORD_LABELS.get(
flow_doc = dict(
flow_doc["links"] = []
# TODO: I'm not sure if logo is appropriate for this, since it's a button
# with the logo on it rather than a plain logo. Perhaps we should use plain
# logos instead.
dict(rel="logo", href=url_for("static_image",
filename=self.LOGIN_BUTTON_IMAGE, _external=True))
flow_doc["type"] = type
if type == self.FLOW_TYPE_OAUTH:
dict(rel="authenticate", href=url_for(
"http_basic_auth_token", _external=True))
return flow_doc
[docs]class BearerTokenSigner(object):
"""Mixin class used for storing a secret used for signing Bearer tokens"""
# Name of the site-wide ConfigurationSetting containing the secret
# used to sign bearer tokens.
[docs] @classmethod
def bearer_token_signing_secret(cls, db):
"""Find or generate the site-wide bearer token signing secret.
:param db: Database session
:type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session
:return: ConfigurationSetting object containing the signing secret
:rtype: ConfigurationSetting
return ConfigurationSetting.sitewide_secret(
[docs]class OAuthAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider, BearerTokenSigner):
# NOTE: Each subclass must define URI as per
# AuthenticationProvider superclass. This is the URI used to
# identify this particular authentication provider.
# Each subclass MAY define a value for FLOW_TYPE. This is the URI
# used to identify the authentication mechanism in Authentication
# For OPDS documents. The default is used to indicate the Library
# Simplified variant of OAuth.
# Each subclass MUST define an attribute called
# NAME, which is the name used to configure that
# subclass in the configuration file. Failure to define this
# attribute will result in an error in the constructor.
# Each subclass MUST define an attribute called TOKEN_TYPE, which
# is the name used in the database to distinguish this provider's
# tokens from other provider's tokens.
# Each subclass MUST define an attribute called
# TOKEN_DATA_SOURCE_NAME, which is the name of the DataSource
# under which bearer tokens for patrons will be registered.
# Finally, each subclass MUST define an attribute called
# EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATE_URL. When the patron hits the
# oauth_authentication_redirect controller, they will be
# redirected to this URL on the OAuth provider's site.
# This URL template MUST contain Python variable interpolations
# for 'client_id', 'oauth_callback_url', 'state'. This way the
# OAuth provider knows which client is asking to authenticate a
# user, and it knows to send the client back to our
# oauth_authentication_callback controller. Finally, the
# oauth_callback controller can maintain any state from the
# initial request to oauth_authentication_redirect.
# As an example, here's the EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATE_URL for the
# Clever OAuth provider:
# After verifying the patron's OAuth credentials, we send them a
# token. This configuration setting controls how long they can use
# that token before we check their OAuth credentials again.
OAUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DAYS = 'token_expiration_days'
# This is the default value for that configuration setting.
{"key": OAUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_DAYS, "type": "number",
"label": _("Days until OAuth token expires")},
] + AuthenticationProvider.SETTINGS
def __init__(self, library, integration, analytics=None):
"""Initialize this OAuthAuthenticationProvider.
:param library: Patrons authenticated through this provider
are associated with this Library. Don't store this object!
It's associated with a scoped database session. Just pull
normal Python objects out of it.
:param externalintegration: The ExternalIntegration that
configures this AuthenticationProvider. Don't store this
object! It's associated with a scoped database session. Just
pull normal Python objects out of it.
:param client_id: An ID given to us by the OAuth provider, used
to distinguish between us and its other clients.
:param client_secret: A secret key given to us by the OAuth
provider, used to validate that we are who we say we are.
:param token_expiration_days: This many days may elapse before
we ask the patron to go through the OAuth validation
process again.
super(OAuthAuthenticationProvider, self).__init__(
library, integration, analytics
self.client_id = integration.username
self.client_secret = integration.password
self.token_expiration_days = integration.setting(
[docs] def authenticated_patron(self, _db, token):
"""Go from an OAuth provider token to an authenticated Patron.
:param token: The provider token extracted from the Authorization
header. This is _not_ the bearer token found in
the Authorization header; it's the provider-specific token
embedded in that token.
:return: A Patron, if one can be authenticated. None, if the
credentials do not authenticate any particular patron. A
ProblemDetail if an error occurs.
data_source, ignore = self.token_data_source(_db)
credential = Credential.lookup_by_token(
_db, data_source, self.TOKEN_TYPE, token
if credential:
return credential.patron
# This token wasn't in our database, or was expired. The
# patron will have to log in through the OAuth provider again
# to get a new token.
return None
[docs] def create_token(self, _db, patron, token):
"""Create a Credential object that ties the given patron to the
given provider token.
data_source, ignore = self.token_data_source(_db)
duration = datetime.timedelta(days=self.token_expiration_days)
return Credential.temporary_token_create(
_db, data_source, self.TOKEN_TYPE, patron, duration, token
def remote_patron_lookup(self, patron_or_patrondata):
"""Ask the remote for detailed information about a patron's account.
