import datetime
import json
import uuid
import dateutil
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from api.admin.validator import Validator
from core.util.problem_detail import ProblemDetail
from core.problem_details import *
[docs]class AnnouncementListValidator(Validator):
DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'
def __init__(self, maximum_announcements=3, minimum_announcement_length=15,
maximum_announcement_length=350, default_duration_days=60):
super(AnnouncementListValidator, self).__init__()
self.maximum_announcements = maximum_announcements
self.minimum_announcement_length = minimum_announcement_length
self.maximum_announcement_length = maximum_announcement_length
self.default_duration_days = default_duration_days
[docs] def validate_announcements(self, announcements):
validated_announcements = []
bad_format = INVALID_INPUT.detailed(
_("Invalid announcement list format: %(announcements)r",
if isinstance(announcements, (bytes, str)):
announcements = json.loads(announcements)
except ValueError:
return bad_format
if not isinstance(announcements, list):
return bad_format
if len(announcements) > self.maximum_announcements:
return INVALID_INPUT.detailed(
_("Too many announcements: maximum is %(maximum)d",
seen_ids = set()
for announcement in announcements:
validated = self.validate_announcement(announcement)
if isinstance(validated, ProblemDetail):
return validated
id = validated['id']
if id in seen_ids:
return INVALID_INPUT.detailed(_("Duplicate announcement ID: %s" % id))
return validated_announcements
[docs] def validate_announcement(self, announcement):
validated = dict()
if not isinstance(announcement, dict):
return INVALID_INPUT.detailed(
_("Invalid announcement format: %(announcement)r", announcement=announcement)
validated['id'] = announcement.get('id', str(uuid.uuid4()))
for required_field in ('content',):
if not required_field in announcement:
return INVALID_INPUT.detailed(
_("Missing required field: %(field)s", field=required_field)
# Validate the content of the announcement.
content = announcement['content']
content = self.validate_length(
content, self.minimum_announcement_length, self.maximum_announcement_length
if isinstance(content, ProblemDetail):
return content
validated['content'] = content
# Validate the dates associated with the announcement
today_local =
start = self.validate_date(
'start', announcement.get('start', today_local)
if isinstance(start, ProblemDetail):
return start
validated['start'] = start
default_finish = start + datetime.timedelta(days=self.default_duration_days)
day_after_start = start + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
finish = self.validate_date(
announcement.get('finish', default_finish),
if isinstance(finish, ProblemDetail):
return finish
validated['finish'] = finish
# That's it!
return validated
[docs] @classmethod
def validate_length(self, value, minimum, maximum):
"""Validate the length of a string value.
:param value: Proposed value for a field.
:param minimum: Minimum length.
:param maximum: Maximum length.
:return: A ProblemDetail if the validation fails; otherwise `value`.
if len(value) < minimum:
return INVALID_INPUT.detailed(
_('Value too short (%(length)d versus %(limit)d characters): %(value)s',
length=len(value), limit=minimum, value=value)
if len(value) > maximum:
return INVALID_INPUT.detailed(
_('Value too long (%(length)d versus %(limit)d characters): %(value)s',
length=len(value), limit=maximum, value=value)
return value
[docs] @classmethod
def validate_date(cls, field, value, minimum=None):
"""Validate a date value.
:param field: Name of the field, used in error details.
:param value: Proposed value for the field.
:param minimum: The proposed value must not be earlier than
this value.
:return: A ProblemDetail if validation fails; otherwise a
if isinstance(value, str):
# Unlike most of the dates in this application,
# this is a date entered by an admin, so it should be
# interpreted as server local time, not UTC.
value = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, cls.DATE_FORMAT)
value = value.replace(
except ValueError as e:
return INVALID_INPUT.detailed(
_("Value for %(field)s is not a date: %(date)s", field=field, date=value)
if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
value =
if isinstance(minimum, datetime.datetime):
minimum =
if minimum and value < minimum:
return INVALID_INPUT.detailed(
_("Value for %(field)s must be no earlier than %(minimum)s",
field=field, minimum=minimum.strftime(cls.DATE_FORMAT)
return value