Source code for api.admin.geographic_validator

from api.problem_details import *
from api.admin.exceptions import *
from api.admin.validator import Validator
from api.registry import RemoteRegistry
from core.model import (
from core.util.http import HTTP
from core.util.problem_detail import ProblemDetail
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
import json
from pypostalcode import PostalCodeDatabase
import re
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import uszipcode
import os

[docs]class GeographicValidator(Validator):
[docs] def validate_geographic_areas(self, values, db): # Note: the validator does not recognize data from US territories other than Puerto Rico. us_search = self.get_us_search() ca_search = PostalCodeDatabase() CA_PROVINCES = { "AB": "Alberta", "BC": "British Columbia", "MB": "Manitoba", "NB": "New Brunswick", "NL": "Newfoundland and Labrador", "NT": "Northwest Territories", "NS": "Nova Scotia", "NU": "Nunavut", "ON": "Ontario", "PE": "Prince Edward Island", "QC": "Quebec", "SK": "Saskatchewan", "YT": "Yukon Territories" } locations = {"US": [], "CA": []} for value in json.loads(values): flagged = False if value == "everywhere": locations["US"].append(value) elif len(value) and isinstance(value, str): if len(value) == 2: # Is it a US state or Canadian province abbreviation? if value in CA_PROVINCES: locations["CA"].append(CA_PROVINCES[value]) elif len(us_search.query(state=value)): locations["US"].append(value) else: return UNKNOWN_LOCATION.detailed(_('"%(value)s" is not a valid U.S. state or Canadian province abbreviation.', value=value)) elif value in list(CA_PROVINCES.values()): locations["CA"].append(value) elif self.is_zip(value, "CA"): # Is it a Canadian zipcode? try: info = self.look_up_zip(value, "CA") formatted = "%s, %s" % (, info.province) # In some cases--mainly involving very small towns--even if the zip code is valid, # the registry won't recognize the name of the place to which it corresponds. registry_response = self.find_location_through_registry(formatted, db) if registry_response: locations["CA"].append(formatted) else: return UNKNOWN_LOCATION.detailed(_('Unable to locate "%(value)s" (%(formatted)s). Try entering the name of a larger area.', value=value, formatted=formatted)) except: return UNKNOWN_LOCATION.detailed(_('"%(value)s" is not a valid Canadian zipcode.', value=value)) elif len(value.split(", ")) == 2: # Is it in the format "[city], [state abbreviation]" or "[county], [state abbreviation]"? city_or_county, state = value.split(", ") # Flag for needing to be checked with the registry flagged = True # Check the entire state for the county, but only # if there is no match from by_city_and_state. query_state_for_county = True try: if us_search.by_city_and_state(city_or_county, state): locations["US"].append(value) flagged = False query_state_for_county = False except ValueError: # uszipcode does fuzzy searching and raises a ValueError pass finally: # If a match hasn't been found yet then search for the county if ( query_state_for_county and len([x for x in us_search.query(state=state, returns=None) if x.county == city_or_county]) ): locations["US"].append(value) flagged = False elif self.is_zip(value, "US"): # Is it a US zipcode? info = self.look_up_zip(value, "US") if not info: return UNKNOWN_LOCATION.detailed(_('"%(value)s" is not a valid U.S. zipcode.', value=value)) locations["US"].append(value) else: flagged = True if flagged: registry_response = self.find_location_through_registry(value, db) if registry_response and isinstance(registry_response, ProblemDetail): return registry_response elif registry_response: locations[registry_response].append(value) else: return UNKNOWN_LOCATION.detailed(_('Unable to locate "%(value)s".', value=value)) return locations
[docs] def is_zip(self, value, country): if country == "US": return len(value) == 5 and value.isdigit() elif country == "CA": return len(value) == 3 and bool("^[A-Za-z]\\d[A-Za-z]", value))
[docs] def look_up_zip(self, zip, country, formatted=False): if country == "US": info = self.get_us_search().by_zipcode(zip) if formatted: info = self.format_place(zip, info.major_city, info.state) elif country == "CA": info = PostalCodeDatabase()[zip] if formatted: info = self.format_place(zip,, info.province) return info
[docs] def format_place(self, zip, city, state_or_province): details = "%s, %s" % (city, state_or_province) return { zip: details }
[docs] def find_location_through_registry(self, value, db): for nation in ["US", "CA"]: service_area_object = urllib.parse.quote('{"%s": "%s"}' % (nation, value)) registry_check = self.ask_registry(service_area_object, db) if registry_check and isinstance(registry_check, ProblemDetail): return registry_check elif registry_check: # If the registry has established that this is a US location, don't bother also trying to find it in Canada return nation
[docs] def ask_registry(self, service_area_object, db, do_get=HTTP.debuggable_get): # If the circulation manager doesn't know about this location, check whether the Library Registry does. result = None for registry in RemoteRegistry.for_protocol_and_goal( db, ExternalIntegration.OPDS_REGISTRATION, ExternalIntegration.DISCOVERY_GOAL ): base_url = registry.integration.url + "/coverage?coverage=" response = do_get(base_url + service_area_object) if not response.status_code == 200: result = REMOTE_INTEGRATION_FAILED.detailed(_("Unable to contact the registry at %(url)s.", url=registry.integration.url)) if hasattr(response, "content"): content = json.loads(response.content) found_place = not (content.get("unknown") or content.get("ambiguous")) if found_place: return True return result
[docs] def format_as_string(self, value): """Format the output of validate_geographic_areas for storage in ConfigurationSetting.value.""" return json.dumps(value)