import importlib
import logging
import re
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from api.admin.exceptions import *
from core.model import Representation
from core.util import LanguageCodes
[docs]class Validator(object):
[docs] def validate(self, settings, content):
validators = [
for validator in validators:
error = validator(settings, content)
if error:
return error
def _extract_inputs(self, settings, value, form, key="format", is_list=False, should_zip=False):
if not (isinstance(settings, list)):
return []
fields = [s for s in settings if s.get(key) == value and self._value(s, form)]
if is_list:
values = self._list_of_values(fields, form)
values = [self._value(field, form) for field in fields]
if should_zip:
return list(zip(fields, values))
return values
[docs] def validate_email(self, settings, content):
"""Find any email addresses that the user has submitted, and make sure that
they are in a valid format.
This method is used by individual_admin_settings and library_settings.
if isinstance(settings, list):
# If :param settings is a list of objects--i.e. the LibrarySettingsController
# is calling this method--then we need to pull out the relevant input strings
# to validate.
email_inputs = self._extract_inputs(settings, "email", content.get("form"))
# If the IndividualAdminSettingsController is calling this method, then we already have the
# input string; it was passed in directly.
email_inputs = [settings]
# Now check that each email input is in a valid format
for emails in email_inputs:
if not isinstance(emails, list):
emails = [emails]
for email in emails:
if not self._is_email(email):
return INVALID_EMAIL.detailed(_('"%(email)s" is not a valid email address.', email=email))
def _is_email(self, email):
"""Email addresses must be in the format 'x@y.z'."""
email_format = ".+\@.+\..+"
return, email)
[docs] def validate_url(self, settings, content):
"""Find any URLs that the user has submitted, and make sure that
they are in a valid format."""
# Find the fields that have to do with URLs and are not blank.
url_inputs = self._extract_inputs(settings, "url", content.get("form"), should_zip=True)
for field, urls in url_inputs:
if not isinstance(urls, list):
urls = [urls]
for url in urls:
# In a few special cases, we want to allow a value that isn't a normal URL;
# for example, the patron web client URL can be set to "*".
allowed = field.get("allowed") or []
if not self._is_url(url, allowed):
return INVALID_URL.detailed(_('"%(url)s" is not a valid URL.', url=url))
def _is_url(cls, url, allowed):
if not url:
return False
has_protocol = any([url.startswith(protocol + "://") for protocol in ("http", "https")])
return has_protocol or (url in allowed)
[docs] def validate_number(self, settings, content):
"""Find any numbers that the user has submitted, and make sure that they are 1) actually numbers,
2) positive, and 3) lower than the specified maximum, if there is one."""
# Find the fields that should have numeric input and are not blank.
number_inputs = self._extract_inputs(settings, "number", content.get("form"), key="type", should_zip=True)
for field, number in number_inputs:
error = self._number_error(field, number)
if error:
return error
def _number_error(self, field, number):
min = field.get("min") or 0
max = field.get("max")
number = float(number)
except ValueError:
return INVALID_NUMBER.detailed(_('"%(number)s" is not a number.', number=number))
if number < min:
return INVALID_NUMBER.detailed(_('%(field)s must be greater than %(min)s.', field=field.get("label"), min=min))
if max and number > max:
return INVALID_NUMBER.detailed(_('%(field)s cannot be greater than %(max)s.', field=field.get("label"), max=max))
[docs] def validate_language_code(self, settings, content):
# Find the fields that should contain language codes and are not blank.
language_inputs = self._extract_inputs(settings, "language-code", content.get("form"), is_list=True)
for language in language_inputs:
if not self._is_language(language):
return UNKNOWN_LANGUAGE.detailed(_('"%(language)s" is not a valid language code.', language=language))
def _is_language(self, language):
# Check that the input string is in the list of recognized language codes.
return LanguageCodes.string_to_alpha_3(language)
[docs] def validate_image(self, settings, content):
# Find the fields that contain image uploads and are not blank.
files = content.get("files")
if files:
image_inputs = self._extract_inputs(settings, "image", files, key="type", should_zip=True)
for setting, image in image_inputs:
invalid_format = self._image_format_error(image)
if invalid_format:
"Upload for %(setting)s must be in GIF, PNG, or JPG format. (Upload was %(format)s.)",
def _image_format_error(self, image_file):
# Check that the uploaded image is in an acceptable format.
allowed_types = [Representation.JPEG_MEDIA_TYPE, Representation.PNG_MEDIA_TYPE, Representation.GIF_MEDIA_TYPE]
image_type = image_file.headers.get("Content-Type")
if not image_type in allowed_types:
return image_type
def _list_of_values(self, fields, form):
result = []
for field in fields:
result += self._value(field, form)
return [_f for _f in result if _f]
def _value(self, field, form):
# Extract the user's input for this field. If this is a sitewide setting,
# then the input needs to be accessed via "value" rather than via the setting's key.
# We use getlist instead of get so that, if the field is such that the user can input multiple values
# (e.g. language codes), we'll extract all the values, not just the first one.
value = form.getlist(field.get("key"))
if not value:
return form.get("value")
elif len(value) == 1:
return value[0]
return [x for x in value if x != None and x != ""]
[docs]class PatronAuthenticationValidatorFactory(object):
"""Creates Validator instances for particular authentication protocols"""
VALIDATOR_FACTORY = 'validator_factory'
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes a new instance of ValidatorFactory class"""
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _try_to_create(self, provider_module, validator_factory_name):
"""Tries to create a new Validator instance using a specific factory
:param provider_module: Module where the factory is defined
:type provider_module: Module
:param validator_factory_name: Name of the factory which will be used to create a new validator instance
:type validator_factory_name: string
:return: New validator instance or None
:rtype: Optional[Validator]
validator_factory = getattr(provider_module, validator_factory_name, None)
if validator_factory:
validator = validator_factory()
return validator
return None
[docs] def create(self, protocol):
Returns a configured validator for a specific protocol
:param protocol: Patron authentication protocol
:type protocol: string
:return: Validator object (if there is any for the specific protocol)
:rtype: Optional[Validator]
module_name = protocol
provider_module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
validator = self._try_to_create(provider_module, self.VALIDATOR_CLASS_NAME)
if validator:
return validator
validator = self._try_to_create(provider_module, self.VALIDATOR_FACTORY)
if validator:
return validator
self._logger.warning(_('Could not load a validator defined in {0} module'.format(module_name)))
return None