import base64
import flask
from flask import Response
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
import json
from pypostalcode import PostalCodeDatabase
import re
from io import BytesIO
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import uszipcode
import uuid
import wcag_contrast_ratio
from . import SettingsController
from api.config import Configuration
from api.lanes import create_default_lanes
from core.model import (
from core.util.http import HTTP
from PIL import Image
from api.admin.exceptions import *
from api.admin.problem_details import *
from api.admin.geographic_validator import GeographicValidator
from api.admin.announcement_list_validator import AnnouncementListValidator
from core.util.problem_detail import ProblemDetail
from core.util import LanguageCodes
from api.registry import RemoteRegistry
[docs]class LibrarySettingsController(SettingsController):
[docs] def process_libraries(self):
if flask.request.method == 'GET':
return self.process_get()
return self.process_post()
[docs] def process_get(self):
libraries = []
for library in self._db.query(Library).order_by(
# Only include libraries this admin has librarian access to.
if not flask.request.admin or not flask.request.admin.is_librarian(library):
settings = dict()
for setting in Configuration.LIBRARY_SETTINGS:
if setting.get("type") == "announcements":
value = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(setting.get("key"), library).json_value
if value:
value = AnnouncementListValidator().validate_announcements(value)
if setting.get("type") == "list":
value = ConfigurationSetting.for_library(setting.get("key"), library).json_value
if value and setting.get("format") == "geographic":
value = self.get_extra_geographic_information(value)
value = self.current_value(setting, library)
if value:
settings[setting.get("key")] = value
libraries += [dict(
return dict(libraries=libraries, settings=Configuration.LIBRARY_SETTINGS)
[docs] def process_post(self, validators_by_type=None):
library = None
is_new = False
if validators_by_type is None:
validators_by_type = dict()
validators_by_type['geographic'] = GeographicValidator()
validators_by_type['announcements'] = AnnouncementListValidator()
library_uuid = flask.request.form.get("uuid")
library = self.get_library_from_uuid(library_uuid)
if isinstance(library, ProblemDetail):
return library
short_name = flask.request.form.get("short_name")
short_name_not_unique = self.check_short_name_unique(library, short_name)
if short_name_not_unique:
return short_name_not_unique
error = self.validate_form_fields()
if error:
return error
if not library:
# Everyone can modify an existing library, but only a system admin can create a new one.
(library, is_new) = self.create_library(short_name, library_uuid)
name = flask.request.form.get("name")
if name: = name
if short_name:
library.short_name = short_name
configuration_settings = self.library_configuration_settings(library, validators_by_type)
if isinstance(configuration_settings, ProblemDetail):
return configuration_settings
if is_new:
# Now that the configuration settings are in place, create
# a default set of lanes.
create_default_lanes(self._db, library)
return Response(str(library.uuid), 201)
return Response(str(library.uuid), 200)
[docs] def create_library(self, short_name, library_uuid):
library, is_new = create(
self._db, Library, short_name=short_name,
return library, is_new
[docs] def process_delete(self, library_uuid):
library = self.get_library_from_uuid(library_uuid)
return Response(str(_("Deleted")), 200)
# Validation methods:
[docs] def check_for_missing_fields(self, settings):
if not flask.request.form.get("short_name"):
error = self.check_for_missing_settings(settings)
if error:
return error
[docs] def check_for_missing_settings(self, settings):
required = [s for s in Configuration.LIBRARY_SETTINGS if s.get('required') and not s.get('default')]
missing = [s for s in required if not flask.request.form.get(s.get("key"))]
if missing:
_("The configuration is missing a required setting: %(setting)s",
[docs] def check_web_color_contrast(self, settings):
Verify that the web primary and secondary color both contrast
well on white, as these colors will serve as button backgrounds with
white test, as well as text color on white backgrounds.
primary = flask.request.form.get(Configuration.WEB_PRIMARY_COLOR, Configuration.DEFAULT_WEB_PRIMARY_COLOR)
secondary = flask.request.form.get(Configuration.WEB_SECONDARY_COLOR, Configuration.DEFAULT_WEB_SECONDARY_COLOR)
def hex_to_rgb(hex):
hex = hex.lstrip("#")
return tuple(int(hex[i:i+2], 16)/255.0 for i in (0, 2 ,4))
primary_passes = wcag_contrast_ratio.passes_AA(wcag_contrast_ratio.rgb(hex_to_rgb(primary), hex_to_rgb("#ffffff")))
secondary_passes = wcag_contrast_ratio.passes_AA(wcag_contrast_ratio.rgb(hex_to_rgb(secondary), hex_to_rgb("#ffffff")))
if not (primary_passes and secondary_passes):
primary_check_url = "" + secondary[1:] + "-on-%23" + "#ffffff"[1:]
secondary_check_url = "" + secondary[1:] + "-on-%23" + "#ffffff"[1:]
_("The web primary and secondary colors don't have enough contrast to pass the WCAG 2.0 AA guidelines and will be difficult for some patrons to read. Check contrast for primary <a href='%(primary_check_url)s' target='_blank'>here</a> and secondary <a href='%(primary_check_url)s' target='_blank'>here</a>.",
primary_check_url=primary_check_url, secondary_check_url=secondary_check_url))
[docs] def get_library_from_uuid(self, library_uuid):
if library_uuid:
# Library UUID is required when editing an existing library
# from the admin interface, and isn't present for new libraries.
library = get_one(
self._db, Library, uuid=library_uuid,
if library:
return library
return LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND.detailed(_("The specified library uuid does not exist."))