By default, there is no way to ask an OAuth provider for
information about a specific patron after the fact.
return None
[docs] def external_authenticate_url(self, state, _db):
"""Generate the URL provided by the OAuth provider which will present
the patron with a login form.
:param state: A state variable to be propagated through to the OAuth
arguments = self.external_authenticate_url_parameters(state, _db)
return template % arguments
[docs] def external_authenticate_url_parameters(self, state, _db):
"""Arguments used to fill in the template EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATE_URL.
library_short_name = self.library(_db).short_name
return dict(
# When the patron finishes logging in to the OAuth provider,
# we want them to send the patron to this URL.
[docs] def oauth_callback(self, _db, code):
"""Verify the incoming parameters with the OAuth provider. Exchange
the authorization code for an access token. Create or look up
appropriate database records.
:param code: The authorization code generated by the
authorization server, as per section 4.1.2 of RFC 6749. This
method will exchange the authorization code for an access token.
:return: A ProblemDetail if there's a problem. Otherwise, a
3-tuple (Credential, Patron, PatronData). The Credential
contains the access token provided by the OAuth provider. The
Patron object represents the authenticated Patron, and the
PatronData object includes information about the patron
obtained from the OAuth provider which cannot be stored in the
circulation manager's database, but which should be passed on
to the client.
# Ask the OAuth provider to verify the code that was passed
# in. This will give us an access token we can use to look up
# detailed patron information.
token = self.remote_exchange_code_for_access_token(_db, code)
if isinstance(token, ProblemDetail):
return token
# Now that we have a bearer token, use it to look up patron
# information.
patrondata = self.remote_patron_lookup(token)
if isinstance(patrondata, ProblemDetail):
return patrondata
for identifier in patrondata.authorization_identifiers:
result = self.enforce_library_identifier_restriction(
identifier, patrondata)
if result:
patrondata = result
# None of the patron's authorization identifiers match.
# This patron was able to validate with the OAuth provider,
# but they are not a patron of _this_ library.
# Convert the PatronData into a Patron object.
patron, is_new = patrondata.get_or_create_patron(
_db, self.library_id,
patrondata.is_new = is_new
# Create a credential for the Patron.
credential, is_new = self.create_token(_db, patron, token)
return credential, patron, patrondata
[docs] def remote_exchange_authorization_code_for_access_token(self, _db, code):
"""Ask the OAuth provider to convert a code (passed in to the OAuth
callback) into a bearer token.
We can use the bearer token to act on behalf of a specific
patron. It also gives us confidence that the patron
authenticated correctly with the OAuth provider.
:return: A ProblemDetail if there's a problem; otherwise, the
bearer token.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def remote_patron_lookup(self, access_token):
"""Use a bearer token to look up as much information as possible about
a patron.
:return: A ProblemDetail if there's a problem. Otherwise, a PatronData.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _internal_authenticate_url(self, _db):
"""A patron who wants to log in should hit this URL on the circulation
manager. They'll be redirected to the OAuth provider, which will
take care of it.
library = self.library(_db)
return url_for('oauth_authenticate', _external=True,
def _authentication_flow_document(self, _db):
"""Create a Authentication Flow object for use in an Authentication for
OPDS document.
"type": ""
"description": "My OAuth Provider",
"links": [
{ "rel" : "authenticate"
"href": "" }
flow_doc = dict(
# TODO: I'm not sure if logo is appropriate for this, since it's a button
# with the logo on it rather than a plain logo. Perhaps we should use plain
# logos instead.
flow_doc["links"] += [dict(rel="logo", href=url_for(
"static_image", filename=self.LOGIN_BUTTON_IMAGE, _external=True))]
return flow_doc
[docs] def token_data_source(self, _db):
return get_one_or_create(
_db, DataSource, name=self.TOKEN_DATA_SOURCE_NAME
[docs]class OAuthController(object):
"""A controller for handling requests that are part of the OAuth
credential dance.
def __init__(self, authenticator):
self.authenticator = authenticator
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] @classmethod
def oauth_authentication_callback_url(cls, library_short_name):
"""The URL to the oauth_authentication_callback controller.
This is its own method because sometimes an
OAuthAuthenticationProvider needs to send it to the OAuth
provider to demonstrate that it knows which URL a patron was
redirected to.
return url_for('oauth_callback', library_short_name=library_short_name, _external=True, _scheme='https')
[docs] def oauth_authentication_redirect(self, params, _db):
"""Redirect an unauthenticated patron to the authentication URL of the
appropriate OAuth provider.
