Source code for api.annotations

from pyld import jsonld
import json
import os

from core.model import (

from core.app_server import (
from core.util.datetime_helpers import utc_now

from .problem_details import *

[docs]def load_document(url): """Retrieves JSON-LD for the given URL from a local file if available, and falls back to the network. """ files = { AnnotationWriter.JSONLD_CONTEXT: "anno.jsonld", AnnotationWriter.LDP_CONTEXT: "ldp.jsonld" } if url in files: base_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'jsonld') jsonld_file = os.path.join(base_path, files[url]) data = open(jsonld_file).read() doc = { "contextUrl": None, "documentUrl": url, "document": data } return doc else: return jsonld.load_document(url)
[docs]class AnnotationWriter(object): CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/ld+json; profile=""' JSONLD_CONTEXT = "" LDP_CONTEXT = ""
[docs] @classmethod def annotations_for(cls, patron, identifier=None): annotations = [annotation for annotation in patron.annotations if] if identifier: annotations = [annotation for annotation in annotations if annotation.identifier == identifier] return annotations
[docs] @classmethod def annotation_container_for(cls, patron, identifier=None): if identifier: url = url_for('annotations_for_work', identifier_type=identifier.type, identifier=identifier.identifier, library_short_name=patron.library.short_name, _external=True) else: url = url_for("annotations", library_short_name=patron.library.short_name, _external=True) annotations = cls.annotations_for(patron, identifier=identifier) latest_timestamp = None if len(annotations) > 0: # patron.annotations is already sorted by timestamp, so the first # annotation is the most recent. latest_timestamp = annotations[0].timestamp container = dict() container["@context"] = [cls.JSONLD_CONTEXT, cls.LDP_CONTEXT] container["id"] = url container["type"] = ["BasicContainer", "AnnotationCollection"] container["total"] = len(annotations) container["first"] = cls.annotation_page_for(patron, identifier=identifier, with_context=False) return container, latest_timestamp
[docs] @classmethod def annotation_page_for(cls, patron, identifier=None, with_context=True): if identifier: url = url_for('annotations_for_work', identifier_type=identifier.type, identifier=identifier.identifier, library_short_name=patron.library.short_name, _external=True) else: url = url_for("annotations", library_short_name=patron.library.short_name, _external=True) annotations = cls.annotations_for(patron, identifier=identifier) details = [cls.detail(annotation, with_context=with_context) for annotation in annotations] page = dict() if with_context: page["@context"] = cls.JSONLD_CONTEXT page["id"] = url page["type"] = "AnnotationPage" page["items"] = details return page
[docs] @classmethod def detail(cls, annotation, with_context=True): item = dict() if with_context: item["@context"] = cls.JSONLD_CONTEXT item["id"] = url_for("annotation_detail",, library_short_name=annotation.patron.library.short_name, _external=True) item["type"] = "Annotation" item["motivation"] = annotation.motivation item["body"] = annotation.content if target = json.loads( compacted = jsonld.compact(target, cls.JSONLD_CONTEXT) del compacted["@context"] item["target"] = compacted if annotation.content: body = json.loads(annotation.content) compacted = jsonld.compact(body, cls.JSONLD_CONTEXT) del compacted["@context"] item["body"] = compacted return item
[docs]class AnnotationParser(object):
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, _db, data, patron): if patron.synchronize_annotations != True: return PATRON_NOT_OPTED_IN_TO_ANNOTATION_SYNC try: data = json.loads(data) if 'id' in data and data['id'] is None: del data['id'] data = jsonld.expand(data) except ValueError as e: return INVALID_ANNOTATION_FORMAT if not data or not len(data) == 1: return INVALID_ANNOTATION_TARGET data = data[0] target = data.get("") if not target or not len(target) == 1: return INVALID_ANNOTATION_TARGET target = target[0] source = target.get("") if not source or not len(source) == 1: return INVALID_ANNOTATION_TARGET source = source[0].get('@id') try: identifier, ignore = Identifier.parse_urn(_db, source) except ValueError as e: return INVALID_ANNOTATION_TARGET motivation = data.get("") if not motivation or not len(motivation) == 1: return INVALID_ANNOTATION_MOTIVATION motivation = motivation[0].get('@id') if motivation not in Annotation.MOTIVATIONS: return INVALID_ANNOTATION_MOTIVATION loans = loan_identifiers = [loan.license_pool.identifier for loan in loans] if identifier not in loan_identifiers: return INVALID_ANNOTATION_TARGET content = data.get("") if content and len(content) == 1: content = content[0] else: content = None target = json.dumps(target) extra_kwargs = {} if motivation == Annotation.IDLING: # A given book can only have one 'idling' annotation. pass elif motivation == Annotation.BOOKMARKING: # A given book can only have one 'bookmarking' annotation # per target. extra_kwargs['target'] = target annotation, ignore = Annotation.get_one_or_create( _db, patron=patron, identifier=identifier, motivation=motivation, on_multiple='interchangeable', **extra_kwargs ) = target if content: annotation.content = json.dumps(content) = True annotation.timestamp = utc_now() return annotation