[docs] def check_short_name_unique(self, library, short_name):
if not library or short_name != library.short_name:
# If you're adding a new short_name, either by editing an
# existing library or creating a new library, it must be unique.
library_with_short_name = get_one(self._db, Library, short_name=short_name)
if library_with_short_name:
# Configuration settings:
[docs] def library_configuration_settings(
self, library, validators_by_format, settings=None
"""Validate and update a library's configuration settings based on incoming new
:param library: A Library
:param validators_by_format: A dictionary mapping the 'format' field from a setting
configuration to a corresponding validator object.
:param settings: A list of setting configurations to use in tests instead of
settings = settings or Configuration.LIBRARY_SETTINGS
for setting in settings:
# Validate the incoming value.
validator = None
if 'format' in setting:
validator = validators_by_format.get(setting["format"])
elif 'type' in setting:
validator = validators_by_format.get(setting["type"])
validated_value = self._validate_setting(library, setting, validator)
if isinstance(validated_value, ProblemDetail):
# Validation failed -- return a ProblemDetail.
return validated_value
# Validation succeeded -- set the new value.
ConfigurationSetting.for_library(setting['key'], library).value = self._format_validated_value(
validated_value, validator
def _validate_setting(self, library, setting, validator=None):
"""Validate the incoming value for a single library setting.
:param library: A Library
:param setting: Configuration data for one of the library's settings.
:param validator: A validation object for data of this type.
# TODO: there are some opportunities for improvement here:
# * There's no standard interface for validators.
# * We can handle settings that are lists of certain types (language codes,
# geographic areas), but not settings that are a single value of that type
# (_one_ language code or geographic area). Sometimes there's even an implication
# that a certain data type ('geographic') _must_ mean a list.
# * A list value is returned as a JSON-encoded string. It
# would be better to keep that as a list for longer in case
# controller code needs to look at it.
format = setting.get('format')
type = setting.get('type')
# In some cases, if there is no incoming value we can use a
# default value or the current value.
# When the configuration item is a list, we can't do this
# because an empty list may be a valid value.
current_value = self.current_value(setting, library)
default_value = setting.get('default') or current_value
if format == "geographic":
value = self.list_setting(setting)
value = validator.validate_geographic_areas(value, self._db)
elif type == "announcements":
value = self.list_setting(setting, json_objects=True)
value = validator.validate_announcements(value)
elif type == "list":
value = self.list_setting(setting)
if format == "language-code":
value = json.dumps([LanguageCodes.string_to_alpha_3(language) for language in json.loads(value)])
if type == "image":
value = self.image_setting(setting) or default_value
value = self.scalar_setting(setting) or default_value
return value
[docs] def scalar_setting(self, setting):
"""Retrieve the single value of the given setting from the current HTTP request."""
return flask.request.form.get(setting['key'])
[docs] def list_setting(self, setting, json_objects=False):
"""Retrieve the list of values for the given setting from the current HTTP request.
:param json_objects: If this is True, the incoming settings are JSON-encoded objects and not
regular strings.
:return: A JSON-encoded string encoding the list of values set for the given setting in the
current request.
if setting.get('options'):
# Restrict to the values in 'options'.
value = []
for option in setting.get("options"):
if setting["key"] + "_" + option["key"] in flask.request.form:
value += [option["key"]]
# Allow any entered values.
value = []
if setting.get("type") == "list":
inputs = flask.request.form.getlist(setting.get("key"))
inputs = flask.request.form.get(setting.get("key"))
if json_objects and inputs:
inputs = json.loads(inputs)
if inputs:
for i in inputs:
if not isinstance(i, list):
i = [i]
return json.dumps([_f for _f in value if _f])
[docs] def image_setting(self, setting):
"""Retrieve an uploaded image for the given setting from the current HTTP request."""
image_file = flask.request.files.get(setting.get("key"))
if image_file:
image =
width, height = image.size
if width > 135 or height > 135:
image.thumbnail((135, 135), Image.ANTIALIAS)
buffer = BytesIO(), format="PNG")
b64 = base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue())
return "data:image/png;base64,%s" % b64
[docs] def current_value(self, setting, library):
"""Retrieve the current value of the given setting from the database."""
return ConfigurationSetting.for_library(setting['key'], library).value
def _format_validated_value(cls, value, validator=None):
"""Convert a validated value to a string that can be stored in ConfigurationSetting.value
if not validator:
# Assume the value is already a string.
return value
return validator.format_as_string(value)