Over on that other site, the patron will authenticate and be
redirected back to the circulation manager, ending up in
redirect_uri = params.get('redirect_uri', '')
provider_name = params.get('provider')
provider = self.authenticator.bearer_token_provider_lookup(
if isinstance(provider, ProblemDetail):
return self._redirect_with_error(redirect_uri, provider)
state = dict(
provider=provider.NAME, redirect_uri=redirect_uri
state = json.dumps(state)
state = urllib.parse.quote(state)
return redirect(provider.external_authenticate_url(state, _db))
[docs] def oauth_authentication_callback(self, _db, params):
"""Create a Patron object and a bearer token for a patron who has just
authenticated with one of our OAuth providers.
:return: A redirect to the `redirect_uri` kept in
`params['state']`, with the bearer token encoded into the
fragment identifier as `access_token` and useful information
about the patron encoded into the fragment identifier as
`patron_info`. For example, if params is
Then the redirect URI might be:
It's the client's responsibility to extract the access_token,
start using it as a bearer token, and make sense of the
code = params.get('code')
state = params.get('state')
if not code or not state:
state = json.loads(urllib.parse.unquote(state))
client_redirect_uri = state.get('redirect_uri') or ""
provider_name = state.get('provider')
provider = self.authenticator.bearer_token_provider_lookup(
if isinstance(provider, ProblemDetail):
return self._redirect_with_error(client_redirect_uri, provider)
# Send the incoming parameters to the OAuth provider and get
# back a provider token (a Credential object), the
# authenticated patron (a Patron object), and a PatronData
# including any personal information obtained from the OAuth
# provider (such as patron name) which we can't store in the
# database.
response = provider.oauth_callback(_db, code)
#'OATH_CALLBACK', response)
if isinstance(response, ProblemDetail):
# Most likely the OAuth provider didn't like the credentials
# we sent.
return self._redirect_with_error(
client_redirect_uri, response
provider_token, patron, patrondata = response
# Turn the provider token into a bearer token we can give to
# the patron.
simplified_token = self.authenticator.create_bearer_token(
provider.NAME, provider_token.credential
patron_info = json.dumps(patrondata.to_response_parameters)
root_lane = cdn_url_for(
except AttributeError:
root_lane = patron.root_lane
params = dict(
return redirect(client_redirect_uri + "#" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params))
def _redirect_with_error(self, redirect_uri, pd):
"""Redirect the patron to the given URL, with the given ProblemDetail
encoded into the fragment identifier.
return redirect(self._error_uri(redirect_uri, pd))
def _error_uri(self, redirect_uri, pd):
"""Encode the given ProblemDetail into the fragment identifier
of the given URI.
problem_detail_json = pd_json(
pd.uri, pd.status_code, pd.title, pd.detail, pd.instance,
params = dict(error=problem_detail_json)
return redirect_uri + "#" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
[docs]class BaseSAMLAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider, BearerTokenSigner, metaclass=ABCMeta):
Base class for SAML authentication providers
NAME = 'SAML 2.0'
DESCRIPTION = _('SAML 2.0 authentication provider')
TOKEN_TYPE = "SAML 2.0 token"
[docs]class BasicAuthTempTokenController(object):
"""A controller that handles requests for issuing temporary tokens
to HTTP Basic Auth credentials.
TOKEN_DURATION = datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600)
def __init__(self, authenticator):
self.authenticator = authenticator
[docs] def get_or_create_token(self, _db, patron):
Retrieve a patron's Credential or create a new one.
data_source = None
token_type = BasicAuthenticationProvider.TOKEN_TYPE
refesher_method = None
token_time_remaining = 0
credential = Credential.lookup(
_db, data_source, token_type, patron, refesher_method)
if credential.expires:
# The Credential's expiration time is stored and the lifetime of the Credential (one hour) is known,
# so the creation time can be calculated
token_time_remaining = (
credential.expires - utc_now()).total_seconds()
if (
>= token_time_remaining >=
# Use the existing token if it's been requested within a minute since creation
inner_token = credential
# Patron didn't have an existing token or is requesting a new one,
# create a temporary inner token with a lifetime of 1 hour
inner_token, _ = Credential.temporary_token_create(
_db, data_source, token_type, patron, BasicAuthTempTokenController.TOKEN_DURATION
return inner_token
[docs] def basic_auth_temp_token(self, params, _db):
"""Generate and return a temporary token from HTTP Basic Auth credentials.
short_name = self.authenticator.current_library_short_name
providers = self.authenticator.library_authenticators[short_name].providers
basic_auth_providers = list(filter(lambda provider: isinstance(provider, BasicAuthenticationProvider), providers))
is_new = any([provider.patron_is_new for provider in basic_auth_providers])
patron = self.authenticator.authenticated_patron(
_db, flask.request.authorization)
if isinstance(patron, ProblemDetail):
# There was a problem turning the authorization header into a valid patron.
return patron
if isinstance(patron, Patron):
inner_token = self.get_or_create_token(_db, patron)
# Wrap the inner token with the provider name
outer_token = self.authenticator.create_bearer_token(
root_lane = cdn_url_for(
except AttributeError:
root_lane = patron.root_lane
data = dict(
return flask.jsonify(data)