Source code for api.admin.controller.collection_settings

from . import SettingsController
import flask
from flask import Response
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
import json
from api.admin.problem_details import *
from core.model import (
from core.util.problem_detail import ProblemDetail
from core.model.configuration import ExternalIntegrationLink

[docs]class CollectionSettingsController(SettingsController): def __init__(self, manager): super(CollectionSettingsController, self).__init__(manager) self.type = _("collection") def _get_collection_protocols(self): protocols = super(CollectionSettingsController, self)._get_collection_protocols(self.PROVIDER_APIS) # If there are storage integrations, add a mirror integration # setting to every protocol's 'settings' block. mirror_integration_settings = self._mirror_integration_settings() if mirror_integration_settings: for protocol in protocols: protocol['settings'] += mirror_integration_settings return protocols
[docs] def process_collections(self): if flask.request.method == 'GET': return self.process_get() else: return self.process_post()
[docs] def process_get(self): protocols = self._get_collection_protocols() user = flask.request.admin collections = [] protocolClass = None for collection_object in self._db.query(Collection).order_by( if not user or not user.can_see_collection(collection_object): continue collection_dict = self.collection_to_dict(collection_object) if collection_object.protocol in [p.get("name") for p in protocols]: [protocol] = [p for p in protocols if p.get("name") == collection_object.protocol] libraries = self.load_libraries(collection_object, user, protocol) collection_dict['libraries'] = libraries settings = self.load_settings(protocol.get("settings"), collection_object, collection_dict.get("settings")) collection_dict['settings'] = settings protocolClass = self.find_protocol_class(collection_object) collection_dict["self_test_results"] = self._get_prior_test_results(collection_object, protocolClass) collection_dict["marked_for_deletion"] = collection_object.marked_for_deletion collections.append(collection_dict) return dict( collections=collections, protocols=protocols, )
[docs] def collection_to_dict(self, collection_object): return dict(,, protocol=collection_object.protocol, parent_id=collection_object.parent_id, )
[docs] def load_libraries(self, collection_object, user, protocol): """Get a list of the libraries that 1) are associated with this collection and 2) the user is affiliated with""" libraries = [] for library in collection_object.libraries: if not user or not user.is_librarian(library): continue libraries.append(self._get_integration_library_info( collection_object.external_integration, library, protocol)) return libraries
[docs] def load_settings(self, protocol_settings, collection_object, collection_settings): """Compile the information about the collection that corresponds to the settings externally imposed by the collection's protocol.""" settings = {} for protocol_setting in protocol_settings: if not protocol_setting: continue key = protocol_setting.get("key") if not collection_settings or key not in collection_settings: if key.endswith('mirror_integration_id'): storage_integration = get_one( self._db, ExternalIntegrationLink, external_integration_id=collection_object.external_integration_id, # either 'books_mirror' or 'covers_mirror' purpose=key.rsplit('_', 2)[0] ) if storage_integration: value = str(storage_integration.other_integration_id) else: value = self.NO_MIRROR_INTEGRATION elif protocol_setting.get("type") in ("list", "menu"): value = collection_object.external_integration.setting(key).json_value else: value = collection_object.external_integration.setting(key).value settings[key] = value settings["external_account_id"] = collection_object.external_account_id return settings
[docs] def find_protocol_class(self, collection_object): """Figure out which class this collection's protocol belongs to, from the list of possible protocols defined in PROVIDER_APIS (in SettingsController)""" protocolClassFound = [p for p in self.PROVIDER_APIS if p.NAME == collection_object.protocol] if len(protocolClassFound) == 1: return protocolClassFound[0]
[docs] def process_post(self): self.require_system_admin() protocols = self._get_collection_protocols() is_new = False collection = None name = flask.request.form.get("name") protocol_name = flask.request.form.get("protocol") fields = {"name": name, "protocol": protocol_name} id = flask.request.form.get("id") if id: collection = get_one(self._db, Collection, id=id) fields["collection"] = collection error = self.validate_form_fields(is_new, protocols, **fields) if error: return error if protocol_name and not collection: collection, is_new = get_one_or_create(self._db, Collection, name=name) if not is_new: self._db.rollback() return COLLECTION_NAME_ALREADY_IN_USE collection.create_external_integration(protocol_name) = name [protocol_dict] = [p for p in protocols if p.get("name") == protocol_name] settings = self.validate_parent(protocol_dict, collection) if isinstance(settings, ProblemDetail): self._db.rollback() return settings settings_error = self.process_settings(settings, collection) if settings_error: self._db.rollback() return settings_error libraries_error = self.process_libraries(protocol_dict, collection) if libraries_error: return libraries_error if is_new: return Response(str(, 201) else: return Response(str(, 200)
[docs] def validate_form_fields(self, is_new, protocols, **fields): """Check that 1) the required fields aren't blank, 2) the protocol is on the list of recognized protocols, 3) the collection (if there is one) is valid, and 4) the URL is valid""" if not fields.get("name"): return MISSING_COLLECTION_NAME if "collection" in fields: if fields.get("collection"): invalid_collection = self.validate_collection(**fields) if invalid_collection: return invalid_collection else: return MISSING_COLLECTION if fields.get("protocol"): if fields.get("protocol") not in [p.get("name") for p in protocols]: return UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL else: [protocol] = [p for p in protocols if p.get("name") == fields.get("protocol")] wrong_format = self.validate_formats(protocol.get("settings")) if wrong_format: return wrong_format else: return NO_PROTOCOL_FOR_NEW_SERVICE
[docs] def validate_collection(self, **fields): """The protocol of an existing collection cannot be changed, and collections must have unique names.""" if fields.get("protocol") != fields.get("collection").protocol: return CANNOT_CHANGE_PROTOCOL if fields.get("name") != fields.get("collection").name: collection_with_name = get_one(self._db, Collection, name=fields.get("name")) if collection_with_name: return COLLECTION_NAME_ALREADY_IN_USE
[docs] def validate_parent(self, protocol, collection): """Verify that the parent collection is set properly, then determine the type of the settings that need to be validated: are they 1) settings for a regular collection (e.g. client key and client secret for an Overdrive collection), or 2) settings for a child collection (e.g. library ID for an Overdrive Advantage collection)?""" parent_id = flask.request.form.get("parent_id") if parent_id and not protocol.get("child_settings"): return PROTOCOL_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_PARENTS if parent_id: parent = get_one(self._db, Collection, id=parent_id) if not parent: return MISSING_PARENT collection.parent = parent settings = protocol.get("child_settings") else: collection.parent = None settings = protocol.get("settings") return settings
[docs] def validate_external_account_id_setting(self, value, setting): """Check that the user has submitted any required values for associating this collection with an external account.""" if not value and not setting.get("optional"): # Roll back any changes to the collection that have already been made. return INCOMPLETE_CONFIGURATION.detailed( _("The collection configuration is missing a required setting: %(setting)s", setting=setting.get("label")))
[docs] def process_settings(self, settings, collection): """Go through the settings that the user has just submitted for this collection, and check that each setting is valid and that no required settings are missing. If the setting passes all of the validations, go ahead and set it for this collection.""" for setting in settings: key = setting.get("key") value = flask.request.form.get(key) if key == "external_account_id": error = self.validate_external_account_id_setting(value, setting) if error: return error collection.external_account_id = value elif key.endswith('mirror_integration_id') and value: external_integration_link = self._set_external_integration_link( self._db, key, value, collection, ) if isinstance(external_integration_link, ProblemDetail): return external_integration_link else: result = self._set_integration_setting(collection.external_integration, setting) if isinstance(result, ProblemDetail): return result
def _set_external_integration_link( self, _db, key, value, collection, ): """Find or create a ExternalIntegrationLink and either delete it or update the other external integration it links to. """ collection_service = get_one( _db, ExternalIntegration, id=collection.external_integration_id ) storage_service = None other_integration_id = None purpose = key.rsplit('_', 2)[0] external_integration_link, ignore = get_one_or_create( _db, ExternalIntegrationLink, library_id=None,, purpose=purpose ) if not external_integration_link: return MISSING_INTEGRATION if value == self.NO_MIRROR_INTEGRATION: _db.delete(external_integration_link) else: storage_service = get_one( _db, ExternalIntegration, id=value ) if storage_service: if storage_service.goal != ExternalIntegration.STORAGE_GOAL: return INTEGRATION_GOAL_CONFLICT other_integration_id = else: return MISSING_SERVICE external_integration_link.other_integration_id = other_integration_id return external_integration_link
[docs] def process_libraries(self, protocol, collection): """Go through the libraries that the user is trying to associate with this collection; check that each library actually exists, and that the library-related configuration settings that the user has submitted are complete and valid. If the library passes all of the validations, go ahead and associate it with this collection.""" libraries = [] if flask.request.form.get("libraries"): libraries = json.loads(flask.request.form.get("libraries")) for library_info in libraries: library = get_one(self._db, Library, short_name=library_info.get("short_name")) if not library: return NO_SUCH_LIBRARY.detailed(_("You attempted to add the collection to %(library_short_name)s, but the library does not exist.", library_short_name=library_info.get("short_name"))) if collection not in library.collections: library.collections.append(collection) result = self._set_integration_library(collection.external_integration, library_info, protocol) if isinstance(result, ProblemDetail): return result for library in collection.libraries: if library.short_name not in [l.get("short_name") for l in libraries]: collection.disassociate_library(library)
[docs] def process_delete(self, collection_id): self.require_system_admin() collection = get_one(self._db, Collection, id=collection_id) if not collection: return MISSING_COLLECTION if len(collection.children) > 0: return CANNOT_DELETE_COLLECTION_WITH_CHILDREN # Flag the collection to be deleted by script in the background. collection.marked_for_deletion = True return Response(str(_("Deleted")), 200)